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 Bulk delete

Use bulk-delete to delete multiple files from an account with a single request. Responds to DELETE requests with a header 'X-Bulk-Delete: true_value'. The body of the DELETE request is a new line-separated list of files to delete. The files listed must be URL encoded and in the form:


If all files are successfully deleted (or did not exist), the operation returns HTTPOk. If any files failed to delete, the operation returns HTTPBadGateway. In both cases, the response body is a JSON dictionary that shows the number of files that were successfully deleted or not found. The files that failed are listed.

Table 11.86. Description of configuration options for [filter-bulk] in proxy-server.conf
Configuration option = Default value Description
delete_container_retry_count = 0 No help text available for this option.
max_containers_per_extraction = 10000 No help text available for this option.
max_deletes_per_request = 10000 No help text available for this option.
max_failed_deletes = 1000 No help text available for this option.
max_failed_extractions = 1000 No help text available for this option.
use = egg:swift#bulk Entry point of paste.deploy in the server
yield_frequency = 10 No help text available for this option.

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