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 EMC VNX driver

EMC VNX driver consists of EMCCLIISCSIDriver and EMCCLIFCDriver, and supports both iSCSI and FC protocol. EMCCLIISCSIDriver (VNX iSCSI driver) and EMCCLIFCDriver (VNX FC driver) are separately based on the ISCSIDriver and FCDriver defined in Block Storage.


The VNX iSCSI driver and VNX FC driver perform the volume operations by executing Navisphere CLI (NaviSecCLI) which is a command line interface used for management, diagnostics, and reporting functions for VNX.

 System requirements
  • VNX Operational Environment for Block version 5.32 or higher.

  • VNX Snapshot and Thin Provisioning license should be activated for VNX.

  • Navisphere CLI v7.32 or higher is installed along with the driver.

 Supported operations
  • Create, delete, attach, and detach volumes.

  • Create, list, and delete volume snapshots.

  • Create a volume from a snapshot.

  • Copy an image to a volume.

  • Clone a volume.

  • Extend a volume.

  • Migrate a volume.

  • Retype a volume.

  • Get volume statistics.

  • Create and delete consistency groups.

  • Create, list, and delete consistency group snapshots.

  • Modify consistency groups.

  • Efficient non-disruptive volume backup.


This section contains instructions to prepare the Block Storage nodes to use the EMC VNX driver. You install the Navisphere CLI, install the driver, ensure you have correct zoning configurations, and register the driver.

 Install Navisphere CLI

Navisphere CLI needs to be installed on all Block Storage nodes within an OpenStack deployment. You need to download different versions for different platforms.

 Check array software

Make sure your have following software installed for certain features.

Table 2.7. Required software
Feature Software Required





FAST cache support


Create volume with type compressed


Create volume with type deduplicated


You can check the status of your array software in the "Software" page of "Storage System Properties". Here is how it looks like.


Figure 2.3. Installed software on VNX

 Install EMC VNX driver

Both EMCCLIISCSIDriver and EMCCLIFCDriver are included in the Block Storage installer package:


  • (for EMCCLIFCDriver)

  • (for EMCCLIISCSIDriver)

 Network configuration

For FC Driver, FC zoning is properly configured between hosts and VNX. Check the section called “Register FC port with VNX” for reference.

For iSCSI Driver, make sure your VNX iSCSI port is accessible by your hosts. Check the section called “Register iSCSI port with VNX” for reference.

You can use initiator_auto_registration=True configuration to avoid register the ports manually. Please check the detail of the configuration in the section called “Backend configuration” for reference.

If you are trying to setup multipath, please refer to Multipath Setup in the section called “Multipath setup”.

 Backend configuration

Make the following changes in /etc/cinder/cinder.conf file:


Changes to your configuration won't take effect until your restart your cinder service.

 Minimum configuration

Here is a sample of minimum backend configuration. See following sections for the detail of each option Replace EMCCLIFCDriver to EMCCLIISCSIDriver if your are using the iSCSI driver.

enabled_backends = vnx_array1

san_ip =
san_login = sysadmin
san_password = sysadmin
naviseccli_path = /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli
 Multi-backend configuration

Here is a sample of a multi-backend configuration. See following sections for the detail of each option. Replace EMCCLIFCDriver to EMCCLIISCSIDriver if your are using the iSCSI driver.

enabled_backends=backendA, backendB

storage_vnx_pool_names = Pool_01_SAS, Pool_02_FLASH
san_ip =
storage_vnx_security_file_dir = /etc/secfile/array1
naviseccli_path = /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli

storage_vnx_pool_names = Pool_02_SAS
san_ip =
san_login = username
san_password = password
naviseccli_path = /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli

For more details on multi-backends, see OpenStack Cloud Administration Guide

 Required configurations
 IP of the VNX Storage Processors

Specify the SP A and SP B IP to connect.

san_ip = <IP of VNX Storage Processor A>
san_secondary_ip = <IP of VNX Storage Processor B>
 VNX login credentials

There are two ways to specify the credentials.

  • Use plain text username and password.

Supply for plain username and password as below.

san_login = <VNX account with administrator role>
san_password = <password for VNX account>
storage_vnx_authentication_type = global

Valid values for storage_vnx_authentication_type are: global (default), local, ldap

  • Use Security file

This approach avoids the plain text password in your cinder configuration file. Supply a security file as below:

storage_vnx_security_file_dir=<path to security file>

Please check Unisphere CLI user guide or the section called “Authenticate by security file” for how to create a security file.

 Path to your Unisphere CLI

Specify the absolute path to your naviseccli.

naviseccli_path = /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli
 Driver name
  • For the FC Driver, add the following option:

  • For iSCSI Driver, add following option:

 Optional configurations
 VNX pool names

Specify the list of pools to be managed, separated by ','. They should already exist in VNX.

storage_vnx_pool_names = pool 1, pool 2

If this value is not specified, all pools of the array will be used.

 Initiator auto registration

When initiator_auto_registration=True, the driver will automatically register initiators to all working target ports of the VNX array during volume attaching (The driver will skip those initiators that have already been registered) if the option io_port_list is not specified in cinder.conf.

If the user wants to register the initiators with some specific ports but not register with the other ports, this functionality should be disabled.

When a comma-separated list is given to io_port_list, the driver will only register the initiator to the ports specified in the list and only return target port(s) which belong to the target ports in the io_port_list instead of all target ports.

  • Example for FC ports:


    a or B is Storage Processor, number 1 and 3 are Port ID.

  • Example for iSCSI ports:


    a or B is Storage Processor, the first numbers 1 and 3 are Port ID and the second number 0 is Virtual Port ID

  • Rather than de-registered, the registered ports will be simply bypassed whatever they are in 'io_port_list' or not.

  • The driver will raise an exception if ports in io_port_list are not existed in VNX during startup.

 Force delete volumes in storage group

Some available volumes may remain in storage group on the VNX array due to some OpenStack timeout issue. But the VNX array do not allow the user to delete the volumes which are in storage group. Option force_delete_lun_in_storagegroup is introduced to allow the user to delete the available volumes in this tricky situation.

When force_delete_lun_in_storagegroup=True in the back-end section, the driver will move the volumes out of storage groups and then delete them if the user tries to delete the volumes that remain in storage group on the VNX array.

The default value of force_delete_lun_in_storagegroup is False.

 Over subscription in thin provisioning

Over subscription allows that the sum of all volumes' capacity (provisioned capacity) to be larger than the pool's total capacity.

max_over_subscription_ratio in the back-end section is the ratio of provisioned capacity over total capacity.

The default value of max_over_subscription_ratio is 20.0, which means the provisioned capacity can not exceed the total capacity. If the value of this ratio is set larger than 1.0, the provisioned capacity can exceed the total capacity.

 Storage group automatic deletion

For volume attaching, the driver has a storage group on VNX for each compute node hosting the vm instances which are going to consume VNX Block Storage (using compute node's hostname as storage group's name). All the volumes attached to the VM instances in a compute node will be put into the storage group. If destroy_empty_storage_group=True, the driver will remove the empty storage group after its last volume is detached. For data safety, it does not suggest to set destroy_empty_storage_group=True unless the VNX is exclusively managed by one Block Storage node because consistent lock_path is required for operation synchronization for this behavior.

 Initiator auto deregistration

Enabling storage group automatic deletion is the precondition of this function. If initiator_auto_deregistration=True is set, the driver will deregister all the initiators of the host after its storage group is deleted.

 FC SAN auto zoning

The EMC VNX FC driver supports FC SAN auto zoning when ZoneManager is configured. Set zoning_mode to fabric in DEFAULT section to enable this feature. For ZoneManager configuration, please refer to Block Storage official guide.

 Volume number threshold

In VNX, there is a limitation on the number of pool volumes that can be created in the system. When the limitation is reached, no more pool volumes can be created even if there is remaining capacity in the storage pool. In other words, if the scheduler dispatches a volume creation request to a back end that has free capacity but reaches the volume limitation, the creation fails.

The default value of check_max_pool_luns_threshold is False. When check_max_pool_luns_threshold=True, the pool-based back end will check the limit and will report 0 free capacity to the scheduler if the limit is reached. So the scheduler will be able to skip this kind of pool-based back end that runs out of the pool volume number.

 iSCSI initiators

iscsi_initiators is a dictionary of IP addresses of the iSCSI initiator ports on OpenStack Nova/Cinder nodes which want to connect to VNX via iSCSI. If this option is configured, the driver will leverage this information to find an accessible iSCSI target portal for the initiator when attaching volume. Otherwise, the iSCSI target portal will be chosen in a relative random way.

This option is only valid for iSCSI driver.

Here is an example. VNX will connect host1 with and And it will connect host2 with

The key name (like host1 in the example) should be the output of command hostname.

iscsi_initiators = {"host1":["", ""],"host2":[""]}
 Default timeout

Specify the timeout(minutes) for operations like LUN migration, LUN creation, etc. For example, LUN migration is a typical long running operation, which depends on the LUN size and the load of the array. An upper bound in the specific deployment can be set to avoid unnecessary long wait.

The default value for this option is infinite.


default_timeout = 10
 Max LUNs per storage group

max_luns_per_storage_group specify the max number of LUNs in a storage group. Default value is 255. It is also the max value supportedby VNX.

 Ignore pool full threshold

if ignore_pool_full_threshold is set to True, driver will force LUN creation even if the full threshold of pool is reached. Default to False

 Extra spec options

Extra specs are used in volume types created in cinder as the preferred property of the volume.

The Block storage scheduler will use extra specs to find the suitable back end for the volume and the Block storage driver will create the volume based on the properties specified by the extra spec.

Use following command to create a volume type:

$ cinder type-create "demoVolumeType"

Use following command to update the extra spec of a volume type:

$ cinder type-key "demoVolumeType" set provisioning:type=thin

Volume types can also be configured in OpenStack Horizon.

In VNX Driver, we defined several extra specs. They are introduced below:

 Provisioning type
  • Key: provisioning:type

  • Possible Values:

    • thick

    Volume is fully provisioned.


    Example 2.9. creating a thick volume type:

    $ cinder type-create "ThickVolumeType"
    $ cinder type-key "ThickVolumeType" set provisioning:type=thick thick_provisioning_support='<is> True'

    • thin

    Volume is virtually provisioned


    Example 2.10. creating a thin volume type:

    $ cinder type-create "ThinVolumeType"
    $ cinder type-key "ThinVolumeType" set provisioning:type=thin thin_provisioning_support='<is> True'

    • deduplicated

    Volume is thin and deduplication is enabled. The administrator shall go to VNX to configure the system level deduplication settings. To create a deduplicated volume, the VNX Deduplication license must be activated on VNX, and specify deduplication_support=True to let Block Storage scheduler find the proper volume back end.


    Example 2.11. creating a deduplicated volume type:

    $ cinder type-create "DeduplicatedVolumeType"
    $ cinder type-key "DeduplicatedVolumeType" set provisioning:type=deduplicated deduplication_support='<is> True'

    • compressed

    Volume is thin and compression is enabled. The administrator shall go to the VNX to configure the system level compression settings. To create a compressed volume, the VNX Compression license must be activated on VNX , and use compression_support=True to let Block Storage scheduler find a volume back end. VNX does not support creating snapshots on a compressed volume.


    Example 2.12. creating a compressed volume type:

    $ cinder type-create "CompressedVolumeType"
    $ cinder type-key "CompressedVolumeType" set provisioning:type=compressed compression_support='<is> True'

  • Default: thick


provisioning:type replaces the old spec key storagetype:provisioning. The latter one will be obsoleted in the next release. If both provisioning:typeand storagetype:provisioning are set in the volume type, the value of provisioning:type will be used.

 Storage tiering support
  • Key: storagetype:tiering

  • Possible Values:

    • StartHighThenAuto

    • Auto

    • HighestAvailable

    • LowestAvailable

    • NoMovement

  • Default: StartHighThenAuto

VNX supports fully automated storage tiering which requires the FAST license activated on the VNX. The OpenStack administrator can use the extra spec key storagetype:tiering to set the tiering policy of a volume and use the key fast_support='<is> True' to let Block Storage scheduler find a volume back end which manages a VNX with FAST license activated. Here are the five supported values for the extra spec key storagetype:tiering:


Example 2.13. creating a volume types with tiering policy:

$ cinder type-create "ThinVolumeOnLowestAvaibleTier"
$ cinder type-key "CompressedVolumeOnLowestAvaibleTier" set provisioning:type=thin storagetype:tiering=Auto fast_support='<is> True'


Tiering policy can not be applied to a deduplicated volume. Tiering policy of the deduplicated LUN align with the settings of the pool.

 FAST cache support
  • Key: fast_cache_enabled

  • Possible Values:

    • True

    • False

  • Default: False

VNX has FAST Cache feature which requires the FAST Cache license activated on the VNX. Volume will be created on the backend with FAST cache enabled when True is specified.

  • Key: copytype:snap

  • Possible Values:

    • True

    • False

  • Default: False

The VNX driver supports snap-copy, which extremely accelerates the process for creating a copied volume.

By default, the driver will do full data copy when creating a volume from a snapshot or cloning a volume, which is time-consuming especially for large volumes. When the snap-copy is used, the driver will simply create a snapshot and mount it as a volume for the 2 kinds of operations which will be instant even for large volumes.

To enable this functionality, the source volume should have copytype:snap=True in the extra specs of its volume type. Then the new volume cloned from the source or copied from the snapshot for the source, will be in fact a snap-copy instead of a full copy. If a full copy is needed, retype/migration can be used to convert the snap-copy volume to a full-copy volume which may be time-consuming.

$ cinder type-create "SnapCopy"
$ cinder type-key "SnapCopy" set copytype:snap=True

User can determine whether the volume is a snap-copy volume or not by showing its metadata. If the 'lun_type' in metadata is 'smp', the volume is a snap-copy volume. Otherwise, it is a full-copy volume.

$ cinder metadata-show <volume>


  • copytype:snap=True is not allowed in the volume type of a consistency group.

  • Clone and snapshot creation are not allowed on a copied volume created through the snap-copy before it is converted to a full copy.

  • The number of snap-copy volume created from a source volume is limited to 255 at one point in time.

  • The source volume which has snap-copy volume can not be deleted.

 Pool name
  • Key: pool_name

  • Possible Values: name of the storage pool managed by cinder

  • Default: None

If the user wants to create a volume on a certain storage pool in a backend that manages multiple pools, a volume type with a extra spec specified storage pool should be created first, then the user can use this volume type to create the volume.


Example 2.14. Creating the volume type:

$ cinder type-create "HighPerf"
$ cinder type-key "HighPerf" set pool_name=Pool_02_SASFLASH volume_backend_name=vnx_41

 Obsoleted extra specs in Liberty

Please avoid using following extra spec keys.

  • storagetype:provisioning

  • storagetype:pool

 Advanced features

 Read-only volumes

OpenStack supports read-only volumes. The following command can be used to set a volume as read-only.

$ cinder readonly-mode-update <volume> True

After a volume is marked as read-only, the driver will forward the information when a hypervisor is attaching the volume and the hypervisor will make sure the volume is read-only.

 Efficient non-disruptive volume backup

The default implementation in Cinder for non-disruptive volume backup is not efficient since a cloned volume will be created during backup.

The approach of efficient backup is to create a snapshot for the volume and connect this snapshot (a mount point in VNX) to the Cinder host for volume backup. This eliminates migration time involved in volume clone.


  • Backup creation for a snap-copy volume is not allowed if the volume status is in-use since snapshot cannot be taken from this volume.

 Best practice

 Multipath setup

Enabling multipath volume access is recommended for robust data access. The major configuration includes:

  • Install multipath-tools, sysfsutils and sg3-utils on nodes hosting Nova-Compute and Cinder-Volume services (Please check the operating system manual for the system distribution for specific installation steps. For Red Hat based distributions, they should be device-mapper-multipath, sysfsutils and sg3_utils).

  • Specify use_multipath_for_image_xfer=true in cinder.conf for each FC/iSCSI back end.

  • Specify iscsi_use_multipath=True in libvirt section of nova.conf. This option is valid for both iSCSI and FC driver.

For multipath-tools, here is an EMC recommended sample of /etc/multipath.conf.

user_friendly_names is not specified in the configuration and thus it will take the default value no. It is NOT recommended to set it to yes because it may fail operations such as VM live migration.

blacklist {
    # Skip the files under /dev that are definitely not FC/iSCSI devices
    # Different system may need different customization
    devnode "^(ram|raw|loop|fd|md|dm-|sr|scd|st)[0-9]*"
    devnode "^hd[a-z][0-9]*"
    devnode "^cciss!c[0-9]d[0-9]*[p[0-9]*]"

    # Skip LUNZ device from VNX
    device {
        vendor "DGC"
        product "LUNZ"

defaults {
    user_friendly_names no
    flush_on_last_del yes

devices {
    # Device attributed for EMC CLARiiON and VNX series ALUA
    device {
        vendor "DGC"
        product ".*"
        product_blacklist "LUNZ"
        path_grouping_policy group_by_prio
        path_selector "round-robin 0"
        path_checker emc_clariion
        features "1 queue_if_no_path"
        hardware_handler "1 alua"
        prio alua
        failback immediate

When multipath is used in OpenStack, multipath faulty devices may come out in Nova-Compute nodes due to different issues (Bug 1336683 is a typical example).

A solution to completely avoid faulty devices has not been found yet. mitigates this issue when VNX iSCSI storage is used. Cloud administrators can deploy the script in all Nova-Compute nodes and use a CRON job to run the script on each Nova-Compute node periodically so that faulty devices will not stay too long. Please refer to: VNX faulty device cleanup for detailed usage and the script.

 Restrictions and limitations

 iSCSI port cache

EMC VNX iSCSI driver caches the iSCSI ports information, so that the user should restart the cinder-volume service or wait for seconds (which is configured by periodic_interval in cinder.conf) before any volume attachment operation after changing the iSCSI port configurations. Otherwise the attachment may fail because the old iSCSI port configurations were used.

 No extending for volume with snapshots

VNX does not support extending the thick volume which has a snapshot. If the user tries to extend a volume which has a snapshot, the status of the volume would change to error_extending.

 Limitations for deploying cinder on computer node

It is not recommended to deploy the driver on a compute node if cinder upload-to-image --force True is used against an in-use volume. Otherwise, cinder upload-to-image --force True will terminate the data access of the vm instance to the volume.

 Storage group with host names in VNX

When the driver notices that there is no existing storage group that has the host name as the storage group name, it will create the storage group and also add the compute node's or Block Storage nodes' registered initiators into the storage group.

If the driver notices that the storage group already exists, it will assume that the registered initiators have also been put into it and skip the operations above for better performance.

It is recommended that the storage administrator does not create the storage group manually and instead relies on the driver for the preparation. If the storage administrator needs to create the storage group manually for some special requirements, the correct registered initiators should be put into the storage group as well (otherwise the following volume attaching operations will fail ).

 EMC storage-assisted volume migration

EMC VNX driver supports storage-assisted volume migration, when the user starts migrating with cinder migrate --force-host-copy False <volume_id> <host> or cinder migrate <volume_id> <host>, cinder will try to leverage the VNX's native volume migration functionality.

In following scenarios, VNX storage-assisted volume migration will not be triggered:

  1. Volume migration between back ends with different storage protocol, ex, FC and iSCSI.

  2. Volume is to be migrated across arrays.


 Authenticate by security file

VNX credentials are necessary when the driver connects to the VNX system. Credentials in global, local and ldap scopes are supported. There are two approaches to provide the credentials:

The recommended one is using the Navisphere CLI security file to provide the credentials which can get rid of providing the plain text credentials in the configuration file. Following is the instruction on how to do this.

  1. Find out the Linux user id of the cinder-volume processes. Assuming the service cinder-volume is running by the account cinder.

  2. Run su as root user.

  3. In /etc/passwd, change cinder:x:113:120::/var/lib/cinder:/bin/false to cinder:x:113:120::/var/lib/cinder:/bin/bash (This temporary change is to make step 4 work.)

  4. Save the credentials on behave of cinder user to a security file (assuming the array credentials are admin/admin in global scope). In the command below, the '-secfilepath' switch is used to specify the location to save the security file.

    # su -l cinder -c '/opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -AddUserSecurity -user admin -password admin -scope 0 -secfilepath <location>'
  5. Change cinder:x:113:120::/var/lib/cinder:/bin/bash back to cinder:x:113:120::/var/lib/cinder:/bin/false in /etc/passwd

  6. Remove the credentials options san_login, san_password and storage_vnx_authentication_type from cinder.conf. (normally it is /etc/cinder/cinder.conf). Add option storage_vnx_security_file_dir and set its value to the directory path of your security file generated in step 4. Omit this option if -secfilepath is not used in step 4.

  7. Restart the cinder-volume service to validate the change.

 Register FC port with VNX

This configuration is only required when initiator_auto_registration=False.

To access VNX storage, the compute nodes should be registered on VNX first if initiator auto registration is not enabled.

To perform "Copy Image to Volume" and "Copy Volume to Image" operations, the nodes running the cinder-volume service (Block Storage nodes) must be registered with the VNX as well.

The steps mentioned below are for the compute nodes. Please follow the same steps for the Block Storage nodes also (The steps can be skipped if initiator auto registration is enabled).

  1. Assume 20:00:00:24:FF:48:BA:C2:21:00:00:24:FF:48:BA:C2 is the WWN of a FC initiator port name of the compute node whose hostname and IP are myhost1 and Register 20:00:00:24:FF:48:BA:C2:21:00:00:24:FF:48:BA:C2 in Unisphere:

    1. Login to Unisphere, go to FNM0000000000->Hosts->Initiators.

    2. Refresh and wait until the initiator 20:00:00:24:FF:48:BA:C2:21:00:00:24:FF:48:BA:C2 with SP Port A-1 appears.

    3. Click the Register button, select CLARiiON/VNX and enter the hostname (which is the output of the linux command hostname) and IP address:

      • Hostname : myhost1

      • IP :

      • Click Register

    4. Then host will appear under Hosts->Host List as well.

  2. Register the wwn with more ports if needed.

 Register iSCSI port with VNX

This configuration is only required when initiator_auto_registration=False.

To access VNX storage, the compute nodes should be registered on VNX first if initiator auto registration is not enabled.

To perform "Copy Image to Volume" and "Copy Volume to Image" operations, the nodes running the cinder-volume service (Block Storage nodes) must be registered with the VNX as well.

The steps mentioned below are for the compute nodes. Please follow the same steps for the Block Storage nodes also (The steps can be skipped if initiator auto registration is enabled).

  1. On the compute node with IP address and hostname myhost1, execute the following commands (assuming is the iSCSI target):

    1. Start the iSCSI initiator service on the node

      # /etc/init.d/open-iscsi start
    2. Discover the iSCSI target portals on VNX

      # iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p
    3. Enter /etc/iscsi

      # cd /etc/iscsi
    4. Find out the iqn of the node

      # more initiatorname.iscsi
  2. Login to VNX from the compute node using the target corresponding to the SPA port:

    # iscsiadm -m node -T -p -l
  3. Assume is the initiator name of the compute node. Register in Unisphere:

    1. Login to Unisphere, go to FNM0000000000->Hosts->Initiators .

    2. Refresh and wait until the initiator with SP Port A-8v0 appears.

    3. Click the Register button, select CLARiiON/VNX and enter the hostname (which is the output of the linux command hostname) and IP address:

      • Hostname : myhost1

      • IP :

      • Click Register

    4. Then host will appear under Hosts->Host List as well.

  4. Logout iSCSI on the node:

    # iscsiadm -m node -u
  5. Login to VNX from the compute node using the target corresponding to the SPB port:

    # iscsiadm -m node -T -p -l
  6. In Unisphere register the initiator with the SPB port.

  7. Logout iSCSI on the node:

    # iscsiadm -m node -u
  8. Register the iqn with more ports if needed.

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