2024.1 Series Release Notes


Novos Recursos

  • Add a new setting to the OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK configuration, named show_agents_column, that controls whether the DHCP Agents column should be displayed in the network views. Disabling this may speed up display on large deployments.

Notas de Atualização

  • Django 3.2 support was dropped. Django 3.2 ends its extended support in April 2024. Considering this horizon dropped Django 3.2 support and uses Django 4.2 as default.


Notas de Atualização

  • Default cache backend has been changed from MemcachedCache backend to PyMemcacheCache backend. MemcachedCache backend was deprecated in django 3.2 and was later removed in django 4.1. Note that the LOCATION option needs to be updated in case memcached servers use IPv6, so that inet6 prefix is not included.