# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Generic code for inspector client."""
import json
import logging
from keystoneauth1 import exceptions as ks_exc
from keystoneauth1 import session as ks_session
from keystoneauth1 import token_endpoint
from oslo_utils import netutils
import requests
import six
from ironic_inspector_client.common.i18n import _
_DEFAULT_URL = 'http://' + netutils.get_my_ipv4() + ':5050'
LOG = logging.getLogger('ironic_inspector_client')
_MIN_VERSION_HEADER = 'X-OpenStack-Ironic-Inspector-API-Minimum-Version'
_MAX_VERSION_HEADER = 'X-OpenStack-Ironic-Inspector-API-Maximum-Version'
_VERSION_HEADER = 'X-OpenStack-Ironic-Inspector-API-Version'
def _parse_version(api_version):
return tuple(int(x) for x in api_version.split('.'))
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise ValueError(_("Malformed API version: expect tuple, string "
"in form of X.Y or integer"))
[docs]class ClientError(requests.HTTPError):
"""Error returned from a server."""
def __init__(self, response):
# inspector returns error message in body
msg = response.content.decode(_ERROR_ENCODING)
msg = json.loads(msg)['error']['message']
except ValueError:
LOG.debug('Old style error response returned, assuming '
except (KeyError, TypeError):
LOG.exception('Bad error response from Ironic Inspector')
LOG.debug('Inspector returned error "%(msg)s" (HTTP %(code)s)',
{'msg': msg, 'code': response.status_code})
super(ClientError, self).__init__(msg, response=response)
[docs] @classmethod
def raise_if_needed(cls, response):
"""Raise exception if response contains error."""
if response.status_code >= 400:
raise cls(response)
[docs]class VersionNotSupported(Exception):
"""Denotes that requested API versions is not supported by the server.
:ivar expected: requested version.
:ivar supported: sequence with two items: minimum and maximum actually
supported versions.
def __init__(self, expected, supported):
msg = (_('Version %(expected)s is not supported by the server, '
'supported range is %(supported)s') %
{'expected': expected,
'supported': ' to '.join(str(x) for x in supported)})
self.expected_version = expected
self.supported_versions = supported
super(Exception, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class BaseClient(object):
"""Base class for clients, provides common HTTP code."""
def __init__(self, api_version, inspector_url=None, auth_token=None,
session=None, service_type='baremetal-introspection',
interface=None, region_name=None):
"""Create a client.
:param api_version: minimum API version that must be supported by
the server
:param inspector_url: *Ironic Inspector* URL in form:
http://host:port[/ver]. When session is provided, defaults to
service URL from the catalog. As a last resort
defaults to ``http://<current host>:5050/v<MAJOR>``.
:param auth_token: authentication token (deprecated, use session)
:param session: existing keystone session
:param service_type: service type to use when looking up the URL
:param interface: interface type (public, internal, etc) to use when
looking up the URL
:param region_name: region name to use when looking up the URL
self._base_url = inspector_url or _DEFAULT_URL
self._auth_token = auth_token
if session is None:
if auth_token:
LOG.warning('Passing auth_token to client objects '
'is deprecated, please pass session instead')
auth = token_endpoint.Token(endpoint=self._base_url,
auth = None
self._session = ks_session.Session(auth)
self._session = session
if not inspector_url:
self._base_url = session.get_endpoint(
region_name=region_name) or _DEFAULT_URL
except ks_exc.EndpointNotFound:
LOG.warning('Endpoint for service %s was not found, '
'falling back to local host on port 5050',
self._base_url = self._base_url.rstrip('/')
self._api_version = self._check_api_version(api_version)
self._version_str = '%d.%d' % self._api_version
ver_postfix = '/v%d' % self._api_version[0]
if not self._base_url.endswith(ver_postfix):
self._base_url += ver_postfix
def _add_headers(self, headers):
headers[_VERSION_HEADER] = self._version_str
return headers
def _check_api_version(self, api_version):
if isinstance(api_version, int):
api_version = (api_version, 0)
if isinstance(api_version, six.string_types):
api_version = _parse_version(api_version)
api_version = tuple(api_version)
if not all(isinstance(x, int) for x in api_version):
raise TypeError(_("All API version components should be integers"))
if len(api_version) == 1:
api_version += (0,)
elif len(api_version) > 2:
raise ValueError(_("API version should be of length 1 or 2"))
minv, maxv = self.server_api_versions()
if api_version < minv or api_version > maxv:
raise VersionNotSupported(api_version, (minv, maxv))
return api_version
[docs] def request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
"""Make an HTTP request.
:param method: HTTP method
:param endpoint: relative endpoint
:param kwargs: arguments to pass to 'requests' library
headers = self._add_headers(kwargs.pop('headers', {}))
url = self._base_url + '/' + url.lstrip('/')
LOG.debug('Requesting %(method)s %(url)s (API version %(ver)s) '
'with %(args)s',
{'method': method.upper(), 'url': url,
'ver': self._version_str, 'args': kwargs})
res = self._session.request(url, method, headers=headers,
raise_exc=False, **kwargs)
LOG.debug('Got response for %(method)s %(url)s with status code '
'%(code)s', {'url': url, 'method': method.upper(),
'code': res.status_code})
return res
[docs] def server_api_versions(self):
"""Get minimum and maximum supported API versions from a server.
:return: tuple (minimum version, maximum version) each version
is returned as a tuple (X, Y)
:raises: *requests* library exception on connection problems.
:raises: ValueError if returned version cannot be parsed
res = self._session.get(self._base_url, authenticated=False,
# HTTP Not Found is a valid response for older (2.0.0) servers
if res.status_code >= 400 and res.status_code != 404:
min_ver = res.headers.get(_MIN_VERSION_HEADER, '1.0')
max_ver = res.headers.get(_MAX_VERSION_HEADER, '1.0')
res = (_parse_version(min_ver), _parse_version(max_ver))
LOG.debug('Supported API version range for %(url)s is '
'[%(min)s, %(max)s]',
{'url': self._base_url, 'min': min_ver, 'max': max_ver})
return res
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