Command Line Reference

Command Line Reference

CLI tool is based on OpenStackClient with prefix openstack baremetal introspection.

Common arguments

All commands accept the following arguments:

  • --inspector-url the Ironic Inspector API endpoint. If missing, the endpoint will be fetched from the service catalog.
  • --inspector-api-version requested API version, see API Versioning for details.

Start introspection on a node

$ openstack baremetal introspection start [--wait] [--new-ipmi-password=PWD [--new-ipmi-username=USER]] NODE_ID [NODE_ID ...]
  • NODE_ID - Ironic node UUID or name;
  • new-ipmi-username and new-ipmi-password - deprecated options to set IPMI credentials during introspection. Do not use, this feature is pending removal.

Note that the CLI call accepts several UUID’s and will stop on the first error.


This CLI call doesn’t rely on Ironic, and the introspected node will be left in MANAGEABLE state. This means that the Ironic node is not protected from other operations being performed by Ironic, which could cause inconsistency in the node’s state, and lead to operational errors.

With --wait flag it waits until introspection ends for all given nodes, then displays the results as a table.

Query introspection status

$ openstack baremetal introspection status NODE_ID
  • NODE_ID - Ironic node UUID or name.

Returns following information about a node introspection status:

  • error: an error string or None
  • finished: True/False
  • finished_at: an ISO8601 timestamp or None if not finished
  • started_at: an ISO8601 timestamp
  • uuid: node UUID

List introspection statuses

This command supports pagination.

$ openstack baremetal introspection list [--marker] [--limit]
  • --marker the last item on the previous page, a UUID
  • --limit the amount of items to list, an integer, 50 by default

Shows a table with the following columns:

  • Error: an error string or None
  • Finished at: an ISO8601 timestamp or None if not finished
  • Started at: and ISO8601 timestamp
  • UUID: node UUID


The server orders the introspection status items according to the Started at column, newer items first.

Retrieving introspection data

$ openstack baremetal introspection data save [--file=file_name] NODE_ID
  • NODE_ID - Ironic node UUID or name;
  • file_name - file name to save data to. If file name is not provided, the data is dumped to stdout.


This feature requires Swift support to be enabled in Ironic Inspector by setting [processing]store_data configuration option to swift.

Aborting introspection

$ openstack baremetal introspection abort NODE_ID
  • NODE_ID - Ironic node UUID or name.

Reprocess stored introspection data

$ openstack baremetal introspection reprocess NODE_ID
  • NODE_ID - Ironic node UUID or name.


This feature requires Swift store to be enabled for Ironic Inspector by setting [processing]store_data configuration option to swift.

Introspection Rules API

Creating a rule

$ openstack baremetal introspection rule import <JSON FILE>
  • rule_json dictionary with a rule representation, see ironic_inspector_client.RulesAPI.from_json() for details.

Listing all rules

$ openstack baremetal introspection rule list

Returns list of short rule representations, containing only description, UUID and links.

Deleting all rules

$ openstack baremetal introspection rule purge

Deleting a rule

$ openstack baremetal introspection rule delete <UUID>
  • UUID rule UUID.

Using names instead of UUID

Starting with baremetal introspection API 1.5 (provided by Ironic Inspector 3.3.0) it’s possible to use node names instead of UUIDs in all Python and CLI calls.

List interface data

$ openstack baremetal introspection interface list NODE_IDENT
[--fields=<field>] [--vlan=<vlan>]
  • NODE_IDENT - Ironic node UUID or name
  • fields - name of one or more interface columns to display.
  • vlan - list only interfaces configured for this vlan id

Returns a list of interface data, including attached switch information, for each interface on the node.

Show interface data

$ openstack baremetal introspection interface show NODE_IDENT INTERFACE
  • NODE_IDENT - Ironic node UUID or name
  • INTERFACE - interface name on this node
  • fields - name of one or more interface rows to display.

Show interface data, including attached switch information, for a particular node and interface.

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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.