

Geolocation information, which reveals a resource’s physical location, is obtained by using tracking technologies such as global positioning system (GPS) devices, or IP geolocation by using databases that map IP addresses to geographic locations. Geolocation information is widely used in context-sensitive content delivery, enforcing location-based access restrictions on services, and fraud detection and prevention.

Due to the intense concerns about security and privacy, countries and regions introduced various legislation and regulation. To determine whether an event is compliant sometimes depends on the geolocation of the event. Therefore, it is crucial to report geolocation information unambiguously in an audit trail.

Property Type Required Description
id xs:anyURI No Optional identifier for a geolocation
latitude xs:string No The latitude of a geolocation
longitude xs:string No The longitude of a geolocation
elevation xs:double No The elevation of a geolocation in meters
accuracy xs:double No The accuracy of a geolocation in meters
city xs:string No The city of a geolocation
state xs:string No The state/province of a geolocation
regionICANN xs:string No A region (e.g., a country, a sovereign state, a dependent territory or a special area of geographical interest)
annotations cadf:Map No User-defined geolocation information (e.g., building name, room number)

Usage Requirements

  1. Geolocation typed data SHALL contain at least one valid property and associated value.
  2. Geolocation typed data SHALL NOT be used to represent virtual or logical locations (e.g. network zone).
  3. For each geolocation data instance, the properties SHALL be consistent. That is, all properties SHALL consistently represent the same geographic location and SHALL NOT provide conflicting value data.


latitude, longitude and region are all supplied as properties describing the same geolocation, the latitude and longitude properties coordinate values should resolve to the same geographic location as described by the value of the region property.

  1. ICANN’s implementation plan states “Upper and lower case characters are considered to be syntactically and semantically identical”; therefore, the “regionICANN” property’s values MAY be either upper or lower case.


    "typeURI": "",
    "target": {
        "geolocation": {
            "latitude": "+372207.90",
            "longitude": "-1220210.20",
            "elevation": "10"
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