

This type provides a means to describe various credentials along with any information about the authority that is responsible for maintaining them. This is intended to be associated with a CADF Resource’s identity and reflects any authorizations or identity assertions the resource may use to gain access to other resources.

Property Type Required Description
type xs:anyURI No Type of credential. (e.g., auth. token, identity token, etc.)
token xs:any Yes The primary opaque or non-opaque identity or security token (e.g., an opaque or obfuscated user ID)
authority xs:anyURI No The trusted authority (a service) that understands and can verify the credential.
assertions cadf:Map No Optional list of additional assertions or attributes that belong to the credential


    "typeURI": "",
    "action": "authenticate",
    "initiator": {
        "id": "",
        "typeURI": "data/security/account/user",
        "credential": {
            "type": "",
            "token": "myuuid:1ef0-abdf-xxxx-xxxx"
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