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 Metadata Agent

Use the following options in the metadata_agent.ini file for the Metadata agent.

Table 8.62. Description of metadata configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
meta_flavor_driver_mappings = None (StrOpt) Mapping between flavor and LinuxInterfaceDriver. It is specific to MetaInterfaceDriver used with admin_user, admin_password, admin_tenant_name, admin_url, auth_strategy, auth_region and endpoint_type.
metadata_backlog = 4096 (IntOpt) Number of backlog requests to configure the metadata server socket with
metadata_port = 9697 (IntOpt) TCP Port used by Neutron metadata namespace proxy.
metadata_proxy_shared_secret = (StrOpt) Shared secret to sign instance-id request
metadata_proxy_socket = $state_path/metadata_proxy (StrOpt) Location of Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket
metadata_workers = 2 (IntOpt) Number of separate worker processes for metadata server
nova_metadata_insecure = False (BoolOpt) Allow to perform insecure SSL (https) requests to nova metadata
nova_metadata_ip = (StrOpt) IP address used by Nova metadata server.
nova_metadata_port = 8775 (IntOpt) TCP Port used by Nova metadata server.
nova_metadata_protocol = http (StrOpt) Protocol to access nova metadata, http or https

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