TMF API 639 - Vitrage¶
This datasource loads to Vitrage topologies exposed in TMF API 639 Resource Inventory Management.
The fields used to define the topology will be: - id - name - @type - resourceRelationship : [resource: id]
Create file
on your vitrage folder (generally: /etc/vitrage/) according to the following template:-endpoint:snapshot: URL CONTAINING COMPLETE TOPOLOGYupdate: OPTIONAL URL CONTAINING NOTIFICATIONS FOR TOPOLOGY CHANGES
You may allow as many endpoints as you desire.
Add tmfapi639 to list of datasources in
types = ...,tmfapi639,...
Restart vitrage service in devstack/openstack
Warning: due to limitations on TMF API definition, topology changes will require all parents all the way to the root to be defined in order to be correctly represented.