
(There are detailed instructions available below, the overview and configuration sections provide background information).

  • Define a VM that is your seed node
  • Define N VMs to pretend to be your cluster
  • Create a seed VM
  • Create an undercloud
  • Create an overcloud
  • Deploy a sample workload in the overcloud
  • Add environment variables to be included to ~/.devtestrc, e.g. http_proxy
  • Go to town testing deployments on them.
  • For troubleshooting see Troubleshooting tips
  • For generic deployment information see Deploying TripleO

This document is extracted from, our automated bring-up story for CI/experimentation.

More details about the TripleO project and its goals can be found in the README

Tip contains notes on setting up a development environment. It’s primarily aimed at people who intend to become contributors for tripleo, but many of its notes (such as those relating to setting up local mirrors for apt and pypi) will probably be helpful for everyone.


See tested_platforms for an overview of which releases of which distros are tested in our CI system. We suggest you read that section before proceeding, to make sure you’re running on a platform that we have extensively tested.


These scripts are designed to be run under your normal user account. The scripts make use of sudo when elevated privileges are needed. You will either need to run this attended, entering your password when sudo needs it, or enable passwordless sudo for your user. Another option is to extend the timeout of sudo sessions so that passwordless sudo will be allowed enough time on the controlling terminal to complete the devtest run. If there are any circumstances where running as a normal user, and not root, fails, this is considered a critical bug.


In order to set the sudo session timeout higher, add this to /etc/sudoers:

Defaults    timestamp_timeout=240 # 4 hours

This will result in 4 hour timeouts for sudo session credentials. To reset the timeout run:

sudo -k; sudo -v

In order to set a user to full passwordless operation add this (typically near the end of /etc/sudoers):

username    ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL

Initial Checkout

  1. Choose a base location to put all of the source code.


    exports are ephemeral - they will not survive across new shell sessions or reboots. If you put these export commands in ~/.devtestrc, you can simply source ~/.devtestrc to reload them. Alternatively, you can $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/scripts/write-tripleorc and then source the generated tripleorc file.

    export TRIPLEO_ROOT=~/tripleo


    This will be used by and other scripts to store the additional tools, images, packages, tarballs and everything else needed by the deployment process. The tripleo-incubator tools must be cloned within your $TRIPLEO_ROOT.

  2. Create the directory and clone tripleo-incubator within $TRIPLEO_ROOT

    mkdir -p $TRIPLEO_ROOT
    git clone
    cd tripleo-incubator

Optional: stable branch

Note that every effort is made to keep the published set of these instructions updated for use with only the master branches of the TripleO projects. There is NO guaranteed stability in master. There is also no guaranteed stable upgrade path from release to release or from one stable branch to a later stable branch. The stable branches are a point in time and make no guarantee about deploying older or newer branches of OpenStack projects correctly.

If you wish to use the stable branches, you should instead checkout and clone the stable branch of tripleo-incubator you want, and then build the instructions yourself. For instance, to create a local branch named foo based on the upstream branch stable/foo:

git checkout -b foo origin/stable/foo
tox -edocs
# View doc/build/html/devtest.html in your browser and proceed from there

Next Steps:

When run as a standalone script, runs the following commands to configure the devtest environment, bootstrap a seed, deploy under and overclouds. Many of these commands are also part of our documentation. Readers may choose to either run the commands given here, or instead follow the documentation for each command and walk through it step by step to see what is going on. This choice can be made on a case by case basis - for instance, if bootstrapping is not interesting, run that as devtest does, then step into the undercloud setup for granular details of bringing up a baremetal cloud.

  1. See devtest_variables for documentation. Assuming you’re still at the root of your checkout:

    source scripts/
  2. See devtest_setup for documentation. $CONTINUE should be set to ‘–trash-my-machine’ to have it execute unattended. $CONTINUE
  3. See devtest_testenv for documentation. This step creates the seed VM, as well as “baremetal” VMs for the under/overclouds. Details of the created VMs are written to $TE_DATAFILE.


    You should only run this step once, the first time the environment is being set up. Unless you remove the VMs and need to recreate them, you should skip this step on subsequent runs. Running this script with existing VMs will result in information about the existing nodes being removed from $TE_DATAFILE $TE_DATAFILE $NODES_ARG $NETS_ARG
  4. See devtest_ramdisk for documentation:
  5. See devtest_seed for documentation. If you are not deploying an undercloud, (see below) then you will want to add –all-nodes to your invocation of,which will register all your nodes directly with the seed cloud.:
    export no_proxy=${no_proxy:-},
    source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/seedrc
  6. See devtest_undercloud for documentation. The undercloud doesn’t have to be built - the seed is entirely capable of deploying any baremetal workload - but a production deployment would quite probably want to have a heat deployed (and thus reconfigurable) deployment infrastructure layer). If you are only building images you won’t need to update your no_proxy line or source the undercloudrc file. $TE_DATAFILE
    export no_proxy=$no_proxy,$(os-apply-config --type raw -m $TE_DATAFILE --key undercloud.endpointhost)
    source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/undercloudrc
  7. See devtest_overcloud for documentation. If you are only building images you won’t need to update your no_proxy line or source the overcloudrc file.
    export no_proxy=$no_proxy,$(os-apply-config --type raw -m $TE_DATAFILE --key overcloud.endpointhost)
    source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/overcloudrc
  8. See devtest_end for documentation: