Source code for taskflow.task

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#    Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
#    Copyright (C) 2013 Rackspace Hosting Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#    Copyright (C) 2013 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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import abc
import copy
import functools

from oslo_utils import reflection

from taskflow import atom
from taskflow import logging
from taskflow.types import notifier
from taskflow.utils import misc

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Constants passed into revert kwargs.
# Contain the execute() result (if any).
REVERT_RESULT = 'result'
# The cause of the flow failure/s
REVERT_FLOW_FAILURES = 'flow_failures'

# Common events
EVENT_UPDATE_PROGRESS = 'update_progress'

[docs] class Task(atom.Atom, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """An abstraction that defines a potential piece of work. This potential piece of work is expected to be able to contain functionality that defines what can be executed to accomplish that work as well as a way of defining what can be executed to reverted/undo that same piece of work. """ # Known internal events this task can have callbacks bound to (others that # are not in this set/tuple will not be able to be bound); this should be # updated and/or extended in subclasses as needed to enable or disable new # or existing internal events... TASK_EVENTS = (EVENT_UPDATE_PROGRESS,) def __init__(self, name=None, provides=None, requires=None, auto_extract=True, rebind=None, inject=None, ignore_list=None, revert_rebind=None, revert_requires=None): if name is None: name = reflection.get_class_name(self) super(Task, self).__init__(name, provides=provides, requires=requires, auto_extract=auto_extract, rebind=rebind, inject=inject, revert_rebind=revert_rebind, revert_requires=revert_requires) self._notifier = notifier.RestrictedNotifier(self.TASK_EVENTS) @property def notifier(self): """Internal notification dispatcher/registry. A notification object that will dispatch events that occur related to *internal* notifications that the task internally emits to listeners (for example for progress status updates, telling others that a task has reached 50% completion...). """ return self._notifier
[docs] def copy(self, retain_listeners=True): """Clone/copy this task. :param retain_listeners: retain the attached notification listeners when cloning, when false the listeners will be emptied, when true the listeners will be copied and retained :return: the copied task """ c = copy.copy(self) c._notifier = self._notifier.copy() if not retain_listeners: c._notifier.reset() return c
[docs] def update_progress(self, progress): """Update task progress and notify all registered listeners. :param progress: task progress float value between 0.0 and 1.0 """ def on_clamped(): LOG.warning("Progress value must be greater or equal to 0.0 or" " less than or equal to 1.0 instead of being '%s'", progress) cleaned_progress = misc.clamp(progress, 0.0, 1.0, on_clamped=on_clamped) self._notifier.notify(EVENT_UPDATE_PROGRESS, {'progress': cleaned_progress})
[docs] class FunctorTask(Task): """Adaptor to make a task from a callable. Take any callable pair and make a task from it. NOTE(harlowja): If a name is not provided the function/method name of the ``execute`` callable will be used as the name instead (the name of the ``revert`` callable is not used). """ def __init__(self, execute, name=None, provides=None, requires=None, auto_extract=True, rebind=None, revert=None, version=None, inject=None): if not callable(execute): raise ValueError("Function to use for executing must be" " callable") if revert is not None: if not callable(revert): raise ValueError("Function to use for reverting must" " be callable") if name is None: name = reflection.get_callable_name(execute) super(FunctorTask, self).__init__(name, provides=provides, inject=inject) self._execute = execute self._revert = revert if version is not None: self.version = version mapping = self._build_arg_mapping(execute, requires, rebind, auto_extract) self.rebind, exec_requires, self.optional = mapping if revert: revert_mapping = self._build_arg_mapping(revert, requires, rebind, auto_extract) else: revert_mapping = (self.rebind, exec_requires, self.optional) (self.revert_rebind, revert_requires, self.revert_optional) = revert_mapping self.requires = exec_requires.union(revert_requires)
[docs] def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._execute(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def revert(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._revert: return self._revert(*args, **kwargs) else: return None
[docs] class ReduceFunctorTask(Task): """General purpose Task to reduce a list by applying a function. This Task mimics the behavior of Python's built-in ``reduce`` function. The Task takes a functor (lambda or otherwise) and a list. The list is specified using the ``requires`` argument of the Task. When executed, this task calls ``reduce`` with the functor and list as arguments. The resulting value from the call to ``reduce`` is then returned after execution. """ def __init__(self, functor, requires, name=None, provides=None, auto_extract=True, rebind=None, inject=None): if not callable(functor): raise ValueError("Function to use for reduce must be callable") f_args = reflection.get_callable_args(functor) if len(f_args) != 2: raise ValueError("%s arguments were provided. Reduce functor " "must take exactly 2 arguments." % len(f_args)) if not misc.is_iterable(requires): raise TypeError("%s type was provided for requires. Requires " "must be an iterable." % type(requires)) if len(requires) < 2: raise ValueError("%s elements were provided. Requires must have " "at least 2 elements." % len(requires)) if name is None: name = reflection.get_callable_name(functor) super(ReduceFunctorTask, self).__init__(name=name, provides=provides, inject=inject, requires=requires, rebind=rebind, auto_extract=auto_extract) self._functor = functor
[docs] def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): l = [kwargs[r] for r in self.requires] return functools.reduce(self._functor, l)
[docs] class MapFunctorTask(Task): """General purpose Task to map a function to a list. This Task mimics the behavior of Python's built-in ``map`` function. The Task takes a functor (lambda or otherwise) and a list. The list is specified using the ``requires`` argument of the Task. When executed, this task calls ``map`` with the functor and list as arguments. The resulting list from the call to ``map`` is then returned after execution. Each value of the returned list can be bound to individual names using the ``provides`` argument, following taskflow standard behavior. Order is preserved in the returned list. """ def __init__(self, functor, requires, name=None, provides=None, auto_extract=True, rebind=None, inject=None): if not callable(functor): raise ValueError("Function to use for map must be callable") f_args = reflection.get_callable_args(functor) if len(f_args) != 1: raise ValueError("%s arguments were provided. Map functor must " "take exactly 1 argument." % len(f_args)) if not misc.is_iterable(requires): raise TypeError("%s type was provided for requires. Requires " "must be an iterable." % type(requires)) if name is None: name = reflection.get_callable_name(functor) super(MapFunctorTask, self).__init__(name=name, provides=provides, inject=inject, requires=requires, rebind=rebind, auto_extract=auto_extract) self._functor = functor
[docs] def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): l = [kwargs[r] for r in self.requires] return list(map(self._functor, l))