VNF Management

This document describes how to manage VNF with CLI in Tacker.


The following packages should be installed:

  • tacker

  • python-tackerclient

A default VIM should be registered according to VIM Management.

CLI reference for VNF Management

1. Create VNF

Create tosca-vnfd-scale.yaml file:

Create a VNFD:

$ openstack vnf descriptor create --vnfd-file \
    tosca-vnfd-scale.yaml <VNFD: tosca-vnfd-scale>


| Field           | Value                                                                     |
| attributes      | {                                                                         |
|                 |     "vnfd": {                                                             |
|                 |         "description": "sample-tosca-vnfd-scaling",                       |
|                 |         "metadata": {                                                     |
|                 |             "template_name": "sample-tosca-vnfd-scaling"                  |
|                 |         },                                                                |
|                 |         "topology_template": {                                            |
|                 |             "node_templates": {                                           |
|                 |                 "CP1": {                                                  |
|                 |                     "properties": {                                       |
|                 |                         "anti_spoofing_protection": false,                |
|                 |                         "management": true,                               |
|                 |                         "order": 0                                        |
|                 |                     },                                                    |
|                 |                     "requirements": [                                     |
|                 |                         {                                                 |
|                 |                             "virtualLink": {                              |
|                 |                                 "node": "VL1"                             |
|                 |                             }                                             |
|                 |                         },                                                |
|                 |                         {                                                 |
|                 |                             "virtualBinding": {                           |
|                 |                                 "node": "VDU1"                            |
|                 |                             }                                             |
|                 |                         }                                                 |
|                 |                     ],                                                    |
|                 |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.CP.Tacker"                   |
|                 |                 },                                                        |
|                 |                 "CP2": {                                                  |
|                 |                     "properties": {                                       |
|                 |                         "anti_spoofing_protection": false,                |
|                 |                         "management": true,                               |
|                 |                         "order": 0                                        |
|                 |                     },                                                    |
|                 |                     "requirements": [                                     |
|                 |                         {                                                 |
|                 |                             "virtualLink": {                              |
|                 |                                 "node": "VL1"                             |
|                 |                             }                                             |
|                 |                         },                                                |
|                 |                         {                                                 |
|                 |                             "virtualBinding": {                           |
|                 |                                 "node": "VDU2"                            |
|                 |                             }                                             |
|                 |                         }                                                 |
|                 |                     ],                                                    |
|                 |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.CP.Tacker"                   |
|                 |                 },                                                        |
|                 |                 "VDU1": {                                                 |
|                 |                     "properties": {                                       |
|                 |                         "availability_zone": "nova",                      |
|                 |                         "flavor": "m1.tiny",                              |
|                 |                         "image": "cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk",              |
|                 |                         "mgmt_driver": "noop"                             |
|                 |                     },                                                    |
|                 |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU.Tacker"                  |
|                 |                 },                                                        |
|                 |                 "VDU2": {                                                 |
|                 |                     "properties": {                                       |
|                 |                         "availability_zone": "nova",                      |
|                 |                         "flavor": "m1.tiny",                              |
|                 |                         "image": "cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk",              |
|                 |                         "mgmt_driver": "noop"                             |
|                 |                     },                                                    |
|                 |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU.Tacker"                  |
|                 |                 },                                                        |
|                 |                 "VL1": {                                                  |
|                 |                     "properties": {                                       |
|                 |                         "network_name": "net_mgmt",                       |
|                 |                         "vendor": "Tacker"                                |
|                 |                     },                                                    |
|                 |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VL"                          |
|                 |                 }                                                         |
|                 |             },                                                            |
|                 |             "policies": [                                                 |
|                 |                 {                                                         |
|                 |                     "SP1": {                                              |
|                 |                         "properties": {                                   |
|                 |                             "cooldown": 120,                              |
|                 |                             "default_instances": 2,                       |
|                 |                             "increment": 1,                               |
|                 |                             "max_instances": 3,                           |
|                 |                             "min_instances": 1                            |
|                 |                         },                                                |
|                 |                         "targets": [                                      |
|                 |                             "VDU1",                                       |
|                 |                             "VDU2"                                        |
|                 |                         ],                                                |
|                 |                         "type": "tosca.policies.tacker.Scaling"           |
|                 |                     }                                                     |
|                 |                 }                                                         |
|                 |             ]                                                             |
|                 |         },                                                                |
|                 |         "tosca_definitions_version": "tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0" |
|                 |     }                                                                     |
|                 | }                                                                         |
| created_at      | 2020-08-12 04:20:08.908891                                                |
| description     | sample-tosca-vnfd-scaling                                                 |
| id              | 1001f4e6-2e62-4950-be7a-541963e7e575                                      |
| name            | tosca-vnfd-scale                                                          |
| project_id      | e77397d2a02c4af1b7d79cef2a406396                                          |
| service_types   | ['vnfd']                                                                  |
| template_source | onboarded                                                                 |
| updated_at      | None                                                                      |

Create the VNF:

$ openstack vnf create --vnfd-name <VNFD_NAME: tosca-vnfd-scale> \
    <NAME: vnf-scale>


| Field           | Value                                             |
| attributes      | SP1_res.yaml=heat_template_version: 2013-05-23    |
|                 | description: Scaling template                     |
|                 | resources:                                        |
|                 |   CP1:                                            |
|                 |     type: OS::Neutron::Port                       |
|                 |     properties:                                   |
|                 |       port_security_enabled: false                |
|                 |       network: net_mgmt                           |
|                 |   CP2:                                            |
|                 |     type: OS::Neutron::Port                       |
|                 |     properties:                                   |
|                 |       port_security_enabled: false                |
|                 |       network: net_mgmt                           |
|                 |   VDU1:                                           |
|                 |     type: OS::Nova::Server                        |
|                 |     properties:                                   |
|                 |       flavor: m1.tiny                             |
|                 |       user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG           |
|                 |       availability_zone: nova                     |
|                 |       image: cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk             |
|                 |       config_drive: false                         |
|                 |       networks:                                   |
|                 |       - port:                                     |
|                 |           get_resource: CP1                       |
|                 |   VDU2:                                           |
|                 |     type: OS::Nova::Server                        |
|                 |     properties:                                   |
|                 |       flavor: m1.tiny                             |
|                 |       user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG           |
|                 |       availability_zone: nova                     |
|                 |       image: cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk             |
|                 |       config_drive: false                         |
|                 |       networks:                                   |
|                 |       - port:                                     |
|                 |           get_resource: CP2                       |
|                 |   VL1:                                            |
|                 |     type: OS::Neutron::Net                        |
|                 | outputs:                                          |
|                 |   mgmt_ip-VDU1:                                   |
|                 |     value:                                        |
|                 |       get_attr:                                   |
|                 |       - CP1                                       |
|                 |       - fixed_ips                                 |
|                 |       - 0                                         |
|                 |       - ip_address                                |
|                 |   mgmt_ip-VDU2:                                   |
|                 |     value:                                        |
|                 |       get_attr:                                   |
|                 |       - CP2                                       |
|                 |       - fixed_ips                                 |
|                 |       - 0                                         |
|                 |       - ip_address                                |
|                 | , heat_template=heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 |
|                 | description: 'sample-tosca-vnfd-scaling           |
|                 |                                                   |
|                 |   '                                               |
|                 | parameters: {}                                    |
|                 | resources:                                        |
|                 |   SP1_scale_out:                                  |
|                 |     type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy                 |
|                 |     properties:                                   |
|                 |       auto_scaling_group_id:                      |
|                 |         get_resource: SP1_group                   |
|                 |       adjustment_type: change_in_capacity         |
|                 |       scaling_adjustment: 1                       |
|                 |       cooldown: 120                               |
|                 |   SP1_group:                                      |
|                 |     type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup              |
|                 |     properties:                                   |
|                 |       min_size: 1                                 |
|                 |       max_size: 3                                 |
|                 |       desired_capacity: 2                         |
|                 |       cooldown: 120                               |
|                 |       resource:                                   |
|                 |         type: SP1_res.yaml                        |
|                 |   SP1_scale_in:                                   |
|                 |     type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy                 |
|                 |     properties:                                   |
|                 |       auto_scaling_group_id:                      |
|                 |         get_resource: SP1_group                   |
|                 |       adjustment_type: change_in_capacity         |
|                 |       scaling_adjustment: -1                      |
|                 |       cooldown: 120                               |
|                 | outputs: {}                                       |
|                 | , scaling_group_names=b'{"SP1": "SP1_group"}'     |
| created_at      | 2020-08-12 04:22:35.006543                        |
| description     | sample-tosca-vnfd-scaling                         |
| error_reason    | None                                              |
| id              | 9b312a7c-15de-4230-85fb-27da7d37978b              |
| instance_id     | 0e00ca75-23b7-4ff8-a90f-83c55d756d4f              |
| mgmt_ip_address | None                                              |
| name            | vnf-scale                                         |
| placement_attr  | vim_name=openstack-nfv-vim                        |
| project_id      | e77397d2a02c4af1b7d79cef2a406396                  |
| status          | PENDING_CREATE                                    |
| updated_at      | None                                              |
| vim_id          | aacb3c7f-d532-44d9-b8ed-49e2b30114aa              |
| vnfd_id         | 1001f4e6-2e62-4950-be7a-541963e7e575              |


$ openstack vnf create --help
usage: openstack vnf create [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                            [-c COLUMN] [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                            [--max-width <integer>] [--fit-width]
                            [--print-empty] [--tenant-id TENANT_ID]
                            (--vnfd-id VNFD_ID | --vnfd-name VNFD_NAME | --vnfd-template VNFD_TEMPLATE)
                            [--vim-id VIM_ID | --vim-name VIM_NAME]
                            [--vim-region-name VIM_REGION_NAME]
                            [--config-file CONFIG_FILE]
                            [--param-file PARAM_FILE]
                            [--description DESCRIPTION]

Create a new VNF

positional arguments:
  NAME                  Set a name for the VNF

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant-id TENANT_ID
                        The owner tenant ID or project ID
  --vnfd-id VNFD_ID     VNFD ID to use as template to create VNF
  --vnfd-name VNFD_NAME
                        VNFD Name to use as template to create VNF
  --vnfd-template VNFD_TEMPLATE
                        VNFD file to create VNF
  --vim-id VIM_ID       VIM ID to deploy VNF on specified VIM
  --vim-name VIM_NAME   VIM name to deploy VNF on specified VIM
  --vim-region-name VIM_REGION_NAME
                        VIM Region to deploy VNF on specified VIM
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        YAML file with VNF configuration
  --param-file PARAM_FILE
                        Specify parameter yaml file
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Set description for the VNF

2. List VNFs

$ openstack vnf list

Result (CREATING):

| ID                                   | Name      | Mgmt Ip Address | Status         | VIM ID                               | VNFD ID                              |
| 9b312a7c-15de-4230-85fb-27da7d37978b | vnf-scale | None            | PENDING_CREATE | aacb3c7f-d532-44d9-b8ed-49e2b30114aa | 1001f4e6-2e62-4950-be7a-541963e7e575 |

Result (CREATED):

| ID                                   | Name      | Mgmt Ip Address                                                                               | Status | VIM ID                               | VNFD ID                              |
| 9b312a7c-15de-4230-85fb-27da7d37978b | vnf-scale | {"VDU2": ["", ""], "VDU1": ["", ""]} | ACTIVE | aacb3c7f-d532-44d9-b8ed-49e2b30114aa | 1001f4e6-2e62-4950-be7a-541963e7e575 |


$ openstack vnf list --help
usage: openstack vnf list [-h] [-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}] [-c COLUMN]
                          [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}] [--noindent]
                          [--max-width <integer>] [--fit-width]
                          [--print-empty] [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
                          [--template-source TEMPLATE_SOURCE]
                          [--vim-id VIM_ID | --vim-name VIM_NAME]
                          [--vnfd-id VNFD_ID | --vnfd-name VNFD_NAME]
                          [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--long]

List VNF(s) that belong to a given tenant.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --template-source TEMPLATE_SOURCE
                        List VNF with specified template source. Available
                        options are 'onboarded' (default), 'inline' or 'all'
  --vim-id VIM_ID       List VNF(s) that belong to a given VIM ID
  --vim-name VIM_NAME   List VNF(s) that belong to a given VIM Name
  --vnfd-id VNFD_ID     List VNF(s) that belong to a given VNFD ID
  --vnfd-name VNFD_NAME
                        List VNF(s) that belong to a given VNFD Name
  --tenant-id TENANT_ID
                        The owner tenant ID or project ID
  --long                List additional fields in output

3. Show VNF

$ openstack vnf show  <VNF: vnf-scale>


| Field           | Value                                                                                         |
| attributes      | SP1_res.yaml=heat_template_version: 2013-05-23                                                |
|                 | description: Scaling template                                                                 |
|                 | resources:                                                                                    |
|                 |   CP1:                                                                                        |
|                 |     type: OS::Neutron::Port                                                                   |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       port_security_enabled: false                                                            |
|                 |       network: net_mgmt                                                                       |
|                 |   CP2:                                                                                        |
|                 |     type: OS::Neutron::Port                                                                   |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       port_security_enabled: false                                                            |
|                 |       network: net_mgmt                                                                       |
|                 |   VDU1:                                                                                       |
|                 |     type: OS::Nova::Server                                                                    |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       flavor: m1.tiny                                                                         |
|                 |       user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG                                                       |
|                 |       availability_zone: nova                                                                 |
|                 |       image: cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk                                                         |
|                 |       config_drive: false                                                                     |
|                 |       networks:                                                                               |
|                 |       - port:                                                                                 |
|                 |           get_resource: CP1                                                                   |
|                 |   VDU2:                                                                                       |
|                 |     type: OS::Nova::Server                                                                    |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       flavor: m1.tiny                                                                         |
|                 |       user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG                                                       |
|                 |       availability_zone: nova                                                                 |
|                 |       image: cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk                                                         |
|                 |       config_drive: false                                                                     |
|                 |       networks:                                                                               |
|                 |       - port:                                                                                 |
|                 |           get_resource: CP2                                                                   |
|                 |   VL1:                                                                                        |
|                 |     type: OS::Neutron::Net                                                                    |
|                 | outputs:                                                                                      |
|                 |   mgmt_ip-VDU1:                                                                               |
|                 |     value:                                                                                    |
|                 |       get_attr:                                                                               |
|                 |       - CP1                                                                                   |
|                 |       - fixed_ips                                                                             |
|                 |       - 0                                                                                     |
|                 |       - ip_address                                                                            |
|                 |   mgmt_ip-VDU2:                                                                               |
|                 |     value:                                                                                    |
|                 |       get_attr:                                                                               |
|                 |       - CP2                                                                                   |
|                 |       - fixed_ips                                                                             |
|                 |       - 0                                                                                     |
|                 |       - ip_address                                                                            |
|                 | , heat_template=heat_template_version: 2013-05-23                                             |
|                 | description: 'sample-tosca-vnfd-scaling                                                       |
|                 |                                                                                               |
|                 |   '                                                                                           |
|                 | parameters: {}                                                                                |
|                 | resources:                                                                                    |
|                 |   SP1_scale_out:                                                                              |
|                 |     type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy                                                             |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       auto_scaling_group_id:                                                                  |
|                 |         get_resource: SP1_group                                                               |
|                 |       adjustment_type: change_in_capacity                                                     |
|                 |       scaling_adjustment: 1                                                                   |
|                 |       cooldown: 120                                                                           |
|                 |   SP1_group:                                                                                  |
|                 |     type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup                                                          |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       min_size: 1                                                                             |
|                 |       max_size: 3                                                                             |
|                 |       desired_capacity: 2                                                                     |
|                 |       cooldown: 120                                                                           |
|                 |       resource:                                                                               |
|                 |         type: SP1_res.yaml                                                                    |
|                 |   SP1_scale_in:                                                                               |
|                 |     type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy                                                             |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       auto_scaling_group_id:                                                                  |
|                 |         get_resource: SP1_group                                                               |
|                 |       adjustment_type: change_in_capacity                                                     |
|                 |       scaling_adjustment: -1                                                                  |
|                 |       cooldown: 120                                                                           |
|                 | outputs: {}                                                                                   |
|                 | , scaling_group_names={"SP1": "SP1_group"}                                                    |
| created_at      | 2020-08-12 04:22:35                                                                           |
| description     | sample-tosca-vnfd-scaling                                                                     |
| error_reason    | None                                                                                          |
| id              | 9b312a7c-15de-4230-85fb-27da7d37978b                                                          |
| instance_id     | 0e00ca75-23b7-4ff8-a90f-83c55d756d4f                                                          |
| mgmt_ip_address | {"VDU2": ["", ""], "VDU1": ["", ""]} |
| name            | vnf-scale                                                                                     |
| placement_attr  | vim_name=openstack-nfv-vim                                                                    |
| project_id      | e77397d2a02c4af1b7d79cef2a406396                                                              |
| status          | ACTIVE                                                                                        |
| updated_at      | None                                                                                          |
| vim_id          | aacb3c7f-d532-44d9-b8ed-49e2b30114aa                                                          |
| vnfd_id         | 1001f4e6-2e62-4950-be7a-541963e7e575                                                          |


$ openstack vnf show --help
usage: openstack vnf show [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}] [-c COLUMN]
                          [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                          [--max-width <integer>] [--fit-width]

Display VNF details

positional arguments:
  <VNF>                 VNF to display (name or ID)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

4. List VNF resource

$ openstack vnf resource list <VNF: vnf-scale>


| ID                                   | Name          | Type                       |
| 4abedc36da294bb0a0fa8aaa7f4c01f4     | SP1_scale_out | OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy    |
| 0060aff7150d43c5ace293e3cac4552a     | SP1_scale_in  | OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy    |
| 141c0279-1dfb-42a3-b947-4caa3765b27f | SP1_group     | OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup |
| 9f65c3d6-e5ce-4611-8589-82fab1a32d6e | qf4qc4l6qk7o  | SP1_res.yaml               |
| 9a01d98e-9c01-4e55-ba86-571b61e4ea74 | edilzqp2htvv  | SP1_res.yaml               |
| 0abc3f38-647e-4b47-8376-06d2e56c4217 | VDU2          | OS::Nova::Server           |
| a6374222-ecbc-4eee-96e6-9fe601807c9d | CP2           | OS::Neutron::Port          |
| 8d2fc2d9-33ee-440d-9e02-db6083cd5cb6 | VL1           | OS::Neutron::Net           |
| 84c78850-8a06-41ab-98a7-371224125beb | VDU1          | OS::Nova::Server           |
| 5462f8c1-3292-44af-8661-39e1a7474859 | CP1           | OS::Neutron::Port          |


$ openstack vnf resource list --help
usage: openstack vnf resource list [-h] [-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}]
                                  [-c COLUMN]
                                  [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                  [--noindent] [--max-width <integer>]
                                  [--fit-width] [--print-empty]
                                  [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]

List resources of a VNF like VDU, CP, etc.

positional arguments:
  <VNF>                 VNF to display (name or ID)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

5. Update VNF

Create vnf-config.yaml:

      foo: 'bar'

Update VNF with the config file vnf-config.yaml:

$ openstack vnf set --config-file vnf-config.yaml <VNF: vnf-scale>

Result (Updating):

| Field           | Value                                                                                         |
| attributes      | SP1_res.yaml=heat_template_version: 2013-05-23                                                |
|                 | description: Scaling template                                                                 |
|                 | resources:                                                                                    |
|                 |   CP1:                                                                                        |
|                 |     type: OS::Neutron::Port                                                                   |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       port_security_enabled: false                                                            |
|                 |       network: net_mgmt                                                                       |
|                 |   CP2:                                                                                        |
|                 |     type: OS::Neutron::Port                                                                   |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       port_security_enabled: false                                                            |
|                 |       network: net_mgmt                                                                       |
|                 |   VDU1:                                                                                       |
|                 |     type: OS::Nova::Server                                                                    |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       flavor: m1.tiny                                                                         |
|                 |       user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG                                                       |
|                 |       availability_zone: nova                                                                 |
|                 |       image: cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk                                                         |
|                 |       config_drive: false                                                                     |
|                 |       networks:                                                                               |
|                 |       - port:                                                                                 |
|                 |           get_resource: CP1                                                                   |
|                 |   VDU2:                                                                                       |
|                 |     type: OS::Nova::Server                                                                    |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       flavor: m1.tiny                                                                         |
|                 |       user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG                                                       |
|                 |       availability_zone: nova                                                                 |
|                 |       image: cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk                                                         |
|                 |       config_drive: false                                                                     |
|                 |       networks:                                                                               |
|                 |       - port:                                                                                 |
|                 |           get_resource: CP2                                                                   |
|                 |   VL1:                                                                                        |
|                 |     type: OS::Neutron::Net                                                                    |
|                 | outputs:                                                                                      |
|                 |   mgmt_ip-VDU1:                                                                               |
|                 |     value:                                                                                    |
|                 |       get_attr:                                                                               |
|                 |       - CP1                                                                                   |
|                 |       - fixed_ips                                                                             |
|                 |       - 0                                                                                     |
|                 |       - ip_address                                                                            |
|                 |   mgmt_ip-VDU2:                                                                               |
|                 |     value:                                                                                    |
|                 |       get_attr:                                                                               |
|                 |       - CP2                                                                                   |
|                 |       - fixed_ips                                                                             |
|                 |       - 0                                                                                     |
|                 |       - ip_address                                                                            |
|                 | , config=vdus:                                                                                |
|                 |   VDU1:                                                                                       |
|                 |     config:                                                                                   |
|                 |       foo: bar                                                                                |
|                 | , heat_template=heat_template_version: 2013-05-23                                             |
|                 | description: 'sample-tosca-vnfd-scaling                                                       |
|                 |                                                                                               |
|                 |   '                                                                                           |
|                 | parameters: {}                                                                                |
|                 | resources:                                                                                    |
|                 |   SP1_scale_out:                                                                              |
|                 |     type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy                                                             |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       auto_scaling_group_id:                                                                  |
|                 |         get_resource: SP1_group                                                               |
|                 |       adjustment_type: change_in_capacity                                                     |
|                 |       scaling_adjustment: 1                                                                   |
|                 |       cooldown: 120                                                                           |
|                 |   SP1_group:                                                                                  |
|                 |     type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup                                                          |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       min_size: 1                                                                             |
|                 |       max_size: 3                                                                             |
|                 |       desired_capacity: 2                                                                     |
|                 |       cooldown: 120                                                                           |
|                 |       resource:                                                                               |
|                 |         type: SP1_res.yaml                                                                    |
|                 |   SP1_scale_in:                                                                               |
|                 |     type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy                                                             |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       auto_scaling_group_id:                                                                  |
|                 |         get_resource: SP1_group                                                               |
|                 |       adjustment_type: change_in_capacity                                                     |
|                 |       scaling_adjustment: -1                                                                  |
|                 |       cooldown: 120                                                                           |
|                 | outputs: {}                                                                                   |
|                 | , scaling_group_names={"SP1": "SP1_group"}                                                    |
| created_at      | 2020-08-12 04:22:35                                                                           |
| description     | sample-tosca-vnfd-scaling                                                                     |
| error_reason    | None                                                                                          |
| id              | 9b312a7c-15de-4230-85fb-27da7d37978b                                                          |
| instance_id     | 0e00ca75-23b7-4ff8-a90f-83c55d756d4f                                                          |
| mgmt_ip_address | {"VDU2": ["", ""], "VDU1": ["", ""]} |
| name            | vnf-scale                                                                                     |
| placement_attr  | vim_name=openstack-nfv-vim                                                                    |
| project_id      | e77397d2a02c4af1b7d79cef2a406396                                                              |
| status          | PENDING_UPDATE                                                                                |
| updated_at      | None                                                                                          |
| vim_id          | aacb3c7f-d532-44d9-b8ed-49e2b30114aa                                                          |
| vnfd_id         | 1001f4e6-2e62-4950-be7a-541963e7e575                                                          |

Result (Updated):

| Field           | Value                                                                                         |
| attributes      | SP1_res.yaml=heat_template_version: 2013-05-23                                                |
|                 | description: Scaling template                                                                 |
|                 | resources:                                                                                    |
|                 |   CP1:                                                                                        |
|                 |     type: OS::Neutron::Port                                                                   |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       port_security_enabled: false                                                            |
|                 |       network: net_mgmt                                                                       |
|                 |   CP2:                                                                                        |
|                 |     type: OS::Neutron::Port                                                                   |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       port_security_enabled: false                                                            |
|                 |       network: net_mgmt                                                                       |
|                 |   VDU1:                                                                                       |
|                 |     type: OS::Nova::Server                                                                    |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       flavor: m1.tiny                                                                         |
|                 |       user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG                                                       |
|                 |       availability_zone: nova                                                                 |
|                 |       image: cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk                                                         |
|                 |       config_drive: false                                                                     |
|                 |       networks:                                                                               |
|                 |       - port:                                                                                 |
|                 |           get_resource: CP1                                                                   |
|                 |   VDU2:                                                                                       |
|                 |     type: OS::Nova::Server                                                                    |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       flavor: m1.tiny                                                                         |
|                 |       user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG                                                       |
|                 |       availability_zone: nova                                                                 |
|                 |       image: cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk                                                         |
|                 |       config_drive: false                                                                     |
|                 |       networks:                                                                               |
|                 |       - port:                                                                                 |
|                 |           get_resource: CP2                                                                   |
|                 |   VL1:                                                                                        |
|                 |     type: OS::Neutron::Net                                                                    |
|                 | outputs:                                                                                      |
|                 |   mgmt_ip-VDU1:                                                                               |
|                 |     value:                                                                                    |
|                 |       get_attr:                                                                               |
|                 |       - CP1                                                                                   |
|                 |       - fixed_ips                                                                             |
|                 |       - 0                                                                                     |
|                 |       - ip_address                                                                            |
|                 |   mgmt_ip-VDU2:                                                                               |
|                 |     value:                                                                                    |
|                 |       get_attr:                                                                               |
|                 |       - CP2                                                                                   |
|                 |       - fixed_ips                                                                             |
|                 |       - 0                                                                                     |
|                 |       - ip_address                                                                            |
|                 | , config=vdus:                                                                                |
|                 |   VDU1:                                                                                       |
|                 |     config:                                                                                   |
|                 |       foo: bar                                                                                |
|                 | , heat_template=heat_template_version: 2013-05-23                                             |
|                 | description: 'sample-tosca-vnfd-scaling                                                       |
|                 |                                                                                               |
|                 |   '                                                                                           |
|                 | parameters: {}                                                                                |
|                 | resources:                                                                                    |
|                 |   SP1_scale_out:                                                                              |
|                 |     type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy                                                             |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       auto_scaling_group_id:                                                                  |
|                 |         get_resource: SP1_group                                                               |
|                 |       adjustment_type: change_in_capacity                                                     |
|                 |       scaling_adjustment: 1                                                                   |
|                 |       cooldown: 120                                                                           |
|                 |   SP1_group:                                                                                  |
|                 |     type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup                                                          |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       min_size: 1                                                                             |
|                 |       max_size: 3                                                                             |
|                 |       desired_capacity: 2                                                                     |
|                 |       cooldown: 120                                                                           |
|                 |       resource:                                                                               |
|                 |         type: SP1_res.yaml                                                                    |
|                 |   SP1_scale_in:                                                                               |
|                 |     type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy                                                             |
|                 |     properties:                                                                               |
|                 |       auto_scaling_group_id:                                                                  |
|                 |         get_resource: SP1_group                                                               |
|                 |       adjustment_type: change_in_capacity                                                     |
|                 |       scaling_adjustment: -1                                                                  |
|                 |       cooldown: 120                                                                           |
|                 | outputs: {}                                                                                   |
|                 | , scaling_group_names={"SP1": "SP1_group"}                                                    |
| created_at      | 2020-08-12 04:22:35                                                                           |
| description     | sample-tosca-vnfd-scaling                                                                     |
| error_reason    | None                                                                                          |
| id              | 9b312a7c-15de-4230-85fb-27da7d37978b                                                          |
| instance_id     | 0e00ca75-23b7-4ff8-a90f-83c55d756d4f                                                          |
| mgmt_ip_address | {"VDU2": ["", ""], "VDU1": ["", ""]} |
| name            | vnf-scale                                                                                     |
| placement_attr  | vim_name=openstack-nfv-vim                                                                    |
| project_id      | e77397d2a02c4af1b7d79cef2a406396                                                              |
| status          | ACTIVE                                                                                        |
| updated_at      | 2020-08-12 05:06:13                                                                           |
| vim_id          | aacb3c7f-d532-44d9-b8ed-49e2b30114aa                                                          |
| vnfd_id         | 1001f4e6-2e62-4950-be7a-541963e7e575                                                          |


$ openstack vnf set --help
usage: openstack vnf set [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}] [-c COLUMN]
                        [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                        [--max-width <integer>] [--fit-width] [--print-empty]
                        (--config-file CONFIG_FILE | --config CONFIG | --param-file PARAM_FILE)

Update a given VNF.

positional arguments:
  <VNF>                 VNF to update (name or ID)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        YAML file with VNF configuration
  --config CONFIG       YAML data with VNF configuration
  --param-file PARAM_FILE
                        YAML file with VNF parameter


When the update VNF operation executed, Tacker ask Heat to update the stack and the change is reflected immediately, and the VMs may reboot.

6. Scale VNF

Scale out the VNF:

$ openstack vnf scale --scaling-policy-name <SCALING_POLICY_NAME: SP1> \
    --scaling-type out <VNF: vnf-scale>

Check the VMs scaled out:

$ openstack server list
| ID                                   | Name                                                  | Status | Networks                 | Image                    | Flavor  |
| dfb04024-666c-4b82-94eb-12766851cfb7 | vn-6okzhe-k6n2umsyoizd-ex2uwxma2tlt-VDU2-ljontrce3bd7 | ACTIVE | net_mgmt=   | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |
| e48999e8-5f65-43e4-b8a5-e81e358e2e21 | vn-6okzhe-k6n2umsyoizd-ex2uwxma2tlt-VDU1-3dcglaxrwyzl | ACTIVE | net_mgmt=  | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |
| 0abc3f38-647e-4b47-8376-06d2e56c4217 | vn-6okzhe-edilzqp2htvv-ibfssgztffjf-VDU2-43gjj46b2nrr | ACTIVE | net_mgmt=  | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |
| 43840dde-1ec3-4da6-aeab-afca96299a9f | vn-6okzhe-qf4qc4l6qk7o-tukln5mwcokq-VDU2-zd7nq3smgjdr | ACTIVE | net_mgmt= | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |
| 84c78850-8a06-41ab-98a7-371224125beb | vn-6okzhe-edilzqp2htvv-ibfssgztffjf-VDU1-qvv2vv37f65t | ACTIVE | net_mgmt=  | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |
| 9318b9fe-d655-4088-9910-b5f7481ed059 | vn-6okzhe-qf4qc4l6qk7o-tukln5mwcokq-VDU1-omaexvftqjee | ACTIVE | net_mgmt=  | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |

Scale in the VNF:

$ openstack vnf scale --scaling-policy-name <SCALING_POLICY_NAME: SP1> \
    --scaling-type in <VNF: vnf-scale>

Check the VMs scaled in:

$ openstack server list
| ID                                   | Name                                                  | Status | Networks                 | Image                    | Flavor  |
| dfb04024-666c-4b82-94eb-12766851cfb7 | vn-6okzhe-k6n2umsyoizd-ex2uwxma2tlt-VDU2-ljontrce3bd7 | ACTIVE | net_mgmt=   | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |
| e48999e8-5f65-43e4-b8a5-e81e358e2e21 | vn-6okzhe-k6n2umsyoizd-ex2uwxma2tlt-VDU1-3dcglaxrwyzl | ACTIVE | net_mgmt=  | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |
| 43840dde-1ec3-4da6-aeab-afca96299a9f | vn-6okzhe-qf4qc4l6qk7o-tukln5mwcokq-VDU2-zd7nq3smgjdr | ACTIVE | net_mgmt= | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |
| 9318b9fe-d655-4088-9910-b5f7481ed059 | vn-6okzhe-qf4qc4l6qk7o-tukln5mwcokq-VDU1-omaexvftqjee | ACTIVE | net_mgmt=  | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |


$ openstack vnf scale --help
usage: openstack vnf scale [-h] [--scaling-policy-name SCALING_POLICY_NAME]
                          [--scaling-type SCALING_TYPE]

Scale a VNF.

positional arguments:
  <VNF>                 VNF to scale (name or ID)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --scaling-policy-name SCALING_POLICY_NAME
                        VNF policy name used to scale
  --scaling-type SCALING_TYPE
                        VNF scaling type, it could be either "out" or "in"

7. Delete VNFs

$ openstack vnf delete <VNF: vnf-scale>


All specified vnf(s) deleted successfully


$ openstack vnf delete --help
usage: openstack vnf delete [-h] [--force] <VNF> [<VNF> ...]

Delete VNF(s).

positional arguments:
  <VNF>       VNF(s) to delete (name or ID)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --force     Force delete VNF instance