VNF Package Generation Tool

For upload VNF Package, it is required to provide a zip file via openstack command. Here is an example of uploading a VNF Package named as with a zip file.

$ openstack vnf package upload \
  --path ./sample_vnf_package_csar/ \

You can prepare a zip file using a dedicated tool.


This tool uses the following networks:

  • net0 network

  • subnet0 subnetwork for net0

  • net1 network

  • subnet1 subnetwork for net1

  • net_mgmt network

These networks are created by default when you install Tacker via devstack. If these networks do not exist in your OpenStack environment, please create them manually before running this tool.

You can check the networks with the following command.

$ openstack net list
| ID                                   | Name            | Subnets                                                                    |
| 348d1921-0cca-4730-815a-cc58c503ee65 | public          | 64290109-665b-442f-83d4-0a98b8301af8, d963ddfd-3ab1-4320-9efd-311049d92575 |
| 3b069dc1-4247-4063-89dd-0898efa04384 | private         | 69f64379-e72f-433d-be01-ff6723e8e955, 9e0c260c-78f7-4f15-9157-40f823433449 |
| 41ebfff9-df23-4690-bef9-a0e76f618947 | net1            | e24618bb-c7bc-4771-a9d8-eba53db3c0ae                                       |
| ab598736-9fc9-470d-b894-b0a4d2f9d46c | lb-mgmt-net     | b21032be-c681-46ac-b249-8d3be320f830                                       |
| d9fc27d5-d881-4cf2-9023-d9cff9df64ed | k8s-pod-net     | cd4269f6-9152-4707-95d4-825b722edcf0                                       |
| dbe64c96-1334-4983-9f60-a90905af6ff0 | net0            | 23737d05-5e3f-4af8-8c4d-83221f794787                                       |
| eeb398f0-818b-4c75-9573-8f50fa5de501 | net_mgmt        | bfa8e9d2-039d-4e59-85a2-8a9801d90cfd                                       |
| ef55ac46-bb38-4abe-bdf7-2b9d3be02266 | k8s-service-net | 0d98b3b8-a6fd-4044-8acf-f0630755f956                                       |
$ openstack subnet list
| ID                                   | Name                    | Network                              | Subnet              |
| 0d98b3b8-a6fd-4044-8acf-f0630755f956 | k8s-service-subnet-IPv4 | ef55ac46-bb38-4abe-bdf7-2b9d3be02266 |       |
| 23737d05-5e3f-4af8-8c4d-83221f794787 | subnet0                 | dbe64c96-1334-4983-9f60-a90905af6ff0 |        |
| 64290109-665b-442f-83d4-0a98b8301af8 | ipv6-public-subnet      | 348d1921-0cca-4730-815a-cc58c503ee65 | 2001:db8::/64       |
| 69f64379-e72f-433d-be01-ff6723e8e955 | private-subnet          | 3b069dc1-4247-4063-89dd-0898efa04384 |         |
| 9e0c260c-78f7-4f15-9157-40f823433449 | ipv6-private-subnet     | 3b069dc1-4247-4063-89dd-0898efa04384 | fd5f:5cb9:4f13::/64 |
| b21032be-c681-46ac-b249-8d3be320f830 | lb-mgmt-subnet          | ab598736-9fc9-470d-b894-b0a4d2f9d46c |      |
| bfa8e9d2-039d-4e59-85a2-8a9801d90cfd | subnet_mgmt             | eeb398f0-818b-4c75-9573-8f50fa5de501 |    |
| cd4269f6-9152-4707-95d4-825b722edcf0 | k8s-pod-subnet-IPv4     | d9fc27d5-d881-4cf2-9023-d9cff9df64ed |        |
| d963ddfd-3ab1-4320-9efd-311049d92575 | public-subnet           | 348d1921-0cca-4730-815a-cc58c503ee65 |       |
| e24618bb-c7bc-4771-a9d8-eba53db3c0ae | subnet1                 | 41ebfff9-df23-4690-bef9-a0e76f618947 |        |


By specifying the VIM Type as an option, a sample of the corresponding VNF Package for Tacker v2 API is generated.

This tool supports the following VIM Types:




Refer to help message for the usage.


In this document, TACKER_ROOT is the root of tacker’s repository on the server.

$ cd TACKER_ROOT/tools
$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] -t VIM_TYPE [-c VIM_CONF] [--vim-id VIM_ID] [--vim-name VIM_NAME]

Create VNF Package zip and parameter files

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t VIM_TYPE, --type VIM_TYPE
                        vim type (lowercase is also available)
                        * ETSINFV.OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE.V_3
                        * ETSINFV.KUBERNETES.V_1
                        * ETSINFV.HELM.V_3
  -c VIM_CONF, --vim-config VIM_CONF
                        Path of VIM config file for specifying the VIM
  --vim-id VIM_ID       VIM ID (Only for OpenStack and overwrittenby `--vim-config`)
  --vim-name VIM_NAME   Name of VIM (Only for OpenStack and overwrittenby `--vim-config`)


This tool requires some Tacker modules, so you need to run it in an environment where Tacker is installed.

You can run the tool from virtual environment if you’ve setup Tacker with devstack. Activate it as follows before using the tool.

$ source ~/data/venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ python3 $TACKER_ROOT/tools/ -h

Or run the tool from tox which is defined as tox’s environment gen-pkg without devstack environment.

$ tox -e gen-pkg -- -h

Examples of output for three types showing generated zip and request files, and list of file names included in the generated zip file.

Generating package and request files in './output/userdata_standard/' ...
VNF package:
Request files: create_req, terminate_req, instantiate_req, scale_out_req, scale_in_req, heal_req, change_ext_conn_req, update_req
Contents of the VNF package:
File Name                                             Modified             Size
BaseHOT/                                       2024-08-28 05:36:20            0
Definitions/                                   2025-01-29 10:58:48            0
Files/                                         2025-01-29 10:58:48            0
Scripts/                                       2024-08-28 05:36:20            0
TOSCA-Metadata/                                2024-08-28 05:36:20            0
UserData/                                      2025-01-29 10:58:48            0
BaseHOT/simple/                                2024-08-28 05:36:20            0
BaseHOT/simple/nested/                         2024-08-28 05:36:20            0
BaseHOT/simple/sample3.yaml                    2024-08-28 05:36:20         1694
BaseHOT/simple/nested/VDU1.yaml                2024-08-28 05:36:20         1179
BaseHOT/simple/nested/VDU2.yaml                2024-08-28 05:36:20         1725
UserData/                  2025-01-29 10:58:48        20805
Files/images/                                  2025-01-29 10:58:48            0
Files/images/cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk.img      2025-01-29 10:58:48     16300544
Scripts/                      2024-08-28 05:36:20         2785
Scripts/                       2024-08-28 05:36:20         1964
Definitions/etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml  2025-01-29 10:58:48         9093
Definitions/etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml    2025-01-29 10:58:48        67046
Definitions/v2_sample3_types.yaml              2025-01-29 10:58:48         1630
Definitions/v2_sample3_top.vnfd.yaml           2025-01-29 10:58:48          887
Definitions/v2_sample3_df_simple.yaml          2025-01-29 10:58:48        10149
TOSCA-Metadata/TOSCA.meta                      2024-08-28 05:36:20          133
Generating package and request files in './output/test_instantiate_cnf_resources/' ...
VNF package:
Request files: create_req, max_sample_instantiate, max_sample_terminate, max_sample_scale_out, max_sample_scale_in, max_sample_heal
Contents of the VNF package:
File Name                                             Modified             Size
Definitions/                                   2025-01-29 11:02:26            0
Files/                                         2024-08-28 05:36:20            0
Scripts/                                       2024-08-28 05:36:20            0
TOSCA-Metadata/                                2024-12-19 07:57:02            0
Files/kubernetes/                              2024-12-19 07:57:02            0
Files/kubernetes/limit-range.yaml              2024-08-28 05:36:20          165
Files/kubernetes/storage-class_pv_pvc.yaml     2024-08-28 05:36:20          697
Files/kubernetes/job.yaml                      2024-12-19 07:57:02          554
Files/kubernetes/controller-revision.yaml      2024-08-28 05:36:20          127
Files/kubernetes/subject-access-review.yaml    2024-08-28 05:36:20          188
Files/kubernetes/replicaset_service_secret.yaml 2024-08-28 05:36:20          950
Files/kubernetes/bindings.yaml                 2024-08-28 05:36:20          150
Files/kubernetes/namespace.yaml                2024-08-28 05:36:20           54
Files/kubernetes/deployment_fail_test.yaml     2024-08-28 05:36:20          537
Files/kubernetes/statefulset.yaml              2024-08-28 05:36:20          825
Files/kubernetes/config-map.yaml               2024-08-28 05:36:20          120
Files/kubernetes/horizontal-pod-autoscaler.yaml 2024-08-28 05:36:20          280
Files/kubernetes/persistent-volume-0.yaml      2024-08-28 05:36:20          281
Files/kubernetes/token-review.yaml             2024-08-28 05:36:20          291
Files/kubernetes/persistent-volume-1.yaml      2024-08-28 05:36:20          285
Files/kubernetes/pod-template.yaml             2024-12-19 07:57:02          923
Files/kubernetes/deployment.yaml               2024-08-28 05:36:20          536
Files/kubernetes/local-subject-access-review.yaml 2024-08-28 05:36:20          224
Files/kubernetes/self-subject-access-review_and_self-subject-rule-review.yaml 2024-08-28 05:36:20          275
Files/kubernetes/resource-quota.yaml           2024-08-28 05:36:20          158
Files/kubernetes/clusterrole_clusterrolebinding_SA.yaml 2024-08-28 05:36:20          578
Files/kubernetes/storage-class.yaml            2024-08-28 05:36:20          153
Files/kubernetes/role_rolebinding_SA.yaml      2024-08-28 05:36:20          559
Files/kubernetes/multiple_yaml_priority-class.yaml 2024-08-28 05:36:20          155
Files/kubernetes/pod.yaml                      2024-12-19 07:57:02          291
Files/kubernetes/multiple_yaml_lease.yaml      2024-08-28 05:36:20          155
Files/kubernetes/daemon-set.yaml               2024-08-28 05:36:20          417
Files/kubernetes/multiple_yaml_network-policy.yaml 2024-08-28 05:36:20          277
Scripts/                       2024-08-28 05:36:20         1964
Definitions/etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml  2025-01-29 11:02:26         9093
Definitions/sample_cnf_types.yaml              2025-01-29 11:02:26         1538
Definitions/etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml    2025-01-29 11:02:26        67046
Definitions/sample_cnf_df_simple.yaml          2025-01-29 11:02:26         6771
Definitions/sample_cnf_top.vnfd.yaml           2025-01-29 11:02:26          887
TOSCA-Metadata/TOSCA.meta                      2024-12-19 07:57:02         4661
$ python3 -t ETSINFV.HELM.V_3
Generating package and request files into './output/helm_instantiate/' ...
VNF package:
Request files: create_req, helm_instantiate_req, helm_terminate_req, helm_scale_out, helm_scale_in, helm_heal
Contents of the VNF package:
File Name                                             Modified             Size
Definitions/                                   2025-01-29 11:11:48            0
Files/                                         2024-08-28 05:36:20            0
Scripts/                                       2024-08-28 05:36:20            0
TOSCA-Metadata/                                2024-08-28 05:36:20            0
Files/kubernetes/                              2024-08-28 05:36:20            0
Files/kubernetes/test-chart/                   2024-08-28 05:36:20            0
Files/kubernetes/test-chart-0.1.0.tgz          2024-08-28 05:36:20         2882
Files/kubernetes/test-chart/templates/         2024-08-28 05:36:20            0
Files/kubernetes/test-chart/values.yaml        2024-08-28 05:36:20         1409
Files/kubernetes/test-chart/.helmignore        2024-08-28 05:36:20          349
Files/kubernetes/test-chart/Chart.yaml         2024-08-28 05:36:20          125
Files/kubernetes/test-chart/templates/NOTES.txt 2024-08-28 05:36:20         1554
Files/kubernetes/test-chart/templates/serviceaccount.yaml 2024-08-28 05:36:20          326
Files/kubernetes/test-chart/templates/deployment_vdu2.yaml 2024-08-28 05:36:20         1519
Files/kubernetes/test-chart/templates/deployment_vdu1.yaml 2024-08-28 05:36:20         1598
Files/kubernetes/test-chart/templates/_helpers.tpl 2024-08-28 05:36:20         1812
Files/kubernetes/test-chart/templates/service.yaml 2024-08-28 05:36:20          370
Scripts/                       2024-08-28 05:36:20         1964
Definitions/etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml  2025-01-29 11:11:48         9093
Definitions/sample_cnf_types.yaml              2025-01-29 11:11:48         1538
Definitions/etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml    2025-01-29 11:11:48        67046
Definitions/sample_cnf_df_simple.yaml          2025-01-29 11:11:48         4770
Definitions/sample_cnf_top.vnfd.yaml           2025-01-29 11:11:48          887
TOSCA-Metadata/TOSCA.meta                      2024-08-28 05:36:20          285

This tool generates a VNF Package zip file and a sample request file for each VIM Type under the output directory.

$ ls output/
helm_instantiate  test_instantiate_cnf_resources  userdata_standard

$ ls output/userdata_standard/
change_ext_conn_req  create_req  heal_req  instantiate_req  scale_in_req
scale_out_req  terminate_req  update_req

$ ls output/test_instantiate_cnf_resources/
create_req  max_sample_heal  max_sample_instantiate  max_sample_scale_in
max_sample_scale_out  max_sample_terminate

$ ls output/helm_instantiate
create_req  helm_heal  helm_instantiate_req  helm_scale_in  helm_scale_out

For the following request files, endpoint, ssl_ca_cert and bearer_token need to be changed by your own k8s cluster information, or replaced with params VIM config file specified with -c option.

  • max_sample_instantiate for ETSINFV.KUBERNETES.V_1

  • helm_instantiate_req for ETSINFV.HELM.V_3


ssl_ca_cert needs to be on one line as shown below.

"ssl_ca_cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDB...BH\n3bkddspNikO1\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"

Please note that line breaks are changed to ‘\n’.

You can also set your own k8s cluster information to auth_url, bearer_token, and ssl_ca_cert in before running this tool.


If you use a VIM that is already registered, modify vimConnectionInfo as follows.

"vimConnectionInfo": {
  "vim1": {
    "vimId": "REGISTERED_VIM_ID",
    "vimType": "VIM_TYPE"

For the following request files, vnfcInstanceId need to be changed with target vnfcInfo id.


  • max_sample_heal for ETSINFV.KUBERNETES.V_1

  • helm_heal for ETSINFV.HELM.V_3

And for the following request file, vnfdId need to be changed with target VNFD id.



This tool generates a zip file and a request file based on the following used in FT as a sample VNF Package.

Please note that if FT is changed, the output of this tool may also change.