Source code for watcherclient.v1.audit_template_shell

# Copyright (c) 2016 b<>com
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import argparse

from osc_lib import utils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils

from watcherclient._i18n import _
from watcherclient.common import command
from watcherclient.common import utils as common_utils
from watcherclient import exceptions
from watcherclient.v1 import resource_fields as res_fields

[docs]class ShowAuditTemplate(command.ShowOne): """Show detailed information about a given audit template."""
[docs] def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(ShowAuditTemplate, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( 'audit_template', metavar='<audit-template>', help=_('UUID or name of the audit template'), ) return parser
[docs] def take_action(self, parsed_args): client = getattr(, "infra-optim") audit_template_uuid = parsed_args.audit_template try: audit_template = client.audit_template.get(audit_template_uuid) except exceptions.HTTPNotFound as exc: raise exceptions.CommandError(str(exc)) columns = res_fields.AUDIT_TEMPLATE_FIELDS column_headers = res_fields.AUDIT_TEMPLATE_FIELD_LABELS return column_headers, utils.get_item_properties( audit_template, columns)
[docs]class ListAuditTemplate(command.Lister): """List information on retrieved audit templates."""
[docs] def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(ListAuditTemplate, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( '--detail', dest='detail', action='store_true', default=False, help=_("Show detailed information about audit templates.")) parser.add_argument( '--goal', dest='goal', metavar='<goal>', help=_('UUID or name of the goal used for filtering.')) parser.add_argument( '--strategy', dest='strategy', metavar='<strategy>', help=_('UUID or name of the strategy used for filtering.')) parser.add_argument( '--limit', metavar='<limit>', type=int, help=_('Maximum number of audit templates to return per request, ' '0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used ' 'by the Watcher API Service.')) parser.add_argument( '--sort-key', metavar='<field>', help=_('Audit template field that will be used for sorting.')) parser.add_argument( '--sort-dir', metavar='<direction>', choices=['asc', 'desc'], help=_('Sort direction: "asc" (the default) or "desc".')) parser.add_argument( '--marker', dest='marker', metavar='<marker>', default=None, help=_('UUID of the last audit template of the previous page; ' 'displays list of audit templates after "marker".')) return parser
[docs] def take_action(self, parsed_args): client = getattr(, "infra-optim") params = {} # Optional if parsed_args.goal: params['goal'] = parsed_args.goal # Optional if parsed_args.strategy: params['strategy'] = parsed_args.strategy if parsed_args.detail: fields = res_fields.AUDIT_TEMPLATE_FIELDS field_labels = res_fields.AUDIT_TEMPLATE_FIELD_LABELS else: fields = res_fields.AUDIT_TEMPLATE_SHORT_LIST_FIELDS field_labels = res_fields.AUDIT_TEMPLATE_SHORT_LIST_FIELD_LABELS params.update(common_utils.common_params_for_list( parsed_args, fields, field_labels)) data = client.audit_template.list(**params) return (field_labels, (utils.get_item_properties(item, fields) for item in data))
[docs]class CreateAuditTemplate(command.ShowOne): """Create new audit template."""
[docs] def get_parser(self, prog_name): class SmartFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter): def _split_lines(self, text, width): if '\n' in text: return text.splitlines() else: return argparse.HelpFormatter._split_lines( self, text, width) parser = super(CreateAuditTemplate, self).get_parser( prog_name, formatter_class=SmartFormatter) parser.add_argument( 'name', metavar='<name>', help=_('Name for this audit template.')) parser.add_argument( 'goal', metavar='<goal>', help=_('Goal UUID or name associated to this audit template.')) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--strategy', dest='strategy', metavar='<strategy>', help=_('Strategy UUID or name associated to this audit template.')) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--description', metavar='<description>', help=_('Description of the audit template.')) parser.add_argument( '--scope', metavar='<path>', help=_("Part of the cluster on which an audit will be done.\n" "Can be provided either in yaml or json file.\n" "YAML example:\n" "---\n" " - compute:\n" " - host_aggregates:\n" " - id: 1\n" " - id: 2\n" " - id: 3\n" " - availability_zones:\n" " - name: AZ1\n" " - name: AZ2\n" " - exclude:\n" " - instances:\n" " - uuid: UUID1\n" " - uuid: UUID2\n" " - compute_nodes:\n" " - name: compute1\n" " - storage: \n" " - availability_zones:\n" " - name: AZ1\n" " - name: AZ2\n" " - volume_types:\n" " - name: lvm1\n" " - name: lvm2\n" " - exclude:\n" " - storage_pools:\n" " - name: host0@backend0#pool0\n" " - name: host1@backend1#pool1\n" " - volumes:\n" " - uuid: UUID1\n" " - uuid: UUID2\n" " - projects:\n" " - uuid: UUID1\n" " - uuid: UUID2\n" "\n" "JSON example:\n" "[\n" " {\"compute\":\n" " [{\"host_aggregates\": [\n" " {\"id\": 1},\n" " {\"id\": 2},\n" " {\"id\": 3}]},\n" " {\"availability_zones\": [\n" " {\"name\": \"AZ1\"},\n" " {\"name\": \"AZ2\"}]},\n" " {\"exclude\": [\n" " {\"instances\": [\n" " {\"uuid\": \"UUID1\"},\n" " {\"uuid\": \"UUID2\"}\n" " ]},\n" " {\"compute_nodes\": [\n" " {\"name\": \"compute1\"}\n" " ]}\n" " ]}]\n" " },\n" " {\"storage\":\n" " [{\"availability_zones\": [\n" " {\"name\": \"AZ1\"},\n" " {\"name\": \"AZ2\"}]},\n" " {\"volume_types\": [\n" " {\"name\": \"lvm1\"},\n" " {\"name\": \"lvm2\"}]},\n" " {\"exclude\": [\n" " {\"storage_pools\": [\n" " {\"name\": \"host0@backend0#pool0\"},\n" " {\"name\": \"host1@backend1#pool1\"}\n" " ]},\n" " {\"volumes\": [\n" " {\"uuid\": \"UUID1\"},\n" " {\"uuid\": \"UUID2\"}\n" " ]},\n" " {\"projects\": [\n" " {\"uuid\": \"UUID1\"},\n" " {\"uuid\": \"UUID2\"}\n" " ]},\n" " ]}]\n" " }\n" " ]\n" ) ) return parser
[docs] def take_action(self, parsed_args): client = getattr(, "infra-optim") field_list = ['description', 'name', 'goal', 'strategy', 'scope'] fields = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in vars(parsed_args).items() if k in field_list and v is not None) # mandatory if not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(fields['goal']): fields['goal'] = client.goal.get(fields['goal']).uuid # optional if fields.get('strategy'): if not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(fields['strategy']): fields['strategy'] = client.strategy.get( fields['strategy']).uuid if fields.get('scope'): fields['scope'] = common_utils.serialize_file_to_dict( fields['scope']) audit_template = client.audit_template.create(**fields) columns = res_fields.AUDIT_TEMPLATE_FIELDS column_headers = res_fields.AUDIT_TEMPLATE_FIELD_LABELS return (column_headers, utils.get_item_properties(audit_template, columns))
[docs]class UpdateAuditTemplate(command.ShowOne): """Update audit template command."""
[docs] def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(UpdateAuditTemplate, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( 'audit_template', metavar='<audit-template>', help=_("UUID or name of the audit_template.")) parser.add_argument( 'op', metavar='<op>', choices=['add', 'replace', 'remove'], help=_("Operation: 'add', 'replace', or 'remove'.")) parser.add_argument( 'attributes', metavar='<path=value>', nargs='+', action='append', default=[], help=_("Attribute to add, replace, or remove. Can be specified " "multiple times. For 'remove', only <path> is necessary.")) return parser
[docs] def take_action(self, parsed_args): client = getattr(, "infra-optim") patch = common_utils.args_array_to_patch( parsed_args.op, parsed_args.attributes[0]) audit_template = client.audit_template.update( parsed_args.audit_template, patch) columns = res_fields.AUDIT_TEMPLATE_FIELDS column_headers = res_fields.AUDIT_TEMPLATE_FIELD_LABELS return column_headers, utils.get_item_properties( audit_template, columns)
[docs]class DeleteAuditTemplate(command.Command): """Delete audit template command."""
[docs] def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(DeleteAuditTemplate, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( 'audit_templates', metavar='<audit-template>', nargs='+', help=_('UUID or name of the audit template'), ) return parser
[docs] def take_action(self, parsed_args): client = getattr(, "infra-optim") for audit_template in parsed_args.audit_templates: client.audit_template.delete(audit_template)