alarm create¶
Create an alarm
openstack alarm create
--name <NAME>
-t <TYPE>
[--project-id <PROJECT_ID>]
[--user-id <USER_ID>]
[--description <DESCRIPTION>]
[--state <STATE>]
[--severity <SEVERITY>]
[--enabled {True|False}]
[--alarm-action <Webhook URL>]
[--ok-action <Webhook URL>]
[--insufficient-data-action <Webhook URL>]
[--time-constraint <Time Constraint>]
[--repeat-actions {True|False}]
[--query <QUERY>]
[--comparison-operator <OPERATOR>]
[--evaluation-periods <EVAL_PERIODS>]
[--threshold <THRESHOLD>]
[--event-type <EVENT_TYPE>]
[--period <PERIOD>]
[--statistic <STATISTIC>]
[--granularity <GRANULARITY>]
[--aggregation-method <AGGR_METHOD>]
[--metric <METRIC>]
[--resource-type <RESOURCE_TYPE>]
[--resource-id <RESOURCE_ID>]
[--composite-rule <COMPOSITE_RULE>]
[--stack-id <STACK_NAME_OR_ID>]
[--autoscaling-group-id <AUTOSCALING_GROUP_NAME_OR_ID>]
¶ Name of the alarm
¶ Type of alarm, should be one of: event, composite, threshold, gnocchi_resources_threshold, gnocchi_aggregation_by_metrics_threshold, gnocchi_aggregation_by_resources_threshold, loadbalancer_member_health.
¶ Project to associate with alarm (configurable by admin users only)
¶ User to associate with alarm (configurable by admin users only)
¶ Free text description of the alarm
¶ State of the alarm, one of: [‘ok’, ‘alarm’, ‘insufficient data’]
¶ Severity of the alarm, one of: [‘low’, ‘moderate’, ‘critical’]
¶ True if alarm evaluation is enabled
<Webhook URL>
¶ URL to invoke when state transitions to alarm. May be used multiple times
<Webhook URL>
¶ URL to invoke when state transitions to OK. May be used multiple times
<Webhook URL>
¶ URL to invoke when state transitions to insufficient data. May be used multiple times
<Time Constraint>
¶ Only evaluate the alarm if the time at evaluation is within this time constraint. Start point(s) of the constraint are specified with a cron expression, whereas its duration is given in seconds. Can be specified multiple times for multiple time constraints, format is: name=<CONSTRAINT_NAME>;start=<CRON>;duration=<SECONDS>;[description=<DESCRIPTION>;[timezone=<IANA Timezone>]]
¶ True if actions should be repeatedly notified while alarm remains in target state
¶ For alarms of type threshold or event: key[op]data_type::value; list. data_type is optional, but if supplied must be string, integer, float, or boolean. For alarms of type gnocchi_aggregation_by_resources_threshold: need to specify a complex query json string, like: {“and”: [{“=”: {“ended_at”: null}}, …]}.
¶ Operator to compare with, one of: [‘lt’, ‘le’, ‘eq’, ‘ne’, ‘ge’, ‘gt’]
¶ Number of periods to evaluate over
¶ Threshold to evaluate against.
¶ Event type to evaluate against
¶ Meter to evaluate against
¶ Length of each period (seconds) to evaluate over.
¶ Statistic to evaluate, one of: [‘max’, ‘min’, ‘avg’, ‘sum’, ‘count’]
¶ The time range in seconds over which to query.
¶ The aggregation_method to compare to the threshold.
¶ The metric id or name depending of the alarm type
¶ The type of resource.
¶ The id of a resource.
¶ Composite threshold rule with JSON format, the form can be a nested dict which combine threshold/gnocchi rules by “and”, “or”. For example, the form is like: {“or”:[RULE1, RULE2, {“and”: [RULE3, RULE4]}]}, The RULEx can be basic threshold rules but must include a “type” field, like this: {“threshold”: 0.8,”meter_name”:”cpu_util”,”type”:”threshold”}
¶ Name or ID of the root / top level Heat stack containing the loadbalancer pool and members. An update will be triggered on the root Stack if an unhealthy member is detected in the loadbalancer pool.
¶ Name or ID of the loadbalancer pool for which the health of each member will be evaluated.
¶ ID of the Heat autoscaling group that contains the loadbalancer members. Unhealthy members will be marked as such before an update is triggered on the root stack.
This command is provided by the aodhclient plugin.
alarm delete¶
Delete an alarm
openstack alarm delete [--name <NAME>] [<ALARM ID or NAME>]
¶ Name of the alarm
¶ ID or name of an alarm.
This command is provided by the aodhclient plugin.
alarm list¶
List alarms
openstack alarm list
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--query QUERY | --filter <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>]
[--limit <LIMIT>]
[--marker <MARKER>]
[--sort <SORT_KEY:SORT_DIR>]
¶ specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
¶ Rich query supported by aodh, e.g. project_id!=my-id user_id=foo or user_id=bar
¶ Filter parameters to apply on returned alarms.
¶ Number of resources to return (Default is server default)
¶ Last item of the previous listing. Return the next results after this value,the supported marker is alarm_id.
¶ Sort of resource attribute, e.g. name:asc
This command is provided by the aodhclient plugin.
alarm quota set¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack alarm quota set [--alarm ALARM] project
¶ New value for the alarm quota. Value -1 means unlimited.
Project ID.
This command is provided by the aodhclient plugin.
alarm quota show¶
Show quota for a project
openstack alarm quota show [--project PROJECT]
¶ Project ID. If not specified, get quota for the current project.
This command is provided by the aodhclient plugin.
alarm show¶
Show an alarm
openstack alarm show [--name <NAME>] [<ALARM ID or NAME>]
¶ Name of the alarm
¶ ID or name of an alarm.
This command is provided by the aodhclient plugin.
alarm state get¶
Get state of an alarm
openstack alarm state get [--name <NAME>] [<ALARM ID or NAME>]
¶ Name of the alarm
¶ ID or name of an alarm.
This command is provided by the aodhclient plugin.
alarm state set¶
Set state of an alarm
openstack alarm state set
[--name <NAME>]
--state <STATE>
¶ Name of the alarm
¶ State of the alarm, one of: [‘ok’, ‘alarm’, ‘insufficient data’]
¶ ID or name of an alarm.
This command is provided by the aodhclient plugin.
alarm update¶
Update an alarm
openstack alarm update
[--name <NAME>]
[-t <TYPE>]
[--project-id <PROJECT_ID>]
[--user-id <USER_ID>]
[--description <DESCRIPTION>]
[--state <STATE>]
[--severity <SEVERITY>]
[--enabled {True|False}]
[--alarm-action <Webhook URL>]
[--ok-action <Webhook URL>]
[--insufficient-data-action <Webhook URL>]
[--time-constraint <Time Constraint>]
[--repeat-actions {True|False}]
[--query <QUERY>]
[--comparison-operator <OPERATOR>]
[--evaluation-periods <EVAL_PERIODS>]
[--threshold <THRESHOLD>]
[--event-type <EVENT_TYPE>]
[--period <PERIOD>]
[--statistic <STATISTIC>]
[--granularity <GRANULARITY>]
[--aggregation-method <AGGR_METHOD>]
[--metric <METRIC>]
[--resource-type <RESOURCE_TYPE>]
[--resource-id <RESOURCE_ID>]
[--composite-rule <COMPOSITE_RULE>]
[--stack-id <STACK_NAME_OR_ID>]
[--autoscaling-group-id <AUTOSCALING_GROUP_NAME_OR_ID>]
¶ Name of the alarm
¶ Type of alarm, should be one of: event, composite, threshold, gnocchi_resources_threshold, gnocchi_aggregation_by_metrics_threshold, gnocchi_aggregation_by_resources_threshold, loadbalancer_member_health.
¶ Project to associate with alarm (configurable by admin users only)
¶ User to associate with alarm (configurable by admin users only)
¶ Free text description of the alarm
¶ State of the alarm, one of: [‘ok’, ‘alarm’, ‘insufficient data’]
¶ Severity of the alarm, one of: [‘low’, ‘moderate’, ‘critical’]
¶ True if alarm evaluation is enabled
<Webhook URL>
¶ URL to invoke when state transitions to alarm. May be used multiple times
<Webhook URL>
¶ URL to invoke when state transitions to OK. May be used multiple times
<Webhook URL>
¶ URL to invoke when state transitions to insufficient data. May be used multiple times
<Time Constraint>
¶ Only evaluate the alarm if the time at evaluation is within this time constraint. Start point(s) of the constraint are specified with a cron expression, whereas its duration is given in seconds. Can be specified multiple times for multiple time constraints, format is: name=<CONSTRAINT_NAME>;start=<CRON>;duration=<SECONDS>;[description=<DESCRIPTION>;[timezone=<IANA Timezone>]]
¶ True if actions should be repeatedly notified while alarm remains in target state
¶ For alarms of type threshold or event: key[op]data_type::value; list. data_type is optional, but if supplied must be string, integer, float, or boolean. For alarms of type gnocchi_aggregation_by_resources_threshold: need to specify a complex query json string, like: {“and”: [{“=”: {“ended_at”: null}}, …]}.
¶ Operator to compare with, one of: [‘lt’, ‘le’, ‘eq’, ‘ne’, ‘ge’, ‘gt’]
¶ Number of periods to evaluate over
¶ Threshold to evaluate against.
¶ Event type to evaluate against
¶ Meter to evaluate against
¶ Length of each period (seconds) to evaluate over.
¶ Statistic to evaluate, one of: [‘max’, ‘min’, ‘avg’, ‘sum’, ‘count’]
¶ The time range in seconds over which to query.
¶ The aggregation_method to compare to the threshold.
¶ The metric id or name depending of the alarm type
¶ The type of resource.
¶ The id of a resource.
¶ Composite threshold rule with JSON format, the form can be a nested dict which combine threshold/gnocchi rules by “and”, “or”. For example, the form is like: {“or”:[RULE1, RULE2, {“and”: [RULE3, RULE4]}]}, The RULEx can be basic threshold rules but must include a “type” field, like this: {“threshold”: 0.8,”meter_name”:”cpu_util”,”type”:”threshold”}
¶ Name or ID of the root / top level Heat stack containing the loadbalancer pool and members. An update will be triggered on the root Stack if an unhealthy member is detected in the loadbalancer pool.
¶ Name or ID of the loadbalancer pool for which the health of each member will be evaluated.
¶ ID of the Heat autoscaling group that contains the loadbalancer members. Unhealthy members will be marked as such before an update is triggered on the root stack.
¶ ID or name of an alarm.
This command is provided by the aodhclient plugin.
alarm-history search¶
Show history for all alarms based on query
openstack alarm-history search
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--query QUERY]
¶ specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
¶ Rich query supported by aodh, e.g. project_id!=my-id user_id=foo or user_id=bar
This command is provided by the aodhclient plugin.
alarm-history show¶
Show history for an alarm
openstack alarm-history show
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--limit <LIMIT>]
[--marker <MARKER>]
[--sort <SORT_KEY:SORT_DIR>]
¶ specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
¶ Number of resources to return (Default is server default)
¶ Last item of the previous listing. Return the next results after this value,the supported marker is event_id.
¶ Sort of resource attribute. e.g. timestamp:desc
ID of an alarm
This command is provided by the aodhclient plugin.
alarming capabilities list¶
List capabilities of alarming service
openstack alarming capabilities list
This command is provided by the aodhclient plugin.