
Compute v2

usage list

List resource usage per project

Compute API v2.40+ returns all matching entities rather than being limited to the API server configured maximum (CONF.api.max_limit).

openstack usage list
    [--start <start>]
    [--end <end>]
--start <start>

Usage range start date, ex 2012-01-20 (default: 4 weeks ago)

--end <end>

Usage range end date, ex 2012-01-20 (default: tomorrow)

usage show

Show resource usage for a single project

openstack usage show
    [--project <project>]
    [--start <start>]
    [--end <end>]
--project <project>

Name or ID of project to show usage for

--start <start>

Usage range start date, ex 2012-01-20 (default: 4 weeks ago)

--end <end>

Usage range end date, ex 2012-01-20 (default: tomorrow)