ip availability

ip availability

Network v2

ip availability list

List IP availability for network

This command retrieves information about IP availability. Useful for admins who need a quick way to check the IP availability for all associated networks. List specifically returns total IP capacity and the number of allocated IP addresses from that pool.

openstack ip availability list
    [--ip-version {4,6}]
    [--project <project>]
--ip-version {4,6}

List IP availability of given IP version networks (default is 4)

--project <project>

List IP availability of given project (name or ID)

ip availability show

Show network IP availability details

This command retrieves information about IP availability. Useful for admins who need a quick way to check the IP availability and details for a specific network.

This command will return information about IP availability for the network as a whole, and return availability information for each individual subnet within the network as well.

openstack ip availability show

Show IP availability for a specific network (name or ID)

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