Configuring Network Isolation¶
TripleO provides configuration of isolated overcloud networks. Using this approach it is possible to host traffic for specific types of network traffic (tenants, storage, API/RPC, etc.) in isolated networks. This allows for assigning network traffic to specific network interfaces or bonds. Using bonds provides fault tolerance, and may provide load sharing, depending on the bonding protocols used. When isolated networks are configured, the OpenStack services will be configured to use the isolated networks. If no isolated networks are configured, all services run on the provisioning network.
There are two parts to the network configuration: the parameters that apply to the network as a whole, and the templates which configure the network interfaces on the deployed hosts.
The following VLANs will be used in the final deployment:
IPMI* (IPMI System controller, iLO, DRAC)
Provisioning* (Undercloud control plane for deployment and management)
Internal API (OpenStack internal API, RPC, and DB)
Tenant (Tenant tunneling network for GRE/VXLAN networks)
Storage (Access to storage resources from Compute and Controller nodes)
Storage Management (Replication, Ceph back-end services)
External (Public OpenStack APIs, Horizon dashboard, optionally floating IPs)
Floating IP (Optional, can be combined with External)
Networks marked with ‘*’ are usually native VLANs, others may be trunked.
The External network should have a gateway router address. This will be used in the subnet configuration of the network environment.
If floating IPs will be hosted on a separate VLAN from External, that VLAN will need to be trunked to the controller hosts. It will not be included in the network configuration steps for the deployment, the VLAN will be added via Neutron and Open vSwitch. There can be multiple floating IP networks, and they can be attached to multiple bridges. The VLANs will be trunked, but not configured as interfaces. Instead, Neutron will create an OVS port with the VLAN segmentation ID on the chosen bridge for each floating IP network.
The Provisioning network will usually be delivered on a dedicated interface.
DHCP+PXE is used to initially deploy, then the IP will be converted to static.
By default, PXE boot must occur on the native VLAN, although some system
controllers will allow booting from a VLAN. The Provisioning interface is
also used by the Compute and Storage nodes as their default gateway, in order
to contact DNS, NTP, and for system maintenance. The Undercloud can be used
as a default gateway, but in that case all traffic will be behind an IP
masquerade NAT, and will not be reachable from the rest of the network. The
Undercloud is also a single point of failure for the overcloud default route.
If there is an external gateway on a router device on the Provisioning network,
the Undercloud Neutron DHCP server can offer that instead. If the
was not set properly in undercloud.conf, it can be set
manually after installing the Undercloud:
neutron subnet-show # Copy the UUID from the provisioning subnet
neutron subnet-update <UUID> --gateway_ip <IP_ADDRESS>
Often, the number of VLANs will exceed the number of physical Ethernet ports, so some VLANs are delivered with VLAN tagging to separate the traffic. On an Ethernet bond, typically all VLANs are trunked, and there is no traffic on the native VLAN (native VLANs on bonds are supported, but will require customizing the NIC templates).
It is recommended to deploy a Tenant VLAN (which is used for tunneling GRE and/or VXLAN) even if Neutron VLAN mode is chosen and tunneling is disabled at deployment time. This requires the least customization at deployment time, and leaves the option available to use tunnel networks as utility networks, or for network function virtualization in the future. Tenant networks will still be created using VLANs, but the operator can create VXLAN tunnels for special use networks without consuming tenant VLANs. It is possible to add VXLAN capability to a deployment with a Tenant VLAN, but it is not possible to add a Tenant VLAN to an already deployed set of hosts without disruption.
The networks are connected to the roles as follows:
Internal API
Storage Management
Internal API
Ceph Storage:
Storage Management
Cinder Storage:
Internal API
Storage Management
Swift Storage:
Internal API
Storage Management
The procedure for enabling network isolation is this:
Create and edit network data YAML definition file for the cluster
Use the network data YAML definition file as input to create network resources and generate the networks-deployed-environment.yaml environment file
Generate templates from Jinja2
Create network environment overrides file (e.g. ~/network-environment-overrides.yaml)
Make a copy of the appropriate sample network interface configurations
Edit the network interface configurations to match local environment
Deploy overcloud with the proper parameters to include network isolation
Victoria and prior releases
For Victoria and earlier releases the procedure is:
Create and edit network data YAML definition file for the cluster
Generate templates from Jinja2
Create network environment overrides file (e.g. ~/network-environment-overrides.yaml)
Make a copy of the appropriate sample network interface configurations
Edit the network interface configurations to match local environment
Deploy overcloud with the proper parameters to include network isolation
The next section will walk through the elements that need to be added to the network-environment.yaml to enable network isolation. The sections after that deal with configuring the network interface templates. The final step will deploy the overcloud with network isolation and a custom environment.
Create and Edit network data YAML definition file¶
Use the network-data-samples in tripleo-heat-templates as a reference and customize the networks, IP addressing, VLANs, etc., as per the cluster requirements.
Please refer to the Network data YAML options reference section on the Deploying with Custom Networks document page for a reference on available options in the network data YAML schema.
Victoria and prior releases
Copy the default network_data.yaml
file and customize the networks, IP
subnets, VLANs, etc., as per the cluster requirements:
$ cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network_data.yaml ~/templates/network_data.yaml
Create the networks, segments and subnet resources on the Undercloud¶
Victoria and prior releases
For Victoria and prior releases the network resources are created as part of the overcloud heat stack. This step is not valid for these releases.
Run the “openstack overcloud network provision” command to create/update the
networks on the Undercloud. This command will also generate the
environment file which must be used
when deploying the overcloud.
$ openstack overcloud network provision \
--output ~/templates/networks-deployed-environment.yaml \
This step is optional when using the --baremetal-deployment
options with the overcloud deploy
command. The
deploy command will detect the new format of the network data YAML
definition, run the workflow to create the networks and include the
Create and Edit network Virtual IPs YAML definition file¶
Victoria and prior releases
For Victoria and prior releases the Virtual IP resources are created as part of the overcloud heat stack. This step is not valid for these releases.
Use the vip-data-samples in tripleo-heat-templates as a reference and customize the networks, subnet, fixed_ips, dns_names etc., as per the cluster requirements.
Please refer to the Network Virtual IPs data YAML options reference section on the Deploying with Custom Networks document page for a reference on available options in the network Virtual IPs data YAML schema.
The below example show a Virtual IPs definition for the default network-isolation isolation scenario.
- network: ctlplane
dns_name: overcloud
- network: external
dns_name: overcloud
- network: internal_api
dns_name: overcloud
- network: storage
dns_name: overcloud
- network: storage_mgmt
dns_name: overcloud
Create the overcloud network Virtual IPs on the Undercloud¶
Victoria and prior releases
For Victoria and prior releases the Virtual IP resources are created as part of the overcloud heat stack. This step is not valid for these releases.
Run the “openstack overcloud network vip provision” command to create/update
the network Virtual IPs on the Undercloud. This command will also generate the
environment file which must be used when
deploying the overcloud.
$ openstack overcloud network vip provision \
--output ~/templates/vips-deployed-environment.yaml \
This step is optional if using the --vip-data
options with the
overcloud deploy
command. In that case workflow to create the
Virtual IPs and including the environment is automated.
Generate Templates from Jinja2¶
With the Queens cycle, the network configuration templates have been converted to
Jinja2 templates, so that templates can be generated for each role with
customized network data. A utility script is available to generate the
templates based on the provided roles_data.yaml
and network_data.yaml
Before generating the templates, ensure that the roles_data.yaml
generated as per the cluster requirements using the command:
$ openstack overcloud roles generate -o ~/templates/roles_data.yaml Controller Compute \
BlockStorage ObjectStorage CephStorage
If the default roles_data.yaml
or network_data.yaml
file suits the
needs of the cluster, then there is no need to generate/customize the files,
the default files can be used as is for generating the templates.
To generate the templates, run:
$ /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/tools/ \
-p /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates \
-r ~/templates/roles_data.yaml \
-n ~/templates/network_data.yaml \
-o ~/generated-openstack-tripleo-heat-templates --safe
Now the temporary directory ~/generated-openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
contains the generated template files according to provided role and network
data. Copy the required templates to a user specific template directory
to modify the content to suit the cluster needs. Some of the
specific use of generated templates are explained by some of the below
Create Network Environment Overrides File¶
The environment file will describe the network environment and will point to the network interface configuration files to use for the overcloud nodes.
Earlier method of generating network interface configurations with heat has been deprecated since victoria. To use a custom network configuration copy an appropriate sample network interface configuration file from tripleo-ansible and make necessary changes.
Then copy the generated
file to apply the required cluster specific
changes, which overrides the defaults:
$ cp ~/generated-openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/net-single-nic-with-vlans.yaml \
Add any other parameters which should be overridden from the defaults to this
environment file. It is important for the ExternalInterfaceDefaultRoute
be reachable on the subnet that is used for ExternalNetCidr
. This will
allow the OpenStack Public APIs and the Horizon Dashboard to be reachable.
Without a valid default route, the post-deployment steps cannot be performed.
The parameter_defaults
section of the network-environment-overrides.yaml
contains pointers to the network interface configuration files for the deployed
roles. These files must exist at the path referenced here.
ControllerNetworkConfigTemplate: 'templates/single_nic_vlans/single_nic_vlans.j2'
ComputeNetworkConfigTemplate: 'templates/single_nic_vlans/single_nic_vlans.j2'
BlockStorageNetworkConfigTemplate: 'templates/single_nic_vlans/single_nic_vlans_storage.j2'
# May set to br-ex if using floating IPs only on native VLAN on bridge br-ex
NeutronExternalNetworkBridge: "''"
NeutronNetworkType: 'vxlan,vlan'
NeutronTunnelTypes: 'vxlan'
# Customize bonding options if required (ignored if bonds are not used)
BondInterfaceOvsOptions: "lacp=active other-config:lacp-fallback-ab=true"
Users can still use the old network interface configuration heat templates
for custom network configuration. Set NetworkConfigWithAnsible
to false
to use them:
NetworkConfigWithAnsible: false
Configure IP Subnets¶
Each environment will have its own IP subnets for each network. This will vary by deployment, and should be tailored to the environment. We will set the subnet information for all the networks inside our environment file. Each subnet will have a range of IP addresses that will be used for assigning IP addresses to hosts and virtual IPs.
In the example above, the Allocation Pool for the Internal API network starts at .10 and continues to .200. This results in the static IPs and virtual IPs that are assigned starting at .10, and will be assigned upwards with .200 being the highest assigned IP. The External network hosts the Horizon dashboard and the OpenStack public API. If the External network will be used for both cloud administration and floating IPs, we need to make sure there is room for a pool of IPs to use as floating IPs for VM instances. Alternately, the floating IPs can be placed on a separate VLAN (which is configured by the operator post-deployment).
Configure Bonding Options¶
The example bonding options will try to negotiate LACP, but will fallback to active-backup if LACP cannot be established:
"lacp=active other-config:lacp-fallback-ab=true"
The BondInterfaceOvsOptions parameter will pass the options to Open vSwitch when setting up bonding (if used in the environment). The value above will enable fault-tolerance and load balancing if the switch supports (and is configured to use) LACP bonding. If LACP cannot be established, the bond will fallback to active/backup mode, with fault tolerance, but where only one link in the bond will be used at a time.
If the switches do not support LACP, then do not configure a bond on the
upstream switch. Instead, OVS can use balance-slb
mode to enable using
two interfaces on the same VLAN as a bond:
# Use balance-slb for bonds configured on a switch without LACP support
"bond_mode=balance-slb lacp=off"
Bonding with balance-slb allows a limited form of load balancing without the remote switch’s knowledge or cooperation. The basics of SLB are simple. SLB assigns each source MAC+VLAN pair to a link and transmits all packets from that MAC+VLAN through that link. Learning in the remote switch causes it to send packets to that MAC+VLAN through the same link.
OVS will balance traffic based on source MAC and destination VLAN. The switch will only see a given MAC address on one link in the bond at a time, and OVS will use special filtering to prevent packet duplication across the links.
In addition, the following options may be added to the options string to tune the bond:
# Force bond to use active-backup, e.g. for connecting to 2 different switches
# Set the LACP heartbeat to 1 second or 30 seconds (default)
# Set the link detection to use miimon heartbeats or monitor carrier (default)
# If using miimon, heartbeat interval in milliseconds (100 is usually good)
# Number of milliseconds a link must be up to be activated (to prevent flapping)
# Milliseconds between rebalancing flows between bond members, zero to disable
Creating Custom Interface Templates¶
In order to configure the network interfaces on each node, the network interface templates may need to be customized.
Start by copying the existing templates in tripleo-ansible. The first example copies the templates which include network bonding. The second example copies the templates which use a single network interface with multiple VLANs (this configuration is mostly intended for testing).
To copy the bonded example interface configurations, run:
$ cp /usr/share/ansible/roles/tripleo_network_config/templates/bonds_vlans/* \
To copy the single NIC with VLANs example interface configurations, run:
$ cp /usr/share/ansible/roles/tripleo_network_config/templates/single_nic_vlans/* \
Or, if you have custom NIC templates from another source, copy them to the
location referenced in the parameter_defaults
section of the environment
Customizing the Interface Templates¶
The following example configures a bond on interfaces 3 and 4 of a system with 4 interfaces. This example is based on the controller template from the bond-with-vlans sample templates, but the bond has been placed on nic3 and nic4 instead of nic2 and nic3. The other roles will have a similar configuration, but will have only a subset of the networks attached.
The nic1, nic2… abstraction considers only network interfaces which are connected to an Ethernet switch. If interfaces 1 and 4 are the only interfaces which are plugged in, they will be referred to as nic1 and nic2.
{% set mtu_list = [ctlplane_mtu] %}
{% for network in role_networks %}
{{ mtu_list.append(lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_mtu')) }}
{%- endfor %}
{% set min_viable_mtu = mtu_list | max %}
- type: interface
name: nic1
mtu: {{ ctlplane_mtu }}
use_dhcp: false
- ip_netmask: {{ ctlplane_ip }}/{{ ctlplane_subnet_cidr }}
routes: {{ ctlplane_host_routes }}
- type: ovs_bridge
name: {{ neutron_physical_bridge_name }}
dns_servers: {{ ctlplane_dns_nameservers }}
domain: {{ dns_search_domains }}
- type: ovs_bond
name: bond1
mtu: {{ min_viable_mtu }}
ovs_options: {{ bond_interface_ovs_options }}
- type: interface
name: nic3
mtu: {{ min_viable_mtu }}
primary: true
- type: interface
name: nic4
mtu: {{ min_viable_mtu }}
{% for network in role_networks %}
- type: vlan
mtu: {{ lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_mtu') }}
vlan_id: {{ lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_vlan_id') }}
- ip_netmask: {{ lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_ip') }}/{{ lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_cidr') }}
routes: {{ lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_host_routes') }}
{%- endfor %}
If you are using old heat network interface configuration templates from
versions prior to Victoria, either migrate them to new format and update
the environments accordingly, for them to be used with ansible interface
or update them to use OS::Heat::Value
Migrating existing Network Interface Configuration Templates¶
Below outlines some guidelines on how to migrate the old heat net configs to the new format consumed by ansible.
Create a Jinja2 template using os-net-config schema. You can also use one of the in-tree examples or a copy of /etc/os-net-config/config.json (converted to yaml) from an existing node (per role) as a start.
Use role_networks and networks_lower ansible vars to loop through available networks for a role and their lowercase names.
Use Jinja2 filters to replace heat intrinsic functions. For example min_viable_mtu can be calculated with:
{% set mtu_list = [ctlplane_mtu] %} {% for network in role_networks %} {{ mtu_list.append(lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_mtu')) }} {%- endfor %} {% set min_viable_mtu = mtu_list | max %}
Heat parameters used with get_param can be mapped to ansible vars as per below mapping. Host routes are pre-merged and are available as ctlplane_host_routes and networks_lower[network] ~ ‘_host_routes’ ansible vars and can be used directly.
Any custom heat parameter used, already not available as ansible var has to be passed using {{}}ExtraGroupVars THT interface and can then be used in the templates. For example, StorageSupernet parameter has to be passed as below:
parameter_defaults: ControllerExtraGroupVars: storage_supernet:
Heat Parameters |
Ansible Vars |
BondInterfaceOvsOptions |
{{ bond_interface_ovs_options }} |
ControlPlaneIp |
{{ ctlplane_ip }} |
ControlPlaneSubnetCidr |
{{ ctlplane_subnet_cidr }} |
ControlPlaneDefaultRoute |
{{ ctlplane_gateway_ip }} |
ControlPlaneStaticRoutes |
{{ ctlplane_host_routes }} |
ControlPlaneMtu |
{{ ctlplane_mtu }} |
DnsServers |
{{ ctlplane_dns_nameservers }} |
DnsSearchDomains |
{{ dns_search_domains }} |
NumDpdkInterfaceRxQueues |
{{ num_dpdk_interface_rx_queues }} |
{{}}IpSubnet |
{{ lookup(‘vars’, networks_lower[network] ~ ‘_ip’) }}/{{ lookup(‘vars’, networks_lower[network] ~ ‘_cidr’) }} |
{{}}NetworkVlanID |
{{ lookup(‘vars’, networks_lower[network] ~ ‘_vlan_id’) }} |
{{}}Mtu |
{{ lookup(‘vars’, networks_lower[network] ~ ‘_mtu’) }} |
{{}}InterfaceDefaultRoute |
{{ lookup(‘vars’, networks_lower[network] ~ ‘_gateway_ip’) }} |
{{}}InterfaceRoutes |
{{ lookup(‘vars’, networks_lower[network] ~ ‘_host_routes’) }} |
Updating Existing Network Interface Configuration Templates¶
Prior to Victoria release the network interface configuration files
used OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
resource to configure interfaces:
type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
group: script
get_file: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/scripts/
These templates are now expected to use OS::Heat::Value
type: OS::Heat::Value
value: get_attr[OsNetConfigImpl, value]
Old network interface configuration heat templates can be converted using the provided conversion script.
Prior to the Ocata release, the network interface configuration files used a different mechanism for running os-net-config. Ocata introduced the script, and the old mechanism was deprecated. The deprecated mechanism was removed in Queens, so older templates must be updated. The resource definition must be changed, and {get_input: bridge_name} is replaced with the special token “bridge_name”, which will be replaced with the value of the NeutronPhysicalBridge.
Old Header:
type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig
group: os-apply-config
New Header:
type: OS::Heat::Value
Old Bridge Definition:
- type: ovs_bridge
name: {get_input: bridge_name}
New Bridge Definition:
- type: ovs_bridge
name: bridge_name
Configuring Interfaces¶
The individual interfaces may need to be modified. As an example, below are the modifications that would be required to use the second NIC to connect to an infrastructure network with DHCP addresses, and to use the third and fourth NICs for the bond:
- type: interface
name: nic2
mtu: {{ ctlplane_mtu }}
use_dhcp: true
defroute: no
- type: ovs_bridge
name: {{ neutron_physical_bridge_name }}
- type: ovs_bond
name: bond1
mtu: {{ min_viable_mtu }}
ovs_options: {{ bound_interface_ovs_options }}
- type: interface
name: nic3
mtu: {{ min_viable_mtu }}
primary: true
- type: interface
name: nic4
mtu: {{ min_viable_mtu }}
When using numbered interfaces (“nic1”, “nic2”, etc.) instead of named interfaces (“eth0”, “eno2”, etc.), the network interfaces of hosts within a role do not have to be exactly the same. For instance, one host may have interfaces em1 and em2, while another has eno1 and eno2, but both hosts’ NICs can be referred to as nic1 and nic2.
The numbered NIC scheme only takes into account the interfaces that are live (have a cable attached to the switch). So if you have some hosts with 4 interfaces, and some with 6, you should use nic1-nic4 and only plug in 4 cables on each host.
Configuring Routes and Default Routes¶
There are two ways that a host may have its default routes set. If the interface is using DHCP, and the DHCP server offers a gateway address, the system will install a default route for that gateway. Otherwise, a default route may be set manually on an interface with a static IP.
Although the Linux kernel supports multiple default gateways, it will only use the one with the lowest metric. If there are multiple DHCP interfaces, this can result in an unpredictable default gateway. In this case, it is recommended that defroute=no be set for the interfaces other than the one where we want the default route. In this case, we want a DHCP interface (NIC 2) to be the default route (rather than the Provisioning interface), so we disable the default route on the provisioning interface (note that the defroute parameter only applies to routes learned via DHCP):
- type: interface
name: nic1
use_dhcp: true
defroute: no
- type: interface
name: nic2
use_dhcp: true
To set a static route on an interface with a static IP, specify a route to the subnet. For instance, here is a hypothetical route to the subnet via the gateway at on the Internal API network:
- type: vlan
device: bond1
vlan_id: {{ internal_api_vlan_id }}
- ip_netmask: {{ internal_api_ip ~ '/' ~ internal_api_cidr }}
- ip_netmask:
Using a Dedicated Interface For Tenant VLANs¶
When using a dedicated interface or bond for tenant VLANs, a bridge must be created. Neutron will create OVS ports on that bridge with the VLAN tags for the provider VLANs. For example, to use NIC 4 as a dedicated interface for tenant VLANs, you would add the following to the Controller and Compute templates:
- type: ovs_bridge
name: br-vlan
- type: interface
name: nic4
primary: true
A similar configuration may be used to define an interface or a bridge that will be used for Provider VLANs. Provider VLANs are external networks which are connected directly to the Compute hosts. VMs may be attached directly to Provider networks to provide access to datacenter resources outside the cloud.
Using the Native VLAN for Floating IPs¶
By default, Neutron is configured with an empty string for the Neutron external bridge mapping. This results in the physical interface being patched to br-int, rather than using br-ex directly (as in previous versions). This model allows for multiple floating IP networks, using either VLANs or multiple physical connections.
# May set to br-ex if using floating IPs only on native VLAN on bridge br-ex
NeutronExternalNetworkBridge: "''"
When using only one floating IP network on the native VLAN of a bridge, then you can optionally set the Neutron external bridge to e.g. “br-ex”. This results in the packets only having to traverse one bridge (instead of two), and may result in slightly lower CPU when passing traffic over the floating IP network.
The next section contains the changes to the NIC config that need to happen to put the External network on the native VLAN (if the External network is on br-ex, then that bridge may be used for floating IPs in addition to the Horizon dashboard and Public APIs).
Using the Native VLAN on a Trunked Interface¶
If a trunked interface or bond has a network on the native VLAN, then the IP address will be assigned directly to the bridge and there will be no VLAN interface.
For example, if the external network is on the native VLAN, the bond configuration would look like this:
- type: ovs_bridge
name: bridge_name
dns_servers: {{ ctlplane_dns_nameservers }}
- ip_netmask: {{ external_ip ~ '/' ~ external_cidr }}
routes: {{ external_host_routes }}
- type: ovs_bond
name: bond1
ovs_options: {{ bond_interface_ovs_options }}
- type: interface
name: nic3
primary: true
- type: interface
name: nic4
When moving the address (and possibly route) statements onto the bridge, be sure to remove the corresponding VLAN interface from the bridge. Make sure to make the changes to all applicable roles. The External network is only on the controllers, so only the controller template needs to be changed. The Storage network on the other hand is attached to all roles, so if the storage network were on the default VLAN, all roles would need to be edited.
Configuring Jumbo Frames¶
The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) setting determines the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted by a single Ethernet frame. Using a larger value can result in less overhead, since each frame adds data in the form of a header. The default value is 1500, and using a value higher than that will require the switch port to be configured to support jumbo frames. Most switches support an MTU of at least 9000, but many are configured for 1500 by default.
The MTU of a VLAN cannot exceed the MTU of the physical interface. Make sure to include the MTU value on the bond and/or interface.
Storage, Storage Management, Internal API, and Tenant networking can all benefit from jumbo frames. In testing, tenant networking throughput was over 300% greater when using jumbo frames in conjunction with VXLAN tunnels.
It is recommended that the Provisioning interface, External interface, and any floating IP interfaces be left at the default MTU of 1500. Connectivity problems are likely to occur otherwise. This is because routers typically cannot forward jumbo frames across L3 boundaries.
- type: ovs_bond
name: bond1
mtu: 9000
ovs_options: {{ bond_interface_ovs_options }}
- type: interface
name: nic3
mtu: 9000
primary: true
- type: interface
name: nic4
mtu: 9000
- type: vlan
device: bond1
vlan_id: {{ external_vlan_id }}
- ip_netmask: {{ external_ip ~ '/' ~ external_cidr }}
routes: {{ external_host_routes }}
- type: vlan
device: bond1
mtu: 9000
vlan_id: {{ internal_api_vlan_id }}
- ip_netmask: {{ internal_api_ip ~ '/' ~ internal_api_cidr }}
Assigning OpenStack Services to Isolated Networks¶
Each OpenStack service is assigned to a network using a default mapping. The service will be bound to the host IP within the named network on each host.
The services will be assigned to the networks according to the
in network/service_net_map.j2.yaml
. Unless these
defaults need to be overridden, the ServiceNetMap does not need to be defined
in the environment file.
A service can be assigned to an alternate network by overriding the service to
network map in an environment file. The defaults should generally work, but
can be overridden. To override these values, add the ServiceNetMap to the
section of the network environment.
NeutronTenantNetwork: tenant
CeilometerApiNetwork: internal_api
MongoDbNetwork: internal_api
CinderApiNetwork: internal_api
CinderIscsiNetwork: storage
GlanceApiNetwork: storage
GlanceRegistryNetwork: internal_api
KeystoneAdminApiNetwork: internal_api
KeystonePublicApiNetwork: internal_api
NeutronApiNetwork: internal_api
HeatApiNetwork: internal_api
NovaApiNetwork: internal_api
NovaMetadataNetwork: internal_api
NovaVncProxyNetwork: internal_api
SwiftMgmtNetwork: storage_mgmt
SwiftProxyNetwork: storage
HorizonNetwork: internal_api
MemcachedNetwork: internal_api
RabbitMqNetwork: internal_api
RedisNetwork: internal_api
MysqlNetwork: internal_api
CephClusterNetwork: storage_mgmt
CephPublicNetwork: storage
# Define which network will be used for hostname resolution
ControllerHostnameResolveNetwork: internal_api
ComputeHostnameResolveNetwork: internal_api
BlockStorageHostnameResolveNetwork: internal_api
ObjectStorageHostnameResolveNetwork: internal_api
CephStorageHostnameResolveNetwork: storage
If an entry in the ServiceNetMap points to a network which does not exist, that service will be placed on the Provisioning network. To avoid that, make sure that each entry points to a valid network.
Deploying the Overcloud With Network Isolation¶
When deploying with network isolation, you should specify the NTP server for the overcloud nodes. If the clocks are not synchronized, some OpenStack services may be unable to start, especially when using HA. The NTP server should be reachable from both the External and Provisioning subnets. The neutron network type should be specified, along with the tunneling or VLAN parameters. Specify the libvirt type if on bare metal, so that hardware virtualization will be used.
To deploy with network isolation and include the network environment file, use
the -e
and --networks-file
parameters with the
openstack overcloud deploy
command. The following deploy command should
work for all of the subsequent examples:
openstack overcloud deploy \
--templates \
--networks-file ~/templates/custom_network_data.yaml \
-e ~/templates/networks-deployed-environment.yaml \
-e ~/templates/vips-deployed-environment.yaml \
-e baremetal-deployed-environment.yaml \
-e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-environment.yaml \
-e ~/templates/network-environment-overrides.yaml \
Alternatively include the network, Virtual IPs and baremetal provisioning
in the overcloud deploy
command to do it all in one:
openstack overcloud deploy \
--templates \
--networks-file custom_network_data.yaml \
--vip-file custom_vip_data.yaml \
--baremetal-deployment baremetal_deployment.yaml \
--network-config \
-e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-environment.yaml \
-e ~/templates/network-environment-overrides.yaml \
Please refer to Provisioning Baremetal Before Overcloud Deploy
document page for a reference on the baremetal_deployment.yaml
used in the above example.
Victoria and prior releases
openstack overcloud deploy –templates -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-environment.yaml -e ~/templates/network-environment-overrides.yaml –ntp-server
To deploy VXLAN mode network-environment-overrides.yaml
should contain the
following parameter values:
NeutronNetworkType: vxlan
NeutronTunnelTypes: vxlan
To deploy with VLAN mode, you should specify the range of VLANs that will be
used for tenant networks. network-environment.yaml
might contain the
following parameter values:
NeutronNetworkType: vlan
NeutronBridgeMappings: 'datacentre:br-ex'
NeutronNetworkVLANRanges: 'datacentre:100:199'
If a dedicated interface or bridge is used for tenant VLANs or provider
networks, it should be included in the bridge mappings. For instance, if the
tenant VLANs were on a bridge named br-vlan
, then use these values in
NeutronBridgeMappings: 'datacentre:br-ex,tenant:br-vlan'
NeutronNetworkVLANRanges: 'tenant:200:299'
You must also pass the environment files (again using the -e
option) whenever you make subsequent changes to the
overcloud, such as Scaling overcloud roles,
Deleting Overcloud Nodes or
Updating Content on Overcloud Nodes.
Creating Floating IP Networks¶
In order to provide external connectivity and floating IPs to the VMs, an
external network must be created. The physical network is referred to by the
name used in the Neutron bridge mappings when deployed. The default bridge
mapping is datacentre:br-ex
, which maps the physical network name
to the bridge br-ex
which includes the physical network
link. For instance, to create a floating IP network on the br-ex bridge on
VLAN 104, this command is used:
neutron net-create ext-net --router:external \
--provider:physical_network datacentre \
--provider:network_type vlan \
--provider:segmentation_id 104
If the floating IP network is on the native VLAN of br-ex, then a different command is used to create the external network:
neutron net-create ext-net --router:external \
--provider:physical_network datacentre \
--provider:network_type flat
Floating IP networks do not have to use br-ex, they can use any bridge as
long as the NeutronExternalNetworkBridge is set to “’’”. If the floating IP
network were going to be placed on a bridge named “br-floating”, and the
deployment command included the bridge mapping of
, then following command would be used
to create a floating IP network on VLAN 105:
neutron net-create ext-net --router:external \
--provider:physical_network floating \
--provider:network_type vlan \
--provider:segmentation_id 105
Then a range of IP addresses must be assigned in the floating IP subnet and
assigned to the physical network. The Subnet will be associated with the network
name that was created in the previous step (ext-net
neutron subnet-create --name ext-subnet \
--enable_dhcp=False \
--allocation-pool start=,end= \
--gateway \
Creating Provider Networks¶
A Provider Network is a network which is attached physically to a datacenter network that exists outside of the deployed overcloud. This can be an existing infrastructure network, or a network which provides external access directly to VMs via routing instead of floating IPs.
When a provider network is created, it is associated with a physical network with a bridge mapping, similar to how floating IP networks are created. The provider network being added must be attached to both the controller and the compute nodes, since the compute node will attach a VM virtual network interface directly to an attached network interface.
For instance, if the provider network being added is a VLAN on the br-ex bridge, then this command would add a provider network on VLAN 201:
neutron net-create --provider:physical_network datacentre \
--provider:network_type vlan --provider:segmentation_id 201 \
--shared provider_network
This command would create a shared network, but it is also possible to
specify a tenant instead of specifying --shared
, and then that network will
only be available to that tenant. If a provider network is marked as external,
then only the operator may create ports on that network. A subnet can be added
to a provider network if Neutron is to provide DHCP services to tenant VMs:
neutron subnet-create --name provider-subnet \
--enable_dhcp=True \
--allocation-pool start=,end= \
--gateway \