This guide provides step by step instructions to deploy OpenStack using Kolla on bare metal servers or virtual machines.
It’s beneficial to learn basics of both Ansible and Docker before running Kolla-Ansible.
The host machine must satisfy the following minimum requirements:
Install and upgrad pip
to the latest before proceeding.
For CentOS, run:
yum install epel-release
yum install python-pip
pip install -U pip
For Ubuntu, run:
apt-get update
apt-get install python-pip
pip install -U pip
Install the following dependencies:
For CentOS, run:
yum install python-devel libffi-devel gcc openssl-devel libselinux-python
For Ubuntu, run:
apt-get install python-dev libffi-dev gcc libssl-dev python-selinux python-setuptools
Install Ansible from distribution packaging:
Some implemented distro versions of Ansible are too old to use distro packaging. Currently, CentOS and RHEL package Ansible >=2.4 which is suitable for use with Kolla. Note that you will need to enable access to the EPEL repository to install via yum to do so, take a look at Fedora’s EPEL docs and FAQ.
For CentOS or RHEL, this can be done using:
yum install ansible
For Ubuntu, it can be installed by:
apt-get install ansible
Use pip
to install or upgrade Ansible to latest version:
pip install -U ansible
It is recommended to use virtualenv to install non-system packages.
(optional) Add the following options to ansible configuration file
Install kolla-ansible and its dependencies using pip
pip install kolla-ansible
Copy globals.yml
and passwords.yml
to /etc/kolla
For CentOS, run:
cp -r /usr/share/kolla-ansible/etc_examples/kolla /etc/
For Ubuntu, run:
cp -r /usr/local/share/kolla-ansible/etc_examples/kolla /etc/
Copy all-in-one
and multinode
inventory files to
the current directory.
For CentOS, run:
cp /usr/share/kolla-ansible/ansible/inventory/* .
For Ubuntu, run:
cp /usr/local/share/kolla-ansible/ansible/inventory/* .
Clone kolla
and kolla-ansible
repositories from git.
git clone
git clone
Install requirements of kolla
and kolla-ansible
pip install -r kolla/requirements.txt
pip install -r kolla-ansible/requirements.txt
Copy the configuration files to /etc/kolla
holds the configuration files ( globals.yml
) in etc/kolla
mkdir -p /etc/kolla
cp -r kolla-ansible/etc/kolla/* /etc/kolla
Copy the inventory files to the current directory. kolla-ansible
inventory files ( all-in-one
and multinode
) in the
cp kolla-ansible/ansible/inventory/* .
Next step is to prepare our inventory file. Inventory is an ansible file where we specify node roles and access credentials.
Kolla-Ansible comes with all-in-one
and multinode
example inventory
files. Difference between them is that the former is ready for deploying
single node OpenStack on localhost. If you need to use separate host or more
than one node, edit multinode
Edit the first section of multinode
with connection details of your
environment, for example:
10.0.0.[10:12] ansible_user=ubuntu ansible_password=foobar ansible_become=true
# Ansible supports syntax like [10:12] - that means 10, 11 and 12.
# Become clause means "use sudo".
# when you specify group_name:children, it will use contents of group specified.
10.0.0.[13:14] ansible_user=ubuntu ansible_password=foobar ansible_become=true
# This group is for monitoring node.
# Fill it with one of the controllers' IP address or some others.
localhost ansible_connection=local become=true
# use localhost and sudo
To learn more about inventory files, check Ansible documentation.
Check whether the configuration of inventory is correct or not, run:
ansible -i multinode all -m ping
Ubuntu might not come with python pre-installed. That will cause
errors in ping module. To quickly install python with ansible you
can run ansible -i multinode all -m raw -a "apt-get -y install python-dev"
Passwords used in our deployment are stored in /etc/kolla/passwords.yml
file. All passwords are blank in this file and have to be filled either
manually or by running random password generator:
For deployment or evaluation, run:
For development, run:
cd kolla-ansible/tools
is the main configuration file for Kolla-Ansible.
There are a few options that are required to deploy Kolla-Ansible:
Image options
User has to specify images that are going to be used for our deployment. In this guide DockerHub provided pre-built images are going to be used. To learn more about building mechanism, please refer image building documentation.
Kolla provides choice of several Linux distributions in containers:
For newcomers, we recommend to use CentOS 7 or Ubuntu 16.04.
kolla_base_distro: "centos"
Next “type” of installation needs to be configured. Choices are:
using repositories like apt or yum
using raw source archives, git repositories or local source directory
This only affects OpenStack services. Infrastructure services like Ceph are always “binary”.
Source builds are proven to be slightly more reliable than binary.
kolla_install_type: "source"
To use DockerHub images, the default image tag has to be overridden. Images are tagged with release names. For example to use stable Rocky images set
openstack_release: "rocky"
It’s important to use same version of images as kolla-ansible. That
means if pip was used to install kolla-ansible, that means it’s latest stable
version so openstack_release
should be set to rocky. If git was used with
master branch, DockerHub also provides daily builds of master branch (which is
tagged as master
openstack_release: "master"
Kolla-Ansible requires a few networking options to be set. We need to set network interfaces used by OpenStack.
First interface to set is “network_interface”. This is the default interface for multiple management-type networks.
network_interface: "eth0"
Second interface required is dedicated for Neutron external (or public) networks, can be vlan or flat, depends on how the networks are created. This interface should be active without IP address. If not, instances won’t be able to access to the external networks.
neutron_external_interface: "eth1"
To learn more about network configuration, refer Network overview.
Next we need to provide floating IP for management traffic. This IP will be
managed by keepalived to provide high availability, and should be set to be
not used address in management network that is connected to our
kolla_internal_vip_address: ""
Enable additional services
By default Kolla-Ansible provides a bare compute kit, however it does provide
support for a vast selection of additional services. To enable them, set
to “yes”. For example, to enable Block Storage service:
enable_cinder: "yes"
Kolla now supports many OpenStack services, there is a list of available services. For more information about service configuration, Please refer to the Services Reference Guide.
After configuration is set, we can proceed to the deployment phase. First we need to setup basic host-level dependencies, like docker.
Kolla-Ansible provides a playbook that will install all required services in the correct versions.
For deployment or evaluation, run:
Bootstrap servers with kolla deploy dependencies:
kolla-ansible -i ./multinode bootstrap-servers
Do pre-deployment checks for hosts:
kolla-ansible -i ./multinode prechecks
Finally proceed to actual OpenStack deployment:
kolla-ansible -i ./multinode deploy
For development, run:
Bootstrap servers with kolla deploy dependencies:
cd kolla-ansible/tools
./kolla-ansible -i ../ansible/inventory/multinode bootstrap-servers
Do pre-deployment checks for hosts:
./kolla-ansible -i ../ansible/inventory/multinode prechecks
Finally proceed to actual OpenStack deployment:
./kolla-ansible -i ../ansible/inventory/multinode deploy
When this playbook finishes, OpenStack should be up, running and functional! If error occurs during execution, refer to troubleshooting guide.
Install basic OpenStack CLI clients:
pip install python-openstackclient python-glanceclient python-neutronclient
OpenStack requires an openrc file where credentials for admin user are set. To generate this file:
For deployment or evaluation, run:
kolla-ansible post-deploy
. /etc/kolla/
For development, run:
cd kolla-ansible/tools
./kolla-ansible post-deploy
. /etc/kolla/
Depending on how you installed Kolla-Ansible, there is a script that will create example networks, images, and so on.
For deployment or evaluation,
run init-runonce
script on CentOS:
. /usr/share/kolla-ansible/init-runonce
Run init-runonce
script on Ubuntu:
. /usr/local/share/kolla-ansible/init-runonce
For development, run:
. kolla-ansible/tools/init-runonce
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