Series upgrade¶
The purpose of this document is to provide foundational knowledge for preparing an administrator to perform a series upgrade across a Charmed OpenStack cloud. This translates to upgrading the operating system of every cloud node to an entirely new version.
Please read the following before continuing:
the Upgrades overview page
the OpenStack Charms Release Notes
the Special charm procedures page
the Upgrade issues page
the Various issues page
Once this document has been studied the administrator will be ready to graduate to the Series upgrade OpenStack guide that describes the process in more detail.
Concerning the cloud being operated upon, the following is assumed:
It is being upgraded from one LTS series to another (e.g. xenial to bionic, bionic to focal, etc.).
Its nodes are backed by MAAS.
Its services are highly available.
It is being upgraded with minimal downtime.
Upgrading a single production machine from one LTS to another is a serious task. Doing so for every cloud node can be that much harder. Attempting to do this with minimal cloud downtime is an order of magnitude more complex.
Such an undertaking should be executed by persons who are intimately familiar with Juju and the currently deployed charms (and their related applications). It should first be tested on a non-production cloud that closely resembles the production environment.
Upgrade candidate availability¶
Ensure that there is an upgrade candidate available. Charmed OpenStack is primarily designed to run on Ubuntu LTS releases, and an Ubuntu system is configured, by default, to upgrade only to the next LTS. In addition, this will be possible only once the first LTS point release is published (see the Ubuntu releases wiki page for release date information). For example, an upgrade to Focal was possible starting on August 6, 2020.
The Juju tooling will initiate the upgrade process irrespective of whether an upgrade candidate is available or not. A cancelled upgrade is not fatal, but it will leave erroneous messaging in juju status output.
The Juju upgrade-series command¶
The Juju upgrade-series command is the cornerstone of the entire procedure. This command manages an operating system upgrade of a targeted machine and operates on every application unit hosted on that machine. The command works in conjunction with either the prepare or the complete sub-command.
The basic process is to inform the units on a machine that a series upgrade is about to commence, to perform the upgrade, and then inform the units that the upgrade has finished. In most cases with the OpenStack charms, units will first be paused and be left with a workload status of “blocked” and a message of “Ready for do-release-upgrade and reboot.”
For example, to inform units on machine ‘0’ that an upgrade (to series ‘bionic’) is about to occur:
juju upgrade-series 0 prepare bionic
The prepare sub-command causes all the charms (including
subordinates) on the machine to run their pre-series-upgrade
The administrator must then perform the traditional steps involved in upgrading the OS on the targeted machine (in this example, machine ‘0’). For example, update/upgrade packages with apt update && apt full-upgrade; invoke the do-release-upgrade command; and reboot the machine once complete.
The complete sub-command causes all the charms (including
subordinates) on the machine to run their post-series-upgrade
hook. In most
cases with the OpenStack charms, configuration files will be re-written, units
will be resumed automatically (if paused), and be left with a workload status
of “active” and a message of “Unit is ready”:
juju upgrade-series 0 complete
At this point the series upgrade on the machine and its charms is now done. In the juju status output the machine’s entry under the Series column will have changed from ‘xenial’ to ‘bionic’.
Charms are not obliged to support the two series upgrade hooks but they do make for a more intelligent and a less error-prone series upgrade.
Containers (and their charms) hosted on the target machine remain unaffected by this command. However, during the required post-upgrade reboot of the host all containerised services will naturally be unavailable.
See the Juju documentation to learn more about the series upgrade feature.
Pre-upgrade requirements¶
This is a list of requirements that apply to any cloud. They must be met before making any changes.
All the cloud nodes should be using the same series, be in good working order, and be updated with the latest stable software packages (APT upgrades).
The cloud should be running the latest OpenStack release supported by the current series. See Ubuntu OpenStack release cycle and OpenStack upgrade.
The cloud should be fully operational and error-free.
All currently deployed charms should be upgraded to the latest stable charm revision. See Charms upgrade.
The Juju model comprising the cloud should be error-free (e.g. there should be no charm hook errors).
Unattended upgrades¶
Automatic package updates should be disabled on a node that is about to undergo a series upgrade. This is to avoid potential conflicts with the manual (or scripted) APT steps. One way to achieve this is with:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades
Once the upgrade is complete it is advised to re-enable unattended upgrades for security reasons.
Workload specific preparations¶
These are preparations that are specific to the current cloud deployment. Completing them in advance is an integral part of the upgrade.
Charm upgradability¶
Verify the documented series upgrade processes for all currently deployed charms. Some charms, especially third-party charms, may either not have implemented series upgrade yet or simply may not work with the target series. Pay particular attention to SDN (software defined networking) and storage charms as these play a crucial role in cloud operations.
Workload maintenance¶
Any workload-specific pre and post series upgrade maintenance tasks should be readied in advance. For example, if a node’s workload requires a database then a pre-upgrade backup plan should be drawn up. Similarly, if a workload requires settings to be adjusted post-upgrade then those changes should be prepared ahead of time. Pay particular attention to stateful services due to their importance in cloud operations. Examples include evacuating a compute node, switching an HA router to another node, and storage rebalancing.
Pre-upgrade tasks are performed before issuing the prepare subcommand, and post-upgrade tasks are done immediately prior to issuing the complete subcommand.
Workflow: sequential vs. concurrent¶
In terms of the workflow there are two approaches:
Sequential - upgrading one machine at a time
Concurrent - upgrading a group of machines simultaneously
Normally, it is best to upgrade sequentially as this ensures data reliability and availability (we’ve assumed an HA cloud). This approach also minimises adverse effects to the deployment if something goes wrong.
However, for even moderately sized clouds, an intervention based purely on a sequential approach can take a very long time to complete. This is where the concurrent method becomes attractive.
In general, a concurrent approach is a viable option for API applications but is not an option for stateful applications. During the course of the cloud-wide series upgrade a hybrid strategy is a reasonable choice.
To be clear, the above pertains to upgrading the series on machines associated with a single application. It is also possible however to employ similar thinking to multiple applications.
Application leadership¶
Application leadership plays a role in determining the order in which machines will have their series upgraded. The guiding principle is that an application’s non-leader units (if they exist) are upgraded (in no particular order) prior to its leader unit. There are exceptions to this however, and they will be indicated on the Series upgrade OpenStack page.
Juju will not transfer the leadership of an application (and any subordinate) to another unit while the application is undergoing a series upgrade. This allows a charm to make assumptions that will lead to a more reliable outcome.
Assuming that a cloud is intended to eventually undergo a series upgrade, this guideline will generally influence the cloud’s topology. Containerisation is an effective response to this.
Applications should be co-located on the same machine only if leadership plays a negligible role. Applications deployed with the compute and storage charms fall into this category.
Generic series upgrade¶
This section contains a generic overview of a series upgrade for three machines, each hosting a unit of the ubuntu application. The initial and target series are xenial and bionic, respectively.
This scenario is represented by the following juju status command output:
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp
upgrade maas-controller mymaas/default 2.7.6 unsupported 18:33:49Z
App Version Status Scale Charm Store Rev OS Notes
ubuntu1 16.04 active 3 ubuntu jujucharms 15 ubuntu
Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
ubuntu1/0* active idle 0 ready
ubuntu1/1 active idle 1 ready
ubuntu1/2 active idle 2 ready
Machine State DNS Inst id Series AZ Message
0 started node2 xenial zone3 Deployed
1 started node3 xenial zone4 Deployed
2 started node1 xenial zone5 Deployed
The asterisk in the Unit column denotes the leader. Here, ubuntu1/0
the leader and its machine ID is 0.
First ensure that any new applications will (by default) use the new series, in this case bionic. This is done by configuring at the model level:
juju model-config default-series=bionic
Now do the same at the application level. This will affect any new units of the existing application, in this case ‘ubuntu1’:
juju set-series ubuntu1 bionic
To perform the actual series upgrade we begin with a non-leader machine (1):
1# Perform any workload maintenance pre-upgrade steps here
2juju upgrade-series 1 prepare bionic
3juju ssh 1 sudo apt update
4juju ssh 1 sudo apt full-upgrade
5juju ssh 1 sudo do-release-upgrade
6# Perform any workload maintenance post-upgrade steps here
7# Reboot the machine (if not already done)
8juju upgrade-series 1 complete
It is recommended to use a terminal multiplexer (e.g. tmux) in order to prevent a network disruption from breaking the invoked commands.
In this generic example there are no workload maintenance steps to perform. If there were post-upgrade steps then the prompt to reboot the machine at the end of do-release-upgrade should be answered in the negative and the reboot will be initiated manually on line 7 (i.e. sudo reboot).
It is possible to invoke the complete sub-command before the upgraded machine is ready to process it. Juju will block until the unit is ready after being restarted.
In lines 4 and 5 the upgrade proceeds in the usual interactive fashion. If a non-interactive mode is preferred, those two lines can be replaced with:
juju ssh 1 sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --assume-yes \
-o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" \
-o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" dist-upgrade
juju ssh 1 sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
do-release-upgrade -f DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive
The apt-get command is preferred while in non-interactive mode (or with scripting).
By default, an LTS release will not have an upgrade candidate until the “point
release” of the next LTS is published. You can override this policy by using
the -d
(development) option with the do-release-upgrade command.
Performing a series upgrade non-interactively can be risky so the decision to do so should be made only after careful deliberation.
The remaining non-leader machine (2) is then upgraded:
juju upgrade-series 2 prepare bionic
Finally, the leader machine (0) is upgraded in the same way.
Next steps¶
When you are ready to perform a series upgrade across your cloud proceed to the Series upgrade OpenStack page.