Skip installation to speed up pep8
Get rid of third party mock library
Replace distutils
reno: Update master for unmaintained/2023.1
Add note about requirements lower bounds
Skip grenade job on doc/translation updates
Skip functional tests on pre-commit config update
Run pyupgrade to clean up Python 2 syntaxes
pre-commit: Bump versions
Remove Python 3.8 support
Declare Python 3.12 support
fixture: Drop use of OrderedDict for Python compat
Update master for stable/2024.2
reno: Update master for unmaintained/zed
Remove old excludes
Replace usage of pytz
Update master for stable/2024.1
reno: Update master for unmaintained/xena
reno: Update master for unmaintained/wallaby
reno: Update master for unmaintained/victoria
reno: Update master for unmaintained/yoga
Bump hacking
Update python classifier in setup.cfg
coveragerc: Remove non-existent path
Update master for stable/2023.2
Bump bandit and make oslo.versionedobjects compatible with latest rules
Imported Translations from Zanata
Revert “Moves supported python runtimes from version 3.8 to 3.10”
Moves supported python runtimes from version 3.8 to 3.10
Avoid TypeError when building for Sphinx 6.1.1 and above
Update master for stable/2023.1
Imported Translations from Zanata
Add Python3 antelope unit tests
Update master for stable/zed
Python3.11: Do not use inspect.ArgSpec
Imported Translations from Zanata
Drop python3.6/3.7 support in testing runtime
Remove unnecessary unicode prefixes
Add Python3 zed unit tests
Update master for stable/yoga
setup.cfg: Replace dashes by underscores
Update python testing classifier
Add Python3 yoga unit tests
Update master for stable/xena
Replace deprecated inspect.getargspec
Do not patch inspect.argspec directly
Changed minversion in tox to 3.18.0
Move flake8 as a pre-commit local target
Add Python3 xena unit tests
Update master for stable/wallaby
Dropping lower constraints references
Dropping lower constraints testing
Use py3 as the default runtime for tox
Replace md5 with oslo version
Adding pre-commit
Add Python3 wallaby unit tests
Update master for stable/victoria
[goal] Migrate testing to ubuntu focal
zuul: port the legacy multinode grenade job
Bump bandit version
Remove translation sections from setup.cfg
Stop to use the __future__ module
Cap jsonschema 3.2.0 as the minimal version
Switch to newer openstackdocstheme and reno versions
Imported Translations from Zanata
Update hacking for Python3
Align contributing doc with oslo’s policy
Bump default tox env from py37 to py38
Add py38 package metadata
trivial: Mock warnings
Add release notes links to doc index
Add Python3 victoria unit tests
Update master for stable/ussuri
Use unittest.mock instead of third party mock
remove outdated header
Provide stable getargspec() behavior for method fingerprinting
Bump to hacking 2.x
Drop use of six
[ussuri][goal] Drop python 2.7 support and testing
Handle unregistered nested objects
gitignore: Ignore reno artefacts
Import ABCs from
Migrate grenade jobs to py3
tox: Keeping going with docs
Update master for stable/train
Add Python 3 Train unit tests
Resolve some issue with tox.ini, setup.cfg
Dropping the py35 testing
Replace URLs with URLs
Cap Bandit below 1.6.0, update sphinx requirement, uncap jsonschema
OpenDev Migration Patch
Fix deprecation warnings
Replace git:// URLs with https://
Update master for stable/stein
add python 3.7 unit test job
Allow lists to be generated from any non-string iterable
Update hacking version
Lower ObjectVersionChecker logging to DEBUG level
Add ListOfUUIDField
Use template for lower-constraints
Update mailinglist from dev to discuss
Clean up .gitignore references to personal tools
Imported Translations from Zanata
add lib-forward-testing-python3 test job
add python 3.6 unit test job
import zuul job settings from project-config
delete unused ‘=’
Update reno for stable/rocky
Switch to stestr
Add release notes link to README
fix tox python3 overrides
Make the hash of a defaulted set field stable
Add support version in exception output
Remove moxstubout usage
Remove stale pip-missing-reqs tox test
Trivial: Update pypi url to new url
set default python to python3
Don’t force unicode strings for UUID coercion
Fixing UUID coerce function for unicode non uuid form
Updated from global requirements
add lower-constraints job
pypy is not checked at gate
Add bindep.txt file to prevent fallback to generic list
Updated from global requirements
Imported Translations from Zanata
Update links in README
Zuul: Remove project name
Imported Translations from Zanata
Zuul: Remove project name
Allow escalation of UUID validation warning to error
Update reno for stable/queens
Handle TZ change in iso8601 >=0.1.12
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Treat doc warnings as errors
Fix wrong indent of releasenotes
Remove log translations
Add bandit to pep8 job
Updated from global requirements
Follow the new PTI for document build
Avoid for constraints support
Updated from global requirements
Remove setting of version/release from releasenotes
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Zuul: add file extension to playbook path
Imported Translations from Zanata
Migrate to zuulv3 - move legacy jobs to project
Updated from global requirements
Imported Translations from Zanata
Use newer location for iso8601 UTC
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
iso8601.is8601.Utc No Longer Exists
Updated from global requirements
Imported Translations from Zanata
Add a TimestampedObject mixin
Updated from global requirements
Update reno for stable/pike
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Update URLs in documents according to document migration
Add unit test for unicode in object __repr__
Fix the object is unhashable when inheriting the class “ComparableVersionedObject”
rearrange existing documentation to fit the new standard layout
switch from oslosphinx to openstackdocstheme
Enable warning-is-error in doc build
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Remove pbr warnerrors in favor of sphinx check
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Fix string interpolation in ValueError
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Start adding some basic ovo examples (with an initial basic one)
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
[Fix gate]Update test requirement
Updated from global requirements
Remove support for py34
Update reno for stable/ocata
Change Object schema type to be array instead of string
Add Constraints support
Replace six.iteritems() with .items()
Updated from global requirements
Fix a typo
Show team and repo badges on README
Updated from global requirements
Add reno for release notes management
fields: fix stringifying of objects when subclasses=True
Refactor get_schema for patterned FieldTypes
Updated from global requirements
Fix recursive deepcopy
Updated from global requirements
Fix get_schema() for Enum
Changed the home-page link
Updated from global requirements
Changed the home-page link
Updated from global requirements
JSON Schema get_schema implementation for last few fields
Updated from global requirements
Add ObjectListBase concat methods
Fix documentation typo
Fix incorrect timestamp comment
Updated from global requirements
Add get_schema for IPV6Address FieldType class
Fix remotable object change tracking
Updated from global requirements
JSON schema get_schema implementation for more complex fields
Updated from global requirements
Adds new fields and field types
Fix to_json_schema() call
Updated from global requirements
Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv
Updated from global requirements
Imported Translations from Zanata
JSON schema get_schema implementation for common fields
Updated from global requirements
JSON schema generation for versioned objects
Extend test_hashes to allow extra info gathering
Updated from global requirements
Improved error message for Object.coerce
Imported Translations from Zanata
Imported Translations from Zanata
Updated from global requirements
Fix ComparableVersionedObject in python 3.4
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Add objectify decorator for readability
Updated from global requirements
Fix a typo in Enum error path
Fix issue with coercing valid_values to a tuple
Replace safe_utils.getcallargs with inspect.getcallargs
Imported Translations from Zanata
Remove direct dependency on babel
Imported Translations from Zanata
Introduce fixture to enforce sorted order for object changes
Expose object context thru a public property
Updated from global requirements
Fix compare_obj() to obey missing/unset fields
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Add BaseEnumField valid_values introspection
Use primitive type name in ValueError for Object field coerce failure
Update formatting for example statemachine field
Add a pci address field
Remove the executable bit from files
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Deprecate current UUIDField behaviour
Make sure functions in child object registries work
Fix messages in exceptions raised due to invalid state transitions
Update translation setup
Updated from global requirements
Add ability to pass args/kwargs to obj_class init
Updated from global requirements
Added a state machine field
Use oslo_utils for tupleizing versions
Add temporary registry pattern to VersionedObjectRegistry
Updated from global requirements
Imported Translations from Zanata
Updated from global requirements
Move compare_obj to the fixture module for external consumption
Updated from global requirements
Fix MACAddress coerce method to validate string first
Updated from global requirements
Remove meaningless default value in __get__()
Added checking compat using manifest backports
Fixed nondeterministicness of extra_data test
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Clean up directory openstack/common
Use method is_compatible from olso_utils.versionutils
Trival: Remove ‘’
Add a callable to gather extra data for fps
Add testing for ObjectVersionChecker fixture
Leverage dict comprehension in PEP-0274
Use version convert methods from oslo_utils.versionutils
Add netaddr-related field types
Updated from global requirements
Adds new MACAddressField
Fix the wrong reference for DeprecationWarning
cleanup tox.ini
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Remove remote_object_calls from _BaseTestCase
Ensure__repr__ return value is encoded
Cleanup docstring for obj_tree_get_versions
Updated from global requirements
Imported Translations from Zanata
Add warnings for deprecated IndirectionAPI methods
Make tests properly use object_class_action_versions()
Make class action calls use version manifest
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Fix obj_to_primitive() when using manifests (list version)
Add SensitiveString field type
Fix obj_to_primitive() when used with a manifest
Move __contains__ from VersionedObjectDictCompat to VersionedObject
Fix coverage configuration and execution
Imported Translations from Zanata
make configuration options discoverable
Add version/downloads links/badges into README.rst
add pbr-generated release history
Change ignore-errors to ignore_errors
Updated from global requirements
Added test for DateTimeField in obj_get_change
Fix missing value types for log message
Imported Translations from Zanata
ObjectVersionChecker fingerprint documentation
Updated from global requirements
Allow calling obj_to_primitive() with version_manifest
Switch back to iso format on the wire
Save and re-raise exception
Check for obj_relationships in List objects
Updated from global requirements
Make compat of object lists use manifest function
Add tests for subobject backporting by manifest
Make ObjectListBase a collections.Sequence
Switch from deprecated timeutils.isotime
Make direct call to object’s obj_from_primitive
Add usage information
Imported Translations from Transifex
Updated from global requirements
Add validation on target_version arg when calling obj_to_primitive
Fix error handling in the exception module on py3
Imported Translations from Transifex
Updated from global requirements
Support using the version manifest for obj_make_compatible()
Updated from global requirements
Implement multi-version object backport method
Add a new DictOfListOfStrings type of field
Imported Translations from Transifex
Updated from global requirements
Add a new VersionPredicate type of field
Add obj_tree_get_versions() utility method
Imported Translations from Transifex
Updated from global requirements
Updated from global requirements
Fix serializer supported version reporting in object_backport
Remove dict assumption from remotable decorator
Updated from global requirements
Remove ununsed class in
Replace ‘hypervisor’ with ‘provided’ version
Updated from global requirements
Compound fields now coerce their elements’ values
Move fixture dependencies to extras
Updated from global requirements
Imported Translations from Transifex
Sort child versions before generating fingerprint
Imported Translations from Transifex
Manual update the requirements
Remove classifiers not supported
Updated from global requirements
Revert “Compound fields now coerce their elements’ values”
Add oslo.config to requirements
Add tox target to find missing requirements
Updated from global requirements
fields: allow subclasses in ObjectField/ListOfObjectsField
Updated from global requirements
Fix “comparason” typo in doc for ComparableVersionedObject
Updated from global requirements
Compound fields now coerce their elements’ values
fields: report what the wrong type was when coerce fails
Updated from global requirements
Decouple ObjectVersionChecker and VersionedObjectRegistry
Updated from global requirements
Remove unnecessary openstack-common.conf
Updated from global requirements
Imported Translations from Transifex
Imported Translations from Transifex
fields: introduce BaseEnumField to allow subclassing
fields: add a FlexibleBoolean field type
Enhance documentation
Add delattr support
Imported Translations from Transifex
Enhance dict compat of VersionedObjectDictCompat
Drop outdated notes and docstrings
Add field name to error messages in object type checking
Adds missing WebOb in requirements.txt
Add enum fieldtype field
Get the indirection_api from the current VersionedObject class
Updated from global requirements
Imported Translations from Transifex
Uncap library requirements for liberty
Standardize setup.cfg summary for oslo libs
Update to the latest version of hacking
Copy the default value for field
Updated from global requirements
New config group for oslo_versionedobjects
Sync from oslo-incubator
Properly serialize/deserialize arguments in fake indirection api
Allow passing serializer and indirection API objects to Fixture
Make serializer use the provided base class for the indirection api
Update README.rst
Remove serialize_args(), per the work items
Allow subclasses to define the serialization namespaces
Sync default-setting change from Nova
Sync obj_reset_changes(recursive=) change from Nova
Remove already commented out and unused fixtures
Rename checks to fixture and update requirements
Cleanup comment and H803 hacking
Generalize the object relationships test
Generalize compatibility testing
Fixes for heat implementation
Add a test to ensure subclassibility of the object registry
Generalize object dependency change detection
Generalize object hash-based change detection
Generalize remote testing infrastructure
Add conditional object registration
Remove Nova objects module registration code
Generalize the indirection_api interface
Disable some unstable tests until they are generalized
Fix py34 for iteritems() use in
Remove internal items from public namespace
Rename utils -> _utils
Set up translations
Use six.wraps for py2/py3 compat
Remove more Nova-isms
Compatibility with Python 3
Remove references to Nova
Remove the ambiguous context argument on remotable methods
Replace metaclass-based registry with a decorator-based one
Rename tests/fixtures to test/obj_fixtures to avoid import collisions
Fix initial test failures
clean up and get most test running
sync oslo-incubator modules
apply oslo-cookiecutter template
rename files
object: serialize set to list
Fix leaking exceptions from scheduler utils
Add flavor fields to Instance object
Revert “Raise if sec-groups and port id are provided on boot”
Use a workarounds option to disable rootwrap
Create a ‘workarounds’ config group
Revert “Adds keypair type database migration”
Adds keypair type database migration
Revert temporary hack to monkey patch the fake rpc timeout
Raise if sec-groups and port id are provided on boot
Add method for getting the CPU pinning constraint
Ignore warnings from contextlib.nested
Enable check for H238 rule
Call ComputeNode instead of Service for getting the nodes
increase fake rpc POLL_TIMEOUT to 0.1s
Performance: leverage dict comprehension in PEP-0274
Do not use deprecated assertRaisesRegexp()
speed up tests setting fake rpc polling timeout
Make numa_usage_from_instances consider CPU pinning
Fix and re-gate on H306
Move WarningsFixture after DatabaseFixture so emit once
Fix obj_to_primitive() expecting the dict interface methods
initialize objects with context in base object tests
Add WarningsFixture to only emit DeprecationWarning once in a test run
Update docstring for wrap_exception decorator
Add numa_node to PCIDevice
Nuke XML support from Nova REST API - Phase 2
Remove unused methods in nova utils
Use get_my_ipv4 from oslo.utils
Reuse methods from netutils
Move metadata filtering logic to
objects: remove NovaObjectDictCompat from Tag object
extract RPC setup into a fixture
Add pci_device_pools to ComputeNode object
objects: add method to verify requested hugepages
hardware: add method to return requested memory page size
Reject non existent mock assert calls
objects: allow creation of objects without dict item compat
Fix base obj_make_compatible() handling ListOfObjectsField
Add obj_as_admin() to NovaPersistentObject
simplify database fixture to the features we use
extract the timeout setup as a fixture
move all conf overrides to conf_fixture
move ServiceFixture and TranslationFixture
extract fixtures from nova.test to nova.test.fixtures
Objects: add in missing translation
objects: introduce numa pages topology as an object
Libvirt: Fsfreeze during live-snapshot of qemu/kvm instances
Add cn_get_all_by_host and cn_get_by_host_and_node to ComputeNode
Add host field to ComputeNode
rename oslo.concurrency to oslo_concurrency
Remove needless workaround in utils module
Remove except Exception cases
Adds global API version check for microversions
Implement microversion support on api methods
Add CPU pinning data to InstanceNUMACell object
Adds NUMA CPU Pinning object modeling
objects: Add several complex field types
Compute: Catch binding failed exception while init host
Break V2 XML Support
Added objects Tag and TagList
Switch to moxstubout and mockpatch from oslotest
factor out _setup_logging in
extract _setup_timeouts in
objects: introduce numa objects
Correct InvalidAggregateAction translation&format
Adds APIVersionRequest class for API Microversions
remove test.ReplaceModule from
Added db API layer for CRUD operations on instance tags
Introduce a .z version element for backportable objects
Add count and limit_check methods to quota object
Add obj_set_defaults() to NovaObject
Convert hardware.VirtCPUTopology to nova object
compute: rename to
Replacement `_` on `_LW` in all LOG.warning part 1
Replacement `_` on `_LE` in all LOG.exception
Exceptions: finish sentence with fullstop
Pass expected_attrs to instance_get_active_by_window_joined
Add update_cells to BandwidthUsage.create()
Generalize dependent object backporting
GET servers API sorting compute/instance/DB updates
move all tests to nova/tests/unit
Fixed typos in nova.objects.base docstrings
Switch Nova to use oslo.concurrency
remove use of explicit lockutils invocation in tests
Revert “Switch Nova to use oslo.concurrency”
Switch Nova to use oslo.concurrency
Faster get_attrname in nova/objects/
Replacement `_` on `_LE` in all LOG.error
Add supported_hv_specs to ComputeNode object
Don’t log every (friggin) migration version step during unit tests
Update NoMoreFixedIps message description
Use oslo.utils
console: introduce a new exception InvalidConnectionInfo
console: introduce a new exception InvalidToken
VMware: Remove tests for None in fake._db_content[‘files’]
Fixes missing ec2 api address disassociate error on failure
add time to logging in unit tests
Revert “libvirt: support live migrate of instances with conf drives”
Handle volume bdm not found in lvm.get_volume_size
compute: tweaks to vm_mode APIs to align with arch/hvtype
Remove stale code from ObjectListBase
virt: move assertPublicAPISignatures into base test class
compute: Add standard constants for hypervisor virt types
Add InstancePCIRequests object
Network: enable instance deletion when dhcp release fails
Move to oslo.db
Support image property for config drive
Add bandwidth usage object
virt: setup TCP chardevice in libvirt driver
console: add serial console module
Add instance_extra table and related objects
Move and generalize decorator serialize_args to nova.objects.base
Remove concatenation with translated messages
Add NetworkRequest object and associated list
Remove use of str on exceptions
libvirt: add validation of migration hostname
Add a Set and SetOfIntegers object fields
Make Object FieldType from_primitive pass objects
Add QuotaError handling to servers rebuild API
libvirt: support live migrations of instances with config drives
Change error status code for out of quota to be 403 instead of 413
Correct seconds of a day from 84400 to 86400
Extend the docstring for obj_make_compatible() with examples
Add api extension for new network fields
Use real exceptions for network create and destroy
virt: helper for processing NUMA topology configuration
Make NovaObjectSerializer work with dicts
Split EC2 ID validator to validator per resource type
Create a Scheduler client library
docs - Fix errors,warnings from document generation
Enhance PCI whitelist
add log exception hints in some modules
Add ListOfDictOfNullableString field type
Network: interface attach and detach raised confusing exception
docs - Fix docstring issues
Add standard constants for CPU architectures
Fix and Gate on E265
Turn periodic tasks off in all unit tests
Add valid method check for quota resources
Use oslo.i18n
Avoid possible timing attack in metadata api
Cleanup and gate on hacking E713 rule
Correct exception for flavor extra spec create/update
Improve shared storage checks for live migration
Fix and gate on H305 and H307
Make compute api use util.check_string_length
Prevent max_count > 1 and specified ip address as input
virt: add helper module for determining VCPU topology
Add __repr__ handler for NovaObjects
Use default rpc_response_timeout in unit tests
Replace nova.utils.cpu_count() with processutils.get_worker_count()
Add Agent object
Avoid traceback logs from simple tenant usage extension
Catch ProcessExecutionError in revoke_cert
Initialize objects field in ObjectsListBase class
Fix object change detection
Don’t translate debug level logs in nova
Add testing for hooks
Use VIF details dictionary to get physical_network
Add read_only field attribute
Add missing translation support
Check if volume is bootable when creating an instance
Fix EC2 not found errors for volumes and snapshots
xenapi: move StorageError into global
Add unit test trap for object change detection
Enable flake8 F841 checking
Raise HTTPInternalServerError when boot_from_volume with cinder down
Fix nova/compute direct use of instance module objects
Address issues with objects of same name
Register objects in more services
Check object’s field
Use Field in fixed_ip
Improve conductor error cases when unshelving
objects: restore some datetime field comments
Rename NotAuthorized exception to Forbidden
Remove utils.reset_is_neutron() to avoid races
Fix up import of conductor
Use debug level logging in unit tests, but don’t save them
Avoid the possibility of truncating disk info file
support local debug logging
Revert “Use debug level logging during unit tests”
libvirt: remove_logical_volumes should remove each separately
Nova utils: add in missing translation
Require admin context for interfaces on ext network
Persist image format to a file, to prevent attacks based on changing it
Add a decorator decorator that checks func args
Raise error on nova-api if missing subnets/fixed_ips on networks/port
Refuse to block migrate instances with config drive
Make NovaObject report changed-ness of its children
Add security_group_rule to objects registry
Revert “Adding image multiple location support”
Use debug level logging during unit tests
Adding image multiple location support
Add a missing space in a log message
Sync the latest DB code from oslo-incubator
Add watchdog device support to libvirt driver
When a claim is rejected, explain why
Support IPv6 when booting instances
Enable flake8 H404 checking
Use oslo-common’s logging fixture
libvirt: Enable custom video RAM setting
libvirt: host specific virtio-rng backend
VMware: fix the VNC port allocation
Make is_neutron() thread-safe
Break out the meat of the object hydration process
Fix VirtualInterfaceMacAddressException message
Remove vi modelines
Port to oslo.messaging
Add FloatingIP object implementation
Add FixedIP Object implementation
Add block device mapping objects implementation
Make obj_to_primitive() handle netaddr types
Add Network object
Use (# of CPUs) workers by default
Add DNSDomain object
Small edits on help strings
Add sort() method to ObjectListBase
Add VirtualInterface object
Make exception message more friendly
Add preserve_ephemeral option to rebuild
Refactor CIDR field to use netaddr.IPNetwork
Remove unused dict BYTE_MULTIPLIERS
replace type() to isinstance() in nova
Adds new method nova.utils.get_hash_str
Use the full string for localisation
Fix interprocess locks when running unit-tests
ValueError should use ‘%’ instead of ‘,’
Setting the xen vm device id on vm record
Rename instance_type to flavor in nova.utils and nova.compute.utils
Make Serializer/Conductor able to backlevel objects
Require List objects to be able to backlevel their contents
Add IPAddress field type in object models
Correct uses of :params in docstrings
Libvirt: Making the video driver element configurable
Make obj_from_primitive() preserve version information
Make it possible to override test timeout value
Fix monkey_patch docstring bug
Added a new scheduler metrics weight plugin
Misc typos in nova
Fix a tiny double quote matching in field obj model
Add API input validation framework
Add FloatField for objects
objects: declare some methods as static
Handle UnicodeEncodeError in validate_integer
Clean up how test env variables are parsed
Rename InstanceType exceptions to Flavor
Added monitor (e.g. CPU) to monitor and collect data
Xenapi: Allow windows builds with xentools 6.1 and 6.2
Refactor UnexpectedTaskStateError for handling of deleting instances
Move `diff_dict` to compute API
Include name/level in unit test log messages
Nova-all: Replace basestring by six for python3 compatability
Pull system_metadata for notifications on
Add nova.db.migration.db_initial_version()
Apply six for metaclass
Reply with a meaningful exception, when libvirt connection is broken
Make Object FieldType take an object name instead of a class
Merging two mkfs commands
Add obj_make_compatible()
A nicer calling convention for object instantiation
Adding support for multiple hypervisor versions
Add CIDR field type
Adding Read-Only volume attaching support to Nova
Use `versionutils.is_compatible` for Nova Objects
Fix NovaObject versioning attribute usage
Use the oslo fixture module
Make a note about Object deepcopy helper
Remove transitional callable field interface
Make the base object infrastructure use Fields
Migrate NovaPersistentObject and ObjectListBase to Fields
Move exception definitions out of db api
Make field object support transitional call-based interface
Add Field model and tests
Fix conductor’s object change detection
Fixes typos in the files in the nova folder
Move `utils.hash_file` -> `imagecache._hash_file`
Remove `utils.timefunc` function
Remove `utils.total_seconds`
Remove `utils.get_from_path`
Remove unused dict functions from utils
Prefix `utils.get_root_helper` with underscore
Remove `utils.debug`
Remove `utils.last_octet`
Remove `utils.parse_mailmap`
Remove unecessary `get_boolean` function
Make Exception.format_message aware of Messages
Fix incorrect exception raised during evacuate
Remove exceptions.Duplicate
Fixes modules with wrong file mode bits
Object cleanups
Add new-world Quota object
Improve “keypair data is invalid” error message
Don’t use sudo to discover ipv4 address
Fix asymmetric view of object fields
Wrong arguments when calling safe_utils.getcallargs()
Add key manager implementation with static key
Removed duplicated class in
VMware image clone strategy settings and overrides
Clean up duplicated change-building code in objects
Add Neutron port check for the creation of multiple instances
Remove unused exceptions
Fixes unexpected exception message in ProjectUserQuotaNotFound
Fixes unexpected exception message in PciConfigInvalidWhitelist
Add methods to get image metadata from instance
fix conversion type missing
Port to oslo.messaging.Notifier API
Generalize the _make_list() function for objects
PCI passthrough Libvirt vm config
Create mixin class for common DB fields
Add nova.utils.get_root_helper()
Inherit base image properties on instance creation
Port all rpcapi modules to oslo.messaging interface
xenapi: add support for auto_disk_config=disabled
Check ephemeral and swap size in the API
Add support for API message localization
Improve EC2 API error responses
Remove EC2 postfix from InvalidInstanceIDMalformedEC2
Introduce InternalError EC2 error code
Introduce UnsupportedOperation EC2 error code
Introduce SecurityGroupLimitExceeded EC2 error code
Introduce IncorrectState EC2 error code
Introduce AuthFailure EC2 error code
Handle port over-quota when allocating network for instance
Introduce InvalidPermission.Duplicate EC2 error code
PCI devices resource tracker
Add PCI device filters support
Change prep_resize paths to use objects
Make compute_api confirm/revert resize use objects
Introduce Invalid* EC2 error codes
Improve parameter related EC2 error codes
PCI alias support
Add PCI stats
Add PCI device object support
Pci Device DB support
PCI utils
Fix remove_fixed_ip test with CastAsCall
Clean up some unused wrap_exception() stuff
Adding support for iSER transport protocol
Make API part of instance boot use new BDM format
VMware: Ensure Neutron networking works with VMware drivers
Remove deprecated CONF.fixed_range
Fix message for server name with whitespace
Make InvalidInstanceIDMalformed an EC2 exception
maint: remove redundant default=None for config options
Enhance object inheritance
Make NovaObject.get() avoid lazy-load when defaulting
Add plug-in modules for direct downloads of glance locations
xenapi: Moving Glance fetch code into image/glance:download_vhd
Add obj_attr_is_set() method to NovaObject
Add ObjectActionFailed exception and make Instance use it
maint: remove unused exceptions
Remove the monkey patching of _ into the builtins
Set lock_path in tests
Add basic BDM format validation in the API layer
Add latest oslo DB support
Per-project-user-quotas for more granularity
Move _validate_int_value controller func to utils
Raise exceptions when Spice/VNC are unavailable
Missed message -> msg_fmt conversion
Remove locals() from various places
Avoid shadowing Exception ‘message’ attribute
Don’t attach to multiple Quantum networks by default
Load cell data from a configuration file
xenapi:populating hypervisor version in host state
Change force_dhcp_release default to True
Add unique constraint to ConsolePool
Add unique constraint to AgentBuild
Make instance show and index use objects
Add unique constraints to Service
Add unique constraint to FixedIp
Exceptions raised by quantum validate_networks result in 500 error
Fix and gate on E125
Add unique constraints to Quota
Add unique constraint for security groups
Fix metadata access in prep for instance objects
xenapi: Remove vestigial `compile_metrics` code
Add update() method to NovaObject for dict compatibility
Add obj_to_primitive() to recursively primitiveize objects
Remove broken config_drive image_href support
Better default for my_ip if is unreachable
Fix a couple typos in the nova.exception module
Make NovaObject support the ‘in’ operator
Add basic SecurityGroup model
Fix serialization of iterable types
Do not raise NEW exceptions
Fix importing InstanceInfoCache during register_all()
xenapi: revisit error handling around calls to agent
Fill context on objects in lists
Make NovaObject support extra attributes in items()
Fix instance obj refresh()
Add unique constraints to Cell
Accept is_public=None when listing all flavors
Remove unused cert db method
Organize limits units and per-units constants
Replace utils.to_bytes() with strutils.to_bytes()
Remove unused arg from make_class_properties.getter method
Fix obj_load() in NovaObject base class
Backup and restore object registry for tests
Fix and enable H403 tests
xenapi: remove auto_disk_config check during resize
Nova instance group DB support
Replace functions in utils with oslo.fileutils
Enhance group handling in extract_opts
BDM class and transformation functions
Use InstanceList object for init_host
Use Instance Objects for Start/Stop
Add base mixin class for object lists
Add deleted flag to NovaObject base
Speeding up scheduler tests
Adds check that the core V3 API is loaded
Improve Keypair error messages in osapi
Import osapi_v3/enabled option in nova/test
Make object actions pass positional arguments
Call scheduler for run_instance from conductor
Make instance object tolerate isotime strings
Adds ability to black/whitelist v3 API extensions
Improve Python 3.x compatibility
Adds v3 API disable config option
Add base object model
In utils.tempdir, pass CONF.tempdir as an argument
Add missing conversion specifier to ServiceGroupUnavailable
Fix tests for sqlalchemy utils
Moved sample network creation out of unittest base class constructor
Make a few places tolerant of sys_meta being a dict
Remove ImageTooLarge exception
Use strict=True instead of `is_valid_boolstr`
Mox should cleanup before stubs
xenapi: ensure vdi is not too big when resizing down
Cells: Don’t allow active -> build
Use Oslo’s `bool_from_string`
Hide lock_prefix argument using synchronized_with_prefix()
Convert to using newly imported processutils
Convert to using oslo’s execute() method
Reset migrating task state for MigrationError exceptions
Update to using oslo periodic tasks implementation
Refactor _run_instance() to unify control flow
Remove unused exception and variable from scheduler
Import and convert to oslo loopingcall
Remove unnecessary LOG initialisation
Move console scripts to entrypoints
Limit the checks for block device becoming available
Remove print statements
Return proper error message when network conflicts
‘injected_files’ should be base 64 encoded
Add a format_message method to the Exceptions
set up FakeLogger for root logger
Don’t include traceback when wrapping exceptions
Add quotas for fixed ips
Makes safe xml data calls raise 400 http error instead of 500
Prevent rescue for volume-backed instances
Remove uses of instance[‘instance_type’] from nova/compute
Remove parameters containing passwords from Notifications
Standarize ip validation along the code
instance_info_cache_update creates wrongly
don’t stack trace if long ints are passed to db
Adds retry on upload_vhd for xapi glance plugin
Additional tests for safe parsing with minidom
Identify baremetal nodes by UUID
Wait for baremetal deploy inside driver.spawn
Add Nova quantum security group proxy
Use oslo-config-2013.1b4
Add support for network adapter hotplug
Add a safe_minidom_parse_string function
Default SG rules for the Security Group “Default”
create new cidr type for data storage
clean up missing whitespace after ‘:’
Canonizes IPv6 before insert it into the db
Allow VIF model to be chosen per image
Check the length of flavor name in “flavor-create”
Fix nova-compute use of missing DBError
Move floating ip db access to calling side
Implement ZooKeeper driver for ServiceGroup API
Remove strcmp_const_time
Use oslo database code
Default value of monkey_patch_modules is broken
Reimplement is_valid_ipv4()
Tweakify is_valid_boolstr()
Make system_metadata update in place
Record instance actions and events
Handle compute node not available for live migration
Fixes “is not” usage
Code cleanup for rebuild block device mapping
validate specified volumes to boot from at the API layer
Make sure there are no unused import
Allow users to specify a tmp location via config
VMware Compute Driver OVF Support
Avoid db lookup in info_from_instance()
Add support for Option Groups in LazyPluggable
enforce server_id can only be uuid or int
Add encryption method using an ssh public key
Create ports in quantum matching hypervisor MAC addresses
Reject user ports that have MACs the hypervisor cannot use
Cells: Add cells API extension
Keep self and context out of error notification payload
Move service_down_time to nova.service
fix N402 for rest of nova
New instance_actions and events table, model, and api
Move global glance opts into nova.image.glance
fix N401 errors, stop ignoring all N4* errors
Invert test stream capture logic for debugging
Refactor periodic tasks
Timeout individual tests after one minute
Cells: Add the main code
Add helper methods to nova.paths
Move global path opts in nova.paths
Removed unused imports
Enable nova exception format checking in tests
Parameterize database connection in
Move baremetal database tests to fixtures
Add option to make exception format errors fatal
Remove fake_tests opt from
Add DBDuplicateEntry exception for unique constraint violations
Move TimeOverride to the general reusable-test-helper place
Remove the WillNotSchedule exception
Replace fixtures.DetailStream with fixtures.StringStream
Use testr to run nova unittests
Add general mechanism for testing api coverage
Fixes string formatting error
Move some opts into nova.utils
Properly scope password options
Move monkey patch config opts into nova.utils
Move all temporary files into a single /tmp subdir
Use fixtures library for nova test fixtures
Add agent build API support for list/create/delete/modify agent build
Make policy.json not filesystem location specific
Fix test suite to use MiniDNS
Add pluggable ServiceGroup monitoring APIs
Add SSL support to utils.generate_glance_url()
Truncate large console logs in libvirt
Move global fixture setup into nova/
Xenapi: Don’t resize down if not auto_disk_config
Cells: Re-add DB model and calls
Remove extra space in exception
Use CONF.import_opt() for nova.config opts
Remove nova.config.CONF
Remove nova.flags
Allow group=’foo’ in self.flags() for tests
Remove gen_uuid()
Isolate tests from the environment variable http_proxy
Remove unused volume exceptions
Add missing exception NetworkDuplicated
Remove custom test assertions
Switch from FLAGS to CONF in tests
Removed two unused imports
Fixes a bug in nova.utils, due to Windows compatibility issues
Make utils.mkfs() set label when fs=swap
Remove out-of-date comment
make utils.mkfs() more general
Use uuidutils.is_uuid_like for uuid validation
Switch from FLAGS to CONF in misc modules
Move parse_args to nova.config
sync deprecated log method from openstack-common
Increased MAC address range to reduce conflicts
Move to a more canonicalized output from qemu-img info
Use testtools as the base testcase class
Make nova-rootwrap optional
Migrate to fileutils and lockutils
Fix Incorrect Exception when metadata is over 255 characters
Remove deprecated root_helper config
SanISCSIDriver SSH execution fixes
Fix bad Log statement in nova-manage
Move mkfs from libvirt.utils to utils
Dis-associate an auto-assigned floating IP should return proper warning
Proxy floating IP calls to quantum
ip_protocol for ec2 security groups
Add TestCase.stub_module to make stubbing modules easier
remove deprecated connection_type flag
Remove TestCase.assertNotRaises
Fixes error message for flavor-create duplicate ID
Check that an image is active before spawning instances
Restore SIGPIPE default action for subprocesses
Fix marker pagination for /servers
Add lookup by ip via Quantum for metadata service
Adds new volume API extensions
Return 400 if create volume snapshot force parameter is invalid
Backport changes from Cinder to Nova-Volume
Check flavor id on resize
Stop fetch_ca from throwing IOError exceptions
Stop lock decorator from leaving tempdirs in tests
Use volume driver specific exceptions
Implement paginate query use marker in nova-api
Fix synchronized decorator path cleanup
Fix creation of iscsi targets
Address race condition from concurrent task state update
Add a new exception for live migration
External locking for image caching
Correct utils.execute() to check 0 in check_exit_code
Implement project specific flavors API
Move ensure_tree to utils
Remove unused permitted_instance_types
Provide a hint for missing EC2 image ids
Remove unused exceptions from nova/
Keep the ComputeNode model updated with usage
Makes sure tests don’t leave lockfiles around
Revert per-user-quotas
Remove unused imports
Fix spelling typos
Allow nova to guess device if not passed to attach
Adding port attribute in network parameter of boot
Simple checks for instance user data
Config drive v2
Uniqueness checks for floating ip addresses
Driver for IBM Storwize and SVC storage
Fix invalid exception format strings
Return 409 error if get_vnc_console is called before VM is created
Improve external locking on Windows
Solve possible race in semaphor creation
Adds per-user-quotas support for more detailed quotas management
Move root_helper deprecation warning into execute
Simplify file hashing
Improve external lock implementation
Remove unused imports
Check instance lock in compute/api
Deprecate root_helper in favor of rootwrap_config
Clarify TooManyInstances exception message
Setting root passwd no longer fails silently
reduce debugging from utils.trycmd()
Refactor glance image service code
Convert fixed_ips to using instance_uuid
Inject instance metadata into xenstore
Fix wrong regex in cleanup_file_locks
Ensure 413 response for security group over-quota
Allow NoMoreFloatingIps to bubble up to FaultWrapper
Return 413 status on over-quota in the native API
General-host-aggregates part 1
Refactor instance_usage_audit. Add audit tasklog
Expose over-quota exceptions via native API
Distinguish over-quota for volume size and number
Switch to common logging
Cleanup of image service code
Removes utils.logging_error (no longer used)
Removes utils.fetch_file (no longer used)
SM volume driver: DB changes and tests
added deprecated.warn helper method
Replaces functions in with openstack/common/
Add CPU arch filter scheduler support
Remove unused DB calls
Remove utils.deprecated functions
add unit tests for new virt driver loader
Rename image to image_id
Convert consoles to use instance uuid
Migrate instance_metadata to use a uuid to refer to instances
Adds `disabled` field for instance-types
fix the instance quota overlimit message
Revert “blueprint <multi-process-api-service>”
Unused imports cleanup (folsom-2)
blueprint <multi-process-api-service>
convert virt drivers to fully dynamic loading
Eliminate a race condition on instance deletes
Make sure an exception is logged when config file isn’t found
Use cfg’s new global CONF object
Grammar fixes
Use utils.utcnow rather than datetime.utcnow
Finish quota refactor
Use cfg’s new behavior of reset() clearing overrides
Rearchitect quota checking to partially fix bug 938317
Stop using nova.exception from nova.rpc
Make use of openstack.common.jsonutils
Alphabetize imports
Create an internal key pair API
Use ConfigOpts.find_file() to find paste config
Remove instance Foreign Key in volumes table, replace with instance_uuid
Remove old flagfile support
Defer image_ref update to manager on rebuild
pylint cleanup
Replaces exceptions.Error with NovaException
Remove state altering in live-migration code
Find context arg by type rather than by name
Add instance_system_metadata modeling
Use ConfigOpts.find_file() to locate policy.json
Pass context to notification drivers when we can
Use save_and_reraise_exception() from common
Provide better quota error messages
adjust logging levels for
Use openstack.common.importutils
Moves `usage_from_instance` into nova.compute.utils
Add deleted_at to instance usage notification
Renamed current_audit_period function to last_completed_audit_period to clarify its purpose
Remove python-novaclient dependency from nova
Improved localization testing
Log kwargs on a failed String Format Operation
Run tools/ instead of pep8 mandatory
Delete fixed_ips when network is deleted
Cleanup xenapi driver logging messages to include instance
Remove nova.rpc.impl_carrot
fix TypeError with unstarted threads in nova-network
ensure atomic manipulation of libvirt disk images
Add periodic_fuzzy_delay option
Implement quota classes
Fixes bug 957708
Make sqlite in-memory-db usable to unittest
Fix run/terminate race conditions
Workaround issue with greenthreads and lockfiles
various cleanups
Remove Virtual Storage Array (VSA) code
Refix mac change to work around libvirt issue
Add pybasedir and bindir options
Use a high number for our default mac addresses
Add adjustable offset to audit_period
Clear created attributes when tearing down tests
fix restructuredtext formatting in docstrings that show up in the developer guide
Only raw string literals should be used with _()
assertRaises(Exception, …) considered harmful
Fixes for ec2 images
Retry download_vhd with different glance host each time
Refactor spawn to use UndoManager
Fail gracefully when the db doesn’t speak unicode
Add missing format string type on some exception messages
Add missing filters for new root commands
Use constant time string comparisons for auth
Rename zones table to cells and Instance.zone_name to cell_name
Add utils.tempdir() context manager for easy temp dirs
Call detach_volume when attach fails
OS X Support fixed, bug 942352
Adds temporary chown to sparse_copy
Clean stale lockfiles on service startup : fixes bug 785955
blueprint host-aggregates: xenapi implementation
Add exception SnapshotIsBusy to be handled as VolumeIsBusy
Add attaching state for Volumes
Escape apostrophe in utils.xhtml_escape() (lp#872450)
Partial fix for bug 919051
Support non-UTC timestamps in changes-since filter
Adding traceback to async faults
Allow file logging config
Removed zones from api and distributed scheduler
Prevent Duplicate VLAN IDs
Remove unnecessary constructors for exceptions
Don’t allow EC2 removal of security group in use
Replace ApiError with new exceptions
Standardize logging delaration and use
Retry on network failure for melange GET requests
Extend glance retries to show() as well
Remove the last of the gflags shim layer
Use named logger when available
Removes constraints from instance and volume types
Backslash continuations (misc.)
Fix support for –flagfile argument
Allows nova to read files as root
Re-run nova-manage under sudo if unable to read conffile
Move cfg to nova.openstack.common
blueprint nova-image-cache-management phase1
Optionally disable file locking
Add support for pluggable l3 backends
lockfile.FileLock already appends .lock
Ties quantum, melange, and nova network model
Fix VPN ping packet length
Remove utils.runthis()
Implementation of new Nova Volume driver for SolidFire ISCSI SAN
Raise 400 if bad kepair data is provided
Refactor away the flags.DEFINE_* helpers
blueprint host-aggregates: OSAPI/virt integration, via nova.compute.api
Blueprint xenapi-provider-firewall and Bug #915403
Create nova cert worker for x509 support
Add nova.exception.InvalidRPCConnectionReuse
KVM and XEN Disk Management Parity
Handle error in associate floating IP (bug 845507)
ComputeNode Capacity support
scheduler host_manager needs service for filters
Rename ‘zone’ to ‘domain.’
Implements blueprint vnc-console-cleanup
blueprint host-aggregates
Add policy checking to
Implement BP untie-nova-network-models
First implementation of bp/live-migration-resource-calc
Add policy checks to Compute.API
catch InstanceInvalidState in more places
Add @utils.deprecated()
Refactors utils.load_cached_file
Adds simple policy engine support
Workaround bug 852095 without importing mox
Bug #912858: test_authors_up_to_date does not deal with capitalized names properly
Adds workaround check for mox in to_primitive
PEP8 type comparison cleanup
Adds running_deleted_instance_reaper task
PEP8 remove direct type comparisons
Clean up pylint errors in top-level files
Ensure generated passwords meet minimum complexity
Fixing novaclient_converter NameError
Add an API for associating floating IPs with DNS entries
‘except:’ to ‘except Exception:’ as per HACKING
Add exit_code, stdout, stderr etc to ProcessExecutionException
Bug#898257 abstract out disk image access methods
Make UUID format checking more correct
Document return type from utils.execute()
Fixes bug 723235
Update utils.execute so that check_exit_code handles booleans. Fixes LP bug #904560
Fixes bug 887402
Refactor vm_state and task_state checking
Vm state management and error states
Moves find config to utils because it is useful
fixed_ips by vif does not raise
Log it when we get a lock
Adds network model and network info cache
First steps towards consolidating testing infrastructure
remove duplicate netaddr in nova/utils
Implement resize down for XenAPI
Fix RPC responses to allow None response correctly
removed logic of throwing exception if no floating ip
Fixes bug 888649
snapshot/backup in compute manager to use uuids
Follow hostname RFCs
Log the URL to an image_ref and not just the ID
Verify security group parameters
Refactor of QuotaError
More spelling fixes inside of nova
Refactor logging_error into utils
Exception cleanup in scheduler
exception.KeypairNotFound usage correction
Fixes lp883279
Log original dropped exception when a new exception occurs
Improve the liveness checking for services
Repartition and resize disk when marked as managed
Remove unused flag_overrides from TestCase
Xenapi driver can now generate swap from instance_type
Adds more usage data to Nova’s usage notifications
Remove AoE, Clean up volume code
Include original exception in ClassNotFound exception
Enable admin access to EC2 API server
moved floating ip db access and sanity checking from network api into network manager added floating ip get by fixed address added fixed_ip_get moved floating ip testing from osapi into the network tests where they belong
Moving admin actions to extension
Snapshots/backups can no longer happen simultaneously. Tests included
Accept message as sole argument to NovaException
Raise InsufficientFreeMemory
Add minDisk and minRam to OSAPI image details
This patch adds flavor filtering, specifically the ability to flavor on minRam, minDisk, or both, per the 1.1 OSAPI spec
Add next links for server lists in OSAPI 1.1. This adds servers_links to the json responses, and an extra atom:link element to the servers node in the xml response
Update exception.wrap_exception so that all exceptions (not just Error and NovaException types) get logged correctly
Merging trunk
This patch adds instance progress which is used by the OpenStack API to indicate how far along the current executing action is (BUILD/REBUILD, MIGRATION/RESIZE)
Merging trunk
Fixes lp:855115 – issue with disassociating floating ips
Renumbering instance progress migration
Fixing tests
Keystone support in Nova across Zones
trunk merge fixup
Adds an ‘alternate’ link to image views per 3.10 and 3.11 of
Merging trunk
Instance deletions in Openstack are immediate. This can cause data to be lost accidentally
Makes sure ips are moved on the bridge for nodes running dnsmasq so that the gateway ip is always first
clean up based on cerberus review
Remove keystone middlewares
Merged trunk
merged trunk
Merging trunk
merge trunk, fix conflicts
Fixed unit tests with some minor refactoring
merge from trunk
convert images that are not ‘raw’ to ‘raw’ during caching to node
Add iptables filter rules for dnsmasq (lp:844935)
merge with trunk r1601
merged with trunk
Reverted some changes to instance_get_all_by_filters() that was added in rev 1594. An additional argument for filtering on instance uuids is not needed, as you can add ‘uuid: uuid_list’ into the filters dictionary. Just needed to add ‘uuid’ as an exact_match_filter. This restores the filtering to do a single DB query
merged trunk and resolved conflict
Adds the ability to automatically confirm resizes after the `resize_confirm_window` (0/disabled by default)
PEP8 cleanup
* Remove the foreign key and backrefs tying vif<->instance * Update instance filtering to pass ip related filters to the network manager * move/update tests
Merging trunk
merge with trunk
Merged trunk
merge the sknurt
Fixes the handling of snapshotting in libvirt driver to actually use the proper image type instead of using raw for everything. Also cleans up an unneeded flag. Based on doude’s initial work
merge with trunk
Some Linux systems can also be slow to start the guest agent. This branch extends the windows agent timeout to apply to all systems
Fix a bug that would make spawning new instances fail if no port/protocol is given (for rules granting access for other security groups)
Merging trunk
Authorize to start a LXC instance withour, key, network file to inject or metadata
Update the v1.0 rescue admin action and the v1.1 rescue extension to generate ‘adminPass’. Fixes an issue where rescue commands were broken on XenServer. lp#838518
merge the trunks
Fixes libvirt rescue to use the same strategy as xen. Use a new copy of the base image as the rescue image. It leaves the original rescue image flags in, so a hand picked rescue image can still be used if desired
merge the trunks
Merged trunk
I am using iputils-arping package to send arping command. You will need to install this package on the network nodes using apt-get command apt-get install iputils-arping
Removed sudo from the arguments
merge from trunk
Merged trunk
Update exception.wrap_exception so that all exceptions (not just Error and NovaException types) get logged correctly
trunk merge
updates Exception.NoMoreFixedIps to subclass NovaException instead of Error
NoMoreFixedIps now subclasses NovaException instead of Error
it merges the trunk; or else it gets the conflicts again
This makes the OS api extension for booting from volumes work. The _get_view_builder method was replaced in the parent class, but the BootFromVolume controller was not updated to use the new method
Merged trunk
Adding flavor extra data extension
Merged from trunk and resolved conflicts
Merged trunk
The 1.1 API specifies that two vendor content types are allowed in addition to the standard JSON and XML content types
Adding progress
merge trunk
merge trunks
resolve conflicts / merge with trunk revno 1569
Fixes an issue where ‘invalid literal for int’ would occur when listing images after making a v1.1 server snapshot (with a UUID)
merge the trunk
trunk merge
This branch changes XML Serializers and their tests to use lxml.etree instead of minidom
remove translation of non-recognized attributes to user metadata, now just ignored - ensure all keys are defined in image dictionaries, defaulting to None if glance client doesn’t provide one - remove BaseImageService - reorganize some GlanceImageService tests
we’re back
merging trunk; resolving conflicts
Some arches dont have dmidecode, check to see if libvirt is capable of running rather getInfo of the arch its running on
parent merge
bug fixes
merging trunk
trunk merge
When vpn=true in allocate ip, it attempts to allocate the ip that is reserved in the network. Unfortunately fixed_ip_associate attempts to ignore reserved ips. This fix allows to filter reserved ip address only when vpn=True
Stock zones follows a fill-first methodology—the current zone is filled with instances before other zones are considered. This adds a flag to nova to select a spread-first methodology. The implementation is simply adding a random.shuffle() prior to sorting the list of potential compute hosts by weights
Pass reboot_type (either HARD or SOFT) to the virt layers from the API
merging trunk
pull-up from trunk; move spread_first into
trunk merge
Merged trunk
merged rbp
adds a fake_network module to tests to generate sensible network info for tests. It does not require using the db
Merged trunk
child zone queries working with keystone now
Added docstring to explain usage of reserved keyword argument
One more bug fix to make zones work in trunk. Basic problem is that in novaclient using the 1.0 OSAPI, servers.create() takes an ipgroups argument, but when using the 1.1 OSAPI, it doesn’t, which means booting instances in child zones won’t work with OSAPI v1.0. This fix works around that by using keyword arguments for all the arguments after the flavor, and dropping the unused ipgroups argument
Fixes the reroute_compute decorator in the scheduler API so that it properly:
Fix lp:844155
Changing a behavior of update_dhcp() to write out dhcp options file. This option file make dnsmasq offer a default gateway to only NICs of VM belonging to a network that the first NIC of VM belongs to. So, first NIC of VM must be connected to a network that a correct default gateway exists in. By means of this, VM will not get incorrect default gateways
merged trunk
merging trunk
merging trunk
merged trunk
Make weigh_hosts() return a host per instance, instead of just a list of hosts
Merged trunk
pull-up from trunk
pull-up from trunk
pull-up from trunk
This code contains contains a new NetworkManager class that can leverage Quantum + Melange
create a new exception ZoneRequestError to use for returning errors when zone requests couldn’t complete
merge trunk
pull-up from trunk
Fixes a case where if a VIF is returned with a NULL network it might not be able to be deleted. Added test case for that fix
Merged trunk
merged trunk
An AMI image without ramdisk image should start
At present, the os servers.detail api does not return server.user_id or server.tenant_id. This is problematic, since the servers.detail api defaults to returning all servers for all users of a tenant, which makes it impossible to tell which user is associated with which server
merged trunk
trunk merge
meeging trunk
Merged trunk
Added list of security groups to the newly added extension (Createserverext) for the Create Server and Get Server detail responses
merged trunk
Fixes a small bug which causes filters to not work at all. Also reworks a bit of exception handling to allow the exception related to the bug to propagate up
Fixed review comments
pull-up from trunk
Merged trunk
Glance can now perform its own authentication/authorization checks when we’re using keystone
Resolved conflicts and fixed pep8 errors
trunk merge
pull-up from trunk
implements changes-since for servers resource - default sort is now created_at desc for instances
merging trunk
Fixes NotFound exceptions to show the proper instance id in the ec2 api
Accept keypair when you launch a new server. These properties would be stored along with the other server properties in the database (like they are currently for ec2 api)
merge trunk, fix tests
merge trunk
Simple usage extension for nova. Uses db to calculate tenant_usage for specified time periods
Fix for LP Bug #838251
merged trunk
Fixed and improved the way instance “states” are set. Instead of relying on solely the power_state of a VM, there are now explicitly defined VM states and VM task states which respectively define the current state of the VM and the task which is currently being performed by the VM
Implements lp:798876 which is ‘switch carrot to kombu’. Leaves carrot as the default for now… decision will be made later to switch the default to kombu after further testing. There’s a lot of code duplication between carrot and kombu, but I left it that way in preparation for ripping carrot out later and to keep minimal changes to carrot
Disassociated previously associated floating ips when calling network_api.associate_floating_ip. Also guard against double-association in the network.manager
trunk merge
merged trunk
fix FloatingIpAlreadyInUse to use correct string pattern, convert ApiErrors to 400 responses
merged trunk
The exception ‘RamdiskNotFoundForImage’ is no longer used
disassociate floating ips before re-associating, and prevent re-association of already associated floating ips in manager
merged trunk
Merged trunk
Adds assertIn and assertNotIn support to TestCase for compatibility with python 2.6 This is a very minimal addition which doesn’t require unittest2
support the extra optional arguments for msg to assertIn and assertNotIn
fix for assertIn and assertNotIn use which was added in python 2.7. this makes things work on 2.6 still
merge trunk
use ‘uuid’ field in networks table rather than ‘bridge’. Specify project_id when creating instance in unit test
Virtual Storage Array (VSA) feature. - new Virtual Storage Array (VSA) objects / OS API extensions / APIs / CLIs - new schedulers for selecting nodes with particular volume capabilities - new special volume driver - report volume capabilities - some fixes for volume types
merged trunk
merge trunk
merged with rev.1499
VSA code redesign. Drive types completely replaced by Volume types
merged trunk
Merged trunk
Added: - volume metadata - volume types - volume types extra_specs
merged trunk
Merged trunk
Once a network is associated with project, I can’t delete this network with ‘nova-manage network delete’. As you know, I can delete network by scrubbing the project with ‘nova-manage project scrub’. However it is too much. The cause of this problem is there is no modify command of network attribute
merged with volume types (based on rev.1490). no code rework yet
merged with volume_types. no code refactoring yet
merged with nova 1490
merged trunk
Merged from trunk
The notifiers API was changed to take a list of notifiers. Some people might want to use more than one notifier so hopefully this will be accepted into trunk
merge trunk, fix tests
Fix for trying rebuilds when instance is not active
merged with rev.1485
Merged trunk
Commit with test data in migration
Merged from trunk
Fix not found exceptions to properly use ec2_ips for not found
Merged from upstream
I added notifications decorator for each API call using monkey_patching. By this merge, users can get API call notification from any modules
Fixes bug that causes 400 status code when an instance wasn’t attached to a network
Merged from upstream
merging trunk
Removed blank line
Merged with trunk
Fixed typo and docstring and example class name
Merged trunk
This branch does the final tear out of AuthManager from the main code. The NoAuth middlewares (active by default) allow a user to specify any user and project id through headers (os_api) or access key (ec2_api)
merge trunk, resolve conflicts, fix tests
Our goal is to add optional parameter to the Create server OS 1.0 and 1.1 API to achieve following objectives:-
Fixes bug 831627 where nova-manage does not exit when given a non-existent network address
initial cut on volume type APIs
Merged from trunk,resolved conflicts and fixed broken unit tests due to changes in the extensions which now include ProjectMapper
Fixed conflict with branch
merged trunk
Added Test Code, doc string, and fixed pip-requiresw
Merged trunk
Merged from upstream
merged trunk
implemented tenant ids to be included in request uris
Upstream merge
Merged trunk
merge with trunk
Adds accessIPv4 and accessIPv6 to servers requests and responses as per the current spec
Fixes utils.to_primitive (again) to handle modules, builtins and whatever other crap might be hiding in an object
Added OS APIs to associate/disassociate security groups to/from instances
add/remove security groups to/from the servers as server actions
Merged from trunk
Assorted fixes to os-floating-ips to make it play nicely with an in-progress novaclient implementation, as well as some changes to make it more consistent with other os rest apis. Changes include:
Merged trunk
Merged from trunk and fixed review comments
Fixed review comments
Fixed typo
merged trunk
Merged with trunkw
merge from trunk
Added monkey patching notification code function w
Next round of prep for keystone integration
Merged from trunk
Fixes primitive with builtins, modules, etc
merged trunk
merge with trunk
Added uuid column in virtual_interfaces table, and an OpenStack extension API for virtual interfaces to expose these IDs. Also set this UUID as one of the external IDs in the OVS vif driver
Merged trunk
merged trunk
Currently, rescue/unrescue is only available over the admin API. Non-admin tenants also need to be able to access this functionality. This patch adds rescue functionality over an API extension
Makes all of the binary services launch using the same strategy. * Removes helper methods from utils for loading flags and logging * Changes service.serve to use Launcher * Changes service.wait to actually wait for all the services to exit * Changes nova-api to explicitly load flags and logging and use service.serve * Fixes the annoying IOError when /etc/nova/nova.conf doesn’t exist
merged trunk
added volume metadata. Fixed test_volume_types_extra_specs
merge trunk
Fixes lp828207
Accept binary user_data in radix-64 format when you launch a new server using OSAPI. This user_data would be stored along with the other server properties in the database. Once the VM instance boots you can query for the user-data to do any custom installation of applications/servers or do some specific job like setting up networking route table
Change the call name
merged trunk
Merged with trunk
first cut on types & extra-data (only DB work, no tests)
merge from trunk
Merged trunk
Fixed several logical errors in the scheduling process. Renamed the ‘ZoneAwareScheduler’ to ‘AbstractScheduler’, since the zone-specific designation is no longer relevant. Created a BaseScheduler class that has basic filter_hosts() and weigh_hosts() capabilities. Moved the filters out of one large file and into a ‘filters’ subdirectory of nova/scheduler
Merged trunk
merged trunk
Merged with trunk and fixed broken testcases
merged with nova-1450
Make all services use the same launching strategy
Merged trunk
merge from trunk
Merged trunk
merge trunk
Resolved conflicts and merged with trunk
Added uuid for networks and made changes to the Create server API format to accept network as uuid instead of id
I’m taking Thierry at his word that I should merge early and merge often :)
Allow local_gb size to be 0. libvirt uses local_gb as a secondary drive, but XenServer uses it as the root partition’s size. Now we support both
Merged trunk
merge from trunk
Use netaddr’s subnet features to calculate subnets
merge from trunk
Updated the EC2 metadata controller so that it returns the correct value for instance-type metadata
merge the trunk
Merged with upstream
merge with trunk
Validate the size of VHD files in OVF containers
Merged trunk
Merged trunk
Merged trunk
merge trunk
Adding kvm-block-migration feature
merge trunk, remove _validate_cidrs and replace functionality with a double for loop
Merged with trunk
Merged trunk
Add durable flag for rabbit queues
merged trunk
Merged trunk
Added ability too boot VM from install ISO. System detects an image of type iso. Images is streamed to a VDI and mounted to the VM. Blank disk allocated to VM based on instance type
Add source-group filtering
added logic to make the creation of networks (IPv4 only) validation a bit smarter: - detects if the cidr is already in use - detects if any existing smaller networks are within the range of requested cidr(s) - detects if splitting a supernet into # of num_networks && network_size will fit - detects if requested cidr(s) are within range of already existing supernet (larger cidr)
Fix v1.1 /servers/<id> PUT request to match API documentation by returning 200 code and the server data in the body
have NetworkManager generate MAC address and pass it to the driver for plugging. Sets the stage for being able to do duplicate checks on those MACs as well
merge trunk, fix conflict frim dprince’s branch to remove hostname from bin/nova-dhcpbridge
merge in trunk, resolving conflicts with ttx’s branch to switch from using sudo to run_as_root=True
remerge trunk
Merged with trunk and fixed broken unit testcases
merged rev1418 and fixed code so that less than 1G image can be migrated
merge from trunk
merge from trunk
Merged trunk
Allows for a tunable number of SQL connections to be maintained between services and the SQL server using new configuration flags. Only applies when using the MySQLdb dialect in SQLAlchemy
Merged trunk
Merged trunk
merged trunk
Merged with trunk
Support for management of security groups in OS API as a new extension
Merged with trunk
Check compressed image size and PEP8 cleanup
merge from trunk
merged with 1416
merged trunk
* Removes rogue direct usage of subprocess module by proper utils.execute calls * Adds a run_as_root parameter to utils.execute, that prefixes your command with FLAG.root_helper (which defaults to ‘sudo’) * Turns all sudo calls into run_as_root=True calls * Update fakes accordingly * Replaces usage of “sudo -E” and “addl_env” parameter into passing environment in the command (allows it to be compatible with alternative sudo_helpers) * Additionally, forces close_fds=True on all utils.execute calls, since it’s a more secure default
Fixed broken unit testcases
merge from trunk
tenant_id -> project_id
These fixes are the result of trolling the pylint violations here
merge trunk
Merged with trunk
Merged with trunk
merge from trunk
merged with nova-1411
This adds the servers search capabilities defined in the OS API v1.1 spec.. and more for admins
merged trunk
Update the OSAPI v1.1 server ‘createImage’ and ‘createBackup’ actions to limit the number of image metadata items based on the configured quota.allowed_metadata_items that is set
Rename sudo_helper FLAG into root_helper
Initial validation for ec2 security groups name
Command args can be a tuple, convert them to list
Fix usage of sudo -E and addl_env in dnsmasq/radvd calls, remove addl_env support, fix fake_execute allowed kwargs
Use close_fds by default since it’s good for you
Fix ajaxterm’s use of shell=True, prevent from running its own version of utils.execute
With this branch, boot-from-volume can be marked as completed in some sense. The remaining is minor if any and will be addressed as bug fixes
Added xml schema validation for extensions resources. Added corresponding xml schemas. Added lxml dep, which is needed for doing xml schema validation
Fixing a bug in nova.utils.novadir()
Adds the ability to read/write to a local xenhost config. No changes to the nova codebase; this will be used only by admin tools that have yet to be created
Merged trunk
nova.exception.wrap_exception will re-raise some exceptions, but in the process of possibly notifying that an exception has occurred, it may clobber the current exception information. nova.utils.to_primitive in particular (used by the notifier code) will catch and handle an exception clobbering the current exception being handled in wrap_exception. Eventually when using the bare ‘raise’, it will attempt to raise None resulting a completely different and unhelpful exception
Import sys as well
Resolve conflicts and fixed broken unit testcases
This branch adds additional capability to the hosts API extension. The new options allow an admin to reboot or shutdown a host. I also added code to hide this extension if the –allow-admin-api is False, as regular users should have no access to host API calls
Adds OS API 1.1 support
another trunk merge
Merged trunk
Merged trunk
merged with 1383
Updated with code changes on LP
Merged trunk
Save exception and re-raise that instead of depending on thread local exception that may have been clobbered by intermediate processing
Sync trunk
Sync trunk
Added possibility to mark fixed ip like reserved and unreserved
Glance Image Service now understands how to use glance client to paginate through images
Implemented @test.skip_unless and @test.skip_if functionality in nova/
merged with 1382
Updates v1.1 servers/id/action requests to comply with the 1.1 spec
merging trunk
glance image service pagination
trunk merge
Add run_as_root parameter to utils.execute, uses new sudo_helper FLAG to prefix command
Remove spurious direct use of subprocess
Trunk contained PEP8 errors. Fixed
Trunk merge
merged trunk
merged with nova trunk
utilized functools.wraps
tests and merge with trunk
merged trunk
For nova-manage network create cmd, added warning when size of subnet(s) being created are larger than FLAG.network_size, in attempt to alleviate confusion. For example, currently when ‘nova-manage network create foo’, the result is that it creates a instead without any indication to why
Remove instances of the “diaper pattern”
There was a recent change to how we should flip FLAGS in tests, but not all tests were fixed. This covers the rest of them. I also added a method to test.UnitTest so that FLAGS.verbose can be set. This removes the need for flags to be imported from a lot of tests
Merged in the power action changes
Fixed rescue/unrescue since the swap changes landed in trunk. Minor refactoring (renaming callback to _callback since it’s not used here)
another merge
Removed temporary debugging raise
Merged trunk
Merged trunk
Added xenhost config get/setting
remove storing original flags verbosity
remove set_flags_verbosity.. it’s not needed
Merged trunk
Update the OS API servers metadata resource to match the current v1.1 specification - move /servers/<id>/meta to /servers/<id>/metadata - add PUT /servers/<id>/metadata
merged trunk
Sync with latest tests
Moves code restarting instances after compute node reboot from libvirt driver to compute manager; makes start_guests_on_host_boot flag global
Moved server actions tests to their own test file. Updated stubbing and how flags are set to be in line with how they’re supposed to be set in tests
merging trunk
Nova uses instance_type_id and flavor_id interchangeably when they almost always different values. This can often lead to an instance changing instance_type during migration because the values passed around internally are wrong. This branch changes nova to use instance_type_id internally and flavor_id in the API. This will hopefully avoid confusion in the future
Fixed rescue and unrescue
Conditionals were not actually runing the tests when they were supposed to. Renamed example testcases
Remove instances of the “diaper pattern”
Initial version
switch FLAGS.* = in tests to self.flags(…) remove unused cases of FLAGS from tests modified test.TestCase’s flags() to allow multiple overrides added missing license to
more cleanup of API tests regarding FLAGS
Merged trunk
Merged trunk
Merged trunk and fixed conflicts to make tests pass
Yet another conflict resolved
merged from trunk
merged from trunk
merge trunk
Resolved pep8 errors
merging trunk
Merged trunk
Fixes lp819523
Fix for bug #798298
Merged trunk
Add support for 300 Multiple Choice responses when no version identifier is used in the URI (or no version header is present)
Merged trunk
Glance has been updated for integration with keystone. That means that nova needs to forward the user’s credentials (the auth token) when it uses the glance API. This patch, combined with a forth-coming patch for in keystone, establishes that for nova itself and for xenapi; other hypervisors will need to set up the appropriate hooks for their use of glance
Added changes from mini server
merge from trunk
merge the trunk
Merged trunk
merged trunk
Merged trunk
Merged from lab
merge from trunk
Moves image creation from POST /images to POST /servers/<id>/action
Merged trunk
pull-up from trunk/fix merge conflict
pull-up from trunk
Removing the xenapi_image_service flag in favor of image_service
Merged trunk
merge from trunk
While we currently trap JSON encoding exceptions and bail out, for error notification it’s more important that *some* form of the message gets out. So, we take complex notification payloads and convert them to something we know can be expressed in JSON
Better error handling for resizing
merged trunk rev1348
merged with nova trunk
Added @test.skip_unless and @test.skip_if functionality. Also created nova/tests/ to show the skip cases usage
merge trunk, resolve conflict in net/ in favor of vif-plug
initial commit of vif-plugging for network-service interfaces
Merged trunk
merged from trunk
merge with trunk, resolve conflicts
merge from trunk
Resync to trunk
FlavorNotFound already existed, no need to create another exception
Created exceptions for accepting in OSAPI, and handled them appropriately
Merged with trunk
Merged trunk
merging trunk
pull-up from trunk and conflict resolution
merge trunk
Round 1 of changes for keystone integration. * Modified request context to allow it to hold all of the relevant data from the auth component. * Pulled out access to AuthManager from as many places as possible * Massive cleanup of unit tests * Made the openstack api fakes use fake Authentication by default
pull-up from trunk
merged trunk
This change creates a minimalist API abstraction for the nova/ code so that it’s possible to use other queue mechanisms besides Rabbit and/or AMQP, and even use other drivers for AMQP rather than Rabbit. The change is intended to give the least amount of interference with the rest of the code, fixes several bugs in the tests, and works with the current branch. I also have a small demo driver+server for using 0MQ which I’ll submit after this patch is merged
made the whole instance handling thing optional
pull-up from trunk; fix problem obscuring context module with context param; fix conflicts and no-longer-skipped tests
–Stolen from
Use the util.import_object to import a module
merged trunk and fix time call
merge trunk
merged trunk
added instance support to to_primitive and tests
merge with trunk
Adds XML serialization for servers responses that match the current v1.1 spec
merging trunk
merge trunk
Updated deserialization of POST /servers in the OSAPI to match the latest v1.1 spec
pull-up from trunk
merge trunk
merge from trunk
merge to trunk
merged with nova-1336
merged trunk
updates handling of arguments in nova-manage network create. updates a few of the arguments to nova-manage and related help. updates nova-manage to raise proper exceptions
Fail silently
merge trunk
Fixed conflict
Merged with trunk and fixed broken unit test cases
merged trunk
Fixes typo in attach volume
merged trunk
added ipv6 requirements to nova-manage network create. changed –network to –fixed_range_v4
updated nova-manage create network. better help, handling of required args, and exceptions. Also updated FLAG flat_network_bridge to default to None
add invalid device test and make sure NovaExceptions don’t get wrapped
merge from trunk
pull-up from trunk
Makes security group rules with the newer version of the ec2 api and correctly supports boto 2.0
merging parent branch servers-xml-serialization
merged recent trunk
merge with trunk
Resolved conflicts with trunk
Implements a simplified messaging abstraction with the least amount of impact to the code base
merging parent branch lp:~rackspace-titan/nova/osapi-create-server
Updates to the compute API and manager so that rebuild, reboot, snapshots, and password resets work with the most recent versions of novaclient
merging trunk; resolving conflicts
merged from trunk
merged trunk
merging trunk
pull-up from trunk
Updates /servers requests to follow the v1.1 spec. Except for implementation of uuids replacing ids and access ips both of which are not yet implemented. Also, does not include serialized xml responses
merged trunk
merge from trunk
merged trunk
I’m sorry, for my fail with rebasing. Any way previous branch grew to many other futures, so I supersede it. 1. Used optparse for parsing arg string 2. Added decorator for describe method params 3. Added option for assigning network to certain project. 4. Added field to “network list” for showing which project owns network
Moved the VIF network connectivity logic(‘ensure_bridge’ and ‘ensure_vlan_bridge’) from the network managers to the virt layer. In addition, VIF driver class is added to allow customized VIF configurations for various types of VIFs and underlying network technologies
merge with trunk, resolve conflicts
fixing merge conflict
merge from trunk
merged with 1320
merged trunk
This fixes the xml serialization of the /extensions and /extensions/foo resources. Add an ExtensionsXMLSerializer class and corresponding unit tests
merge with trunk, resolve conflicts
Merged with 1306 + fix for dns change
merge with 1305
Adds ability to set DNS entries on network create. Also allows 2 dns servers per network to be specified
merged trunk
Merged Dan’s branch
Merged trunk
merge with trunk, resolve conflicts
merge ryu’s branch
change context to maintain exact time, store roles, use ids instead of objects and use a uuid for request_id
Resolved conflict with trunk
merge trunk
This fixes issues with invalid flavorRef’s being passed in returning a 500 instead of a 400, and adds tests to verify that two separate cases work
merge from trunk
Perform fault wrapping in the openstack WSGI controller. This allows us to just raise webob Exceptions in OS API controllers with the appropriate explanations set. This resolves some inconsistencies with exception raising and returning that would cause HTML output to occur when faults weren’t being handled correctly
Merged with trunk which includes ha-net changes
Fixes lp813006
Fixes lp808949 - “resize doesn’t work with recent novaclient”
merge with trunk
Merged trunk
Merged lp:~~danwent/nova/network-refactoring
Adds HA networking (multi_host) option to networks
merge ryu’s branch
Merged trunk
merged trunk
network api release_floating_ip method will now check to see if an instance is associated to it, prior to releasing
Fixes lp809587
Merged with trunk
merged from trunk
Merged trunk
Merged with trunk
merged trunk
merged trunk
fixed reviewer’s comment. 1. ctxt -> context, 2. erase unnecessary exception message from nova.sccheduler.driver
merged trunk
This change adds the basic boot-from-volume support to the image service
Merged with trunk
Some basic validation for creating ec2 security groups. (LP: #715443)
VSA: first cut. merged with 1279
Tests passing again
Updated with some changes from manual testing
merging trunk
Adds greater configuration flexibility to rate limiting via api-paste.ini. In particular:
merge with trunk
Present ip addresses in their actual networks, not just a static public/private - Floating ip addresses are grouped into the networks with their associated fixed ips - Add addresses attribute to server entities
merge with trunk, resolve conflicts
Existing Windows agent behaves differently than the Unix agents and require some workarounds to operate properly. Fixes are going into the Windows agent to make it behave better, but workarounds are needed for compatibility with existing installed base
Merged with trunk and fixed pep errors
merging trunk
pull-up from trunk, while we’re at it
Merged with Trunk
Updated responses for GET /images and GET /images/detail to respect the OSAPI v1.1 spec
merge from trunk
Extends the exception.wrap_exception decorator to optionally send an update to the notification system in the event of a failure
trunk merge
merging trunk
merged branch lp:~rackspace-titan/nova/images-response-formatting
merged trunk
merge with trunk
Starting part of multi-nic support in the guest. Adds the remove_fixed_ip code, but is incomplete as it needs the API extension that Vek is working on
merged trunk
fix reviewer’s comment
fixed marshalling problem to cast_compute..
This doesn’t actually fix anything anymore, as the wsgi_refactor branch from Waldon took care of the issue. However, a couple rescue unit tests would have caught this originally, so I’m proposing this to include those
Merged with Trunk
add optional parameter networks to the Create server OS API
Made xen plugins rpm noarch
Set the proper return code for server delete requests
merging trunk
minor tweaks
Adds an extension which makes add_fixed_ip() available through an OpenStack extension
Fix the bug 800759
pre trunk merge
fix conflict
Fixed up an incorrect key being used to check Zones
merged trunk
Make the instance migration calls available via the API
Merged trunk
image/fake: added teardown method
merge with trunk
pull-up from trunk
pull-up from trunk
Merging issuse
implemented clean-up logic when VM fails to spawn for xenapi back-end
Adds the os-hosts API extension for interacting with hosts while performing maintenance. This differs from the previous merge prop as it uses a RESTful design instead of GET-based actions
stricter zone_id checking
trunk merge
Merged trunk
Updated the links container for flavors to be compliant with the current spec
merged trunk
Add a socket server responding with an allowing flash socket policy for all requests from flash on port 843 to nova-vncproxy
Pull-up from trunk (post-multi_nic)
merged trunk
merged trunk
merged trunk
merged trunk
merged trunk
merged trunk
merged trunk
First round of changes for ha-flatdhcp
fixed a bug which prevents suspend/resume after block-migration
after trunk merge
Added the GroupId param to any pertinent security_group methods that support it in the official AWS API
Fixed the case where an exception was thrown when trying to get a list of flavors via the api yet there were no flavors to list
fix up tests
review fixes
added multi-nic support
trunk merge with migration renumbering
Child Zone Weight adjustment available when adding Child Zones
trunk merge
merge trunk
merged trunk
Windows instances will often take a few minutes setting up the image on first boot and then reboot. We should be more patient for those systems as well check if the domid changes so we can send agent requests to the current domid
add metadata container to /images/detail and /images/<id> responses - update xml serialization to encode image entities properly
merging trunk
trunk merge
done and done
phew … working
compute_api.get_all should be able to recurse zones (bug 744217). Also, allow to build more than one instance at once with zone_aware_scheduler types. Other cleanups with regards to zone aware scheduler..
fix issue of recurse_zones not being converted to bool properly add bool_from_str util call add test for bool_from_str slight rework of min/max_count check
merged trunk
pulled in koelkers test changes
merge with trey
Merged trunk
merged trunk, fixed the floating_ip fixed_ip exception stupidity
trunk merge
Implement backup with rotation and expose this functionality in the OS API
Merged trunk
adopt merge
moved to wrap_exception approach
moved migration again & trunk merge
moved to wrap_exception decorator
Merged trunk
merging trunk
This adds system usage notifications using the notifications framework. These are designed to feed an external billing or similar system that subscribes to the nova feed and does the analysis
Refactored usage generation
Re-worked some of the WSGI and WSGIService code to make launching WSGI services easier, less error prone, and more testable. Added tests for WSGI server, new WSGI loader, and modified integration tests where needed
Merged trunk
pep8 fix
Adds support for “extra specs”, additional capability requirements associated with instance types
resync with trunk
remerged trunk
Added floating IP support in OS API
merge with trey
trunk merge, getting fierce.
Merged trunk
Added nova.version to
Pulled trunk, merged boot from ISO changes
review issues fixed
merge with trunk
Upstream merge
merging trunk; adding error handling around image xml serialization
Fix for bug #788265. Remove created_at, updated_at and deleted_at from instance_type dict returned by methods in sqlalchemy API
PEP8 fix
Merged from trunk
Add api methods to delete provider firewall rules
Removes the usage of the IPy module in favor of the netaddr module
trunk merged. conflicts resolved
added disassociate method to tests
some tests and refactoring
Trunk merge fixes
Merging trunk
Refactored backup rotate
Merged from trunk
Merged with trunk
Unwind last commit, force anyjson to use our serialization methods
Created Bootstrapper to handle Nova bootstrapping logic
trunk merge
This adds a way to create global firewall blocks that apply to all instances in your nova installation
merge from trunk
proper xml serialization for images
Add xml serialization for all /images/<id>/meta and /images/<id>/meta/<key> responses
trunk merge and migration bump
Merged markwash’s fixes
Merged trunk
Merged from trunk
This catches the InstanceNotFound exception on create, and ignores it. This prevents errors in the compute log, and causes the server to not be built (it should only get InstanceNotFound if the server was deleted right after being created). This is a temporary fix that should be fixed correctly once no-db-messaging stuff is complete
merging trunk
Adding backup rotation
fix some issues with flags and logging
api/ec2, boot-from-volume: an unit test for describe instances
merge with trunk
trunk merge
merge from trunk
This branch adds support to the xenapi driver for updating the guest agent on creation of a new instance. This ensures that the guest agent is running the latest code before nova starts configuring networking, setting root password or injecting files
merge from trunk
merge with trey
fixed reviewer’s comment. 1. adding dest-instance-dir deleting operation to nova.compute.manager, 2. fix invalid raise statement
Merged trunk
added adjust child zone test
tests working again
updated the exceptions around virtual interface creation, updated flatDHCP manager comment
more trunks
another trunk merge
This patch adds support for working with instances by UUID in addition to integer IDs
Merging trunk, fixing conflicts
Cleanup and addition of tests for WSGI server
merged rev trunk 1198
Introduced Loader concept, for paste decouple
Cleaned up nova-api binary and logging a bit
General cleanup and refactor of a lot of the API/WSGI service code
Adding tests for is_uuid_like
Implements a portion of ec2 ebs boot. What’s implemented - block_device_mapping option for run instance with volume (ephemeral device and no device isn’t supported yet) - stop/start instance
updated fixed ip and floating ip exceptions
Merging trunk
renamed VirtualInterface exception and extend NovaException
bunch of docstring changes
Removes nova/image/ (LocalImageService)
Increased error message readability for the OpenStack API
merging trunk
Upstream merge
Rename: intance_type_metadata -> instance_type_extra_specs
merged trunk
merge with trey
Merged trunk
Prep-work to begin on reroute_compute
Adding uuid test
merge with nova trunk
The Xen driver supports running instances in PV or HVM modes, but the method it uses to determine which to use is complicated and doesn’t work in all cases. The result is that images that need to use HVM mode (such as FreeBSD 64-bit) end up setting a property named ‘os’ set to ‘windows’
Phew … ok, this is the last dist-scheduler merge before we get into serious testing and minor tweaks. The heavy lifting is largely done
Changed requests with malformed bodies to return a HTTP 400 Bad Request instead of a HTTP 500 error
merged trunk
mp fixes
merged trunk rev 1178
merge with trey
Created new exception for handling malformed requests Wrote tests Raise httpBadRequest on malformed request bodies
fixes bug that prevented custom wsgi serialization
merging trunk, fixing pep8
This fixes the server_metadata create and update functions that were returning req.body (as a string) instead of body (deserialized body dictionary object). It also adds checks where appropriate to make sure that body is not empty (and return 400 if it is). Tests updated/added where appropriate
merging trunk
trunk merge
merge trunk
block migration feature added
ec2 api method allocate_address ; raises exception.NoFloatingIpsDefined instead of UnknownError when there aren’t any floating ips available
Allows Nova to talk to multiple Glance APIs (without the need for an external load-balancer). Chooses a random Glance API for each request
added new exception more descriptive of not having available floating addresses avail for allocation
trunk merge and ec2 tests fixed
tests working after merge-3 update
Pull-up from multi_nic
merged koelkers tests branch
Merging trunk
Merged trunk
Fix merge conflict
merged trunk again
Now forwards create instance requests to child zones. Refactored nova.compute.api.create() to support deferred db entry creation
MySQL database tables are currently using the MyISAM engine. Created migration script nova/db/sqlalchemy/migrate_repo/versions/ to change all current tables to InnoDB
merged trunk again
Cleaned up some pylint errors
removed network_info shims in vmops
trunk merge
merge trunk
Cleaned up some of the larger pylint errors. Set to ignore some lines that pylint just couldn’t understand
Make libvirt snapshotting work with images that don’t have an ‘architecture’ property
run_instances will check image for ‘available’ status before attempting to create a new instance
merged from trunk
This branch allows marker and limit parameters to be used on image listing (index and detail) requests. It parses the parameters from the request, and passes it along to the glance_client, which can now handle these parameters. Essentially all of the logic for the pagination is handled in glance, we just pass along the correct parameters and do some error checking
merge from trunk, resolved conflicts
Update the OSAPI images controller to use ‘serverRef’ for image create requests
merge with trey
Merged trunk
merge trunk
merge with trunk
This branch removes nwfilter rules when instances are terminated to prevent resource leakage and serious eventual performance degradation. Without this patch, launching instances and restarting nova-compute eventually become very slow
merge with trunk
resolve conflicts with trunk
Update migrate script version to 22
trunk merge after 2b hit
Distributed Scheduler developer docs
merged trunk again
paramiko is not installed into the venv, but is required by smoketests/ Added paramiko to tools/pip-requires
Changes all uses of utcnow to use the version in utils. This is a simple wrapper for datetime.datetime.utcnow that allows us to use fake values for tests
Set pylint to ignore correct lines that it could not determine were correct, due to the means by which imported subprocess Minimized the number of these lines to ignore
LDAP optimization and fix for one small bug caused huge performance leak. Dashboard’s benchmarks showed overall x22 boost in page request completion time
Adds LeastCostScheduler which uses a series of cost functions and associated weights to determine which host to provision to
trunk merge
Merged with trunk
This change set adds the ability to create new servers with an href that points to a server image on any glance server (not only the default one configured). This means you can create a server with imageRef = http://glance1:9292/images/3 and then also create one with imageRef = http://glance2:9292/images/1. Using the old way of passing in an image_id still works as well, and will use the default configured glance server (imageRef = 3 for instance)
merged trunk
Tests that all exceptions can be raised properly, and fix the couple of instances where they couldn’t be constructed due to typos
merge trunk… yay..
make all uses of utcnow use our testable utils.utcnow
Fixing conflicts
Tests to assure all exceptions can be raised as well as fixing NotAuthorized
This adds the ability to publish nova errors to an error queue
Sudo chown the vbd device to the nova user before streaming data to it. This resolves an issue where nova-compute required ‘root’ privs to successfully create nodes with connection_type=xenapi
Bugfix #780784. KeyError when creating custom image
merged from trunk
fix pep8 issue from merge
move osapi-specific wsgi code from nova/ to nova/api/openstack/ - refactor wsgi modules to use more object-oriented approach to wsgi request handling: - Resource object steps up to original Controller position - Resource coordinates deserialization, dispatch to controller, serialization - serialization and deserialization broken down to be more testable/flexible
merge from trunk
Merged from trunk
Adds hooks for applying ovs flows when vifs are created and destroyed for XenServer instances
Fixing a bunch of conflicts
Incremented version of migration script to reflect changes in trunk
Basic hook-up to HostFilter and fixed up the passing of InstanceType spec to the scheduler
Resolving conflict and finish test_images
Merged trunk
Merged trunk and fixed conflicts
added pause/suspend implementation to nova.virt.libvirt_conn
Added the filtering of image queries with image metadata. This is exposing the filtering functionality recently added to Glance. Attempting to filter using the local image service will be ignored
This enables us to create a new volume from a snapshot with the EC2 api
Add vnc_keymap flag, enable setting keymap for vnc console and fix bug #782611
Rebased to trunk rev 1120
trunk merge
Cleaned up text conflict
pep8 fixes
Handle the case when a v1.0 api tries to list servers that contain image hrefs
merge trunk
merge from trunk
This adds a volume snapshot support with the EC2 api
Fixing pep8 problems
Adding accessor methods for instance type metadata
trunk merge
Adds the ability to make a call that returns multiple times (a call returning a generator). This is also based on the work in rpc-improvements + a bunch of fixes Vish and I worked through to get all the tests to pass so the code is a bit all over the place
merge with dietz
Virt tests passing while assuming the old style single nics
merge trunk
Essentially adds support for wiring up a swap disk when building
Merged trunk
branch 2a merge (including trunk)
trunk merge
merging trunk
merge with dietz
Renamed image_ref variables to image_href. Since the convention is that x_ref vars may imply that they are db objects
Added test skipper class
cleanup the code for merging
lots of fixes for rpc and extra imports
almost everything working with fake_rabbit
merge with dietz
Fixing divergence
Merged trunk
Fixed the mistyped line referred to in bug 787023
Merged trunk and resolved conflicts
Merged with trunk
Several changes designed to bring the openstack api 1.1 closer to spec - add ram limits to the nova compute quotas - enable injected file limits and injected file size limits to be overridden in the quota database table - expose quota limits as absolute limits in the openstack api 1.1 limits resource - add support for controlling ‘unlimited’ quotas to nova-manage
During the API create call, the API would kick off a build and then loop in a greenthread waiting for the scheduler to pick a host for the instance. After API would see a host was picked, it would cast to the compute node’s set_admin_password method
Merged upstream
merged trunk
Merged trunk
Created new libvirt directory, moved to libvirt/, moved libvirt templates, broke out firewall and network utilities
merge against 2a
trunk merge
New tests added
merged recent trunk
merged recent trunk
eventlet.spawn_n() expects the function and arguments, but it expects the arguments unpacked since it uses *args
merge with trey
merge trunk
moved auto assign floating ip functionality from compute manager to network manager
Fixes some minor doc issues - misspelled flags in zones doc and also adds zones doc to an index for easier findability
Synchronise with Diablo development
zone1 merge
merged from trunk
Renaming service_image_id vars to image_id to reduce confusion. Also some minor cleanup
get rid of all mention of drivers … it’s filter only now
merge trunk
merge branch lp:~rackspace-titan/nova/ram-limits
Rebased to trunk rev 1101
merge from trunk
moved utils functions into nova/image/
Trunk merge
Fix bug #744150 by starting nova-api on an unused port
Removing utils.is_int()
merge trunk
merging trunk
Merged with trunk
print information about nova-manage project problems
merge from trunk
This is the groundwork for the upcoming distributed scheduler changes. Nothing is actually wired up here, so it shouldn’t break any existing code (and all tests pass)
Merging trunk
Get rid of old virt/ functions that are no longer needed. Checked for any loose calls to these functions and found none. All tests pass for me
Update OSAPI v1.1 extensions so that it supports RequestExtensions. ResponseExtensions were removed since the new RequestExtension covers both use cases. This branch also removes some of the odd serialization code in the RequestExtensionController that converted dictionary objects into webob objects. RequestExtension handlers should now always return proper webob objects
Fixed some tests
merge with trunk
Added an EC2 API endpoint that’ll allow import of public key. Prior, api only allowed generation of new keys
Add new flag ‘max_kernel_ramdisk_size’ to specify a maximum size of kernel or ramdisk so we don’t copy large files to dom0 and fill up /boot/guest
Merged with trunk
merge from trunk
Merged trunk and resolved horrible horrible conflicts
Merging trunk
minor cleanup, plus had to merge because of diverged-branches issue
merge from trunk
merge lp:nova
default to port 80 if it isnt in the href/uri
skeleton of forwarding calls to child zones
merge trunk
Adding FlagNotSet exception
Implements a basic mechanism for pushing notifications out to interested parties. The rationale for implementing notifications this way is that the responsibility for them shouldn’t fall to Nova. As such, we simply will be pushing messages to a queue where another worker entirely can be written to push messages around to subscribers
Merging trunk
fix pep8 issues
fixed QuotaTestCases
fixed ComputeTestCase tests
made ImageControllerWithGlanceServiceTests pass
get integrated server_tests passing
Removed all utils.import_object(FLAGS.image_service) and replaced with utils.get_default_image_service()
added is_int function to utils
Pep8 fixes
updates to utils methods, initial usage in
added util functions to get image service
Adding fill first cost function
Fixes the naming of the server_management_url in auth and tests
Merging in Sandy’s changes adding Noop Cost Fn with tests
merged trunk
Fixes improper attribute naming around instance types that broke Resizes
Convert instance_type_ids in the instances table from strings to integers to enable joins with instance_types. This in particular fixes a problem when using postgresql
merge lp:nova
Re-pull changed notification branch
failure conditions are being sent back properly now
Migrate quota schema from hardcoded columns to a key-value approach. The hope is that this change would make it easier to change the quota system without future schema changes. It also adds the concept of quotas that are unlimited
Added missing flavorRef and imageRef checks in the os api xml deserialization code along with tests
This branch splits out the IPv6 address generation into pluggable backends. A new flag named ipv6_backend specifies which backend to use
Review changes and merge from trunk
merge trunk
Adds proper error handling for images that can’t be found and a test for deregister image
Merging in trunk
I’m assuming that openstack doesnt work with python < 2.6 here (which I read somewhere on the wiki). This patch will check to make sure python >= 2.6 is installed, and also allow it to work with python 2.7 (and greater in the future)
merge lp:nova
XenAPI was not implemented to allow for multiple simultaneous XenAPI requests. A single XenAPIConnection (and thus XenAPISession) is used for all queries. XenAPISession’s wait_for_task method would set a self.loop = for looping calls to _poll_task until task completion. Subsequent (parallel) calls to wait_for_task for another query would overwrite this. XenAPISession._poll_task was pulled into the XenAPISession.wait_for_task method to avoid having to store self.loop
Merged trunk
Merging in Sandy’s changes
volume/driver: implement basic snapshot
merge trunk
trunk merge
merge trunk
merged from trunk
if a LoopingCall has canceled the loop, break out early instead of sleeping any more than needed
merged from trunk
merged from trunk
merge from trunk
1 Set default paths for nova.conf and api-paste.ini to /etc/nova/ 2 Changed countryName policy because still affected
merge from trunk and update .mailmap file
Merged trunk
Fixes an issue with conversion of images that was introduced by exception refactoring. This makes the exceptions when trying to locate an ec2 id clearer and also adds some tests for the conversion methods
make sure proper exceptions are raised for ec2 id conversion and add tests
merge trunk
Merged trunk
Abstract out IPv6 address generation to pluggable backends
Merged trunk
extracted xenserver capability reporting from dabo’s dist-scheduler branch and added tests
Enable RightAWS style signature checking using server_string without port number, add test cases for authenticate() and a new helper routine, and fix lp753660
Set root password upon XenServer instance creation
trunk merge
fix mismerge by 1059
volume/driver: implement basic snapshot/clone
Host Filtering for Distributed Scheduler (done before weighing)
Rebased to trunk rev 1057
merge from trunk
Simple fix for this issue. Tries to raise an exception passing in a variable that doesn’t exist, which causes an error
Merged trunk
merge from trunk
Sanitize get_console_output results. See bug #758054
Merged trunk
terminology: no more plug-ins or queries. They are host filters and drivers
merge prop fixes
merge with trunk
merge from trunk
Merged with current trunk
Merged trunk
tests and better driver loading
Adding OSAPI v1.1 limits resource
Adding support for server rebuild to v1.0 and v1.1 of the Openstack API
looking for default flagfile
merging trunk
merging trunk
Merged trunk
Merged trunk
ensure create image conforms to OS API 1.1 spec
merge updates from trunk
merged from trunk
merging trunk; resolving conflicts; fixing issue with ApiError test failing since r1043
Implement get_host_ip_addr in the libvirt compute driver
merging trunk; resolving conflicts
ApiError ‘code’ arg set to None, and will only display a ‘code’ as part of the str if specified
merging trunk
Final cleanup of nova/ in my series of refactoring branches
Uses memcached to cache roles so that ldap is actually usable
Rebased to trunk rev 1035
Added more unit-test for multi-nic-nova libvirt
further cleanup of nova/
merge with trunk and resolve conflicts
Refactoring usage of nova.exception.NotFound
merging trunk
Refactoring the usage of nova.exception.Duplicate
Rebased to trunk rev 1030
merged from trunk
merging trunk
Merged trunk and fixed simple exception conflict
merging trunk
Refactoring nova.exception.Invalid usage
Use runtime XML instead of VM creation time XML for createXML() call in order to ensure volumes are attached after RebootInstances as a workaround, and fix bug #747922
Rebased to trunk rev 1027, and resolved a conflict in nova/virt/
Rebased to trunk rev 1027
clarifies error when trying to add duplicate instance_type names or flavorids via nova-manage instance_type
merge trunk
Rework completed. Added test cases, changed helper method name, etc
merge trunk, resolved conflict
merge trunk
Provide option of auto assigning floating ip to each instance. Depend on auto_assign_floating_ip boolean flag value. False by default
Restore volume state on migration failure to fix lp742256
Fixes cloudpipe to get the proper ip address
merging trunk
Fix bug with content-type and small OpenStack API actions refactor
merge with trunk
merge trunk
merged trunk
Merged trunk and fixed api servers conflict
Addressing exception.NotFound across the project
Fixed network_info creation in libvirt driver. Now creating same dict as in xenapi driver
rebase trunk
Rebased to trunk rev 1015
Utility method reworked, etc
Docstring cleanup and formatting (nova dir). Minor style fixes as well
merge trunk
cleanups per code review
docstring cleanup, nova dir
merge with trunk
Rebased to trunk rev 1005
Merged trunk
trunk merged
merging lp:~rackspace-titan/nova/exceptions-refactor-invalid
Round 1 of pylint cleanup
Implement quotas for the new v1.1 server metadata controller
pep8 fix
refactoring usage of exception.Duplicate errors
merging lp:~rackspace-titan/nova/exceptions-refactor-invalid
one last i18n string
Merged trunk
multi-line string spacing
moving dynamic i18n to static
Add support for creating a snapshot of a nova volume with euca-create-snapshot
Add support for creating a snapshot of a nova volume with euca-create-snapshot
trunk merged
use ‘is not None’ instead of ‘!= None’
Support admin password when specified in server create requests
merge lp:nova and resolve conflicts
use ‘is not None’ instead of ‘!= None’
trunk merged
Rebased to trunk rev 995
Rebased to trunk rev 995
merge trunk
trunk merged. conflict resolved
Add additional logging for WSGI and OpenStack API authentication
Merged trunk
merging trunk
adding documentation & error handling
correcting tests; pep8
initial roundup of all ‘exception.Invalid’ cases
Updated following to RIck’s comments
Blushed up a little bit
Merged lp:~rackspace-titan/nova/server_metadata_quotas as a prereq
Merged trunk
Merged trunk
merge trunk
Rebase to trunk rev 937
merge trunk
Rebased to trunk rev 973
merge trunk
resolved lazy_match conflict between bin/nova-manage instance and instance_type by moving instance subcommand under vm command. documented vm command in man page. removed unused instance_id from vm list subcommand
Rebased to trunk rev 971
Reabased to trunk rev 971
There is a race condition when a VDI is mounted and the device node is created. Sometimes (depending on the configuration of the Linux distribution) nova loses the race and will try to open the block device before it has been created in /dev
merge trunk
removes log command from nova-manage as it no longer worked in multi-log setup
corrects incorrect openstack api responses for metadata (numeric/string conversion issue) and image format status (not uppercase)
Implement a mechanism to enforce a configurable quota limit for image metadata (properties) within the OS API image metadata controller
merge trunk
merge trunk
Fixes issues with describe instances due to improperly set metadata
Added support for listing addresses of a server in the openstack api. Now you can GET * /servers/1/ips * /servers/1/ips/public * /servers/1/ips/private Supports v1.0 json and xml. Added corresponding tests
This fixes how the metadata and addresses collections are serialized in xml responses
merged trunk
merged trunk and resolved conflict
Update instances table to use instance_type_id instead of the old instance_type column which represented the name (ex: m1.small) of an instance type
Remove <addressSet> and <item> from AllocateAddress response, and fix bug #751176
Blush up a bit
Rebased to trunk rev 949
Rebased to trunk rev 949
pep8 cleanup
ApiError code should default to None, and will only display a code if one exists. Prior was output an ‘ApiError: ApiError: error message’ string, which is confusing
merged trunk
Merged trunk
Support providing an XML namespace on the XML output from the OpenStack API
Merged with trunk, fixed up test that wasn’t checking namespace
Enable RightAWS style signing on server_string without port number portion
Improved unit tests Fixed docstring formatting
Only create ca_path directory if it does not already exist
merged trunk
merged trunk
Moved ‘name’ from <imageId> to <imageLocation>, corrected <imageType> and fixes bug # 750482
Rebased to trunk 942
merge trunk
merging trunk
Declares the flag for vncproxy_topic in compute.api
fixes incorrect case of OpenStack API status response
merge trunk
Added synchronize_session parameter to a query in fixed_ip_disassociate_all_by_timeout() and fix #735974
Rebased to trunk 930
merge trunk
Add a change password action to /servers in openstack api v1.1, and associated tests
merge lp:nova
Merged with Waldon
adding ‘building’ power state; testing for 409 from OSAPI when rebuild requested on server being rebuild
Rebased to trunk rev 925
Merged with trunk (after faults change to return correct content-type)
OpenStack API faults have been changed to now return the appropriated Content-Type header
Merged with trunk
Merged with trunk
Merged trunk
merge trunk
merged trunk
The VNC Proxy is an OpenStack component that allows users of Nova to access their instances through a websocket enabled browser (like Google Chrome)
Support for volumes in the OpenStack API
Merged with trunk
This branch adds support for linux containers (LXC) to nova. It uses the libvirt LXC driver to start and stop the instance
Glance used to return None when a date field wasn’t set, now it returns ‘’. Glance used to return dates in format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S”, now it returns “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f”
Adds support for versioned requests on /images through the OpenStack API
Merged trunk
Added VLAN networking support for XenAPI
Merged with trunk
Merged trunk
merge trunk
merged from trunk
merge lp:nova
merge trunk
merge trunk
Merged trunk
merge with trunk
merge lp:nova
Mixins for tests confuse pylint no end, and aren’t necessary… you can stop the base-class from being run as a test by prefixing the class name with an underscore
Merged with trunk
merge trunk
merge trunk, fixed conflicts
merge trunk addressing Trey’s comments
Merged with trunk, resolved conflicts & code-flicts
merged trunk
merge trunk
merge lp:nova
Adding links container to openstack api v1.1 servers entities
Merged trunk
Merged trunk
merging trunk
merge trunk
Merged trunk and fixed broken/conflicted tests
add a “links” container to versions entities for Openstack API v1.1 - add testing for the openstack api versions resource and create a view builder
merging trunk
This is basic network injection for XenServer, and includes:
merging trunk
Implement image metadata controller for the v1.1 OS API
merging trunk
merging trunk, resolving conflicts
Add a “links” container to flavors entities for Openstack API v1.1
merge trunk
merge trunk
merging trunk and resolving conflicts
Implement metadata resource for Openstack API v1.1. Includes: -GET /servers/id/meta -POST /servers/id/meta -GET /servers/id/meta/key -PUT /servers/id/meta/key -DELETE /servers/id/meta/key
merge trunk, add unit test
merge trunk
merge trunk addressing reviewer’s comments
Support for markers for pagination as defined in the 1.1 spec
merge trunk
Ports the Tornado version of an S3 server to eventlet and wsgi, first step in deprecating the twistd-based objectstore
Merged with trunk Updated net injection for xenapi reflecting recent changes for libvirt
Support for markers for pagination as defined in the 1.1 spec
port the objectstore tests to the new tests
update test base class to monkey patch wsgi
merge trunk
Implementation of blueprint hypervisor-vmware-vsphere-support. (Link to blueprint:
Adds serverId to OpenStack API image detail per related_image blueprint
Implement API extensions for the Openstack API. Based on the Openstack 1.1 API the following types of extensions are supported:
Merging trunk
Adds unit test coverage for XenAPI Rescue & Unrescue
libvirt driver multi_nic support. In this phase libvirt can work with and without multi_nic support, as in multi_nic support for xenapi:
Merging trunk
Merged trunk
style and spacing fixed
Merged with trunk, fix problem with behaviour of (fake) virt driver when instance doesn’t reach scheduling
In this branch we are forwarding incoming requests to child zones when the requested resource is not found in the current zone
trunk merge
Fixes a bug that was causing tests to fail on OS X by ensuring that greenthread sleep is called during retry loops
Merged trunk
Fix some errors that pylint found in nova/api/openstack/
Merged trunk
Pylint ‘Undefined variable’ E0602 error fixes
Merged with trunk
Merged trunk and resolved conflict in nova/db/sqlalchemy/
Merged with trunk
Aggregates capabilities from Compute, Network, Volume to the ZoneManager in Scheduler
merged trunk r864
merging trunk r864
trunk merged. conflicts resolved
Merged trunk
merge trunk
Small refactor
merging trunk r863
Merged trunk
trunk merge
merge trunk
merge trunk
Pass a fake timing source to live_migration_pre in every test that expectes it to fail, shaving off a whole minute of test run time
merge trunk
Poll instance states periodically, so that we can detect when something changes ‘behind the scenes’
Merged with conflict and resolved conflict (with my own patch, no less)
Merged with trunk
Added a mechanism for versioned controllers for openstack api versions 1.0/1.1. Create servers in the 1.1 api now supports imageRef/flavorRef instead of imageId/flavorId
Merged trunk
Offers the ability to run a periodic_task that sweeps through rescued instances older than 24 hours and forcibly unrescues them
Merged trunk
merge trunk
Merged with lp:nova, fixed conflicts
Move all types of locking into utils.synchronize decorator
Better method name
small fix
Added docstring
Updates the previously merged xs_migration functionality to allow upsizing of the RAM and disk quotas for a XenServer instance
Fix lp735636 by standardizing the format of image timestamp properties as datetime objects
migration gateway_v6 to network_info
fix utils.execute retries for osx
Merged trunk
Automatically unrescue instances after a given timeout
trunk merge
trunk merged
Merged trunk
Merged trunk
merged with trunk Updated xenapi network injection for IPv6 Updated unit tests
merge trunk
merge trunk
Merging trunk
Merged with lp:nova
Merged with lp:nova
Filtering images by user_id now
Added space in between # and TODO in #TODO
Enable flat manager support for ipv6
Adding a talk bubble to the site that points readers to the 2011.1 site and the site - similar to the site. I believe it helps people see more sites are available, plus they can get to the Bexar site if they want to. Going forward it’ll be nice to use this talk bubble to point people to the trunk site from released sites
Test the login behavior of the OpenStack API. Uncovered bug732866
trunk merge
Renamed check_instance -> check_isinstance to make intent clearer
Pep8 fix
Merging trunk
Adding BASE_IMAGE_ATTRS to ImageService
Resolved conflicts
Remove unused global semaphore
Addressed reviewer’s comments
Merged trunk
merging trunk r843
merging trunk r843
merging trunk r843
Make synchronized decorator not leak semaphores, at the expense of not being truly thread safe (but safe enough for Eventlet style green threads)
merge trunk
Make synchronized support both external (file based) locks as well as internal (semaphore based) locks. Attempt to make it native thread safe at the expense of never cleaning up semaphores
merge with trunk
xenapi support for multi_nic. This is a phase of multi_nic which allows xenapi to work as is and with multi_nic. The other virt driver(s) need to be updated with the same support
merge lp:nova
wrap and log errors getting image ids from local image store
merge lp:nova
merging trunk
Provide more useful exception messages when unable to load the virtual driver
Openstack api 1.0 flavors resource now implemented to match the spec
merging trunk r837
zones3 and trunk merge
trunk merge
merge with trunk
merge trunk
merge trunk
merge trunk
fixes nova-manage instance_type compatibility with postgres db
Make smoketests’ exit code reveal whether they were succesful
merge trunk
Merged trunk
merge lp:nova
merge trunk
Cleanup of FakeAuthManager
Re-implementation (or just implementation in many cases) of Limits in the OpenStack API. Limits is now available through /limits and the concept of a limit has been extended to include arbitrary regex / http verb combinations along with correct XML/JSON serialization. Tests included
merge with trunk
Merged trunk
merge trunk
merge trunk
merge trunk
Make “ApiError” the default error code for ApiError instances, rather than “Unknown.”
Merged trunk
Merged dependant branch lp:~rackspace-titan/nova/openstack-api-versioned-controllers
refactored out middleware, now it’s a decorator on service.api
Fix a couple of things that assume that libvirt == kvm/qemu
fix for lp712982, and likely a variety of other dashboard error handling issues. This fix simply causes the default error code for ApiError to be ‘ApiError’ rather than ‘Unknown’, which makes dashboard handle the error gracefully, and makes euca error output slightly prettier
Make utils.execute not overwrite std{in,out,err} args to Popen on retries. Make utils.execute reject unknown kwargs
merged trunk, merged qos, slight refactor regarding merges
general approach for openstack api versioning - openstack api version now preserved in request context - added view builder classes to handle os api responses - added imageRef and flavorRef to os api v1.1 servers - modified addresses container structure in os api v1.1 servers
Add support for network QoS (ratelimiting) for XenServer. Rate is pulled from the flavor (instance_type) when constructing a vm
Improved exception handling
merging parent branch lp:~bcwaldon/nova/osapi-flavors-1_1
merging parent branch lp:~rackspace-titan/nova/openstack-api-version-split
merged trunk
merge trunk
Merged trunk
merge with trunk. moved scheduler_manager into manager. fixed tests
Remerge trunk
moved scheduler API check into db.api decorator
MErge trunk
Log the use of utils.synchronized
Fix lp727225 by adding support for personality files to the openstack api
merge lp:nova and resolve conflicts
Merging trunk
Don’t generate insecure passwords where it’s easy to use urandom instead
merge trunk
merge trunk
added new class Instances for managaging instances added new method list in class Instances:
first pass openstack redirect working
Merged with trunk (and brian’s previous fixes to fake auth)
Add logging to lock check
Merged trunk
Use random.SystemRandom for easy secure randoms, configurable symbol set by default including mixed-case
merge lp:nova
Fixed bugs in bug fix (plugin call)
exception fixup
merged with trunk and removed conflicts
Merging trunk
Merged with trunk. Had to hold bazaar’s hand as it got lost again
Clarify the logic in using 32 symbols
Don’t generate insecure passwords where it’s easy to use urandom instead
Fixing API per spec, to get unit-tests to pass
merge trunk
Initial implementation of refresh instance states
Adding instance_id as Glance image_property
removed conflicts and merged with trunk
committing to share
NTT’s live-migration branch, merged with trunk, conflicts resolved, and migrate file renamed
merge trunk
merge trunk
Make nova-dhcpbridge output lease information in dnsmasq’s leasesfile format
Merged my doc changes with trunk
Make utils.execute not overwrite std{in,out,err} args to Popen on retries. Make utils.execute reject unknown kwargs
merge trunk
Merged with trunk
merged with latest trunk and removed unwanted files
Use a consistent naming scheme for XenAPI variables
fixed conflicts after merging with trunk with 787
Replace raw SQL calls through session.execute() with SQLAlchemy code
Merged trunk
This change adds the ability to boot Windows and Linux instances in XenServer using different sets of vm-params
merge trunk
Changes the output of status in describe_volumes from showing the user as the owner of the volume to showing the project as the owner
merge trunk
Adds in multi-tenant support to openstack api. Allows for multiple accounts (projects) with admin api for creating accounts & users
remerge trunk (again). fix issues caused by changes to deserialization calls on controllers
merge from trunk..
Merged trunk
merge trunk
merge lp:nova
merge trunk
Add a new IptablesManager that takes care of all uses of iptables
merge lp:nova
merge trunk
Introduces the ZoneManager to the Scheduler which polls the child zones and caches their availability and capabilities
merge trunk
merge lp:nova and add stub image service to quota tests as needed
merged to trunk rev781
Modifies S3ImageService to wrap LocalImageService or GlanceImageService. It now pulls the parts out of s3, decrypts them locally, and sends them to the underlying service. It includes various fixes for image/, image/ and the tests
merged trunk
Merged trunk
merge lp:nova
merge, resolve conflicts, and update to reflect new standard deserialization function signature
Fixes doc build after execvp patch
Content-Type and Accept headers handled properly - Content-Type added to responses - Query extensions no long cause computeFaults - adding wsgi.Request object - removing request-specific code from wsgi.Serializer
Fixes bug 726359. Passes unit tests
merge lp:nova, fix conflicts, fix tests
merge lp:nova and resolve conflicts
Update the create server call in the Openstack API so that it generates an ‘adminPass’ and calls set_admin_password in the compute API. This gets us closer to parity with the Cloud Servers v1.0 spec
Merged trunk
execvp passes pep8
merge trunk
Add a decorator that lets you synchronise actions across multiple binaries. Like, say, ensuring that only one worker manipulates iptables at a time
merge lp:nova
Fixes bug #729400. Invalid values for offset and limit params in http requests now return a 400 response with a useful message in the body. Also added and updated tests
Fixes uses of process_input
merged trunk r771
remerge trunk
merge lp:nova and resolve conflicts
merge trunk
Merged with trunk Updated exception handling according to spawn refactoring
execvp: unit tests pass
merged to trunk rev 769
execvp: almost passes tests
Refactoring nova-api to be a service, so that we can reuse it in unit tests
merge trunk
Fixes lp730960 - mangled instance creation in virt drivers due to improper merge conflict resolution
Use disk_format and container_format in place of image type
Merging trunk
Fix the bug where fakerabbit is doing a sort of prefix matching on the AMQP routing key
merge trunk
merged trunk
Remerged trunk. fixed conflict
This fix is an updated version of Todd’s lp720157. Adds SignatureVersion checking for Amazon EC2 API requests, and resolves bug #720157
Merged trunk
Log failed command execution if there are more retry attempts left
Implementation for XenServer migrations. There are several places for optimization but I based the current implementation on the chance scheduler just to be safe. Beyond that, a few features are missing, such as ensuring the IP address is transferred along with the migrated instance. This will be added in a subsequent patch. Finally, everything is implemented through the Openstack API resize hooks, but actual resizing of the instance RAM and hard drive space is not yet implemented
Merged with current trunk
Resolving excess conflicts due to criss-cross in branch history
Rebased to nova revision 761
* Updated readme file with installation of suds-0.4 through easy_install. * Removed pass functions * Fixed pep8 errors * Few bug fixes and other commits
merged trunk
merge trunk
remove ensure_b64_encoding
Merged to trunk rev 759
Merged trunk rev 758
merge lp:nova
Refactor wsgi.Serializer away from handling Requests directly; now require Content-Type in all requests; fix tests according to new code
Merged with Trunk
This fix changes a tag contained in the DescribeKeyPairs response from <keypairsSet> to <keySet> so that Amazon EC2 access libraries which does more strict syntax checking can work with Nova
Remerged trunk, fixed a few conflicts
merged to trunk rev757
Merged to rev 757
merges dynamic instance types blueprint ( and bundles blueprint (
merged trunk
Very simple change checking for < 0 values in “limit” and “offset” GET parameters. If either are negative, raise a HTTPBadRequest exception. Relevant tests included
Fixes Bug #715424: nova-manage : create network crashes when subnet range provided is not enough , if the network range cannot fit the parameters passed, a ValueError is raised
Provide the ability to rescue and unrescue a XenServer instance
merged trunk
merging trunk
Merged trunk
Fixed pep8 issues, applied jaypipes suggestion
Rebased to nova revision 752
Use functools.wraps to make sure wrapped method’s metadata (docstring and name) doesn’t get mangled
merge from trunk
Merged trunk
merged to trunk rev 752
Rebased at lp:nova 759
merged trunk rev749 2. returns ‘/’ as ‘/’, so nova.compute.manager.mktmpfile, nova.compute.manager.confirm.tmpfile, nova.scheduler.driver.Scheduler.mounted_on_same_shared_storage are modified followed by this changes. 3. is modified so that other teams modification is easily detected since other team is using nova.db.sqlalchemy.models.ComputeService
This branch implements the openstack-api-hostid blueprint: “Openstack API support for hostId”
replaced ugly INSTANCE_TYPE constant with (slightly less ugly) stubs
Add a lock_path flag for lock files
merge trunk
Adds VHD build support for XenServer driver
Merging trunk to my branch. Fixed a conflict in
Merging trunk
merge trunk 2) removed preconfigure_xenstore 3) added jkey for broadcast address in inject_network_info 4) added 2 flags: 4.1) xenapi_inject_image (default True) This flag allows for turning off data injection by mounting the image in the VDI (agreed with Trey Morris) 4.2) xenapi_agent_path (default /usr/bin/xe-update-networking) This flag specifies the path where the agent should be located. It makes sense only if the above flag is True. If the agent is found, data injection is not performed
merge trunk
Add utils.synchronized decorator to allow for synchronising method entrance across multiple workers on the same host
execute: shell=True removed
Rebased to Nova revision 749
merge with zones2 fixes and trunk
trunk merge
trunk merge, pip-requires and novatools to novaclient changes
Fixes FlatDHCP by making it inherit from NetworkManager and moving some methods around
merged trunk
Merged trunk
Merging trunk, conflicts fixed
Rebased at lp:nova 740
merged with trunk
Merging trunk, small fixes
Make tests start with a clean database for every test
merge trunk
merge trunk
previous trunk merge
merge clean db
merged trunk
merge trunk
Merged trunk
Support HP/LeftHand SANs. We control the SAN by SSHing and issuing CLIQ commands. Also improved the way iSCSI volumes are mounted: try to store the iSCSI connection info in the volume entity, in preference to doing discovery. Also CHAP authentication support
merge trunk
Merged with trunk
Adds colors to output of tests and cleans up
Merged with trunk
merged upstream
merged trunk
Helper function that supports XPath style selectors to traverse an object tree e.g
Rename minixpath_select to get_from_path
Cope when we pass a non-list to xpath_select - wrap it in a list
Fixes existing smoketests and splits out sysadmin tests from netadmin tests
Created mini XPath implementation, to simplify mapping logic
merged upstream
Fixes and optimizes filtering for describe_security_groups. Also adds a unit test
merged trunk
use flags for sqlite db names and fix flags in dhcpbridge
merged trunk
merged trunk
Initial support for per-instance metadata, though the OpenStack API. Key/value pairs can be specified at instance creation time and are returned in the details view. Support limits based on quota system
Merged trunk
merged trunk
move db creation into fixtures and clean db for each test
merged trunk
Merged with trunk, including manual conflict resolution in nova/virt/ and nova/virt/xenapi/
Fix DescribeRegion answer by introducing ‘{ec2,osapi}_listen’ flags instead of overloading {ec2,osapi}_host. Get rid of paste_config_to_flags, bin/nova-combined. Adds debug FLAGS dump at start of nova-api
Merged trunk
no, really fix lp721297 this time
Fixes various issues regarding verbose logging and logging errors on import
merged trunk
Some quick test cleanups, first step towards standardizing the way we start services in tests
merged to trunk rev709. NEEDS to be fixed based on 3rd reviewer’s comment
Fixed based on reviewer’s comment. 1. DB schema change vcpu/memory/hdd info were stored into Service table. but reviewer pointed out to me creating new table is better since Service table has too much columns
update based on prereq branch
fixed newline and moved import fake_flags into run_tests where it makes more sense
Merged with head
remove keyword argument, per review
add a start_service method to our test baseclass
Merged with trunk
switch to explicit call to logging.setup()
merged trunk
Adds translation catalogs and distutils.extra glue code that automates the process of compiling message catalogs into .mo files
Merged trunk
PEP-8 fixes
merged with nova trunk revision #706
get rid of initialized flag
move the fake initialized into fake flags
fixes for various logging errors and issues
Introduce IptablesManager in linux_net. Port every use of iptables in linux_net to it
Merging trunk to my branch. Fixed conflicts in Authors file and .mailmap
Merging trunk
fixed based on reviewer’s comment. 1. erase wrapper function(remove/exists/mktempfile) from nova.utils. 2. nova-manage service describeresource(->describe_resource) 3. nova-manage service updateresource(->update_resource) 4. erase “my mistake print” statement
merged trunk
Merged with trunk
Added support for feature parity with the current Rackspace Cloud Servers practice of “injecting” files into newly-created instances for configuration, etc. However, this is in no way restricted to only writing files to the guest when it is first created
Uncommitted changes using the wrong author, and re-committing under the correct author
Added http://mynova/v1.0/zones/ api options for add/remove/update/delete zones. child_zones table added to database and migration. Changed novarc vars from CLOUD_SERVERS_* to NOVA_* to work with novatools. See python-novatools on github for help testing this
merge with zone phase 1
merged lp:~jk0/nova/dynamicinstancetypes
changed from 003-004 migration
Merged trunk
Hi guys
Rebased at lp:nova 688
Update the Openstack API so that it returns ‘addresses’
I have a bug fix, additional tests for the `limiter` method, and additional commenting for a couple classes in the OpenStack API. Basically I’ve just tried to jump in somewhere to get my feet wet. Constructive criticism welcome
added labels to networks for use in multi-nic added writing network data to xenstore param-list added call to agent to reset network added reset_network call to openstack api
Merged trunk
Rebased at lp:nova 687
Merging trunk
Merged to trunk
Use RotatingFileHandler instead of FileHandler
Use a threadpool for handling requests coming in through RPC
Merged trunk
Merging trunk part 1
merge with trunk
merging trunk back in; updating Authors conflict
Merged lp:nova
The proposed fix puts a VM which fails to spawn in a (new) ‘FAILED’ power state. It does not perform a clean-up. This because the user needs to know what has happened to the VM he/she was trying to run. Normally, API users do not have access to log files. In this case, the only way for the user to know what happened to the instance is to query its state (e.g.: doing euca-describe-instances). If we perform a complete clean-up, no information about the instance which failed to spawn will be left
Use instead of standard subprocess
fixed merge conflict
better filtering
Use instead of standard subprocess
merged recent version. no conflict, no big/important change to this branch
merge jk0 branch (with trunk merge) which added additional columns for instance_types (which are openstack api specific)
merging with trunk
Merged trunk
Modified S3ImageService to return the format defined in BaseService to allow EC2 API’s DescribeImages to work against Glance
Merged trunk
Merged trunk
Merged to trunk and fixed merge conflict in Authors
trunk merge
Merged to rev654(?) 2. Fixed bug continuous request. if user continuouslly send live-migration request to same host, concurrent request to iptables occurs, and iptables complains. This version add retry for this issue
Added support for ‘SAN’ style volumes. A SAN’s big difference is that the iSCSI target won’t normally run on the same host as the volume service
Fix PEP8 violations
Automates the setup for FlatDHCP regardless of whether the interface has an ip address
merge with lp:nova
merge source and remove ifconfig
Catching all socket errors in _get_my_ip, since any socket error is likely enough to cause a failure in detection
added INSTANCE_TYPES to test for compatibility with current tests
Moved ssh_execute to utils; moved comments to docstring
Fixes for Vish & Devin’s feedback
Fixed PEP8 test problems, complaining about too many blank lines at line 51
Merged trunk
Discard nova-manage host list Reason: nova-manage service list can be replacement. Changes: nova-manage
Adds security group output to describe_instances
Use firewall_driver flag as expected with NWFilterFirewall. This way, either you use NWFilterFirewall directly, or you use IptablesFirewall, which creates its own instance of NWFilterFirewall for the setup_basic_filtering command. This removes the requirement that LibvirtConnection would always need to know about NWFirewallFilter, and cleans up the area where the flag is used for loading the firewall class
Added a test that checks for localized strings in the source code that contain position-based string formatting placeholders. If found, an exception message is generated that summarizes the problem, as well as the location of the problematic code. This will prevent future trunk commits from adding localized strings that cannot be properly translated
Makes sure all instance and volume commands that raise not found are changed to show the ec2_id instead of the internal id
Fixed formatting issues in current codebase
Fixes NotFound messages in api to show the ec2_id
Fix Bug #703037. ra_server is None
merge trunk
Changed method signature of create_network
merged r621
Merged with
Merged trunk
Simple little changes related to openstack api to work better with glance
This branch updates docs to reflect the db sync addition. It additionally adds some useful errors to nova-manage to help people that are using old guides. It wraps sqlalchemy errors in generic DBError. Finally, it updates to use current settings
merged trunk
Fixes issue with SNATTING chain not getting created or added to POSTROUTING when nova-network starts
Fix for bug #702237
another trunk merge
This patch:
Trunk merged
merge with trunk
Fixes project and role checking when a user’s naming attribute is not uid
Merged with r606
Fixed merge conflict
Localized strings that employ formatting should not use positional arguments, as they prevent the translator from re-ordering the translated text; instead, they should use mappings (i.e., dicts). This change replaces all localized formatted strings that use more than one formatting placeholder with a mapping version
merged ntt branch
merged branch to name net_manager.create_networks args
Fix describe_regions by changing renamed flags. Also added a test to catch future errors
Merged trunk
merged trunk
merged trunk fixed whitespace in rst
wrap sqlalchemy exceptions in a generic error
Resolved trunk merge conflicts
Change default log formats so that: * they include a timestamp (necessary to correlate logs) * no longer display version on every line (shorter lines) * use [-] instead of [N/A] (shorter lines, less scary-looking) * show level before logger name (better human-readability)
Merged with rev597
Fixes issue with describe_instances requiring an admin context
Added changes to make errors and recovery for volumes more graceful:
Merged trunk
merged trunk changes
merged trunk
merge vish’s changes (which merged trunk and fixed a pep8 problem)
merged trunkand fixed conflicts and pep error
get_my_linklocal raises exception
Completed first pass at converting all localized strings with multiple format substitutions
Allows moving from the Austin-style db to the Bexar-style
merge from upstream and fix small issues
merged to trunk rev572
Merged trunk
The live_migration branch ( ) was not ready to be merged
merge from upstream to fix conflict
Trunk merge
Merged trunk
Implement support for streaming images from Glance when using the XenAPI virtualization backend, as per the bexar-xenapi-support-for-glance blueprint
Works around the app-armor problem of requiring disks with backing files to be named appropriately by changing the name of our extra disks
merged trunk
Add refresh_security_group_* methods to nova/virt/, as FakeConnection is the reference for documentation and method signatures that should be implemented by virt connection drivers
Merged trunk
Risk of Regression: This patch don’t modify existing functionlities, but I have added some. 1. nova.db.service.sqlalchemy.model.Serivce (adding a column to database) 2. nova.service ( nova-compute needes to insert information defined by 1 above)
Fixed error message in get_my_linklocal
Merged trunk
Merged with trunk revno 572
Change where paste.deploy factories live and how they are called. They are now in the nova.wsgi.Application/Middleware classes, and call the __init__ method of their class with kwargs of the local configuration of the paste file
Further decouple api routing decisions and move into paste.deploy configuration. This makes paste back the nova-api binary
Merged trunk
The Openstack API requires image metadata to be returned immediately after an image-create call
merge trunk
Merging trunk
Merged trunk
merged trunk rev569
Adds a developer interface with direct access to the internal inter-service APIs and a command-line tool based on reflection to interact with them
merge from upstream
merge from upstream
This branch fixes two outstanding bugs in compute. It also fixes a bad method signature in network and removes an unused method in cloud
Re-removes TrialTestCase. It was accidentally added in by some merges and causing issues with running tests individually
merged trial fix again
undo accidental removal of fake_flags
merged lp:~vishvananda/nova/lp703012
remove TrialTestCase again and fix merge issues
Merged trunk
Merged with trunk revno 565
Implements the blueprint for enabling the setting of the root/admin password on an instance
OpenStack Compute (Nova) IPv4/IPv6 dual stack support
Merged to rev.563
This change introduces support for Sheepdog (distributed block storage system) which is proposed in
merge from upstream:
Merged with r562
This modifies libvirt to use CoW images instead of raw images. This is much more efficient and allows us to use the snapshotting capabilities available for qcow2 images. It also changes local storage to be a separate drive instead of a separate partition
merged trunk
Merged with r561
Merging Trunk
Fixed based on the comments from code review. Merged to trunk rev 561
Add a new method to firewall drivers to tell them to stop filtering a particular instance. Call it when an instance has been destroyed
merged to trunk rev 561
merge trunk rev560
Get reviewed and fixed based on comments. Merged latest version
merged trunk
Fixed missing _(). Fixed to follow logging to LOG changes. Fixed merge miss (get_fixed_ip was moved away). Update some missing comments
merge from upstream and fix leaks in console tests
Merging trunk
Merging trunk, small fixes
cleaned up prior merge mess
Merged with r551
Fixed syntax errors
Merged with trunk
Added support of availability zones for compute. models.Service got additional field availability_zone and was created ZoneScheduler that make decisions based on this field. Also replaced fake ‘nova’ zone in EC2 cloud api
Had to abandon the other branch (~annegentle/nova/newscript) because the diffs weren’t working right for me. This is a fresh branch that should be merged correctly with trunk. Thanks for your patience. :)
Merged with 549
Change command to get link local address Remove superfluous code
This branch adds web based serial console access. Here is an overview of how it works (for libvirt):
Merged with r548
Fixed for pep8 Remove temporary debugging
changed exception class
Changing DN creation to do searches for entries
merge trunk, fix conflict
Read Full Spec for implementation details and notes on how to boot an instance using OS API.
Fixed a number of issues with the iptables firewall backend: * Port specifications for firewalls come back from the data store as integers, but were compared as strings. * –icmp-type was misspelled as –icmp_type (underscore vs dash) * There weren’t any unit tests for these issues
merged trunk changes
Merging trunk
Trunk merge and conflcts resolved
Implementation of xs-console blueprint (adds support for console proxies like xvp)
Changed shared_ip_group detail routing
Fixes the metadata forwarding to work by default
Adds support to nova-manage to modify projects
merge trunk
re-merged in trunk to correct conflict
merged changes from trunk
Add a new firewall backend for libvirt, based on iptables
Moved get_my_ip into flags because that is the only thing it is being used for and use it to set a new flag called my_ip
merged from upstream and made applicable changes
merged trunk changes
Fixes issue in trunk with downloading s3 images for instance creation
Wrap logs so we can: * use a “context” kwarg to track requests all the way through the system * use a custom formatter so we get the data we want (configurable with flags) * allow additional formatting for debug statements for easer debugging * add an AUDIT level, useful for noticing changes to system components * use named logs instead of the general logger where it makes sesnse
Merged with trunk
merged changes from trunk
Merging trunk
Removing some FIXMEs
Reserving image before uploading
another merge with trunk to remedy instance_id issues
Include date in API action query
This branch implements lock functionality. The lock is stored in the compute worker database. Decorators have been added to the openstack API actions which alter instances in any way
merged trunk
Got the basic ‘set admin password’ stuff working
Merged trunk
merged trunk changes
Introduces basic support for spawning, rebooting and destroying vms when using Microsoft Hyper-V as the hypervisor. Images need to be in VHD format. Note that although Hyper-V doesn’t accept kernel and ramdisk separate from the image, the nova objectstore api still expects an image to have an associated aki and ari. You can use dummy aki and ari images – the hyper-v driver won’t use them or try to download them. Requires Python’s WMI module
merged trunk changes
Fixed trunk merge conflicts as spotted by dubs
This addition to the docs clarifies that it is a requirement for contributors to be listed in the Authors file before their commits can be merged to trunk
merge trunk
another merge from trunk to the latest rev
pulled changes from trunk added console api to openstack api
This branch contains the internal API cleanup branches I had previously proposed, but combined together and with all the UUID key replacement ripped out. This allows multiple REST interfaces (or other tools) to use the internal API directly, rather than having the logic tied up in the ec2 file
merged trunk changes
Created a XenAPI plugin that will allow nova code to read/write/delete from xenstore records for a given instance. Added the basic methods for working with xenstore data to the vmops script, as well as plugin support to
missing _()
Added xenstore plugin changed
merged changes from trunk
merged from trunk
Merged trunk
Merged trunk changes
Some Bug Fix
Merged and fiexed conflicts with r515
Final few log tweaks, i18n, levels, including contexts, etc
Apply logging changes as a giant patch to work around the cloudpipe delete + add issue in the original patch
Fixing merge conflicts with new branch
merged in trunk changes
Uses paste.deploy to make application running configurable. This includes the ability to swap out middlewares, define new endpoints, and generally move away from having code to build wsgi routers and middleware chains into a configurable, extensible method for running wsgi servers
Add burnin support. Services are now by default disabled, but can have instances and volumes run on them using availability_zone = nova:HOSTNAME. This lets the hardware be put through its paces without being put in the generally available pool of hardware. There is a ‘service’ subcommand for nova-manage where you can enable, disable, and list statuses of services
pep8 fixes
Several documentation corrections and formatting fixes
merge in trunk
merged latest trunk
merge trunk
merge trunk
merged in trunk and xenstore-plugin changes
Merged trunk
Merged trunk
Merged trunk
Merged trunk
最新バージョンにマージ。変更点は以下の通り。 Authorsに自分の所属を追加 utils.pyのgenerate_uidがおかしいのでインスタンスIDがオーバーフローしていたが、 その処理を一時撤廃。後で試験しなおしとすることにした。
Merged trunk
Make InstanceActions and live diagnostics available through the Admin API
merge trunk
merge trunk
Cleans up the output of to look closer to Trial
Merged trunk
This patch is beginning of XenServer snapshots in nova. It adds:
merge recent revision(version of 2010/12/28) Change: 1. Use greenthread instead of defer at nova.virt.libvirt_conn.live_migration. 2. Move nova.scheduler.manager.live_migration to nova.scheduler.driver 3. Move nova.scheduler.manager.has_enough_resource to nova.scheduler.driver 4. Any check routine in nova-manage.instance.live_migration is moved to nova.scheduler.driver.schedule_live_migration
Merging trunk
fixed merge conflict with trunk
Merged trunk
Changes and error fixes to help ensure basic parity with the Rackspace API. Some features are still missing, such as shared ip groups, and will be added in a later patch set
Merged with trunk
merge trunk
merge from trunk
This commit introduces scripts to apply XenServer host networking protections
merge from upstream and fix conflicts
Merging trunk
Merged trunk
merge trunk
I’ve added suspend along with a few changes to power state as well. I can’t imagine suspend will be controversial but I’ve added a new power state for “suspended” to nova.compute.power_states which libvirt doesn’t use and updated the xenapi power mapping to use it for suspended state. I also updated the mappings in nova.api.openstack.servers to map PAUSED to “error” and SUSPENDED to “suspended”. Thoughts there are that we don’t currently (openstack API v1.0) use pause, so if somehow an instance were to be paused an error occurred somewhere, or someone did something in error. Either way asking the xenserver host for the status would show “paused”. Support for more power states needs to be added to the next version of the openstack API
fix bug #lp694311
Added stack command-line tool
Cleans up nova.api.openstack.images and fix it to work with cloudservers api. Previously “cloudservers image-list” wouldn’t work, now it will. There are mappings in place to handle s3 or glance/local image service. In the future when the local image service is working, we can probably drop the s3 mappings
Merging trunk
Merged trunk
Merging trunk, fixing failed tests
Merged trunk
merge trunk
Fixed after Jay’s review. Integrated code from Soren (we now use the same ‘magic number’ for images without kernel & ramdisk
logs inner exception in nova/>import_class
Fix Bug #693963
merge trunk
Support IPv6
Make nova work even when user has LANG or LC_ALL configured
merged trunk, resolved trivial conflict
fixed merge conflict
Merged again from trunk
fixed a few docstrings, added _() for gettext
Moves implementation specific Openstack API code from the middleware to the drivers. Also cleans up a few areas and ensures all the API tests are passing again
Merged trunk
Trying to remove twisted dependencies, this gets everything working under nosetests
Merged trunk and resolved conflicts
merged trunk
merged trunk
Simplifies and improves ldap schema
xenapi iscsi support + unittests
Merged trunk
merge lp:nova
merge trunk
merge trunk, fixed unittests, added i18n strings, cleanups etc etc
first merge after i18n
added tests to ensure the easy api works as a backend for Compute API
merge from trunk
Fixes reboot (and rescue) to work even if libvirt doesn’t know about the instance and the network doesn’t exist
merged trunk
Fixes reboot (and rescue) to work even if libvirt doesn’t know about the instance and the network doesn’t exist
Adds a flag to use the X-Forwarded-For header to find the ip of the remote server. This is needed when you have multiple api servers with a load balancing proxy in front. It is a flag that defaults to False because if you don’t have a sanitizing proxy in front, users could masquerade as other ips by passing in the header manually
Merged trunk
merged trunk
Moves the ip allocation requests to the from the api host into calls to the network host made from the compute host
merged trunk and fixed conflicts
merged trunk
Optimize creation of nwfilter rules so they aren’t constantly being recreated
fixed more conflicts
merged trunk again
merge trunk and upgrade to cheetah templating
Optimize nwfilter creation and project filter
Merging trunk
fixed conflicts
WSGI middleware for lockout after failed authentications of ec2 access key
Puts the creation of nova iptables chains into the source code and cleans up rule creation. This makes nova play more nicely with other iptables rules that may be created on the host
Merging trunk
merge trunk
Fixes per-project vpns (cloudpipe) and adds manage commands and support for certificate revocation
merge trunk
merged i8n and fixed conflicts
after trunk merge
Log all XenAPI actions to InstanceActions
Merged trunk
merging trunk
merging trunk
All merged with trunk and let’s see if a new merge prop (with no pre-req) works.
merging in trunk
Merged trunk
Added InstanceDiagnostics and InstanceActions DB models
Merged trunk
merge trunk
Merged from trunk 2) ‘type’ parameter in VMHelper.fetch_image converted in enum 3) Fixed pep8 errors 4) Passed unit tests
Merging trunk
Add raw disk image support
Adds support for Pause and Unpause of xenserver instances
Integrated changes from Soren (raw-disk-images). Updated authors file. All tests passed
eventlet merge updates
first revision after eventlet merge. Currently xenapi-unittests are broken, but everything else seems to be running okay
Integrated eventlet_merge patch
First pass at converting to nosetests. The network and objctstore tests don’t yet work. Also, we need to manually remove the sqlite file between runs
merged in project-vpns to get flag changes
move some flags around
merged trunk
merged trunk, fixed conflicts and tests
This branch removes most of the dependencies on twisted and moves towards the plan described by
pep8 fixes
Merged changes from trunk into the branch
merged with trunk. fixed compute.pause test
Make sure we properly close the bzr WorkingTree in our Authors up-to-datedness unit test
clean up tests and add overriden time method to utils
basic conversion of xs-pause to eventlet done
Merged from trunk and fixed merge issues. Also fixed pep8 issues
updates per review
fixup after merge with trunk
merge with trey tests
First round of i18n-ifying strings in Nova
merge-a-tat-tat upstream to this branch
* pylint fixes * code clean-up * first cut for xenapi unit tests
merged changes from sandy’s branch
formatting and naming cleanup
get service unittests runnning again
merge with trey
Make XenServer VM diagnostics available through nova.virt.xenapi
Merged trunk
merging sandy’s branch
merge with trunk to pull in admin-api branch
Flag to define which operations are exposed in the OpenStack API, disabling all others
Fixed Authors conflict and re-merged with trunk
intermediate commit to checkpoint progress
some pylint caught changes to compute
merge conflict
merged upstream changes
Merged trunk
merged updates to trunk
merge trunk
Pushed terminate instance and network manager/topic methods into network.compute.api
Merged trunk
Moved the reboot/rescue methods into nova.compute.api
merged with trunk. All clear!
Added a script to use OpenDJ as an LDAP server instead of OpenLDAP. Also modified to add an USE_OPENDJ option, that will be checked when USE_LDAP is set
It looks like Soren fixed the author file, can I hit the commit button?
rev439ベースにライブマイグレーションの機能をマージ このバージョンはEBSなし、CPUフラグのチェックなし
merge with lp:~armando-migliaccio/nova/xenapi-refactoring
merge trunk
Merged reboot-rescue into network-manager
Merged trunk
Consolidated the start instance logic in the two API classes into a single method. This also cleans up a number of small discrepencies between the two
Merged trunk and resolved conflicts
merge lp:~armando-migliaccio/nova/refactoring
merge trunk
Moving the openldap schema out of into it’s own files, and adding sun (opends/opendj/sun directory server/fedora ds) schema files
brought latest changes from trunk
merged Justin Santa Barbara’s raw-disk-image back into the latest trunk
merged trunk
Add a templating mechanism in the flag parsing
brought the xenapi refactoring in plus trunk changes
A few more changes: * Fixed up some flags * Put in an updated * Broke out metadata forwarding so it will work in flatdhcp mode * Added descriptive docstrings explaining the networking modes in more detail
small conflict resolution
Added a .mailmap that maps addresses in bzr to people’s real, preferred e-mail addresses. (I made a few guesses along the way, feel free to adjust according to what is actually the preferred e-mail)
merged trunk, added recent
add vpn ping and optimize vpn list
Address pep8 complaints
merged with trunk
Ryan_Lane’s code to handle /etc/network not existing when we try to inject /etc/network/interfaces into an image
Changed from fine-grained operation control to binary admin on/off setting
Lots of documentation and docstring updates
The docs are just going to be wrong for now. I’ll file a bug upstream
Change how wsgified doc wrapping happens to fix test
merge with trunk
Added a .mailmap that maps addresses in bzr to people’s real, preferred e-mail addresses. (I made a few guesses along the way, feel free to adjust according to what is actually the preferred e-mail)
merge in trunk
Fix docstrings for wsigfied methods
merged trunk
Change socket type in nova.utils.get_my_ip() to SOCK_DGRAM. This way, we don’t actually have to set up a connection. Also, change the destination host to an IP (chose one of Google’s DNS’s at random) rather than a hostname, so we avoid doing a DNS lookup
Change socket type in nova.utils.get_my_ip() to SOCK_DGRAM. This way, we don’t actually have to set up a connection. Also, change the destination host to an IP (chose one of Google’s DNS’s at random) rather than a hostname, so we avoid doing a DNS lookup
ISCSI Volume support
merged trunk
basics to get proxied ajaxterm working with virsh
merged trunk, just in case
Moves db writes into compute manager class. Cleans up sqlalchemy model/api to remove redundant calls for updating what is really a dict
Fixes PEP8 violations from the last few merges
More PEP8 fixes that were introduced in the last couple commits
Fixes service unit tests after tornado excision
renamed target_id to iscsi_target
merged gundlach’s excision
Delete BaseTestCase and with it the last reference to tornado
Removes some cruft from sqlalchemy/ like unused imports and the unused str_id method
Adds rescue and unrescue commands
actually remove the conditional
Remove the last vestigial bits of tornado code still in use
Exceptions in the OpenStack API will be converted to Faults as they should be, rather than barfing a stack trace to the user
Duplicate the two trivial escaping functions remaining from tornado’s code and remove the dependency
merge lp:nova
merged trunk and fixed conflicts/changes
part way through porting the codebase off of twisted
Another pep8 cleanup branch for nova/api, should be merged after lp:~eday/nova/pep8-fixes
PEP8 and pylint cleanup. There should be no functional changes here, just style changes to get violations down
* Fills out the Parallax/Glance API calls for update/create/delete and adds unit tests for them. * Modifies the ImageController and GlanceImageService/LocalImageService calls to use index and detail routes to comply perfectly with the RS/OpenStack API
This branch converts incoming data to the api into the proper type
Fix the –help flag for printing help on twistd-based services
Make Redis completely optional:
trivial style change
prevent leakage of FLAGS changes across tests
This branch modifies the fixes all of the deprecation warnings about empty context. It does this by adding the following fixes/features * promotes api/ to because it is used by the whole system * adds more information to the context object * passes the context through rpc * adds a helper method for promoting to admin context (elevate()) * modifies most checks to use context.project_id instead of to avoid trips to the database
Merged with trunk, fixed broken stuff
Fixes a few concurrency issues with creating volumes and instances. Most importantly it adds retries to a number of the volume shell commands and it adds a unique constraint on export_devices and a safe create so that there aren’t multiple copies of export devices in the database
merged trunk
merged concurrency
merged trunk
cleaned up most of the issues
merged trunk
Fixes bug 660115
Xen support
Adds flat networking + dhcpserver mode
This patch removes the ugly network_index that is used by VlanManager and turns network itself into a pool. It adds support for creating the networks through an api command: nova-manage network create # creates all of the networks defined by flags or nova-manage network create 5 # create the first five networks
merged upstream
cleanup leftover addresses
merged trunk
merged trunk
merged trunk
merged trunk
Revert the conversion to 64-bit ints stored in a PickleType column, because PickleType is incompatible with having a unique constraint
Revert 64 bit storage and use 32 bit again. I didn’t notice that we verify that randomly created uids don’t already exist in the DB, so the chance of collision isn’t really an issue until we get to tens of thousands of machines. Even then we should only expect a few retries before finding a free ID
This patch adds support for EC2 security groups using libvirt’s nwfilter mechanism, which in turn uses iptables and ebtables on the individual compute nodes. This has a number of benefits: * Inter-VM network traffic can take the fastest route through the network without our having to worry about getting it through a central firewall. * Not relying on a central firewall also removes a potential SPOF. * The filtering load is distributed, offering great scalability
Change internal_id from a 32 bit int to a 64 bit int
32 bit internal_ids become 64 bit. Since there is no 64 bit native type in SqlAlchemy, we use PickleType which uses the Binary SqlAlchemy type under the hood
Adds stubs and tests for GlanceImageService and LocalImageService. Adds basic plumbing for ParallaxClient and TellerClient and hooks that into the GlanceImageService
Cleanup around the rackspace API for the ec2 to internal_id transition
Replace model.Instance.ec2_id with an integer internal_id so that both APIs can represent the ID to external users
merged trunk and fixed tests
merge from gundlach ec2 conversion
Fix broken unit tests
A shiny, new Auth driver backed by SQLAlchemy. Read it and weep. I did
Revert r312
Fixes to address the following issues:
Refactor sqlalchemy api to perform contextual authorization
Merged trunk
merged remove-network-index
Fixed flat network manager with network index gone
merged trunk
First attempt at a uuid generator – but we’ve lost a ‘topic’ input so i don’t know what that did
merged trunk, removed extra quotas
Adds support for periodic_tasks on manager that are regularly called by the service and recovers fixed_ips that didn’t get disassociated properly
merged trunk
Includes changes for creating instances via the Rackspace API. Utilizes much of the existing EC2 functionality to power the Rackspace side of things, at least for now
Support the pagination interface in RS API – the &offset and &limit parameters are now recognized
Update from trunk to handle one-line merge conflict
Support fault notation in error messages in the RS API
merged with soren’s branch
Add user-editable name & notes/description to volumes, instances, and images
merged trunk
* Create an AuthManager#update_user method to change keys and admin status. * Refactor the auth_unittest to not care about test order * Expose the update_user method via nova-manage
Updates the fix-iptables branch with a number of bugfixes
Fix a few errors in api calls related to mistyped database methods for floating_ips: specifically describe addresses and and associate address
Merged Termie’s branch that starts tornado removal and fixed rpc test cases for twisted. Nothing is testing the Eventlet version of though yet
Adds bpython support to nova-manage shell, because it is super sexy
merged and removed duplicated methods
fixed merge conflicts
Implementation of the Rackspace servers API controller
merged network-lease-fix
merged floating-ips
move default group creation to api
get rid of network indexes and make networks into a pool
merged trunk
merged floating-ip-by-project
merged network-lease-fix
merged trunk
Merged Termie’s branch and fixed rpc test cases for tesited. Nothing is testing the Eventlet version of though yet
Put EC2 API -> eventlet back into trunk, fixing the bits that I missed when I put it into trunk on 9/21
Implementation of Rackspace token based authentication for the Openstack API
Merged gundlach’s branch
merged trunk
merge from trunk
merged trunk and fixed errors
merged trunk
Delete nova.endpoint module, which used Tornado to serve up the Amazon EC2 API. Replace it with nova.api.ec2 module, which serves up the same API via a WSGI app in Eventlet. Convert relevant unit tests from Twisted to eventlet
merged trunk
merged trunk
Implements quotas with overrides for instances, volumes, and floating ips
Moves keypairs out of ldap and into the common datastore
allows api servers to have a list of regions, allowing multi-cluster support if you have a shared image store and user database
merged trunk
merged trunk
Removes second copy of ProcessExecutionError that creeped in during a bad merge
Adds timing fields to instances and volumes to track launch times and schedule times
Adds timing fields to instances and volumes to track launch times and schedule times
add in support for ajaxterm console access
Better error message on the failure of a spawned process, and it’s a ProcessExecutionException irrespective of how the process is run (twisted or not)
Proposing merge to get feedback on orm refactoring. I am very interested in feedback to all of these changes
Address a couple of the TODO’s: We now have half-decent input validation for AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress and RevokeDitto
removed second copy of ProcessExecutionError
merged trunk
merged instance time and added better concurrency
merged trunk
merged scheduler
merged quotas
merged trunk
remerged scheduler
merged trunk
merged trunk
merged trunk
merged trunk
merged orm and put instance in scheduling state
merged describe_speed
added scheduled_at to instances and volumes
merged orm
merged orm
logging for backend is now info instead of error
Tests turn things into inlineCallbacks
Remove tornado-related code from almost everything
updated to the new orm code
a few formatting fixes and moved exception
Last of cleanup, including removing fake_storage flage
merged orm_deux
Lots of fixes to make the nova commands work properly and make datamodel work with mysql properly
more scheduler tests
merged trunk
Moved API tests into a sub-folder of the tests/ and added a stubbed-out test declarations to mirror existing API tickets
merged orm branch
merged trunk, fixed a couple errors
undo change to get_my_ip
pylint fixes for /nova/virt/
pylint fixes for nova/objectstore/
ip addresses work now
Add Flavors controller supporting
Resolve conflicts and merge trunk
instance runs
split volume into service/manager/driver
get to look like trunk
Fixes issue with the same ip being assigned to multiple instances
merged trunk and fixed tests
Initial support for Rackspace API /image requests. They will eventually be backed by Glance
Rework virt.xenapi’s concurrency model. There were many places where we were inadvertently blocking the reactor thread. The reworking puts all calls to XenAPI on background threads, so that they won’t block the reactor thread
merged trunk and fixed merge errors
Better error message on subprocess spawn fail, and it’s a ProcessExecutionException irrespective of how the process is run
Check exit codes when spawning processes by default Also pass –fail to curl so that it sets exit code when download fails
Added unit tests for WSGI helpers and base WSGI API
merged termies abstractions
Move deferredToThread into utils, as suggested by termie
Data abstraction for compute service
Merged with trunk
Merged with trunk
Merged trunk
Since pylint=0.19 is our version, force everyone to use the disable-msg syntax
Changed our minds: keep pylint equal to Ubuntu Lucid version, and use disable-msg throughout
Newest pylint supports ‘disable=’, not ‘disable-msg=’
merged trunk
merged refresh from sleepsonthefloor
See description of change… what’s the difference between that message and this message again?
Fixes quite a few style issues across the entire nova codebase bringing it much closer to the guide described in HACKING
merge from trunk
merged trunk and fixed conflicts
Added documentation for the nova.virt connection interface, a note about the need to chmod the objectstore script, and a reference for the XenAPI module
rather comprehensive style fixes
Add new libvirt_type option “uml” for user-mode-linux.. This switches the libvirt URI to uml:///system and uses a different template for the libvirt xml
merge in latedt from vish
Catches and logs exceptions for rpc calls and raises a RemoteError exception on the caller side
Removes requirement of internet connectivity to run api server
merged trunk
merged fix-hostname and fixed conflict
Improves pep8 compliance and pylint score in network code
refactor to have base helper class with shared session and engine
got to run (with many failed tests)
Make WSGI routing support routing to WSGI apps or to controller+action
Merged with trunk
Fix exception in get_info
Merged with trunk
Merged with trunk
Implement VIF creation in the xenapi module
merged trunk
2 changes in doing PEP8 & Pylint cleaning: * adding pep8 and pylint to the PIP requirements files for Tools * light cleaning work (mostly formatting) on nova/endpoints/
More changes to volume to fix concurrency issues. Also testing updates
merged trunk, fixed an error with releasing ip
pylint fixes for /nova/
Fixes pylint issues in /nova/
importing merges from hudson branch
This branch builds off of Todd and Michael’s API branches to rework the Rackspace API endpoint and WSGI layers
Fix up variable names instead of disabling pylint naming rule. Makes variables able to be a single letter in pylintrc
Disables warning about TODO in code comments in pylintrc
More pylint/pep8 cleanup, this time in bin/* files
pylint fixes for /nova/
Pull trunk merge through lp:~ewanmellor/nova/add-contains
Pull trunk merge through lp:~ewanmellor/nova/xapi-plugin
Merged with trunk again
Merged with trunk
Greater compliance with pep8/pylint style checks
Merged trunk
merged with trunk
Merged Todd and Michael’s changes
Make network its own worker! This separates the network logic from the api server, allowing us to have multiple network controllers. There a lot of stuff in networking that is ugly and should be modified with the datamodel changes. I’ve attempted not to mess with those things too much to keep the changeset small(ha!)
merged trunk
merged trunk
Fix deprecation warning in AuthManager. __new__ isn’t allowed to take args
Get IP doesn’t fail of you not connected to the intetnet
Merged with trunk
Added –fail argument to curl invocations, so that HTTP request fails get surfaced as non-zero exit codes
Merged with trunk
Merged with trunk
Fixed assertion “Someone released me too many times: too many tokens!”
Merged with trunk to resolve merge conflicts
oops retry and add extra exception check
Implemented admin api for rbac
Adds initial support for XenAPI (not yet finished)
Allow driver specification in AuthManager creation
allow driver to be passed in to auth manager instead of depending solely on flag
Merged trunk
Create a model for storing session tokens
bzr merge lp:nova/trunk
Merged trunk
Makes the compute and volume daemon workers use a common base class called Service. Adds a NetworkService in preparation for splitting out networking code. General cleanup and standardizarion of naming
merged trunk
Makes the objectstore require authorization, checks it properly, and makes nova-compute provide it when fetching images
Refactor of auth code
Expiry awareness for SessionToken
Basic standup of SessionToken model for shortlived auth tokens
merged trunk
merged trunk
Changes nova-volume to use twisted
Fixes up Bucket to throw proper NotFound and NotEmpty exceptions in constructor and delete() method, and fixes up objectstore_unittest to properly use assertRaises() to check for proper exceptions and remove the assert_ calls
Merged with trunk, since a lot of useful things have gone in there recently
renamed xxxnode to xxservice
Check exit codes when spawning processes by default
Merged trunk, fixed extra references to fake_users
Fixes up Bucket to throw proper NotFound and NotEmpty exceptions in constructor and delete() method, and fixes up objectstore_unittest to properly use assertRaises() to check for proper exceptions and remove the assert_ calls
merge with twisted-volume
Locally administered mac addresses have the second least significant bit of the most significant byte set. If this byte is set then udev on ubuntu doesn’t set persistent net rules
use a locally administered mac address so it isn’t saved by udev
Merged trunk. Fixed new references to UserManager
Fixes to dhcp lease code to use a flagfile
merged trunk
Replace tornado objectstore with twisted web
merged in trunk and fixed import merge errors
merge with singleton pool
reorder imports spacing
remove import of vendor since we have PPA now
update copyrights
fix merge errors
datetime import typo
added missing isotime method from utils
Fixed the os.environ patch (bogus)
Fixes as per Vish review (whitespace, import statements)
Got dhcpleasor working, with test ENV for testing, and rpc.cast for real world
Capture signals from dnsmasq and use them to update network state
Removed trailing whitespace from header
Updated licenses
removed all references to keeper
Fixes based on code review 27001
Admin API + Worker Tracking
Removed trailing whitespace from header
Updated licenses
trackback formatting isn’t logging correctly
use logger to print trace of unhandled exceptions
fix fakeldap so it can use redis keeper
Refactored Instance to get rid of _s bits, and fixed some bugs in state management
Flush redis db in setup and teardown of tests
Update documentation
make get_my_ip return for testing
whitespace fixes for nova/
Merged Vish’s work on adding projects to nova
initial commit