Network configuration reference

This section describes the supported /etc/os-net-config/config.yaml YAML format and how they map to networking backend providers. The root element is a network_config attribute, and the value is an array of dicts entries describing the physical and virtual interfaces to configure. Each interface entry has a mandatory type attribute, and the value determines what other attributes are supported for that type.

Common attributes

The following attributes are used in many types. See Multiple NICs for examples.


A list of ip_netmask entries to specify the network addresses for this interface. For example:

  - ip_netmask:
  - ip_netmask:

ifcfg implementation

Sets BOOTPROTO=static and populates IPADDR and NETMASK, followed by ``IPADDR<i>, NETMASK<i> for subsequent addresses with <i> incrementing from 1.


A boolean which defaults to true. When false the default route given by an IPV4 DHCP server will be ignored.

ifcfg implementation

Sets DEFROUTE=no when set to false.


Arguments to append to the call to the dhclient command, as a single string.

ifcfg implementation

Sets DHCLIENTARGS to the supplied value


A list of DNS servers (maximum of 2) to use for name resolution.

ifcfg implementation

Sets DNS1, DNS2 to support up to 2 DNS resolvers.


A string or a list of strings containing DNS search domains

ifcfg implementation

Sets DOMAIN containing all values as a space-separated list.


Maximum transmission unit for this interface.

ifcfg implementation

Sets MTU to the specified value. If unspecified the default is 1500.


This is the name for the interface which is one of:

  • the name of existing physical interface (NIC)

  • the identifier from the mapping file which maps to a NIC

  • the desired name of a bridge or bond

  • a numbered identifier nic<i> starting with 1 for each active NIC: nic1, nic2 etc

ifcfg implementation

When the name is an identifier in the mapping file or a nic<i> identifier, the actual name used will be the mapping value, not the identifier.

The name format of a physical interfaces depends on biosdevname or net.ifnames sysctl settings or udev rules for persistent names. Names will begin with eth if both sysctl settings are disabled and there are no udev rules. The sort order used to allocate nic<i> identifiers are:

  • Embedded interfaces first (em<j>, eth<j>, eno<j>) ordered alphanumerically

  • Then, other active NICs ordered alphanumerically

Each interface definition is written to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<name> and the first value in the file is DEVICE=<name>.


Boolean whether this interface is managed by NetworkManager, defaults to false.

ifcfg implementation



Boolean which determines whether to enable the interface on machine boot, defaults to true.

ifcfg implementation

Sets ONBOOT=yes or ONBOOT=no.


In the members entries for a bond or bridge this may be set to true for the primary interface. This results in the bond or bridge inheriting the MAC address of the primary interface.


A list of route entries for this interface containing attributes:

  • default Boolean whether this is the default route for this interface

  • ip_netmask or destination Destination network address when default is false

  • next_hop or nexthop Gateway address for route destination

Other supported attributes include:

  • route_table The table ID or name to add this route to

  • route_options String of extra options to append to the end of the route

For example:

  - default: true
  - ip_netmask:
    route_table: 2
    route_options: metric 100

ifcfg implementation

A routes file for each interface definition is written to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-<name>.


A list of commented route rules, for example:

  - rule: "iif em1 table 200"
    comment: "Route incoming traffic to em1 with table 200"
  - rule: "from table 200"
    comment: "Route all traffic from with table 200"
  - rule: "add blackhole from table 200"
  - rule: "add unreachable iif em1 from"

ifcfg implementation

Each interface is iterated in order and its rules are compared to existing rules then converged by running ip rule del <rule> and ip rule add <rule>.


Boolean for whether to use DHCP for the IPv4 boot protocol.

ifcfg implementation

Sets PEERDNS=no when false.


Boolean for whether to use DHCP for the IPv6 boot protocol.

ifcfg implementation

Sets DHCPV6C=yes when true.

Open vSwitch attributes

The Open vSwitch types support some or all of these attributes:


String of other options to pass to Open vSwitch for this bond or bridge.

ifcfg implementation

Sets the OVS_OPTIONS value.


A list of extra options to pass to Open vSwitch.

ifcfg implementation

Will set the OVS_EXTRA value with all the provided values.


Failure mode for a bridge, defaults to standard, can also be set to secure

ifcfg implementation

Will be appended to the OVS_OPTIONS value and the concatenated list of OVS_EXTRA values.

type: interface

Configures a physical NIC. See Multiple NICs for examples. All of the Common attributes can be used with this type along with the following attributes:


Device-specific options supported by ethtool.

ifcfg implementation

Sets ETHTOOL_OPTS to the value.


A boolean for whether to activate the device when it is plugged in.

ifcfg implementation

Sets HOTPLUG=yes or HOTPLUG=no


Integer number of seconds to wait for link negotiation before configuring the device.

ifcfg implementation

Sets LINKDELAY to the delay value.

type: ovs_bridge

Configures an Open vSwitch bridge. See Control plane bridge for an example. All of the Common attributes and Open vSwitch attributes can be used with this type. The members attribute contains a list of entries for interfaces to bridge typically of type:

  • interface

  • linux_bond

  • ovs_bond

  • vlan

  • other Open vSwitch internal interfaces

ifcfg implementation

Values DEVICETYPE=ovs and TYPE=OVSBridge are set. When use_dhcp or use_dhcpv6 is true, OVSBOOTPROTO=dhcp is set and OVSDHCPINTERFACES is populated.

type: ovs_bond

Configures an Open vSwitch bond. See OVS bond for an example. All of the Common attributes and Open vSwitch attributes can be used with this type. The members attribute contains a list of entries for interfaces to be bonded.

ifcfg implementation

Values DEVICETYPE=ovs and TYPE=OVSBridge are set. When use_dhcp or use_dhcpv6 is true, OVSBOOTPROTO=dhcp is set and OVSDHCPINTERFACES is populated.

type: vlan

Configures VLAN tagging for one VLAN. See Bonds with VLANs and jumbo frames for an example. Common attributes are supported but generally only mtu, addresses or routes are used.

Other attributes for vlan are:


The name of an existing interface entry, which will typically be of type: interface, type: ovs_bond, or type: linux_bond. Usually device is only used when the VLAN is not part of an ovs_bridge. A VLAN on an ovs_bridge is part of the members list for the bridge, where a Linux VLAN is associated with an interface or linux_bond using the device parameter.


The VLAN ID to tag when passing through the device interface.

ifcfg implementation

Sets VLAN=yes and PHYSDEV to the device value.

type: linux_bridge

Configures a Linux bridge. See Linux bridge for an example. All of the Common attributes can be used with this type. The members attribute contains a list of entries for interfaces to bridge.

ifcfg implementation

Sets TYPE=Bridge and DELAY=0. The MAC address of the members interface which has primary: true will be used for the MACADDR value.

type: linux_bond

Configures a Linux bond. See Linux bonds, VLANs, and DPDK for an example. All of the Common attributes can be used with this type. The members attribute contains a list of entries for interfaces to be bonded.

Extra bonding options are specified in the bonding_options string.

ifcfg implementation

The MAC address of the members interface which has primary: true will be used for the MACADDR value. BONDING_OPTS will contain the value of the bonding_options attribute.

type: ovs_user_bridge

Configures an Open vSwitch bridge where the members are user ports. This is generally used to set up DPDK vHost User Ports. See Linux bonds, VLANs, and DPDK for an example. All of the Common attributes and Open vSwitch attributes can be used with this type. The members attribute usually contains a single type: ovs_dpdk_bond entry.

ifcfg implementation

Values DEVICETYPE=ovs and TYPE=OVSUserBridge are set. When use_dhcp or use_dhcpv6 is true, OVSBOOTPROTO=dhcp is set and OVSDHCPINTERFACES is populated.

Each members interface also has OVS_BRIDGE set, as well as other values depending on the type of the member.

type: ovs_dpdk_bond

Configures an Open vSwitch bond for binding DPDK ports. See Linux bonds, VLANs, and DPDK for an example. All of the Common attributes and Open vSwitch attributes can be used with this type. The members attribute contains a list of type: ovs_dpdk_port ports to be bonded. The value for attribute rx_queue will determine the RX queue length.

ifcfg implementation

Values DEVICETYPE=ovs, TYPE=OVSDPDKBond, and RX_QUEUE are set. BOND_IFACES is populated with the name of all members. OVS_EXTRA is extended with a set Interface... directive for each member.

type: ovs_dpdk_port

Creates an Open vSwitch DPDK port, usually in the members of a type: ovs_dpdk_bond bond interface. See Linux bonds, VLANs, and DPDK for an example. All of the Common attributes and Open vSwitch attributes can be used with this type. Each port must have a members list with a single interface entry. A port can have its own rx_queue specifed. The driver attribute can override the default kernel driver module of vfio-pci.

ifcfg implementation

Values DEVICETYPE=ovs and TYPE=OVSDPDKPort, and RX_QUEUE are set. OVS_EXTRA is extended with a set Interface... directive for the one members interface.