

Virtuozzo 7.0.0 (or newer), or its community edition OpenVZ, provides both types of virtualization: Kernel Virtual Machines and OS Containers. The type of instance to span is chosen depending on the hw_vm_type property of an image.


Some OpenStack Compute features may be missing when running with Virtuozzo as the hypervisor. See Feature Support Matrix for details.

To enable Virtuozzo Containers, set the following options in /etc/nova/nova.conf on all hosts running the nova-compute service.

compute_driver = libvirt.LibvirtDriver
force_raw_images = False

virt_type = parallels
images_type = ploop
connection_uri = parallels:///system
inject_partition = -2

To enable Virtuozzo Virtual Machines, set the following options in /etc/nova/nova.conf on all hosts running the nova-compute service.

compute_driver = libvirt.LibvirtDriver

virt_type = parallels
images_type = qcow2
connection_uri = parallels:///system
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