¶Type: | string |
Default: | br-int |
Name of Open vSwitch bridge to use
¶Type: | boolean |
Default: | false |
Uses veth for an OVS interface or not. Support kernels with limited namespace support (e.g. RHEL 6.5) and rate limiting on router’s gateway port so long as ovs_use_veth is set to True.
¶Type: | string |
Default: | <None> |
The driver used to manage the virtual interface.
¶Type: | integer |
Default: | 600 |
Maximum seconds to wait for a response from an RPC call.
¶Type: | string |
Default: | legacy |
Valid Values: | dvr, dvr_snat, legacy, dvr_no_external |
The working mode for the agent. Allowed modes are: ‘legacy’ - this preserves the existing behavior where the L3 agent is deployed on a centralized networking node to provide L3 services like DNAT, and SNAT. Use this mode if you do not want to adopt DVR. ‘dvr’ - this mode enables DVR functionality and must be used for an L3 agent that runs on a compute host. ‘dvr_snat’ - this enables centralized SNAT support in conjunction with DVR. This mode must be used for an L3 agent running on a centralized node (or in single-host deployments, e.g. devstack). ‘dvr_no_external’ - this mode enables only East/West DVR routing functionality for a L3 agent that runs on a compute host, the North/South functionality such as DNAT and SNAT will be provided by the centralized network node that is running in ‘dvr_snat’ mode. This mode should be used when there is no external network connectivity on the compute host.
¶Type: | port number |
Default: | 9697 |
Minimum Value: | 0 |
Maximum Value: | 65535 |
TCP Port used by Neutron metadata namespace proxy.
¶Type: | boolean |
Default: | true |
Indicates that this L3 agent should also handle routers that do not have an external network gateway configured. This option should be True only for a single agent in a Neutron deployment, and may be False for all agents if all routers must have an external network gateway.
¶Type: | string |
Default: | '' |
To allow the L3 agent to support multiple external networks, gateway_external_network_id must be left empty. Otherwise this value should be set to the UUID of the single external network to be used.
This option is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
¶Type: | string |
Default: | '' |
With IPv6, the network used for the external gateway does not need to have an associated subnet, since the automatically assigned link-local address (LLA) can be used. However, an IPv6 gateway address is needed for use as the next-hop for the default route. If no IPv6 gateway address is configured here, (and only then) the neutron router will be configured to get its default route from router advertisements (RAs) from the upstream router; in which case the upstream router must also be configured to send these RAs. The ipv6_gateway, when configured, should be the LLA of the interface on the upstream router. If a next-hop using a global unique address (GUA) is desired, it needs to be done via a subnet allocated to the network and not through this parameter.
¶Type: | string |
Default: | dibbler |
Driver used for ipv6 prefix delegation. This needs to be an entry point defined in the neutron.agent.linux.pd_drivers namespace. See setup.cfg for entry points included with the neutron source.
¶Type: | boolean |
Default: | true |
Allow running metadata proxy.
¶Type: | string |
Default: | 0x1 |
Iptables mangle mark used to mark metadata valid requests. This mark will be masked with 0xffff so that only the lower 16 bits will be used.
¶Type: | string |
Default: | 0x2 |
Iptables mangle mark used to mark ingress from external network. This mark will be masked with 0xffff so that only the lower 16 bits will be used.
¶Type: | string |
Default: | '' |
The username passed to radvd, used to drop root privileges and change user ID to username and group ID to the primary group of username. If no user specified (by default), the user executing the L3 agent will be passed. If “root” specified, because radvd is spawned as root, no “username” parameter will be passed.
¶Type: | boolean |
Default: | true |
If keepalived without support for “no_track” option is used, this should be set to False. Support for this option was introduced in keepalived 2.x
¶Type: | integer |
Default: | 40 |
Seconds between running periodic tasks.
¶Type: | integer |
Default: | <None> |
Number of separate API worker processes for service. If not specified, the default is equal to the number of CPUs available for best performance, capped by potential RAM usage.
¶Type: | integer |
Default: | <None> |
Number of RPC worker processes for service. If not specified, the default is equal to half the number of API workers.
¶Type: | integer |
Default: | 1 |
Number of RPC worker processes dedicated to state reports queue.
¶Type: | integer |
Default: | 5 |
Range of seconds to randomly delay when starting the periodic task scheduler to reduce stampeding. (Disable by setting to 0)
¶Type: | integer |
Default: | 600 |
Maximum seconds to wait for a response from an RPC call.
¶Type: | string |
Default: | $state_path/ha_confs |
Location to store keepalived config files
¶Type: | string |
Default: | PASS |
Valid Values: | AH, PASS |
VRRP authentication type
¶Type: | string |
Default: | <None> |
VRRP authentication password
¶Type: | integer |
Default: | 2 |
The advertisement interval in seconds
¶Type: | integer |
Default: | (1 + <num_of_cpus>) / 2 |
Minimum Value: | 1 |
This option has a sample default set, which means that its actual default value may vary from the one documented above.
Number of concurrent threads for keepalived server connection requests. More threads create a higher CPU load on the agent node.
¶Type: | integer |
Default: | 0 |
The VRRP health check interval in seconds. Values > 0 enable VRRP health checks. Setting it to 0 disables VRRP health checks. Recommended value is 5. This will cause pings to be sent to the gateway IP address(es) - requires ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST to be enabled on the gateway. If gateway fails, all routers will be reported as master, and master election will be repeated in round-robin fashion, until one of the router restore the gateway connection.
¶Type: | string |
Default: | $state_path/pd |
Location to store IPv6 PD files.
¶Type: | string |
Default: | 8888 |
A decimal value as Vendor’s Registered Private Enterprise Number as required by RFC3315 DUID-EN.
¶Type: | string |
Default: | $state_path/ra |
Location to store IPv6 RA config files
¶Type: | integer |
Default: | 30 |
MinRtrAdvInterval setting for radvd.conf
¶Type: | integer |
Default: | 100 |
MaxRtrAdvInterval setting for radvd.conf
¶Type: | string |
Default: | nova |
Availability zone of this node
¶Type: | floating point |
Default: | 30 |
Seconds between nodes reporting state to server; should be less than agent_down_time, best if it is half or less than agent_down_time.
¶Type: | boolean |
Default: | false |
Log agent heartbeats
¶Type: | list |
Default: | '' |
Extensions list to use
¶Type: | string |
Default: | tcp: |
The connection string for the OVSDB backend. Will be used by ovsdb-client when monitoring and used for the all ovsdb commands when native ovsdb_interface is enabled
¶Type: | string |
Default: | <None> |
The SSL private key file to use when interacting with OVSDB. Required when using an “ssl:” prefixed ovsdb_connection
¶Type: | string |
Default: | <None> |
The SSL certificate file to use when interacting with OVSDB. Required when using an “ssl:” prefixed ovsdb_connection
¶Type: | string |
Default: | <None> |
The Certificate Authority (CA) certificate to use when interacting with OVSDB. Required when using an “ssl:” prefixed ovsdb_connection
¶Type: | boolean |
Default: | false |
Enable OVSDB debug logs
¶Type: | integer |
Default: | 10 |
Timeout in seconds for ovsdb commands. If the timeout expires, ovsdb commands will fail with ALARMCLOCK error.
¶Type: | integer |
Default: | 50000 |
The maximum number of MAC addresses to learn on a bridge managed by the Neutron OVS agent. Values outside a reasonable range (10 to 1,000,000) might be overridden by Open vSwitch according to the documentation.
¶Type: | boolean |
Default: | false |
Enable IGMP snooping for integration bridge. If this option is set to True, support for Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is enabled in integration bridge. Setting this option to True will also enable Open vSwitch mcast-snooping-disable-flood-unregistered flag. This option will disable flooding of unregistered multicast packets to all ports. The switch will send unregistered multicast packets only to ports connected to multicast routers.
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