Verify operation

Verify operation

Verify operation of the Identity service before installing other services.


Perform these commands on the controller node.

  1. For security reasons, disable the temporary authentication token mechanism:

    Edit the /etc/keystone/keystone-paste.ini file and remove admin_token_auth from the [pipeline:public_api], [pipeline:admin_api], and [pipeline:api_v3] sections.

  1. Unset the temporary OS_TOKEN and OS_URL environment variables:

    $ unset OS_TOKEN OS_URL
  2. As the admin user, request an authentication token:

    $ openstack --os-auth-url http://controller:35357/v3 \
      --os-project-domain-id default --os-user-domain-id default \
      --os-project-name admin --os-username admin --os-auth-type password \
      token issue
    | Field      | Value                            |
    | expires    | 2015-03-24T18:55:01Z             |
    | id         | ff5ed908984c4a4190f584d826d75fed |
    | project_id | cf12a15c5ea84b019aec3dc45580896b |
    | user_id    | 4d411f2291f34941b30eef9bd797505a |


    This command uses the password for the admin user.

  3. As the demo user, request an authentication token:

    $ openstack --os-auth-url http://controller:5000/v3 \
      --os-project-domain-id default --os-user-domain-id default \
      --os-project-name demo --os-username demo --os-auth-type password \
      token issue
    | Field      | Value                            |
    | expires    | 2014-10-10T12:51:33Z             |
    | id         | 1b87ceae9e08411ba4a16e4dada04802 |
    | project_id | 4aa51bb942be4dd0ac0555d7591f80a6 |
    | user_id    | 7004dfa0dda84d63aef81cf7f100af01 |


    This command uses the password for the demo user and API port 5000 which only allows regular (non-admin) access to the Identity service API.

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