keystoneauth1.loading.session module

class keystoneauth1.loading.session.Session

Bases: _BaseLoader[Session]

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = None
__module__ = 'keystoneauth1.loading.session'
__orig_bases__ = (keystoneauth1.loading.base._BaseLoader[keystoneauth1.session.Session],)
__parameters__ = ()
_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
get_conf_options(deprecated_opts: dict[str, list[cfg.DeprecatedOpt]] | None = None) list[cfg.Opt]

Get oslo_config options that are needed for a Session.

These may be useful without being registered for config file generation or to manipulate the options before registering them yourself.

The options that are set are:

The certificate authority filename.


The client certificate file to present.


The key for the client certificate.


Whether to ignore SSL verification.


The max time to wait for HTTP connections.


Whether to collect API timing information.


Whether to log requests to multiple loggers.


deprecated_opts (dict) –

Deprecated options that should be included in the definition of new options. This should be a dict from the name of the new option to a list of oslo.DeprecatedOpts that correspond to the new option. (optional)

For example, to support the ca_file option pointing to the new cafile option name:

old_opt = oslo_cfg.DeprecatedOpt('ca_file', 'old_group')
deprecated_opts = {'cafile': [old_opt]}


A list of oslo_config options.

get_options() list[opts.Opt]

Return the list of parameters associated with the auth plugin.

This list may be used to generate CLI or config arguments.


A list of Param objects describing available plugin parameters.

Return type:


load_from_argparse_arguments(namespace: Namespace, **kwargs: Any) Session
load_from_conf_options(conf: cfg.ConfigOpts, group: str, **kwargs: Any) Session

Create a session object from an oslo_config object.

The options must have been previously registered with register_conf_options.

  • conf (oslo_config.Cfg) – config object to register with.

  • group (string) – The ini group to register options in.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional parameters to pass to session construction.


A new session object.

Return type:


load_from_options(insecure: bool = False, verify: bool | str | None = None, cacert: str | None = None, cert: str | None = None, key: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Session

Create a session with individual certificate parameters.

Some parameters used to create a session don’t lend themselves to be loaded from config/CLI etc. Create a session by converting those parameters into session __init__ parameters.

property plugin_class: Type[Session]
register_argparse_arguments(parser: ArgumentParser) None
register_conf_options(conf: cfg.ConfigOpts, group: str, deprecated_opts: dict[str, list[cfg.DeprecatedOpt]] | None = None) list[cfg.Opt]

Register the oslo_config options that are needed for a session.

The options that are set are:

The certificate authority filename.


The client certificate file to present.


The key for the client certificate.


Whether to ignore SSL verification.


The max time to wait for HTTP connections.


Whether to collect API timing information.


Whether to log requests to multiple loggers.

  • conf (oslo_config.Cfg) – config object to register with.

  • group (string) – The ini group to register options in.

  • deprecated_opts (dict) –

    Deprecated options that should be included in the definition of new options. This should be a dict from the name of the new option to a list of oslo.DeprecatedOpts that correspond to the new option. (optional)

    For example, to support the ca_file option pointing to the new cafile option name:

    old_opt = oslo_cfg.DeprecatedOpt('ca_file', 'old_group')
    deprecated_opts = {'cafile': [old_opt]}


The list of options that was registered.

keystoneauth1.loading.session._positive_non_zero_float(argument_value: str | None) float | None
keystoneauth1.loading.session.get_conf_options(deprecated_opts: dict[str, list[cfg.DeprecatedOpt]] | None = None) list[cfg.Opt]
keystoneauth1.loading.session.load_from_argparse_arguments(namespace: Namespace, **kwargs: Any) Session
keystoneauth1.loading.session.load_from_conf_options(conf: cfg.ConfigOpts, group: str, **kwargs: Any) Session
keystoneauth1.loading.session.register_argparse_arguments(parser: ArgumentParser) None
keystoneauth1.loading.session.register_conf_options(conf: cfg.ConfigOpts, group: str, deprecated_opts: dict[str, list[cfg.DeprecatedOpt]] | None = None) list[cfg.Opt]