keystone.token.provider module

keystone.token.provider module

Token provider interface.

class keystone.token.provider.Manager[source]

Bases: keystone.common.manager.Manager

Default pivot point for the token provider backend.

See keystone.common.manager.Manager for more details on how this dynamically calls the backend.

V3 = 'v3.0'
VERSIONS = frozenset({'v3.0'})
driver_namespace = 'keystone.token.provider'
issue_token(user_id, method_names, expires_at=None, system=None, project_id=None, domain_id=None, auth_context=None, trust_id=None, app_cred_id=None, parent_audit_id=None)[source]
revoke_token(token_id, revoke_chain=False)[source]
validate_token(token_id, window_seconds=0)[source]

Determine when a fresh token should expire.

Expiration time varies based on configuration (see [token] expiration).

Returns:a naive UTC datetime.datetime object

Generate a random URL-safe string.

Return type:six.text_type
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