
Source code for keystone.tests.unit.backend.core_ldap

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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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# under the License.

import ldap

from keystone.common import cache
from keystone.common import provider_api
import keystone.conf
from keystone.tests import unit
from keystone.tests.unit import default_fixtures
from keystone.tests.unit.ksfixtures import database
from keystone.tests.unit.ksfixtures import ldapdb

CONF = keystone.conf.CONF
PROVIDERS = provider_api.ProviderAPIs

[docs]def create_group_container(identity_api): # Create the groups base entry (ou=Groups,cn=example,cn=com) group_api = conn = group_api.get_connection() dn = 'ou=Groups,cn=example,cn=com' conn.add_s(dn, [('objectclass', ['organizationalUnit']), ('ou', ['Groups'])])
[docs]class BaseBackendLdapCommon(object): """Mixin class to set up generic LDAP backends."""
[docs] def setUp(self): super(BaseBackendLdapCommon, self).setUp() self.useFixture(ldapdb.LDAPDatabase()) self.load_backends() self.load_fixtures(default_fixtures)
def _get_domain_fixture(self): """Return the static domain, since domains in LDAP are read-only.""" return PROVIDERS.resource_api.get_domain( CONF.identity.default_domain_id )
[docs] def get_config(self, domain_id): # Only one conf structure unless we are using separate domain backends return CONF
[docs] def config_overrides(self): super(BaseBackendLdapCommon, self).config_overrides() self.config_fixture.config(group='identity', driver='ldap')
[docs] def config_files(self): config_files = super(BaseBackendLdapCommon, self).config_files() config_files.append(unit.dirs.tests_conf('backend_ldap.conf')) return config_files
[docs] def get_user_enabled_vals(self, user): user_dn = ( PROVIDERS.identity_api.driver.user._id_to_dn_string( user['id'] ) ) enabled_attr_name = CONF.ldap.user_enabled_attribute ldap_ = PROVIDERS.identity_api.driver.user.get_connection() res = ldap_.search_s(user_dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, u'(sn=%s)' % user['name']) if enabled_attr_name in res[0][1]: return res[0][1][enabled_attr_name] else: return None
[docs]class BaseBackendLdap(object): """Mixin class to set up an all-LDAP configuration."""
[docs] def setUp(self): # NOTE(dstanek): The database must be setup prior to calling the # parent's setUp. The parent's setUp uses services (like # credentials) that require a database. self.useFixture(database.Database()) super(BaseBackendLdap, self).setUp()
[docs] def load_fixtures(self, fixtures): # Override super impl since need to create group container. create_group_container(PROVIDERS.identity_api) super(BaseBackendLdap, self).load_fixtures(fixtures)
[docs]class BaseBackendLdapIdentitySqlEverythingElse(unit.SQLDriverOverrides): """Mixin base for Identity LDAP, everything else SQL backend tests."""
[docs] def config_files(self): config_files = super(BaseBackendLdapIdentitySqlEverythingElse, self).config_files() config_files.append(unit.dirs.tests_conf('backend_ldap_sql.conf')) return config_files
[docs] def setUp(self): sqldb = self.useFixture(database.Database()) super(BaseBackendLdapIdentitySqlEverythingElse, self).setUp() self.load_backends() cache.configure_cache() sqldb.recreate() self.load_fixtures(default_fixtures) # defaulted by the data load self.user_foo['enabled'] = True
[docs] def config_overrides(self): super(BaseBackendLdapIdentitySqlEverythingElse, self).config_overrides() self.config_fixture.config(group='identity', driver='ldap') self.config_fixture.config(group='resource', driver='sql') self.config_fixture.config(group='assignment', driver='sql')
[docs]class BaseBackendLdapIdentitySqlEverythingElseWithMapping(object): """Mixin base class to test mapping of default LDAP backend. The default configuration is not to enable mapping when using a single backend LDAP driver. However, a cloud provider might want to enable the mapping, hence hiding the LDAP IDs from any clients of keystone. Setting backward_compatible_ids to False will enable this mapping. """
[docs] def config_overrides(self): super(BaseBackendLdapIdentitySqlEverythingElseWithMapping, self).config_overrides() self.config_fixture.config(group='identity_mapping', backward_compatible_ids=False)
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