Administrator’s Guide¶
If you are a system administrator running Ironic, this section contains information that may help you understand how to operate and upgrade the services.
- Drivers, Hardware Types, and Hardware Interfaces for Ironic
- Bare Metal Service Features
- Hardware Inspection
- Deployment
- Cleaning
- Adoption
- Retirement
- RAID Configuration
- BIOS Settings
- Firmware Updates
- Node Rescuing
- Booting from Volume
- Configuring Consoles
- Enabling Notifications
- Node Multi-Tenancy
- Booting a Ramdisk or an ISO
- Hardware Burn-in
- Vendor Passthru
- Servicing
- Windows Images
- Deploying without BMC Credentials
- Layer 3 or DHCP-less Ramdisk Booting
- Deploying with Anaconda
- Node History
- OCI Container Registry Support
- Configuration and Operation
- Ironic Python Agent
- Networking
- Port Groups
- Conductor Groups
- Security
- Troubleshooting FAQ
- Nova returns “No valid host was found” Error
- Patching the Deploy Ramdisk
- API Errors
- Retrieving logs from the deploy ramdisk
- DHCP during PXE or iPXE is inconsistent or unreliable
- Why does X issue occur when I am using LACP bonding with iPXE?
- IPMI errors
- Why are my nodes stuck in a “-ing” state?
- Why are my nodes stuck in a “wait” state?
- Deployments fail with “failed to update MAC address”
- My test VM image does not deploy – mount point does not exist
- Issues with autoconfigured TLS
- I changed ironic.conf, and now I can’t edit my nodes.
- I’m getting Out of Memory errors
- Why does API return “Node is locked by host”?
- What is ConcurrentActionLimit?
- Why do I have an error that an NVMe Partition is not a block device?
- Why can’t I use Secure Erase/Wipe with RAID controllers?
- I’m in “clean failed” state, what do I do?
- I can’t seem to introspect newly added nodes in a large cluster
- Some or all of my baremetal nodes disappeared! Help?!
- Config Drives in Swift, but rebuilds fails?
- Ironic says my Image is Invalid
- Using /dev/sda does not write to the first disk
- Power Synchronization
- Fast-Track Deployment
- Authentication for Instance Images
- OVN Networking
- Ceph Object Gateway
- Emitting Software Metrics
- Auditing API Traffic
- Tuning Ironic
- Role Based Access Control
- Dashboard Integration
- Upgrade Guide
- Architecture and Implementation Details