The Ironic UI is a Horizon plugin that will allow users to view and manage bare metal nodes, ports and drivers.
Please note that the following instructions assume that you have an existing installation of the OpenStack Horizon dashboard application. For Horizon installation please see
git clone
NOTE: this has been preinstalled when horizon was setup with ./ - do not reinstall venv
source .venv/bin/activate
3. Copy the file from ironic_ui/enabled directory to horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled
pip install -e .
This will build and install the ironic-ui plugin into the active virtual environment associated with your horizon installation. The plugin is installed in “editable” mode as a link back to your ironic-ui plugin directory.
Also ensure that all packages as per requirements.txt have been installed.
./ –runserver
The Ironic Bare Metal Provisioning plugin should now be visible in the Horizon navigation.
To uninstall, use pip uninstall (find the name of the package to uninstall by running pip list from inside the horizon .venv). You will also need to remove the enabled file from the openstack_dashboard/enabled folder.