The Module

API over the keystone service.


Bases: django.views.generic.base.View

API over a single domains.

delete(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Delete a single domain by id.

This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success.

get(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Get a specific domain by id.

If the id supplied is ‘default’ then the default domain will be returned, otherwise the domain specified by the id.

patch(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Update a single domain.

The PATCH data should be an application/json object with the attributes to set to new values: “name” (string), “description” (string) and “enabled” (boolean).

This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success.

url_regex = 'keystone/domains/(?P<id>[0-9a-f]+|default)$'

Bases: django.views.generic.base.View

API over all domains.

delete(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Delete multiple domains by id.

The DELETE data should be an application/json array of domain ids to

This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success.

get(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Get a list of domains.

A listing of all domains are returned.

The listing result is an object with property “items”.

post(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Perform some action on the collection of domains.

This action creates a domain using parameters supplied in the POST application/json object. The “name” (string) parameter is required, others are optional: “description” (string) and “enabled” (boolean, defaults to true).

This method returns the new domain object on success.

url_regex = 'keystone/domains/$'

Bases: django.views.generic.base.View

API over a single project.

Note that in the following “project” is used exclusively where in the underlying keystone API the terms “project” and “tenant” are used interchangeably.

delete(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Delete a single project by id.

This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success.

get(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Get a specific project by id.

patch(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Update a single project.

The PATCH data should be an application/json object with the attributes to set to new values: “name” (string), “description” (string), “domain_id” (string) and “enabled” (boolean). Additional, undefined parameters may also be provided, but you’ll have to look deep into keystone to figure out what they might be.

This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success.

url_regex = 'keystone/projects/(?P<id>[0-9a-f]+)$'

Bases: django.views.generic.base.View

put(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Grant the specified role to the user in the project (tenant).

This method takes no data.

This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success.

url_regex = 'keystone/projects/(?P<project_id>[0-9a-f]+)/(?P<role_id>[0-9a-f]+)/(?P<user_id>[0-9a-f]+)$'

Bases: django.views.generic.base.View

API over all projects.

Note that in the following “project” is used exclusively where in the underlying keystone API the terms “project” and “tenant” are used interchangeably.

client_keywords = set(['user_id', 'domain_id', 'marker', 'admin', 'paginate'])
delete(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Delete multiple projects by id.

The DELETE data should be an application/json array of project ids to delete.

This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success.

get(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Get a list of projects.

By default a listing of all projects for the current domain are returned.

You may specify GET parameters for domain_id (string), user_id (string) and admin (boolean) to change that listing’s context. Additionally, paginate (boolean) and marker may be used to get paginated listings.

The listing result is an object with properties:

The list of project objects.
Boolean indicating there are more results when pagination is used.
post(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Create a project (tenant).

Create a project using parameters supplied in the POST application/json object. The “name” (string) parameter is required, others are optional: “description” (string), “domain_id” (string) and “enabled” (boolean, defaults to true). Additional, undefined parameters may also be provided, but you’ll have to look deep into keystone to figure out what they might be.

This method returns the new project object on success.

url_regex = 'keystone/projects/$'

Bases: django.views.generic.base.View

API for a single role.

delete(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Delete a single role by id.

This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success.

get(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Get a specific role by id.

If the id supplied is ‘default’ then the default role will be returned, otherwise the role specified by the id.

patch(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Update a single role.

The PATCH data should be an application/json object with the “name” attribute to update.

This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success.

url_regex = 'keystone/roles/(?P<id>[0-9a-f]+|default)$'

Bases: django.views.generic.base.View

API over all roles.

delete(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Delete multiple roles by id.

The DELETE data should be an application/json array of role ids to

This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success.

get(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Get a list of roles.

By default a listing of all roles are returned.

If the GET parameters project_id and user_id are specified then that user’s roles for that project are returned. If user_id is ‘current’ then the current user’s roles for that project are returned.

The listing result is an object with property “items”.

post(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Create a role.

Create a role using the “name” (string) parameter supplied in the POST application/json object.

This method returns the new role object on success.

url_regex = 'keystone/roles/$'

Bases: django.views.generic.base.View

get(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Return the Keystone service catalog associated with the current user.

url_regex = 'keystone/svc-catalog/$'

Bases: django.views.generic.base.View

API for keystone services.

get(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Get a list of keystone services.

url_regex = 'keystone/services/$'

Bases: django.views.generic.base.View

API for a single keystone user.

delete(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Delete a single user by id.

This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success.

get(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Get a specific user by id.

If the id supplied is ‘current’ then the current logged-in user will be returned, otherwise the user specified by the id.

patch(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Update a single user.

The PATCH data should be an application/json object with attributes to set to new values: password (string), project (string), enabled (boolean).

A PATCH may contain any one of those attributes, but if it contains more than one it must contain the project, even if it is not being altered.

This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success.

url_regex = 'keystone/users/(?P<id>[0-9a-f]+|current)$'

Bases: django.views.generic.base.View

API for a single keystone user.

allowed_fields = set(['enabled', 'domain_id', 'user_domain_id', 'project_id', 'roles', 'is_superuser', 'services_region', 'username', 'project_name', 'domain_name', 'user_domain_name', 'available_services_regions', 'id'])
get(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Get the current user session.

url_regex = 'keystone/user-session/$'

Bases: django.views.generic.base.View

API for keystone users.

client_keywords = set(['group_id', 'project_id', 'domain_id'])
delete(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Delete multiple users by id.

The DELETE data should be an application/json array of user ids to delete.

This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success.

get(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Get a list of users.

By default, a listing of all users for the current domain are returned. You may specify GET parameters for project_id, domain_id and group_id to change that listing’s context.

The listing result is an object with property “items”.

post(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Create a user.

Create a user using the parameters supplied in the POST application/json object. The base parameters are name (string), email (string, optional), password (string, optional), project_id (string, optional), enabled (boolean, defaults to true). The user will be created in the default domain.

This action returns the new user object on success.

url_regex = 'keystone/users/$'

Bases: django.views.generic.base.View

API for active keystone version.

get(request, *args, **kw)[source]

Get active keystone version.

url_regex = 'keystone/version/$'

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