Bases: glance.tests.integration.legacy_functional.base.ApiTest
We test the following:
0. GET /images/1 - Verify 404 1. DELETE /images/1 - Verify 404
We test the process flow where a user registers an image with Glance but does not immediately upload an image file. Later, the user uploads an image file using a PUT operation. We track the changing of image status throughout this process.
0. GET /images - Verify no public images 1. POST /images with public image named Image1 with no location
attribute and no image data.
2. GET /images - Verify one public image 3. HEAD image - Verify image now in queued status 4. PUT image with image data - Verify 200 returned 5. HEAD images - Verify image now in active status 6. GET /images - Verify one public image
Bases: glance.tests.integration.legacy_functional.base.ApiTest