Source code for glance.tests.unit.test_store_location

# Copyright 2011-2013 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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#    under the License.
import glance_store
import mock

from glance.common import exception
from glance.common import store_utils
import glance.location
from glance.tests.unit import base

CONF = {'default_store': 'file',
        'swift_store_auth_address': 'localhost:8080',
        'swift_store_container': 'glance',
        'swift_store_user': 'user',
        'swift_store_key': 'key',
        'default_swift_reference': 'store_1'

[docs]class TestStoreLocation(base.StoreClearingUnitTest):
[docs] class FakeImageProxy(object): size = None context = None store_api = mock.Mock() store_utils = store_utils
[docs] def test_add_location_for_image_without_size(self): def fake_get_size_from_backend(uri, context=None): return 1 self.stubs.Set(glance_store, 'get_size_from_backend', fake_get_size_from_backend) with mock.patch('glance.location._check_image_location'): loc1 = {'url': 'file:///fake1.img.tar.gz', 'metadata': {}} loc2 = {'url': 'file:///fake2.img.tar.gz', 'metadata': {}} # Test for insert location image1 = TestStoreLocation.FakeImageProxy() locations = glance.location.StoreLocations(image1, []) locations.insert(0, loc2) self.assertEqual(1, image1.size) # Test for set_attr of _locations_proxy image2 = TestStoreLocation.FakeImageProxy() locations = glance.location.StoreLocations(image2, [loc1]) locations[0] = loc2 self.assertIn(loc2, locations) self.assertEqual(1, image2.size)
[docs] def test_add_location_with_restricted_sources(self): loc1 = {'url': 'file:///fake1.img.tar.gz', 'metadata': {}} loc2 = {'url': 'swift+config:///xxx', 'metadata': {}} loc3 = {'url': 'filesystem:///foo.img.tar.gz', 'metadata': {}} # Test for insert location image1 = TestStoreLocation.FakeImageProxy() locations = glance.location.StoreLocations(image1, []) self.assertRaises(exception.BadStoreUri, locations.insert, 0, loc1) self.assertRaises(exception.BadStoreUri, locations.insert, 0, loc3) self.assertNotIn(loc1, locations) self.assertNotIn(loc3, locations) # Test for set_attr of _locations_proxy image2 = TestStoreLocation.FakeImageProxy() locations = glance.location.StoreLocations(image2, [loc1]) self.assertRaises(exception.BadStoreUri, locations.insert, 0, loc2) self.assertNotIn(loc2, locations)

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