Source code for glance.common.trust_auth

# Copyright (c) 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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#    under the License.

from keystoneauth1.identity import v3
from keystoneauth1.loading import conf
from keystoneauth1.loading import session
from keystoneclient import exceptions as ks_exceptions
from keystoneclient.v3 import client as ks_client
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging


LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TokenRefresher(object): """Class that responsible for token refreshing with trusts""" def __init__(self, user_plugin, user_project, user_roles): """Prepare all parameters and clients required to refresh token""" # step 1: Prepare parameters required to connect to keystone self.auth_url = CONF.keystone_authtoken.auth_uri if not self.auth_url.endswith('/v3'): self.auth_url += '/v3' self.ssl_settings = { 'cacert': CONF.keystone_authtoken.cafile, 'insecure': CONF.keystone_authtoken.insecure, 'cert': CONF.keystone_authtoken.certfile, 'key': CONF.keystone_authtoken.keyfile, } # step 2: create trust to ensure that we can always update token # trustor = user who made the request trustor_client = self._load_client(user_plugin, self.ssl_settings) trustor_id = trustor_client.session.get_user_id() # get trustee user client that impersonates main user trustee_user_auth = conf.load_from_conf_options(CONF, 'keystone_authtoken') # save service user client because we need new service token # to refresh trust-scoped client later self.trustee_user_client = self._load_client(trustee_user_auth, self.ssl_settings) trustee_id = self.trustee_user_client.session.get_user_id() self.trust_id = trustor_client.trusts.create(trustor_user=trustor_id, trustee_user=trustee_id, impersonation=True, role_names=user_roles, project=user_project).id LOG.debug("Trust %s has been created.", self.trust_id) # step 3: postpone trust-scoped client initialization # until we need to refresh the token self.trustee_client = None
[docs] def refresh_token(self): """Receive new token if user need to update old token :return: new token that can be used for authentication """ LOG.debug("Requesting the new token with trust %s", self.trust_id) if self.trustee_client is None: self.trustee_client = self._refresh_trustee_client() try: return self.trustee_client.session.get_token() except ks_exceptions.Unauthorized: # in case of Unauthorized exceptions try to refresh client because # service user token may expired self.trustee_client = self._refresh_trustee_client() return self.trustee_client.session.get_token()
[docs] def release_resources(self): """Release keystone resources required for refreshing""" try: if self.trustee_client is None: self._refresh_trustee_client().trusts.delete(self.trust_id) else: self.trustee_client.trusts.delete(self.trust_id) except ks_exceptions.Unauthorized: # service user token may expire when we are trying to delete token # so need to update client to ensure that this is not the reason # of failure self.trustee_client = self._refresh_trustee_client() self.trustee_client.trusts.delete(self.trust_id)
def _refresh_trustee_client(self): trustee_token = self.trustee_user_client.session.get_token() trustee_auth = v3.Token( trust_id=self.trust_id, token=trustee_token, auth_url=self.auth_url ) return self._load_client(trustee_auth, self.ssl_settings) @staticmethod def _load_client(plugin, ssl_settings): # load client from auth settings and user plugin sess = session.Session().load_from_options( auth=plugin, **ssl_settings) return ks_client.Client(session=sess)

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