Configure the Fuel IaC extenstion

Configure the Fuel IaC extenstionΒΆ

To be able to deploy changes from a Git repository, you need to configure the Fuel Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) extension on the Fuel Master node. The Fuel Master node must have either an access to the Internet, or an access to a local repository mirror with the required .rpm package.

To configure the IaC extension:

  1. Install the Fuel IaC extension using the yum command:

    yum install fuel-nailgun-extension-iac
  2. Synchronize the Nailgun database:

  3. Restart the Nailgun service:

    systemctl restart nailgun.service
  4. Verify the extension is installed correctly by viewing the list of installed extensions:

    fuel2 extension list

    Example of system response:

    | name              | version | description       | provides            |
    | fuel_external_git | 1.0.0   | Nailgun extension | []                  |
    |                   |         | which uses git    |                     |
    |                   |         | repo for config   |                     |
    |                   |         | files.            |                     |
  5. Enable the extension for the required environment:

    fuel2 env extension enable <env_id> -E fuel_external_git
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