keystone.identity.shadow_backends package

keystone.identity.shadow_backends package


keystone.identity.shadow_backends.base module

class keystone.identity.shadow_backends.base.ShadowUsersDriverBase[source]

Bases: object

Interface description for an Shadow Users driver.

create_federated_user(domain_id, federated_dict)[source]

Create a new user with the federated identity.

  • domain_id – The domain ID of the IdP used for the federated user
  • federated_dict (dict) – Reference to the federated user
Returns dict:

Containing the user reference


Create a new non-local user.

Parameters:user_dict (dict) – Reference to the non-local user
Returns dict:Containing the user reference
get_federated_user(idp_id, protocol_id, unique_id)[source]

Return the found user for the federated identity.

  • idp_id – The identity provider ID
  • protocol_id – The federation protocol ID
  • unique_id – The unique ID for the user
Returns dict:

Containing the user reference


Return the found user.

Parameters:user_id – Unique identifier of the user
Returns dict:Containing the user reference

Set the last active at date for the user.

Parameters:user_id – Unique identifier of the user
update_federated_user_display_name(idp_id, protocol_id, unique_id, display_name)[source]

Update federated user’s display name if changed.

  • idp_id – The identity provider ID
  • protocol_id – The federation protocol ID
  • unique_id – The unique ID for the user
  • display_name – The user’s display name

keystone.identity.shadow_backends.sql module

class keystone.identity.shadow_backends.sql.ShadowUsers[source]

Bases: keystone.identity.shadow_backends.base.ShadowUsersDriverBase

create_federated_user(*args, **kwargs)[source]
create_nonlocal_user(*args, **kwargs)[source]
get_federated_user(idp_id, protocol_id, unique_id)[source]
update_federated_user_display_name(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Module contents

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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.