The following is a sample cyborg configuration for adaptation and use. It is auto-generated from cyborg when this documentation is built, so if you are having issues with an option, please compare your version of cyborg with the version of this documentation.
The sample configuration can also be downloaded in file form.
# From cyborg
# Used if there is a formatting error when generating an
# exception message (a programming error). If True, raise an
# exception; if False, use the unformatted message. (boolean
# value)
#fatal_exception_format_errors = false
# Name of this node. This can be an opaque identifier. It is
# not necessarily a hostname, FQDN, or IP address. However,
# the node name must be valid within an AMQP key, and if using
# ZeroMQ, a valid hostname, FQDN, or IP address. (host address
# value)
# This option has a sample default set, which means that
# its actual default value may vary from the one documented
# below.
#host = localhost
# Default interval (in seconds) for running periodic tasks.
# (integer value)
#periodic_interval = 60
# Directory where the cyborg python module is installed.
# (string value)
# This option has a sample default set, which means that
# its actual default value may vary from the one documented
# below.
#pybasedir = /usr/lib/python/site-packages/cyborg/cyborg
# Directory where cyborg binaries are installed. (string
# value)
#bindir = $pybasedir/bin
# Top-level directory for maintaining cyborg's state. (string
# value)
#state_path = $pybasedir
# From oslo.log
# If set to true, the logging level will be set to DEBUG
# instead of the default INFO level. (boolean value)
# Note: This option can be changed without restarting.
#debug = false
# The name of a logging configuration file. This file is
# appended to any existing logging configuration files. For
# details about logging configuration files, see the Python
# logging module documentation. Note that when logging
# configuration files are used then all logging configuration
# is set in the configuration file and other logging
# configuration options are ignored (for example, log-date-
# format). (string value)
# Note: This option can be changed without restarting.
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/log_config
#log_config_append = <None>
# Defines the format string for %%(asctime)s in log records.
# Default: %(default)s . This option is ignored if
# log_config_append is set. (string value)
#log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
# (Optional) Name of log file to send logging output to. If no
# default is set, logging will go to stderr as defined by
# use_stderr. This option is ignored if log_config_append is
# set. (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/logfile
#log_file = <None>
# (Optional) The base directory used for relative log_file
# paths. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.
# (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/logdir
#log_dir = <None>
# Uses logging handler designed to watch file system. When log
# file is moved or removed this handler will open a new log
# file with specified path instantaneously. It makes sense
# only if log_file option is specified and Linux platform is
# used. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.
# (boolean value)
#watch_log_file = false
# Use syslog for logging. Existing syslog format is DEPRECATED
# and will be changed later to honor RFC5424. This option is
# ignored if log_config_append is set. (boolean value)
#use_syslog = false
# Enable journald for logging. If running in a systemd
# environment you may wish to enable journal support. Doing so
# will use the journal native protocol which includes
# structured metadata in addition to log messages.This option
# is ignored if log_config_append is set. (boolean value)
#use_journal = false
# Syslog facility to receive log lines. This option is ignored
# if log_config_append is set. (string value)
#syslog_log_facility = LOG_USER
# Use JSON formatting for logging. This option is ignored if
# log_config_append is set. (boolean value)
#use_json = false
# Log output to standard error. This option is ignored if
# log_config_append is set. (boolean value)
#use_stderr = false
# Log output to Windows Event Log. (boolean value)
#use_eventlog = false
# The amount of time before the log files are rotated. This
# option is ignored unless log_rotation_type is setto
# "interval". (integer value)
#log_rotate_interval = 1
# Rotation interval type. The time of the last file change (or
# the time when the service was started) is used when
# scheduling the next rotation. (string value)
# Possible values:
# Seconds - <No description provided>
# Minutes - <No description provided>
# Hours - <No description provided>
# Days - <No description provided>
# Weekday - <No description provided>
# Midnight - <No description provided>
#log_rotate_interval_type = days
# Maximum number of rotated log files. (integer value)
#max_logfile_count = 30
# Log file maximum size in MB. This option is ignored if
# "log_rotation_type" is not set to "size". (integer value)
#max_logfile_size_mb = 200
# Log rotation type. (string value)
# Possible values:
# interval - Rotate logs at predefined time intervals.
# size - Rotate logs once they reach a predefined size.
# none - Do not rotate log files.
#log_rotation_type = none
# Format string to use for log messages with context. Used by
# oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter (string value)
#logging_context_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_identity)s] %(instance)s%(message)s
# Format string to use for log messages when context is
# undefined. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter
# (string value)
#logging_default_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [-] %(instance)s%(message)s
# Additional data to append to log message when logging level
# for the message is DEBUG. Used by
# oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter (string value)
#logging_debug_format_suffix = %(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d
# Prefix each line of exception output with this format. Used
# by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter (string value)
#logging_exception_prefix = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d ERROR %(name)s %(instance)s
# Defines the format string for %(user_identity)s that is used
# in logging_context_format_string. Used by
# oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter (string value)
#logging_user_identity_format = %(user)s %(tenant)s %(domain)s %(user_domain)s %(project_domain)s
# List of package logging levels in logger=LEVEL pairs. This
# option is ignored if log_config_append is set. (list value)
#default_log_levels = amqp=WARN,amqplib=WARN,boto=WARN,qpid=WARN,sqlalchemy=WARN,suds=INFO,oslo.messaging=INFO,oslo_messaging=INFO,iso8601=WARN,requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool=WARN,urllib3.connectionpool=WARN,websocket=WARN,requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry=WARN,urllib3.util.retry=WARN,keystonemiddleware=WARN,routes.middleware=WARN,stevedore=WARN,taskflow=WARN,keystoneauth=WARN,oslo.cache=INFO,oslo_policy=INFO,dogpile.core.dogpile=INFO
# Enables or disables publication of error events. (boolean
# value)
#publish_errors = false
# The format for an instance that is passed with the log
# message. (string value)
#instance_format = "[instance: %(uuid)s] "
# The format for an instance UUID that is passed with the log
# message. (string value)
#instance_uuid_format = "[instance: %(uuid)s] "
# Interval, number of seconds, of log rate limiting. (integer
# value)
#rate_limit_interval = 0
# Maximum number of logged messages per rate_limit_interval.
# (integer value)
#rate_limit_burst = 0
# Log level name used by rate limiting: CRITICAL, ERROR, INFO,
# WARNING, DEBUG or empty string. Logs with level greater or
# equal to rate_limit_except_level are not filtered. An empty
# string means that all levels are filtered. (string value)
#rate_limit_except_level = CRITICAL
# Enables or disables fatal status of deprecations. (boolean
# value)
#fatal_deprecations = false
# From oslo.messaging
# Size of RPC connection pool. (integer value)
#rpc_conn_pool_size = 30
# The pool size limit for connections expiration policy
# (integer value)
#conn_pool_min_size = 2
# The time-to-live in sec of idle connections in the pool
# (integer value)
#conn_pool_ttl = 1200
# Size of executor thread pool when executor is threading or
# eventlet. (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rpc_thread_pool_size
#executor_thread_pool_size = 64
# Seconds to wait for a response from a call. (integer value)
#rpc_response_timeout = 60
# The network address and optional user credentials for
# connecting to the messaging backend, in URL format. The
# expected format is:
# driver://[user:pass@]host:port[,[userN:passN@]hostN:portN]/virtual_host?query
# Example: rabbit://rabbitmq:password@
# For full details on the fields in the URL see the
# documentation of oslo_messaging.TransportURL at
# (string value)
#transport_url = rabbit://
# The default exchange under which topics are scoped. May be
# overridden by an exchange name specified in the
# transport_url option. (string value)
#control_exchange = openstack
# From oslo.service.periodic_task
# Some periodic tasks can be run in a separate process. Should
# we run them here? (boolean value)
#run_external_periodic_tasks = true
# From oslo.service.service
# Enable eventlet backdoor. Acceptable values are 0, <port>,
# and <start>:<end>, where 0 results in listening on a random
# tcp port number; <port> results in listening on the
# specified port number (and not enabling backdoor if that
# port is in use); and <start>:<end> results in listening on
# the smallest unused port number within the specified range
# of port numbers. The chosen port is displayed in the
# service's log file. (string value)
#backdoor_port = <None>
# Enable eventlet backdoor, using the provided path as a unix
# socket that can receive connections. This option is mutually
# exclusive with 'backdoor_port' in that only one should be
# provided. If both are provided then the existence of this
# option overrides the usage of that option. (string value)
#backdoor_socket = <None>
# Enables or disables logging values of all registered options
# when starting a service (at DEBUG level). (boolean value)
#log_options = true
# Specify a timeout after which a gracefully shutdown server
# will exit. Zero value means endless wait. (integer value)
#graceful_shutdown_timeout = 60
# From cyborg
# The accelerator drivers enabled on this agent. Such as
# intel_fpga_driver, nvidia_gpu_driver, etc. (list value)
#enabled_drivers =
# From cyborg
# The IP address on which cyborg-api listens. (host address
# value)
#host_ip =
# The TCP port on which cyborg-api listens. (port value)
# Minimum value: 0
# Maximum value: 65535
#port = 6666
# Number of workers for OpenStack Cyborg API service. The
# default is equal to the number of CPUs available if that can
# be determined, else a default worker count of 1 is returned.
# (integer value)
#api_workers = <None>
# Enable the integrated stand-alone API to service requests
# via HTTPS instead of HTTP. If there is a front-end service
# performing HTTPS offloading from the service, this option
# should be False; note, you will want to change public API
# endpoint to represent SSL termination URL with
# 'public_endpoint' option. (boolean value)
#enable_ssl_api = false
# Public URL to use when building the links to the API
# resources (for example, ""). If
# None the links will be built using the request's host URL.
# If the API is operating behind a proxy, you will want to
# change this to represent the proxy's URL. Defaults to None.
# (string value)
#public_endpoint = <None>
# Configuration file for WSGI definition of API. (string
# value)
#api_paste_config = api-paste.ini
# From cyborg
# MySQL engine to use. (string value)
#mysql_engine = InnoDB
# From oslo.db
# If True, SQLite uses synchronous mode. (boolean value)
#sqlite_synchronous = true
# The back end to use for the database. (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/db_backend
#backend = sqlalchemy
# The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the
# database. (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_connection
# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_connection
# Deprecated group/name - [sql]/connection
#connection = <None>
# The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the
# slave database. (string value)
#slave_connection = <None>
# The SQL mode to be used for MySQL sessions. This option,
# including the default, overrides any server-set SQL mode. To
# use whatever SQL mode is set by the server configuration,
# set this to no value. Example: mysql_sql_mode= (string
# value)
#mysql_sql_mode = TRADITIONAL
# If True, transparently enables support for handling MySQL
# Cluster (NDB). (boolean value)
#mysql_enable_ndb = false
# Connections which have been present in the connection pool
# longer than this number of seconds will be replaced with a
# new one the next time they are checked out from the pool.
# (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/idle_timeout
# Deprecated group/name - [database]/idle_timeout
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_idle_timeout
# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_idle_timeout
# Deprecated group/name - [sql]/idle_timeout
#connection_recycle_time = 3600
# DEPRECATED: Minimum number of SQL connections to keep open
# in a pool. (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_min_pool_size
# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_min_pool_size
# This option is deprecated for removal.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason: The option to set the minimum pool size is not
# supported by sqlalchemy.
#min_pool_size = 1
# Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool.
# Setting a value of 0 indicates no limit. (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_max_pool_size
# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_max_pool_size
#max_pool_size = 5
# Maximum number of database connection retries during
# startup. Set to -1 to specify an infinite retry count.
# (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_max_retries
# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_max_retries
#max_retries = 10
# Interval between retries of opening a SQL connection.
# (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_retry_interval
# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/reconnect_interval
#retry_interval = 10
# If set, use this value for max_overflow with SQLAlchemy.
# (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_max_overflow
# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sqlalchemy_max_overflow
#max_overflow = 50
# Verbosity of SQL debugging information: 0=None,
# 100=Everything. (integer value)
# Minimum value: 0
# Maximum value: 100
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_connection_debug
#connection_debug = 0
# Add Python stack traces to SQL as comment strings. (boolean
# value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_connection_trace
#connection_trace = false
# If set, use this value for pool_timeout with SQLAlchemy.
# (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sqlalchemy_pool_timeout
#pool_timeout = <None>
# Enable the experimental use of database reconnect on
# connection lost. (boolean value)
#use_db_reconnect = false
# Seconds between retries of a database transaction. (integer
# value)
#db_retry_interval = 1
# If True, increases the interval between retries of a
# database operation up to db_max_retry_interval. (boolean
# value)
#db_inc_retry_interval = true
# If db_inc_retry_interval is set, the maximum seconds between
# retries of a database operation. (integer value)
#db_max_retry_interval = 10
# Maximum retries in case of connection error or deadlock
# error before error is raised. Set to -1 to specify an
# infinite retry count. (integer value)
#db_max_retries = 20
# Optional URL parameters to append onto the connection URL at
# connect time; specify as param1=value1¶m2=value2&...
# (string value)
#connection_parameters =
# Configuration options for the Image service
# From cyborg
# List of glance api servers endpoints available to cyborg.
# https is used for ssl-based glance api servers.
# NOTE: The preferred mechanism for endpoint discovery is via
# keystoneauth1
# loading options. Only use api_servers if you need multiple
# endpoints and are
# unable to use a load balancer for some reason.
# Possible values:
# * A list of any fully qualified url of the form
# "scheme://hostname:port[/path]"
# (i.e. "" or
# "https://my.glance.server/image").
# (list value)
#api_servers = <None>
# Enable glance operation retries.
# Specifies the number of retries when uploading / downloading
# an image to / from glance. 0 means no retries.
# (integer value)
# Minimum value: 0
#num_retries = 0
# List of url schemes that can be directly accessed.
# This option specifies a list of url schemes that can be
# downloaded
# directly via the direct_url. This direct_URL can be fetched
# from
# Image metadata which can be used by cyborg to get the
# image more efficiently. cyborg-compute could benefit from
# this by
# invoking a copy when it has access to the same file system
# as glance.
# Possible values:
# * [file], Empty list (default)
# (list value)
# This option is deprecated for removal since 17.0.0.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason:
# This was originally added for the
# '' FileTransfer
# extension which was removed in the 16.0.0 Pike release. The
# '' extension point is not
# maintained
# and there is no indication of its use in production clouds.
#allowed_direct_url_schemes =
# Enable image signature verification.
# cyborg uses the image signature metadata from glance and
# verifies the signature
# of a signed image while downloading that image. If the image
# signature cannot
# be verified or if the image signature metadata is either
# incomplete or
# unavailable, then cyborg will not boot the image and instead
# will place the
# instance into an error state. This provides end users with
# stronger assurances
# of the integrity of the image data they are using to create
# servers.
# Related options:
# * The options in the `key_manager` group, as the key_manager
# is used
# for the signature validation.
# * Both enable_certificate_validation and
# default_trusted_certificate_ids
# below depend on this option being enabled.
# (boolean value)
#verify_glance_signatures = false
# Enable certificate validation for image signature
# verification.
# During image signature verification cyborg will first verify
# the validity of
# the image's signing certificate using the set of trusted
# certificates
# associated with the instance. If certificate validation
# fails, signature
# verification will not be performed and the instance will be
# placed into an
# error state. This provides end users with stronger
# assurances that the image
# data is unmodified and trustworthy. If left disabled, image
# signature
# verification can still occur but the end user will not have
# any assurance that
# the signing certificate used to generate the image signature
# is still
# trustworthy.
# Related options:
# * This option only takes effect if verify_glance_signatures
# is enabled.
# * The value of default_trusted_certificate_ids may be used
# when this option
# is enabled.
# (boolean value)
# This option is deprecated for removal since 16.0.0.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason:
# This option is intended to ease the transition for
# deployments leveraging
# image signature verification. The intended state long-term
# is for signature
# verification and certificate validation to always happen
# together.
#enable_certificate_validation = false
# List of certificate IDs for certificates that should be
# trusted.
# May be used as a default list of trusted certificate IDs for
# certificate
# validation. The value of this option will be ignored if the
# user provides a
# list of trusted certificate IDs with an instance API
# request. The value of
# this option will be persisted with the instance data if
# signature verification
# and certificate validation are enabled and if the user did
# not provide an
# alternative list. If left empty when certificate validation
# is enabled the
# user must provide a list of trusted certificate IDs
# otherwise certificate
# validation will fail.
# Related options:
# * The value of this option may be used if both
# verify_glance_signatures and
# enable_certificate_validation are enabled.
# (list value)
#default_trusted_certificate_ids =
# Enable or disable debug logging with glanceclient. (boolean
# value)
#debug = false
# PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying
# HTTPs connections. (string value)
#cafile = <None>
# PEM encoded client certificate cert file (string value)
#certfile = <None>
# PEM encoded client certificate key file (string value)
#keyfile = <None>
# Verify HTTPS connections. (boolean value)
#insecure = false
# Timeout value for http requests (integer value)
#timeout = <None>
# Collect per-API call timing information. (boolean value)
#collect_timing = false
# Log requests to multiple loggers. (boolean value)
#split_loggers = false
# The default service_type for endpoint URL discovery. (string
# value)
#service_type = image
# The default service_name for endpoint URL discovery. (string
# value)
#service_name = <None>
# List of interfaces, in order of preference, for endpoint
# URL. (list value)
#valid_interfaces = internal,public
# The default region_name for endpoint URL discovery. (string
# value)
#region_name = <None>
# Always use this endpoint URL for requests for this client.
# NOTE: The unversioned endpoint should be specified here; to
# request a particular API version, use the `version`, `min-
# version`, and/or `max-version` options. (string value)
#endpoint_override = <None>
# Configuration options for the identity service
# From cyborg
# PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying
# HTTPs connections. (string value)
#cafile = <None>
# PEM encoded client certificate cert file (string value)
#certfile = <None>
# PEM encoded client certificate key file (string value)
#keyfile = <None>
# Verify HTTPS connections. (boolean value)
#insecure = false
# Timeout value for http requests (integer value)
#timeout = <None>
# Collect per-API call timing information. (boolean value)
#collect_timing = false
# Log requests to multiple loggers. (boolean value)
#split_loggers = false
# The default service_type for endpoint URL discovery. (string
# value)
#service_type = identity
# The default service_name for endpoint URL discovery. (string
# value)
#service_name = <None>
# List of interfaces, in order of preference, for endpoint
# URL. (list value)
#valid_interfaces = internal,public
# The default region_name for endpoint URL discovery. (string
# value)
#region_name = <None>
# Always use this endpoint URL for requests for this client.
# NOTE: The unversioned endpoint should be specified here; to
# request a particular API version, use the `version`, `min-
# version`, and/or `max-version` options. (string value)
#endpoint_override = <None>
# From keystonemiddleware.auth_token
# Complete "public" Identity API endpoint. This endpoint
# should not be an "admin" endpoint, as it should be
# accessible by all end users. Unauthenticated clients are
# redirected to this endpoint to authenticate. Although this
# endpoint should ideally be unversioned, client support in
# the wild varies. If you're using a versioned v2 endpoint
# here, then this should *not* be the same endpoint the
# service user utilizes for validating tokens, because normal
# end users may not be able to reach that endpoint. (string
# value)
# Deprecated group/name - [keystone_authtoken]/auth_uri
#www_authenticate_uri = <None>
# DEPRECATED: Complete "public" Identity API endpoint. This
# endpoint should not be an "admin" endpoint, as it should be
# accessible by all end users. Unauthenticated clients are
# redirected to this endpoint to authenticate. Although this
# endpoint should ideally be unversioned, client support in
# the wild varies. If you're using a versioned v2 endpoint
# here, then this should *not* be the same endpoint the
# service user utilizes for validating tokens, because normal
# end users may not be able to reach that endpoint. This
# option is deprecated in favor of www_authenticate_uri and
# will be removed in the S release. (string value)
# This option is deprecated for removal since Queens.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason: The auth_uri option is deprecated in favor of
# www_authenticate_uri and will be removed in the S release.
#auth_uri = <None>
# API version of the admin Identity API endpoint. (string
# value)
#auth_version = <None>
# Do not handle authorization requests within the middleware,
# but delegate the authorization decision to downstream WSGI
# components. (boolean value)
#delay_auth_decision = false
# Request timeout value for communicating with Identity API
# server. (integer value)
#http_connect_timeout = <None>
# How many times are we trying to reconnect when communicating
# with Identity API Server. (integer value)
#http_request_max_retries = 3
# Request environment key where the Swift cache object is
# stored. When auth_token middleware is deployed with a Swift
# cache, use this option to have the middleware share a
# caching backend with swift. Otherwise, use the
# ``memcached_servers`` option instead. (string value)
#cache = <None>
# Required if identity server requires client certificate
# (string value)
#certfile = <None>
# Required if identity server requires client certificate
# (string value)
#keyfile = <None>
# A PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying
# HTTPs connections. Defaults to system CAs. (string value)
#cafile = <None>
# Verify HTTPS connections. (boolean value)
#insecure = false
# The region in which the identity server can be found.
# (string value)
#region_name = <None>
# DEPRECATED: Directory used to cache files related to PKI
# tokens. This option has been deprecated in the Ocata release
# and will be removed in the P release. (string value)
# This option is deprecated for removal since Ocata.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason: PKI token format is no longer supported.
#signing_dir = <None>
# Optionally specify a list of memcached server(s) to use for
# caching. If left undefined, tokens will instead be cached
# in-process. (list value)
# Deprecated group/name - [keystone_authtoken]/memcache_servers
#memcached_servers = <None>
# In order to prevent excessive effort spent validating
# tokens, the middleware caches previously-seen tokens for a
# configurable duration (in seconds). Set to -1 to disable
# caching completely. (integer value)
#token_cache_time = 300
# (Optional) If defined, indicate whether token data should be
# authenticated or authenticated and encrypted. If MAC, token
# data is authenticated (with HMAC) in the cache. If ENCRYPT,
# token data is encrypted and authenticated in the cache. If
# the value is not one of these options or empty, auth_token
# will raise an exception on initialization. (string value)
# Possible values:
# None - <No description provided>
# MAC - <No description provided>
# ENCRYPT - <No description provided>
#memcache_security_strategy = None
# (Optional, mandatory if memcache_security_strategy is
# defined) This string is used for key derivation. (string
# value)
#memcache_secret_key = <None>
# (Optional) Number of seconds memcached server is considered
# dead before it is tried again. (integer value)
#memcache_pool_dead_retry = 300
# (Optional) Maximum total number of open connections to every
# memcached server. (integer value)
#memcache_pool_maxsize = 10
# (Optional) Socket timeout in seconds for communicating with
# a memcached server. (integer value)
#memcache_pool_socket_timeout = 3
# (Optional) Number of seconds a connection to memcached is
# held unused in the pool before it is closed. (integer value)
#memcache_pool_unused_timeout = 60
# (Optional) Number of seconds that an operation will wait to
# get a memcached client connection from the pool. (integer
# value)
#memcache_pool_conn_get_timeout = 10
# (Optional) Use the advanced (eventlet safe) memcached client
# pool. The advanced pool will only work under python 2.x.
# (boolean value)
#memcache_use_advanced_pool = false
# (Optional) Indicate whether to set the X-Service-Catalog
# header. If False, middleware will not ask for service
# catalog on token validation and will not set the X-Service-
# Catalog header. (boolean value)
#include_service_catalog = true
# Used to control the use and type of token binding. Can be
# set to: "disabled" to not check token binding. "permissive"
# (default) to validate binding information if the bind type
# is of a form known to the server and ignore it if not.
# "strict" like "permissive" but if the bind type is unknown
# the token will be rejected. "required" any form of token
# binding is needed to be allowed. Finally the name of a
# binding method that must be present in tokens. (string
# value)
#enforce_token_bind = permissive
# DEPRECATED: Hash algorithms to use for hashing PKI tokens.
# This may be a single algorithm or multiple. The algorithms
# are those supported by Python standard The
# hashes will be tried in the order given, so put the
# preferred one first for performance. The result of the first
# hash will be stored in the cache. This will typically be set
# to multiple values only while migrating from a less secure
# algorithm to a more secure one. Once all the old tokens are
# expired this option should be set to a single value for
# better performance. (list value)
# This option is deprecated for removal since Ocata.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason: PKI token format is no longer supported.
#hash_algorithms = md5
# A choice of roles that must be present in a service token.
# Service tokens are allowed to request that an expired token
# can be used and so this check should tightly control that
# only actual services should be sending this token. Roles
# here are applied as an ANY check so any role in this list
# must be present. For backwards compatibility reasons this
# currently only affects the allow_expired check. (list value)
#service_token_roles = service
# For backwards compatibility reasons we must let valid
# service tokens pass that don't pass the service_token_roles
# check as valid. Setting this true will become the default in
# a future release and should be enabled if possible. (boolean
# value)
#service_token_roles_required = false
# Authentication type to load (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [keystone_authtoken]/auth_plugin
#auth_type = <None>
# Config Section from which to load plugin specific options
# (string value)
#auth_section = <None>
# From oslo.messaging
# Name for the AMQP container. must be globally unique.
# Defaults to a generated UUID (string value)
#container_name = <None>
# Timeout for inactive connections (in seconds) (integer
# value)
#idle_timeout = 0
# Debug: dump AMQP frames to stdout (boolean value)
#trace = false
# Attempt to connect via SSL. If no other ssl-related
# parameters are given, it will use the system's CA-bundle to
# verify the server's certificate. (boolean value)
#ssl = false
# CA certificate PEM file used to verify the server's
# certificate (string value)
#ssl_ca_file =
# Self-identifying certificate PEM file for client
# authentication (string value)
#ssl_cert_file =
# Private key PEM file used to sign ssl_cert_file certificate
# (optional) (string value)
#ssl_key_file =
# Password for decrypting ssl_key_file (if encrypted) (string
# value)
#ssl_key_password = <None>
# By default SSL checks that the name in the server's
# certificate matches the hostname in the transport_url. In
# some configurations it may be preferable to use the virtual
# hostname instead, for example if the server uses the Server
# Name Indication TLS extension (rfc6066) to provide a
# certificate per virtual host. Set ssl_verify_vhost to True
# if the server's SSL certificate uses the virtual host name
# instead of the DNS name. (boolean value)
#ssl_verify_vhost = false
# Space separated list of acceptable SASL mechanisms (string
# value)
#sasl_mechanisms =
# Path to directory that contains the SASL configuration
# (string value)
#sasl_config_dir =
# Name of configuration file (without .conf suffix) (string
# value)
#sasl_config_name =
# SASL realm to use if no realm present in username (string
# value)
#sasl_default_realm =
# Seconds to pause before attempting to re-connect. (integer
# value)
# Minimum value: 1
#connection_retry_interval = 1
# Increase the connection_retry_interval by this many seconds
# after each unsuccessful failover attempt. (integer value)
# Minimum value: 0
#connection_retry_backoff = 2
# Maximum limit for connection_retry_interval +
# connection_retry_backoff (integer value)
# Minimum value: 1
#connection_retry_interval_max = 30
# Time to pause between re-connecting an AMQP 1.0 link that
# failed due to a recoverable error. (integer value)
# Minimum value: 1
#link_retry_delay = 10
# The maximum number of attempts to re-send a reply message
# which failed due to a recoverable error. (integer value)
# Minimum value: -1
#default_reply_retry = 0
# The deadline for an rpc reply message delivery. (integer
# value)
# Minimum value: 5
#default_reply_timeout = 30
# The deadline for an rpc cast or call message delivery. Only
# used when caller does not provide a timeout expiry. (integer
# value)
# Minimum value: 5
#default_send_timeout = 30
# The deadline for a sent notification message delivery. Only
# used when caller does not provide a timeout expiry. (integer
# value)
# Minimum value: 5
#default_notify_timeout = 30
# The duration to schedule a purge of idle sender links.
# Detach link after expiry. (integer value)
# Minimum value: 1
#default_sender_link_timeout = 600
# Indicates the addressing mode used by the driver.
# Permitted values:
# 'legacy' - use legacy non-routable addressing
# 'routable' - use routable addresses
# 'dynamic' - use legacy addresses if the message bus does
# not support routing otherwise use routable addressing
# (string value)
#addressing_mode = dynamic
# Enable virtual host support for those message buses that do
# not natively support virtual hosting (such as qpidd). When
# set to true the virtual host name will be added to all
# message bus addresses, effectively creating a private
# 'subnet' per virtual host. Set to False if the message bus
# supports virtual hosting using the 'hostname' field in the
# AMQP 1.0 Open performative as the name of the virtual host.
# (boolean value)
#pseudo_vhost = true
# address prefix used when sending to a specific server
# (string value)
#server_request_prefix = exclusive
# address prefix used when broadcasting to all servers (string
# value)
#broadcast_prefix = broadcast
# address prefix when sending to any server in group (string
# value)
#group_request_prefix = unicast
# Address prefix for all generated RPC addresses (string
# value)
#rpc_address_prefix =
# Address prefix for all generated Notification addresses
# (string value)
#notify_address_prefix =
# Appended to the address prefix when sending a fanout
# message. Used by the message bus to identify fanout
# messages. (string value)
#multicast_address = multicast
# Appended to the address prefix when sending to a particular
# RPC/Notification server. Used by the message bus to identify
# messages sent to a single destination. (string value)
#unicast_address = unicast
# Appended to the address prefix when sending to a group of
# consumers. Used by the message bus to identify messages that
# should be delivered in a round-robin fashion across
# consumers. (string value)
#anycast_address = anycast
# Exchange name used in notification addresses.
# Exchange name resolution precedence:
# if set
# else default_notification_exchange if set
# else control_exchange if set
# else 'notify' (string value)
#default_notification_exchange = <None>
# Exchange name used in RPC addresses.
# Exchange name resolution precedence:
# if set
# else default_rpc_exchange if set
# else control_exchange if set
# else 'rpc' (string value)
#default_rpc_exchange = <None>
# Window size for incoming RPC Reply messages. (integer value)
# Minimum value: 1
#reply_link_credit = 200
# Window size for incoming RPC Request messages (integer
# value)
# Minimum value: 1
#rpc_server_credit = 100
# Window size for incoming Notification messages (integer
# value)
# Minimum value: 1
#notify_server_credit = 100
# Send messages of this type pre-settled.
# Pre-settled messages will not receive acknowledgement
# from the peer. Note well: pre-settled messages may be
# silently discarded if the delivery fails.
# Permitted values:
# 'rpc-call' - send RPC Calls pre-settled
# 'rpc-reply'- send RPC Replies pre-settled
# 'rpc-cast' - Send RPC Casts pre-settled
# 'notify' - Send Notifications pre-settled
# (multi valued)
#pre_settled = rpc-cast
#pre_settled = rpc-reply
# From oslo.messaging
# Max fetch bytes of Kafka consumer (integer value)
#kafka_max_fetch_bytes = 1048576
# Default timeout(s) for Kafka consumers (floating point
# value)
#kafka_consumer_timeout = 1.0
# DEPRECATED: Pool Size for Kafka Consumers (integer value)
# This option is deprecated for removal.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason: Driver no longer uses connection pool.
#pool_size = 10
# DEPRECATED: The pool size limit for connections expiration
# policy (integer value)
# This option is deprecated for removal.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason: Driver no longer uses connection pool.
#conn_pool_min_size = 2
# DEPRECATED: The time-to-live in sec of idle connections in
# the pool (integer value)
# This option is deprecated for removal.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason: Driver no longer uses connection pool.
#conn_pool_ttl = 1200
# Group id for Kafka consumer. Consumers in one group will
# coordinate message consumption (string value)
#consumer_group = oslo_messaging_consumer
# Upper bound on the delay for KafkaProducer batching in
# seconds (floating point value)
#producer_batch_timeout = 0.0
# Size of batch for the producer async send (integer value)
#producer_batch_size = 16384
# Enable asynchronous consumer commits (boolean value)
#enable_auto_commit = false
# The maximum number of records returned in a poll call
# (integer value)
#max_poll_records = 500
# Protocol used to communicate with brokers (string value)
# Possible values:
# PLAINTEXT - <No description provided>
# SASL_PLAINTEXT - <No description provided>
# SSL - <No description provided>
# SASL_SSL - <No description provided>
#security_protocol = PLAINTEXT
# Mechanism when security protocol is SASL (string value)
#sasl_mechanism = PLAIN
# CA certificate PEM file used to verify the server
# certificate (string value)
#ssl_cafile =
# From oslo.messaging
# The Drivers(s) to handle sending notifications. Possible
# values are messaging, messagingv2, routing, log, test, noop
# (multi valued)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/notification_driver
#driver =
# A URL representing the messaging driver to use for
# notifications. If not set, we fall back to the same
# configuration used for RPC. (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/notification_transport_url
#transport_url = <None>
# AMQP topic used for OpenStack notifications. (list value)
# Deprecated group/name - [rpc_notifier2]/topics
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/notification_topics
#topics = notifications
# The maximum number of attempts to re-send a notification
# message which failed to be delivered due to a recoverable
# error. 0 - No retry, -1 - indefinite (integer value)
#retry = -1
# From oslo.messaging
# Use durable queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
#amqp_durable_queues = false
# Auto-delete queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
#amqp_auto_delete = false
# Connect over SSL. (boolean value)
# Deprecated group/name - [oslo_messaging_rabbit]/rabbit_use_ssl
#ssl = false
# SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled). Valid values
# are TLSv1 and SSLv23. SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1_1, and TLSv1_2 may
# be available on some distributions. (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [oslo_messaging_rabbit]/kombu_ssl_version
#ssl_version =
# SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled). (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [oslo_messaging_rabbit]/kombu_ssl_keyfile
#ssl_key_file =
# SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled). (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [oslo_messaging_rabbit]/kombu_ssl_certfile
#ssl_cert_file =
# SSL certification authority file (valid only if SSL
# enabled). (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [oslo_messaging_rabbit]/kombu_ssl_ca_certs
#ssl_ca_file =
# How long to wait before reconnecting in response to an AMQP
# consumer cancel notification. (floating point value)
#kombu_reconnect_delay = 1.0
# EXPERIMENTAL: Possible values are: gzip, bz2. If not set
# compression will not be used. This option may not be
# available in future versions. (string value)
#kombu_compression = <None>
# How long to wait a missing client before abandoning to send
# it its replies. This value should not be longer than
# rpc_response_timeout. (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [oslo_messaging_rabbit]/kombu_reconnect_timeout
#kombu_missing_consumer_retry_timeout = 60
# Determines how the next RabbitMQ node is chosen in case the
# one we are currently connected to becomes unavailable. Takes
# effect only if more than one RabbitMQ node is provided in
# config. (string value)
# Possible values:
# round-robin - <No description provided>
# shuffle - <No description provided>
#kombu_failover_strategy = round-robin
# The RabbitMQ login method. (string value)
# Possible values:
# PLAIN - <No description provided>
# AMQPLAIN - <No description provided>
# RABBIT-CR-DEMO - <No description provided>
#rabbit_login_method = AMQPLAIN
# How frequently to retry connecting with RabbitMQ. (integer
# value)
#rabbit_retry_interval = 1
# How long to backoff for between retries when connecting to
# RabbitMQ. (integer value)
#rabbit_retry_backoff = 2
# Maximum interval of RabbitMQ connection retries. Default is
# 30 seconds. (integer value)
#rabbit_interval_max = 30
# Try to use HA queues in RabbitMQ (x-ha-policy: all). If you
# change this option, you must wipe the RabbitMQ database. In
# RabbitMQ 3.0, queue mirroring is no longer controlled by the
# x-ha-policy argument when declaring a queue. If you just
# want to make sure that all queues (except those with auto-
# generated names) are mirrored across all nodes, run:
# "rabbitmqctl set_policy HA '^(?!amq\.).*' '{"ha-mode":
# "all"}' " (boolean value)
#rabbit_ha_queues = false
# Positive integer representing duration in seconds for queue
# TTL (x-expires). Queues which are unused for the duration of
# the TTL are automatically deleted. The parameter affects
# only reply and fanout queues. (integer value)
# Minimum value: 1
#rabbit_transient_queues_ttl = 1800
# Specifies the number of messages to prefetch. Setting to
# zero allows unlimited messages. (integer value)
#rabbit_qos_prefetch_count = 0
# Number of seconds after which the Rabbit broker is
# considered down if heartbeat's keep-alive fails (0 disable
# the heartbeat). EXPERIMENTAL (integer value)
#heartbeat_timeout_threshold = 60
# How often times during the heartbeat_timeout_threshold we
# check the heartbeat. (integer value)
#heartbeat_rate = 2
# From oslo.policy
# This option controls whether or not to enforce scope when
# evaluating policies. If ``True``, the scope of the token
# used in the request is compared to the ``scope_types`` of
# the policy being enforced. If the scopes do not match, an
# ``InvalidScope`` exception will be raised. If ``False``, a
# message will be logged informing operators that policies are
# being invoked with mismatching scope. (boolean value)
#enforce_scope = false
# The file that defines policies. (string value)
#policy_file = policy.json
# Default rule. Enforced when a requested rule is not found.
# (string value)
#policy_default_rule = default
# Directories where policy configuration files are stored.
# They can be relative to any directory in the search path
# defined by the config_dir option, or absolute paths. The
# file defined by policy_file must exist for these directories
# to be searched. Missing or empty directories are ignored.
# (multi valued)
#policy_dirs = policy.d
# Content Type to send and receive data for REST based policy
# check (string value)
# Possible values:
# application/x-www-form-urlencoded - <No description
# provided>
# application/json - <No description provided>
#remote_content_type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded
# server identity verification for REST based policy check
# (boolean value)
#remote_ssl_verify_server_crt = false
# Absolute path to ca cert file for REST based policy check
# (string value)
#remote_ssl_ca_crt_file = <None>
# Absolute path to client cert for REST based policy check
# (string value)
#remote_ssl_client_crt_file = <None>
# Absolute path client key file REST based policy check
# (string value)
#remote_ssl_client_key_file = <None>
# From cyborg
# Type of the placement endpoint to use. This endpoint will
# be looked up in the keystone catalog and should be one of
# public, internal or admin. (string value)
# Possible values:
# public - <No description provided>
# admin - <No description provided>
# internal - <No description provided>
#endpoint_type = public
# If True, when limiting allocation candidate results, the
# results will be a random sampling of the full result set. If
# False, allocation candidates are returned in a deterministic
# but undefined order. That is, all things being equal, two
# requests for allocation candidates will return the same
# results in the same order; but no guarantees are made as to
# how that order is determined. (boolean value)
#randomize_allocation_candidates = false
# PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying
# HTTPs connections. (string value)
#cafile = <None>
# PEM encoded client certificate cert file (string value)
#certfile = <None>
# PEM encoded client certificate key file (string value)
#keyfile = <None>
# Verify HTTPS connections. (boolean value)
#insecure = false
# Timeout value for http requests (integer value)
#timeout = <None>
# Collect per-API call timing information. (boolean value)
#collect_timing = false
# Log requests to multiple loggers. (boolean value)
#split_loggers = false
# Authentication type to load (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [placement]/auth_plugin
#auth_type = <None>
# Config Section from which to load plugin specific options
# (string value)
#auth_section = <None>
# Authentication URL (string value)
#auth_url = <None>
# Scope for system operations (string value)
#system_scope = <None>
# Domain ID to scope to (string value)
#domain_id = <None>
# Domain name to scope to (string value)
#domain_name = <None>
# Project ID to scope to (string value)
#project_id = <None>
# Project name to scope to (string value)
#project_name = <None>
# Domain ID containing project (string value)
#project_domain_id = <None>
# Domain name containing project (string value)
#project_domain_name = <None>
# Trust ID (string value)
#trust_id = <None>
# Optional domain ID to use with v3 and v2 parameters. It will
# be used for both the user and project domain in v3 and
# ignored in v2 authentication. (string value)
#default_domain_id = <None>
# Optional domain name to use with v3 API and v2 parameters.
# It will be used for both the user and project domain in v3
# and ignored in v2 authentication. (string value)
#default_domain_name = <None>
# User ID (string value)
#user_id = <None>
# Username (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [placement]/user_name
#username = <None>
# User's domain id (string value)
#user_domain_id = <None>
# User's domain name (string value)
#user_domain_name = <None>
# User's password (string value)
#password = <None>
# Tenant ID (string value)
#tenant_id = <None>
# Tenant Name (string value)
#tenant_name = <None>
# The default service_type for endpoint URL discovery. (string
# value)
#service_type = placement
# The default service_name for endpoint URL discovery. (string
# value)
#service_name = <None>
# List of interfaces, in order of preference, for endpoint
# URL. (list value)
#valid_interfaces = internal,public
# The default region_name for endpoint URL discovery. (string
# value)
#region_name = <None>
# Always use this endpoint URL for requests for this client.
# NOTE: The unversioned endpoint should be specified here; to
# request a particular API version, use the `version`, `min-
# version`, and/or `max-version` options. (string value)
#endpoint_override = <None>
# Configuration options for service to service authentication
# using a service
# token. These options allow sending a service token along
# with the user's token
# when contacting external REST APIs.
# From cyborg
# When True, if sending a user token to a REST API, also send
# a service token.
# (boolean value)
#send_service_user_token = false
# PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying
# HTTPs connections. (string value)
#cafile = <None>
# PEM encoded client certificate cert file (string value)
#certfile = <None>
# PEM encoded client certificate key file (string value)
#keyfile = <None>
# Verify HTTPS connections. (boolean value)
#insecure = false
# Timeout value for http requests (integer value)
#timeout = <None>
# Collect per-API call timing information. (boolean value)
#collect_timing = false
# Log requests to multiple loggers. (boolean value)
#split_loggers = false
# Authentication type to load (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [service_user]/auth_plugin
#auth_type = <None>
# Config Section from which to load plugin specific options
# (string value)
#auth_section = <None>
# Authentication URL (string value)
#auth_url = <None>
# Scope for system operations (string value)
#system_scope = <None>
# Domain ID to scope to (string value)
#domain_id = <None>
# Domain name to scope to (string value)
#domain_name = <None>
# Project ID to scope to (string value)
#project_id = <None>
# Project name to scope to (string value)
#project_name = <None>
# Domain ID containing project (string value)
#project_domain_id = <None>
# Domain name containing project (string value)
#project_domain_name = <None>
# Trust ID (string value)
#trust_id = <None>
# Optional domain ID to use with v3 and v2 parameters. It will
# be used for both the user and project domain in v3 and
# ignored in v2 authentication. (string value)
#default_domain_id = <None>
# Optional domain name to use with v3 API and v2 parameters.
# It will be used for both the user and project domain in v3
# and ignored in v2 authentication. (string value)
#default_domain_name = <None>
# User ID (string value)
#user_id = <None>
# Username (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [service_user]/user_name
#username = <None>
# User's domain id (string value)
#user_domain_id = <None>
# User's domain name (string value)
#user_domain_name = <None>
# User's password (string value)
#password = <None>
# Tenant ID (string value)
#tenant_id = <None>
# Tenant Name (string value)
#tenant_name = <None>
# From oslo.service.sslutils
# CA certificate file to use to verify connecting clients.
# (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/ssl_ca_file
#ca_file = <None>
# Certificate file to use when starting the server securely.
# (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/ssl_cert_file
#cert_file = <None>
# Private key file to use when starting the server securely.
# (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/ssl_key_file
#key_file = <None>
# SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled). Valid values
# are TLSv1 and SSLv23. SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1_1, and TLSv1_2 may
# be available on some distributions. (string value)
#version = <None>
# Sets the list of available ciphers. value should be a string
# in the OpenSSL cipher list format. (string value)
#ciphers = <None>
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