HGST Storage driver

HGST Storage driver

The HGST driver enables Cinder volumes using the HGST Flash Storage Suite.

Set the following in your cinder.conf file, and use the following options to configure it.

volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.hgst.HGSTDriver
Description of HGST Storage configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
hgst_net = Net 1 (IPv4) (String) Space network name to use for data transfer
hgst_redundancy = 0 (String) Should spaces be redundantly stored (1/0)
hgst_space_group = disk (String) Group to own created spaces
hgst_space_mode = 0600 (String) UNIX mode for created spaces
hgst_space_user = root (String) User to own created spaces
hgst_storage_servers = os:gbd0 (String) Comma separated list of Space storage servers:devices. ex: os1_stor:gbd0,os2_stor:gbd0
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