ProphetStor Fibre Channel and iSCSI drivers

ProphetStor Fibre Channel and iSCSI drivers

ProhetStor Fibre Channel and iSCSI drivers add support for ProphetStor Flexvisor through the Block Storage service. ProphetStor Flexvisor enables commodity x86 hardware as software-defined storage leveraging well-proven ZFS for disk management to provide enterprise grade storage services such as snapshots, data protection with different RAID levels, replication, and deduplication.

The DPLFCDriver and DPLISCSIDriver drivers run volume operations by communicating with the ProphetStor storage system over HTTPS.

Supported operations

  • Create, delete, attach, and detach volumes.
  • Create, list, and delete volume snapshots.
  • Create a volume from a snapshot.
  • Copy an image to a volume.
  • Copy a volume to an image.
  • Clone a volume.
  • Extend a volume.

Enable the Fibre Channel or iSCSI drivers

The DPLFCDriver and DPLISCSIDriver are installed with the OpenStack software.

  1. Query storage pool id to configure dpl_pool of the cinder.conf file.

    1. Log on to the storage system with administrator access.

      $ ssh root@STORAGE_IP_ADDRESS
    2. View the current usable pool id.

      $ flvcli show pool list
      - d5bd40b58ea84e9da09dcf25a01fdc07 : default_pool_dc07
    3. Use d5bd40b58ea84e9da09dcf25a01fdc07 to configure the dpl_pool of /etc/cinder/cinder.conf file.


      Other management commands can be referenced with the help command flvcli -h.

  2. Make the following changes on the volume node /etc/cinder/cinder.conf file.

    # IP address of SAN controller (string value)
    # Username for SAN controller (string value)
    # Password for SAN controller (string value)
    # Use thin provisioning for SAN volumes? (boolean value)
    # The port that the iSCSI daemon is listening on. (integer value)
    # DPL pool uuid in which DPL volumes are stored. (string value)
    # DPL port number. (integer value)
    # Uncomment one of the next two option to enable Fibre channel or iSCSI
    # FIBRE CHANNEL(uncomment the next line to enable the FC driver)
    # iSCSI (uncomment the next line to enable the iSCSI driver)
  3. Save the changes to the /etc/cinder/cinder.conf file and restart the cinder-volume service.

The ProphetStor Fibre Channel or iSCSI drivers are now enabled on your OpenStack system. If you experience problems, review the Block Storage service log files for errors.

The following table contains the options supported by the ProphetStor storage driver.

Description of ProphetStor Fibre Channel and iSCSi drivers configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
dpl_pool = (String) DPL pool uuid in which DPL volumes are stored.
dpl_port = 8357 (Port number) DPL port number.
iscsi_port = 3260 (Port number) The port that the iSCSI daemon is listening on
san_ip = (String) IP address of SAN controller
san_login = admin (String) Username for SAN controller
san_password = (String) Password for SAN controller
san_thin_provision = True (Boolean) Use thin provisioning for SAN volumes?
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