Configure the overlay bundle

The deployment will make use of the openstack-base bundle, which represents the core of a Charmed OpenStack cloud. A separate overlay bundle is used to tailor the configuration (possibly overriding setting in the bundle) so that the deploy will work within a given environment.


Although it is possible to edit the bundle file itself, it is best practice to keep it pristine and to use an overlay instead.

The overlay file is overlay-focal-yoga-mymaas.yaml. Download it and save it in the ~/tutorial directory.

Replace the variables in the file with the some of the values that were collected in the previous step.

If constraints are not being used, replace $CONSTRAINTS with a null value (nothing).


If a network space is configured within MAAS for the cloud’s subnet, each charm will need to be informed of it via the bindings charm parameter.

Once you’ve edited and saved the file, proceed to the Prepare Juju page.