Scale out the nova-compute application¶
Scaling out the nova-compute application implies the addition of one or more nova-compute units (i.e. compute nodes). It is a straightforward operation that should not incur any cloud downtime.
Check the current state of the cloud, scale out by adding a single compute node, and verify the new node.
Current state¶
Gather basic information about the current state of the cloud in terms of the nova-compute application:
juju status nova-compute
Below is sample output from an OVN-based cloud. This example cloud has a single nova-compute unit:
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp
openstack maas-one maas-one/default 2.9.0 unsupported 13:32:43Z
App Version Status Scale Charm Store Channel Rev OS Message
ceph-osd active 0 ceph-osd charmstore stable 310 ubuntu Unit is ready (1 OSD)
nova-compute 23.0.0 active 1 nova-compute charmstore stable 327 ubuntu Unit is ready
ntp 3.5 active 1 ntp charmstore stable 45 ubuntu chrony: Ready
ovn-chassis 20.12.0 active 1 ovn-chassis charmstore stable 14 ubuntu Unit is ready
Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
nova-compute/0* active idle 0 Unit is ready
ntp/0* active idle 123/udp chrony: Ready
ovn-chassis/0* active idle Unit is ready
Machine State DNS Inst id Series AZ Message
0 started node1 focal default Deployed
Display the name of the current compute host:
openstack host list
| Host Name | Service | Zone |
| juju-616a7f-0-lxd-3 | conductor | internal |
| juju-616a7f-0-lxd-3 | scheduler | internal |
| node1.maas | compute | nova |
Scale out¶
Use the add-unit
command to scale out the nova-compute application.
Multiple units can be added with the use of the -n
If the node has specific hardware-related requirements (e.g. storage) it
will need to be manually attended to first (within MAAS) and then targeted
with the --to
The new unit can also be placed on an existing Juju machine (co-located with
another application). In this case, if the --to
option is used it will
refer to the machine ID.
Here we add a single unit onto a new machine (MAAS node):
juju add-unit --to node4.maas nova-compute
The status output should eventually look similar to:
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp
openstack maas-one maas-one/default 2.9.0 unsupported 14:05:36Z
App Version Status Scale Charm Store Channel Rev OS Message
ceph-osd 16.2.0 active 1 ceph-osd charmstore stable 310 ubuntu Unit is ready (1 OSD)
nova-compute 23.0.0 active 2 nova-compute charmstore stable 327 ubuntu Unit is ready
ntp 3.5 active 2 ntp charmstore stable 45 ubuntu chrony: Ready
ovn-chassis 20.12.0 active 2 ovn-chassis charmstore stable 14 ubuntu Unit is ready
Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
ceph-osd/0 active idle 0 Unit is ready (1 OSD)
nova-compute/0* active idle 0 Unit is ready
ntp/0* active idle 123/udp chrony: Ready
ovn-chassis/0* active idle Unit is ready
nova-compute/1 active idle 3 Unit is ready
ntp/1 active idle 123/udp chrony: Ready
ovn-chassis/1 active idle Unit is ready
Machine State DNS Inst id Series AZ Message
0 started node1 focal default Deployed
3 started node4 focal default Deployed
Verify that the new compute node is functional by creating a VM on it.
First confirm that the new compute host is known to the cloud:
openstack host list
| Host Name | Service | Zone |
| juju-616a7f-0-lxd-3 | conductor | internal |
| juju-616a7f-0-lxd-3 | scheduler | internal |
| node1.maas | compute | nova |
| node4.maas | compute | nova |
Then create a VM by targeting the new host, in this case ‘node4.maas’. Note that a minimum Nova API Microversion is required (the cloud admin role is needed to specify this):
openstack --os-compute-api-version 2.74 server create \
--image focal-amd64 --flavor m1.micro --key-name admin-key \
--network int_net --host node4.maas \
Confirm that the new node is being used (information only available to the cloud admin by default):
openstack server show focal-2 | grep hypervisor
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname | node4.maas