Replace control plane service under HA


The subordinate hacluster charm is used to provide high availability for OpenStack control plane applications that lack native (built-in) HA functionality. This article demonstrates how to replace a node of such a cluster using Keystone as an example.


Cloud operation Implement HA with a VIP shows how to perform an initial deploy of a service under HA.


This procedure will not result in cloud downtime providing that there is at least one functional service node present at all times.


A node can be first added, followed by the removal of the unwanted node, or the inverse - removed and then added. This article will use the latter method. One advantage to doing so is the preservation of the original topology.

As is common for Charmed OpenStack clouds, the Keystone node to be removed is a containerised unit residing alongside other containerised services on the same host (hyperconvergence). Removing the unit will therefore remove the container but not the underlying machine.

List the application units

Display the units, in this case for the keystone application:

juju status keystone

This article will be based on the following (partial) output:

App                     Version  Status  Scale  Charm                   Channel      Rev  Exposed  Message
keystone                21.0.0   active      3  keystone                yoga/edge    566  no       Application Ready
keystone-hacluster               active      3  hacluster               2.0.3/edge    83  no       Unit is ready and clustered
keystone-mysql-router   8.0.28   active      3  mysql-router            8.0.19/edge   15  no       Unit is ready

Unit                         Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports               Message
keystone/0*                  active    idle   0/lxd/1   5000/tcp            Unit is ready
  keystone-hacluster/0*      active    idle                         Unit is ready and clustered
  keystone-mysql-router/0*   active    idle                         Unit is ready
keystone/1                   active    idle   2/lxd/6   5000/tcp            Unit is ready
  keystone-hacluster/1       active    idle                         Unit is ready and clustered
  keystone-mysql-router/1    active    idle                         Unit is ready
keystone/2                   active    idle   1/lxd/5   5000/tcp            Unit is ready
  keystone-hacluster/2       active    idle                         Unit is ready and clustered
  keystone-mysql-router/2    active    idle                         Unit is ready

In this example, the node to be removed, the unwanted node, will be represented by unit keystone/2.

Pause the subordinate hacluster unit

Pause the hacluster unit that corresponds to the principal application unit being removed. Here, unit keystone-hacluster/2 corresponds to unit keystone/2:

juju run-action --wait keystone-hacluster/2 pause

Remove the unwanted node

Remove the unwanted node:

juju remove-unit keystone/2

This will also remove all subordinate units: keystone-hacluster/2 and keystone-mysql-router/2.

The current state of the model is:

App                    Version  Status   Scale  Charm         Channel      Rev  Exposed  Message
keystone               21.0.0   waiting      2  keystone      yoga/edge    566  no       Some units are not ready
keystone-hacluster              blocked      2  hacluster     2.0.3/edge    83  no       Insufficient peer units for ha cluster (require 3)
keystone-mysql-router  8.0.28   active       2  mysql-router  8.0.19/edge   15  no       Unit is ready

Unit                        Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
keystone/0*                 active    idle   0/lxd/1   5000/tcp  Unit is ready
  keystone-hacluster/0*     blocked   idle               Insufficient peer units for ha cluster (require 3)
  keystone-mysql-router/0*  active    idle               Unit is ready
keystone/1                  active    idle   2/lxd/6   5000/tcp  Unit is ready
  keystone-hacluster/1      blocked   idle               Insufficient peer units for ha cluster (require 3)
  keystone-mysql-router/1   active    idle               Unit is ready

At this time, Keystone will continue to service requests, and the cloud will remain operational.

Add a principal application unit

Scale out the existing keystone application and place the new (containerised) unit on the same host that the removed unit was on (machine 1):

juju add-unit --to lxd:1 keystone


If network spaces are in use the above command will not succeed. See Juju issue LP #1969523 for a workaround.

It will take a while for the model to settle. Please be patient.

Verify cloud services

The final juju status keystone (partial) output is:

App                    Version  Status  Scale  Charm         Channel      Rev  Exposed  Message
keystone               21.0.0   active      3  keystone      yoga/edge    566  no       Application Ready
keystone-hacluster              active      3  hacluster     2.0.3/edge    83  no       Unit is ready and clustered
keystone-mysql-router  8.0.28   active      3  mysql-router  8.0.19/edge   15  no       Unit is ready

Unit                        Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
keystone/0*                 active    idle   0/lxd/1   5000/tcp  Unit is ready
  keystone-hacluster/0*     active    idle               Unit is ready and clustered
  keystone-mysql-router/0*  active    idle               Unit is ready
keystone/1                  active    idle   2/lxd/6   5000/tcp  Unit is ready
  keystone-hacluster/1      active    idle               Unit is ready and clustered
  keystone-mysql-router/1   active    idle               Unit is ready
keystone/3                  active    idle   1/lxd/6   5000/tcp  Unit is ready
  keystone-hacluster/9      active    idle               Unit is ready and clustered
  keystone-mysql-router/15  active    idle               Unit is ready

Ensure that all cloud services are working as expected.