Source code for barbican_ui.api.rest_api

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

from django.views import generic

from barbican_ui.api import client

from import urls
from import utils as rest_utils

[docs]def change_to_id(obj): """Change key named 'uuid' to 'id' API returns objects with a field called 'uuid' many of Horizons directives however expect objects to have a field called 'id'. """ obj['id'] = obj.pop('uuid') return obj
[docs]@urls.register class Secret(generic.View): """API for retrieving a single Secret""" url_regex = r'barbican/secrets/(?P<id>[^/]+)$'
[docs] @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request, id): """Get a specific secret""" return change_to_id(client.secret_show(request, id).to_dict())
[docs] @rest_utils.ajax(data_required=True) def post(self, request, id): """Update a Secret. Returns the updated Secret object on success. """ secret = client.secret_update(request, id, **request.DATA) return rest_utils.CreatedResponse( '/api/barbican/secret/%s' % secret.uuid, secret.to_dict())
[docs]@urls.register class Secrets(generic.View): """API for Secrets""" url_regex = r'barbican/secrets/$'
[docs] @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request): """Get a list of the Secrets for a project. The returned result is an object with property 'items' and each item under this is a Secret. """ result = client.secret_list(request) return {'items': [change_to_id(n.to_dict()) for n in result]}
[docs] @rest_utils.ajax(data_required=True) def delete(self, request): """Delete one or more Secrets by id. Returns HTTP 204 (no content) on successful deletion. """ for id in request.DATA: client.secret_delete(request, id)
[docs] @rest_utils.ajax(data_required=True) def put(self, request): """Create a new Secret. Returns the new Secret object on success. """ secret = client.secret_create(request, **request.DATA) return rest_utils.CreatedResponse( '/api/barbican/secret/%s' % secret.uuid, secret.to_dict())