This page contains project-specific documentation for OpenStack services and libraries.
grenadeTest harness to exercise the upgrade process between releases.
heat-translatorTranslate non-heat templates to heat Orchestration Template
tosca-parserParser for TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML
Friendly state machines for Python.
castellanKey Manager interface abstraction
cliffBuilds command-line programs in Python.
glance_storeglance backend abstraction library
keystonemiddlewareMiddleware provided for integrating with the OpenStack Identity API.
neutron-libLibrary provided for integrating with the OpenStack Networking platform.
os-bricklibrary for managing local volume attaches
os-vifLibrary for plugging and unplugging virtual interfaces.
oslo.cacheCache management library.
oslo.concurrencyExternal process management and task synchronization.
oslo.configConfiguration option parsing from the command line or configuration files.
oslo.contextHelpers to maintain useful information about a request context.
oslo.dbDatabase connectivity.
oslo.i18nInternationalization and translation.
oslo.logA logging configuration library.
oslo.messagingInter-process communication.
oslo.middlewareWSGI middleware library for web service development.
oslo.policyCommon policy enforcement.
oslo.privseplibrary for privilege separation
oslo.reportsError report framework for projects.
oslo.rootwrapFine filtering of shell commands to run as root.
oslo.serializationSerialization with special handling for some common types.
oslo.serviceLibrary for running and managing OpenStack services.
oslo.upgradecheckLibrary of common code for upgrade checks.
oslo.utilsLibrary of common low-level utility modules.
oslo.versionedobjectsDatabase and RPC object schema versioning.
oslo.vmwareCommon functionality required by VMware drivers in several projects.
stevedoreManages dynamic plug-ins for Python applications.
taskflowMakes task execution easy, consistent, and reliable.
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