Role - tripleo-bootstrap

Role Documentation

Welcome to the “tripleo-bootstrap” role documentation.

Role Defaults

This section highlights all of the defaults and variables set within the “tripleo-bootstrap” role.

# All variables intended for modification should place placed in this file.

# List of packages that are requred to bootstrap TripleO.
tripleo_bootstrap_packages_bootstrap: '{{ _tripleo_bootstrap_packages_bootstrap |
  default([]) }}'

# List of packages that are required for legacy networking to function.
# NOTE: We are using 'network' service provided by 'network-scripts' (initscripts)
#       which deprecated in recent releases but os-net-config doesn't support yet
#       NetworkManager. Until it happens, we need to ensure that network is started
#       at boot, as it'll take care of restarting the network interfaces managed by
#       OVS. Note that OVS unit service is already configure to start before
#       network.service.
tripleo_bootstrap_legacy_network_packages: '{{ _tripleo_bootstrap_legacy_network_packages
  | default([]) }}'
tripleo_bootstrap_network_service: network

Role Variables: fedora-28.yml

- openstack-heat-agents
- jq
- puppet-tripleo
- os-net-config
- openvswitch
- openstack-selinux
- libselinux-python
- rsync

- initscripts

Role Variables: redhat.yml

- libselinux-python
- lvm2
- jq
- os-net-config
- openstack-heat-agents
- openstack-selinux
- openvswitch
- puppet-tripleo
- rsync
- tmpwatch

Role Variables: redhat-8.yml

- lvm2
- jq
- openvswitch
- openstack-heat-agents
- openstack-selinux
- os-net-config
- python3-libselinux
- puppet-tripleo
- rsync
- tmpwatch

- network-scripts

tripleo_bootstrap_network_service: NetworkManager

Molecule Scenarios

Molecule is being used to test the “tripleo-bootstrap” role. The following section highlights the drivers in service and provides an example playbook showing how the role is leveraged.

Scenario: default

Driver: delegated
Molecule Options
managed: false
login_cmd_template: >-
  -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
  -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
  -o Compression=no
  -o TCPKeepAlive=yes
  -o VerifyHostKeyDNS=no
  -o ForwardX11=no
  -o ForwardAgent=no
  ansible_connection: ssh
Molecule Inventory
        ansible_host: localhost
Example default playbook
- name: Converge
  become: true
  hosts: all
  - role: tripleo-bootstrap