Rocky Series Release Notes

New Features

  • Support separate oslo.messaging services for RPC and Notifications to enable operation of separate and different messaging backend servers in trove.

  • The trove service setup in keystone will now be executed through delegation to the trove_service_setup_host which, by default, is localhost (the deploy host). Deployers can opt to rather change this to the utility container by implementing the following override in user_variables.yml.

    trove_service_setup_host: "{{ groups['utility_all'][0] }}"

Deprecation Notes

  • The rabbitmq server parameters have been replaced by corresponding oslo.messaging RPC and Notify parameters in order to abstract the messaging service from the actual backend server deployment. - trove_oslomsg_rpc_servers replaces trove_rabbitmq_servers - trove_oslomsg_rpc_port replaces trove_rabbitmq_port - trove_oslomsg_rpc_use_ssl replaces trove_rabbitmq_use_ssl - trove_oslomsg_rpc_userid replaces trove_rabbitmq_userid - trove_oslomsg_rpc_vhost replaces trove_rabbitmq_vhost - added trove_oslomsg_notify_servers - added trove_oslomsg_notify_port - added trove_oslomsg_notify_use_ssl - added trove_oslomsg_notify_userid - added trove_oslomsg_notify_vhost - added trove_oslomsg_notify_password

  • The variable trove_requires_pip_packages is no longer required and has therefore been removed.