Contributing to kolla-kubernetes

If you would like to contribute to the development of OpenStack, you must follow the steps in this page:

If you already have a good understanding of how the system works and your OpenStack accounts are set up, you can skip to the development workflow section of this documentation to learn how changes to OpenStack should be submitted for review via the Gerrit tool:

Pull requests submitted through GitHub will be ignored.

Bugs should be filed on Launchpad, not GitHub:

Documentation Patches

Before submitting a documentation patch, please build and review your edits from a web browser.

The reStructuredText files under ./doc/source will compile into HTML pages under ./doc/build/html.

# Build the docs
tox -e docs-constraints -v

# Preview the locally-generated HTML pages within a web browser
open ./doc/build/html/index.html

# Create a branch - common branch naming for docs follows the
#   blueprint name but this is not enforced
git checkout -b bp/documentation-initialization

# Subsequent independent changes are commonly named
#   bp/documentation-initialization-X
#   where X is monotomically increasing
# Edits to the same commit use 'git commit --amend'

# Verify the scope of your changes is to the files you modified
git status

# Ensure that the commit message references the blueprint
# by adding this line to the commit message:
# Partially-implements: blueprint documentation-initialization

# OpenStack docs suggest 'git commit -a' but be careful
#   safer bet is to commit the file and then use 'git status' to check
git commit <file>

# If it's a change to prior commit use 'git commit --amend'
#   and don't edit the changeID

# Check your changes are as you intend
git show

# Check it in
git review

# Go back to the master branch
git checkout master

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