The freezer_dr.notifiers.drivers.default.default_email Module

The freezer_dr.notifiers.drivers.default.default_email Module

class freezer_dr.notifiers.drivers.default.default_email.StandardEmail(url, username, password, templates_dir, notify_from, admin_list=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: freezer_dr.notifiers.common.driver.NotifierBaseDriver


This method will be used in different places to notify admins about certain problem :param message: String message name :return:

notify_status(node, status)[source]

Custom notification method. Can be used if you want to send custom notification about Tenant, Instance, or go deeper if you want :param node: Compute Host, Tenant, Instance, … :param status: Error, Success, Info :return: True, False

send_email(mail_from, mail_to, subject, html_msg, cc_list=None, plain_msg=None)[source]
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